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2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
8001032: Restrict object access
2013-04-08, by coffeys
2013-06-16, by lana
8016218: Warnings building corba repo due to missing hashCode methods
2013-06-10, by alanb
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 0664c494ac98
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8016684: JDK8 b94 source with GPL header errors
2013-06-26, by katleman
2013-06-25, by katleman
8017480: Move copying of jfr files to closed makefile
2013-06-25, by erikj
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-19, by lana
7025238: HttpURLConnection does not handle URLs with an empty path component.
2013-06-19, by arieber
8016698: Cleanup overrides warning in sun/tools/
2013-06-19, by khazra
8016576: Overrides warnings in jdi and jconsole
2013-06-19, by khazra
8016592: Clean-up Javac Overrides Warnings In javax/management/
2013-06-19, by dxu
2013-06-19, by chegar
8017057: More ProblemList.txt updates (6/2013)
2013-06-19, by chegar
2013-06-19, by chegar
2013-06-19, by chegar
4837946: Faster multiplication and exponentiation of large integers
2013-06-19, by bpb
2013-06-19, by chegar
8017044: anti-delta fix for 8015402
2013-06-19, by chegar
7188658: Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation
2013-06-19, by xuelei
8015657: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 3
2013-06-18, by mfang
8000456: Add programmatic deadlock detection in SSLEngineDeadlock
2013-06-18, by xuelei
8016446: Improve forEach/replaceAll for Map, HashMap, Hashtable, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, TreeMap, ConcurrentMap
2013-06-18, by mduigou
2013-06-18, by mduigou
8015395: NumberFormatException during startup if JDK-internal property java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high set to bad value
2013-06-18, by bpb
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
8012156: tools/javac/file/zip/ fails for win32/64 in 7u25 nightly runs
2013-06-14, by chegar
8014737: java/lang/invoke/7196190/ fails after 8009424
2013-05-22, by chegar
8014718: Netbeans IDE begins to throw a lot exceptions since 7u25 b10
2013-05-20, by leonidr
8014205: Most of the Swing dialogs are blank on one win7 MUI
2013-05-17, by bae
8010727: WLS fails to add a logger with "" in its own LogManager subclass instance
2013-05-14, by mchung
8014427: REGRESSION: closed/javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/ fails since 7u25 b09
2013-05-14, by bae
8014281: Better checking of XML signature
2013-05-14, by xuelei
8010714: XML DSig API allows a RetrievalMethod to reference another RetrievalMethod
2013-05-13, by mullan
8013196: TimeZone.getDefault() throws NPE due to sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext()
2013-05-09, by coffeys
8009424: Restrict publicLookup with additional checks
2013-05-08, by twisti
8011139: (reflect) Revise checking in getEnclosingClass
2013-05-07, by jfranck
8012933: Test closed/java/awt/Dialog/DialogAnotherThread/ fails since jdk 7u25 b07
2013-05-06, by leonidr
8008744: Rework part of fix for JDK-6741606
2013-05-02, by mullan
8012243: about 30% regression on specjvm2008.serial on 7u25 comparing 7u21
2013-05-02, by dfuchs
8012330: [macosx] Sometimes the applet showing the modal dialog itself loses the ability to gain focus
2013-04-30, by alexsch
8012597: Better image channel verification
2013-04-30, by bae
8009217: REGRESSION: test com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ fails to compile since 7u21b03
2013-04-29, by mullan
8012617: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with some fonts using LineBreakMeasurer
2013-04-26, by prr
8012601: Better validation of image layouts
2013-04-26, by bae
8012421: Better positioning of PairPositioning
2013-04-25, by prr
2013-06-10, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-05-01, by chegar
2013-04-28, by chegar
8012438: Better image validation
2013-04-24, by bae
2013-04-23, by chegar
8011557: Improve reflection utility classes
2013-04-17, by mchung
2013-04-22, by chegar
2013-04-19, by chegar
8003559: Update display of applet windows
2013-03-27, by leonidr
6741606: Integrate Apache Santuario
2013-04-22, by mullan
8011154: java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ failed since 7u25b03 on windows
2013-04-09, by anthony
8012917: ObjectStreamClass and ObjectStreamField should be CallerSensitive aware
2013-04-22, by chegar
8008132: Better serialization support
2013-04-22, by smarks
8012689: CallerSensitive annotation should not have CONSTRUCTOR Target
2013-04-22, by mchung
8012692: should be CallerSensitive aware
2013-04-22, by chegar
8007812: (reflect) Class.getEnclosingMethod problematic for some classes
2013-04-19, by jfranck
8006611: Improve scripting
2013-04-19, by sundar
8009071: Improve shape handling
2013-04-18, by anthony
8011695: [tck-red] Application can not be run, the Security Warning dialog is gray.
2013-04-16, by leonidr
8012112: java/awt/image/mlib/ fails on sparc solaris
2013-04-15, by bae
8011992: java/awt/image/mlib/ failed since jdk7u25b05
2013-04-12, by bae
8011243: Improve ImagingLib
2013-04-10, by bae
8011257: Better Byte Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8011253: Better Short Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8011248: Better Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8009235: Improve handling of TSA data
2013-04-08, by vinnie
8008593: Better URLClassLoader resource management
2013-04-08, by chegar
8001330: Improve on checking order
2013-04-05, by mullan
8008611: Better handling of annotations in JMX
2013-03-21, by egahlin
8007467: Better JMX type conversion
2013-04-02, by sjiang
8005007: Better glyph processing
2013-04-01, by prr
8008124: Better compliance testing
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8008120: Improve JMX class checking
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8007471: Improve MBean notifications
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8006328: Improve robustness of sound classes
2013-03-29, by serb
8001038: Resourcefully handle resources
2013-03-29, by jgodinez
8008982: Adjust JMX for underlying interface changes
2013-03-28, by jbachorik
8001318: Socket.getLocalAddress not consistent with InetAddress.getLocalHost
2013-03-28, by khazra
8009554: Improve SerialJavaObject.getFields
2013-03-28, by lancea
8007925: Improve cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4curves
2013-03-27, by jgodinez
8009654: Improve stability of cmsnamed
2013-03-27, by jgodinez
8010209: Better provision of factories
2013-03-27, by jbachorik
8008128: Better API coherence for JMX
2013-03-27, by jfdenise
8008615: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
2013-03-26, by sjiang
8009004: Better implementation of RMI connections
2013-03-26, by jfdenise
8009067: Improve storing keys in KeyStore
2013-03-21, by vinnie
8008623: Better handling of MBeanServers
2013-03-21, by jbachorik
8004584: Augment applet contextualization
2013-03-21, by leonidr
8010213: Some api/javax_net/SocketFactory tests fail in 7u25 nightly build
2013-03-20, by khazra
8007929: Improve CurvesAlloc
2013-03-20, by jgodinez
8001309: Better handling of annotation interfaces
2013-03-19, by darcy
8009013: Better handling of T2K glyphs
2013-03-19, by jgodinez
8003703: Update RMI connection dialog box
2013-03-19, by sla
8001043: Clarify definition restrictions
2013-03-18, by dfuchs
8009996: tests javax/management/mxbean/ and javax/management/mxbean/ fail
2013-03-18, by jbachorik