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7119294: Two command line options cause JVM to crash
2012-01-05, by iveresov
7125879: assert(proj != NULL) failed: must be found
2011-12-30, by kvn
2011-12-29, by kvn
7123954: Some CTW test crash with SIGSEGV
2011-12-27, by kvn
7110832: ctw/.../org_apache_avalon_composition_util_StringHelper crashes the VM
2011-12-23, by kvn
7123253: C1: in store check code, usage of registers may be incorrect
2011-12-23, by roland
7123108: C1: assert(if_state != NULL) failed: states do not match up
2011-12-22, by roland
7121140: Allocation paths require explicit memory synchronization operations for RMO systems
2011-12-20, by roland
7118863: Move sizeof(klassOopDesc) into the *Klass::*_offset_in_bytes() functions
2011-12-07, by stefank
7121648: Use 3-operands SIMD instructions on x86 with AVX
2011-12-20, by kvn
7121073: secondary_super_cache memory slice has incorrect bounds in flatten_alias_type
2011-12-19, by never
7116452: Add support for AVX instructions
2011-12-14, by kvn
7121111: -server -Xcomp -XX:+TieredCompilation does not invoke C2 compiler
2011-12-13, by iveresov
7114106: C1: assert(goto_state->is_same(sux_state)) failed: states must match now
2011-12-13, by roland
7119730: Tiered: SIGSEGV in AdvancedThresholdPolicy::is_method_profiled(methodOop)
2011-12-12, by iveresov
2012-01-06, by dcubed
2012-01-05, by phh
7126480: Make JVM start time in milliseconds since the Java epoch available
2012-01-05, by phh
7125594: C-heap growth issue in ThreadService::find_deadlocks_at_safepoint
2012-01-05, by fparain
7127032: fix for 7122253 adds a JvmtiThreadState earlier than necessary
2012-01-05, by dcubed
7126185: Clean up lasterror handling, add os::get_last_error()
2012-01-03, by phh
7125934: Add a fast unordered timestamp capability to Hotspot on x86/x64
2012-01-01, by phh
2012-01-05, by jmasa
2012-01-04, by jmasa
7125503: Compiling collectedHeap.cpp fails with -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast with g++ 4.6.1
2012-01-02, by stefank
2012-01-04, by jiangli
7123315: instanceKlass::_static_oop_field_count and instanceKlass::_java_fields_count should be u2 type.
2011-12-28, by jiangli
7116216: StackOverflow GC crash
2011-12-20, by bdelsart
2011-12-16, by jiangli
2011-12-09, by jiangli
7050298: ARM: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::allocate_handle
2011-12-07, by vladidan
7117052: instanceKlass::_init_state can be u1 type
2011-12-06, by coleenp
2011-11-29, by bobv
7102776: Pack instanceKlass boolean fields into single u1 field
2011-11-17, by coleenp
2012-01-03, by jmasa
7125516: G1: ~ConcurrentMark() frees incorrectly
2011-12-29, by stefank
7124829: NUMA: memory leak on Linux with large pages
2011-12-27, by iveresov
2011-12-29, by vladidan
2011-12-26, by vladidan
7122253: Instrumentation.retransformClasses() leaks class bytes
2011-12-22, by dcubed
2011-12-27, by jmasa
7113021: G1: automatically enable young gen size auto-tuning when -Xms==-Xmx
2011-12-21, by brutisso
7121618: Change type of number of GC workers to unsigned int.
2011-12-14, by jmasa
7119027: G1: use atomics to update RS length / predict time of inc CSet
2011-12-21, by tonyp
2011-12-20, by jmasa
7123165: G1: output during parallel verification can get messed up
2011-12-20, by tonyp
7123810: new hotspot build - hs23-b10
2011-12-23, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b21 for changeset d4711a3a19f6
2012-01-13, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b21 for changeset 4482b9090d5e
2012-01-13, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b21 for changeset b3a426170188
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-09, by lana
2012-01-04, by lana
7046929: tools/javac/api/ fails
2012-01-03, by jjh
4881269: improve diagnostic for ill-formed tokens
2012-01-03, by jjg
2011-12-28, by lana
7124605: typos in javac comments
2011-12-23, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 075cd2a7d88e
2012-01-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-11, by katleman
7096063: /META-INF/mimetypes.default missing in jre\lib\resources.jar
2012-01-09, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 90e14ec89395
2012-01-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 4296421cf07a
2012-01-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 7ed0c3890bb7
2012-01-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-11, by katleman
7128320: Fix freetype sanity check to make it more generic
2012-01-09, by ohair
7127104: Build issue with prtconf and zones, also using := to avoid extra execs
2012-01-04, by ohair
2012-01-09, by lana
2012-01-04, by lana
7104647: Adding a diagnostic command framework
2012-01-04, by fparain
7124443: (launcher) test DefaultsLocaleTest fails with Windows shells.
2012-01-03, by ksrini
7123582: (launcher) display the -version and -XshowSettings
2012-01-03, by ksrini
7125055: ContentHandler.getContent API changed in error
2012-01-01, by chegar
7122061: add -Xlint:all -Werror to warning-free build steps
2011-12-29, by smarks
2011-12-28, by lana
7121600: Instrumentation.redefineClasses() leaks class bytes
2011-12-22, by dcubed
7076310: (file) AclEntry.Builder setFlags throws IllegalArgumentException if set argument is empty
2011-12-22, by alanb
7122169: TcpTimeout fail for various reasons
2011-12-22, by weijun
6839886: Array overrun in pkcs11
2011-12-21, by valeriep
7078386: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() may return corrupted results on linux
2011-12-21, by michaelm
7122054: (tz) Windows-only: tzmappings needs update for KB2633952
2011-12-21, by okutsu
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset e069ef26f072
2012-01-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset a0bd97631679
2012-01-05, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 87d3111b6629
2012-01-05, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 6561530ea757
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset 8e546b2b9dd0
2011-12-29, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset 3bf50beb6cfb
2011-12-29, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset 5d3d2bd1dfd1
2011-12-29, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset d7beecd46eba
2011-12-29, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-01-03, by cgruszka
2011-12-23, by cgruszka
2011-12-16, by cgruszka
2011-12-05, by cgruszka
2011-11-18, by cgruszka
2011-11-17, by cgruszka
7099017: jdk7u2-dev does not build
2011-10-18, by cgruszka
7066713: Separate demos from the bundles on Solaris and Linux
2011-09-15, by cgruszka
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset d0ec48636c58
2011-12-29, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset a8d0b94dcf7c
2011-12-29, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset 13a20c009f86
2011-12-29, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b19 for changeset 0ff7113a0882
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-23, by lana
7120463: Fix method reference parser support in order to avoid ambiguities
2011-12-19, by mcimadamore
7122342: testPrintProcessorInfo/ failed for JDK8 nightly build at 12/16/2011
2011-12-16, by jjh
7121961: javadoc is missing a resource property
2011-12-16, by jjg
2011-12-15, by lana
7121682: remove obsolete import
2011-12-14, by jjg
7121681: compiler message file broken for javac -fullversion
2011-12-14, by jjg
7111022: javac no long prints last round of processing
2011-12-14, by jjg
7121164: renamed files not committed
2011-12-13, by jjg
7120736: refactor javac option handling
2011-12-13, by jjg
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset ff9cf1de21fa
2011-12-22, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-23, by lana
2011-12-15, by lana
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
7117110: Remove target 1.5 from jaxp and jaxws repo builds for mac
2011-12-12, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 70e192b61669
2011-12-22, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-23, by lana
2011-12-15, by lana
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
7117110: Remove target 1.5 from jaxp and jaxws repo builds for mac
2011-12-12, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 9bdd4ab27689
2011-12-22, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-23, by lana
7046238: new InitialContext(); hangs
2011-12-18, by dmeetry
2011-12-15, by lana
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 7669801cfef1
2011-12-22, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-28, by katleman
2011-12-15, by mfang
7003124: In Bulgarian Locale DateFormat is wrong
2011-12-12, by yhuang
2011-12-23, by lana
2011-12-20, by lana
6990617: Regular expression doesn't match if unicode character next to a digit.
2011-12-19, by sherman
7087549: (fs) Files.newInputStream throws UOE for custom provider options
2011-12-17, by alanb
7122235: stop the build if javac fails
2011-12-17, by smarks
7095980: Ensure HttpURLConnection (and supporting APIs) don't expose HttpOnly cookies
2011-12-16, by chegar
2011-12-15, by lana
4808233: "Locale" not thread-safe
2011-12-13, by naoto
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
2011-12-12, by chegar
7118066: Warnings in java.util.concurrent package
2011-12-12, by dl
7118907: InetAddress.isReachable() should return false if sendto fails with EHOSTUNREACH
2011-12-12, by ngmr
7117053: Fix build warnings in com/sun/tools/jdi/*
2011-12-09, by jjh
7118546: fix warnings in javax.xml.crypto, javax.script
2011-12-08, by smarks
7117612: Miscellaneous warnings in java.lang
2011-12-08, by omajid
7117249: fix warnings in java.util.jar, .logging, .prefs, .zip
2011-12-07, by smarks
2011-12-20, by lana
7122796: SunToolkit constructor should create the EventQueue for the Main AppContext
2011-12-20, by anthony
7117011: Reduce number of warnings in sun/awt/windows and sun/awt/datatransfer
2011-12-19, by denis
7117334: Warnings cleanup day: reduce number of javac warnings in the java.awt package
2011-12-19, by bagiras
2011-12-16, by lana
7116950: Reduce number of warnings in swing
2011-12-13, by alexsch
7120869: javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/ fails on Windows
2011-12-13, by alexsch
7112931: closed/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/6416920/ fails on MacOS
2011-12-13, by alexsch
7105890: closed/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/ deadlocks on MacOS
2011-12-12, by alexsch
7117008: Warnings cleanup day: reduce number of javac warnings in the sun.awt package
2011-12-07, by art
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 18c0332b5a94
2011-12-22, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b09 for changeset 1020a9a071b7
2011-12-23, by amurillo
2011-12-23, by amurillo
2011-12-22, by vladidan
2011-12-21, by coleenp
7064927: retransformClasses() does not pass in LocalVariableTable of a method
2011-12-21, by coleenp
7091417: recvfrom's 6th input should be of type socklen_t
2011-12-21, by phh
2011-12-19, by phh
7122880: Extend vendor-specific command interface to include manageable switches
2011-12-19, by phh
7122939: TraceBytecodes broken with UseCompressedOops
2011-12-19, by coleenp
2011-12-20, by jmasa
7117303: VM uses non-monotonic time source and complains that it is non-monotonic
2011-12-19, by johnc
7120038: G1: ParallelGCThreads==0 is broken
2011-12-16, by johnc
7113012: G1: rename not-fully-young GCs as "mixed"
2011-12-16, by tonyp
7119908: G1: Cache CSet start region for each worker for subsequent reuse
2011-12-14, by johnc
7121373: Clean up CollectedHeap::is_in
2011-12-14, by stefank
7122001: new hotspot build - hs23-b09
2011-12-16, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset c1d8be9305ad
2011-12-22, by cl
2011-12-23, by lana
2011-12-15, by lana
7119829: Adjust default jprt testing configuration
2011-12-12, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 73359e35e507
2011-12-22, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b18 for changeset 885050364691
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 3b5651ae449e
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset 27c6c6c32d01
2011-12-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 76e4bc65bb65
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset 76e4bc65bb65
2011-12-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 235fd08346ca
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset 235fd08346ca
2011-12-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 76782d63dda5
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset 76782d63dda5
2011-12-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-19, by igor
2011-12-06, by igor
2011-11-18, by herrick
7112298: remove security baseline sanity check
2011-11-15, by ngthomas
7109885: security baseline for 7u2 or above is not set correctly
2011-11-13, by ngthomas
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 9b857545922a
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset f93045767e5d
2011-12-15, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b08 for changeset 40104529a61f
2011-12-16, by amurillo
2011-12-16, by amurillo
2011-12-14, by vladidan
7104647: Adding a diagnostic command framework
2011-12-14, by fparain
7119584: UseParallelGC barrier task can be overwritten.
2011-12-09, by jmasa
2011-12-09, by jmasa
7118202: G1: eden size unnecessarily drops to a minimum
2011-12-07, by tonyp
7116081: USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADER=0 triggers a single threaded build of the JVM
2011-11-28, by stefank
7112034: Parallel CMS fails to properly mark reference objects
2011-11-28, by stefank
2011-12-05, by tonyp
7114095: G1: assert(obj == oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop(p)) failed: p should still be pointing to obj
2011-12-02, by johnc
2011-12-08, by kvn
7117282: assert(base == NULL || t_adr->isa_rawptr() || !phase->type(base)
2011-12-02, by kvn
7116795: Tiered: enable by default for server
2011-11-30, by iveresov
7112478: after 7105605 JRuby bench_define_method_methods.rb fails with NPE
2011-11-28, by kvn
7090968: Allow adlc register class to depend on runtime conditions
2011-11-22, by roland
7077312: Provide a CALL effect for instruct declaration in the ad file
2011-09-14, by roland
7110058: change default for ScavengeRootsInCode to 2
2011-11-21, by twisti
7110489: C1: 64-bit tiered with ForceUnreachable: assert(reachable(src)) failed: Address should be reachable
2011-11-18, by never
7108383: JSR 292: JRuby bench_define_method_methods.rb: assert(slow_jvms != NULL) failed: miss path must not
2011-11-17, by twisti
7112085: assert(fr.interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size()==0) failed: only handle empty stacks
2011-11-16, by iveresov
6890673: Eliminate allocations immediately after EA
2011-11-16, by kvn
7003454: order constants in constant table by number of references in code
2011-11-16, by twisti
7105605: Use EA info to optimize pointers compare
2011-11-14, by kvn
7110586: C2 generates incorrect results
2011-11-10, by kvn
7118648: disable compressed oops by default on MacOS X until 7118647 is fixed
2011-12-07, by dcubed
2011-12-06, by vladidan
2011-12-06, by dcubed
7117748: SA_APPLE_BOOT_JAVA and ALWAYS_PASS_TEST_GAMMA settings should not be required on MacOS X
2011-12-05, by dcubed
7117389: Add a framework for vendor-specific command line switch extensions to Hotspot
2011-12-05, by phh
7117536: new hotspot build - hs23-b08
2011-12-02, by jcoomes
Added tag hs23-b07 for changeset 3ba6557b91f7
2011-12-02, by jcoomes
2011-12-02, by jcoomes
2011-12-02, by tonyp
7112997: Remove obsolete code ResetObjectsClosure and VerifyUpdateClosure
2011-11-22, by jmasa
7106024: CMS: Removed unused code for precleaning in remark phase
2011-11-22, by jmasa
7112743: G1: Reduce overhead of marking closure during evacuation pauses
2011-11-17, by johnc
7114303: G1: assert(_g1->mark_in_progress()) failed: shouldn't be here otherwise
2011-11-28, by johnc
6593758: RFE: Enhance GC ergonomics to dynamically choose ParallelGCThreads
2011-08-09, by jmasa
2011-11-22, by tonyp
7111795: G1: Various cleanups identified during walk through of changes for 6484965
2011-11-18, by johnc
7110173: GCNotifier::pushNotification publishes stale data.
2011-11-21, by johnc
7110718: -XX:MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount=0 crashes the JVM
2011-11-21, by brutisso
7097002: G1: remove a lot of unused / redundant code from the G1CollectorPolicy class
2011-11-18, by tonyp
2011-12-01, by coleenp
7116730: Revert 7116481: Commercial features in Hotspot must be gated by a switch
2011-11-30, by phh
7116481: Commercial features in Hotspot must be gated by a switch
2011-11-29, by phh
7116189: Export JVM_SetNativeThreadName from Hotspot
2011-11-29, by phh
2011-11-21, by coleenp
7112308: Fix Visual Studio build for precompiled header
2011-11-21, by brutisso
2011-11-18, by coleenp
7110017: is_headless_jre should be updated to reflect the new location of awt toolkit libraries
2011-11-16, by dholmes
7113503: Bump the hs23 build number to 07
2011-11-18, by jcoomes
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 161820e6113e
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset 161820e6113e
2011-12-15, by katleman
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset a13e5e6f9ad0
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset a13e5e6f9ad0
2011-12-15, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b17 for changeset f0eccb294698
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-12, by lana
7120266: javac fails to compile hotspot code
2011-12-11, by mcimadamore
7119487: test fails on Windows platforms
2011-12-10, by ksrini
7119032: (javac) increase visibility of JavacParser methods to improve subtyping
2011-12-09, by ksrini
7086015: fix test/tools/javac/parser/netbeans/
2011-12-07, by ksrini
2011-12-06, by lana
7115052: Add parser support for method references
2011-11-28, by mcimadamore
7115050: Add parser support for lambda expressions
2011-11-28, by mcimadamore
7115049: Add AST node for method references
2011-11-24, by mcimadamore
7115046: Add AST node for lambda expressions
2011-11-24, by mcimadamore
2011-12-06, by lana
7116997: fix warnings in java.util.PropertyPermission
2011-12-06, by smarks
7117469: Warning cleanup for j.u.Currency and j.u.Locale related classes
2011-12-05, by naoto
7116993: fix warnings in java.applet
2011-12-05, by smarks
7116914: Miscellaneous warnings (sun.text)
2011-12-06, by peytoia
5063455: (fmt) MissingFormatArgumentException.getFormatSpecifier() incorrect return value
2011-12-05, by sherman
7117360: Warnings in java.util.concurrent.atomic package
2011-12-05, by dl
2011-12-05, by alanb
7117717: (aio) Tests failing due to implementation bug 7052549
2011-12-05, by alanb
7116857: Warnings in and some sun.misc
2011-12-05, by weijun
7117487: Warnings Cleanup: some i18n classes in java.util and sun.util
2011-12-03, by okutsu
7116445: Miscellaneous warnings in the JDBC/RowSet classes
2011-12-02, by lancea
7117585: Eliminate java.lang.instrument, warnings
2011-12-02, by mchung
5035850: (str) String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER should override readResolve()
2011-12-02, by sherman
7117465: Warning cleanup for IMF classes
2011-12-02, by naoto
7117357: Warnings in sun.instrument, tools and other sun.* classes
2011-12-02, by alanb
7116957: javax.script.ScriptEngineManager should use java.util.ServiceLoader to lookup service providers
2011-12-02, by chegar
7116946: JSSecurityManager should use java.util.ServiceLoader to lookup service providers
2011-12-02, by chegar
7056472: Speed up test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Control/
2011-12-02, by peytoia
7116890: additional warnings fixes for
2011-12-01, by smarks
7116954: Misc warnings in java.beans/java.beans.context
2011-12-01, by mcimadamore
7116722: Miscellaneous warnings sun.misc ( and related classes )
2011-12-01, by chegar
7116322: enhance javac make rule with a little bit of instrumentation
2011-11-30, by smarks
7116404: Miscellaneous warnings (java.rmi.**, serialization, some core classes)
2011-11-30, by alanb
7030624: size_t usages in src/windows/native/java/io/io_util_md.c need to be re-visited
2011-11-30, by alanb
2011-11-29, by lana
2011-11-29, by lana
7109837: Provide a mechanism for computing an Adler32 checksum for the contents of a ByteBuffer
2011-11-29, by sherman
7110149: Update the JDK8 bundled zlib library to the latest version 1.2.5
2011-11-29, by sherman
7109092: Wrong computation results with double at armsflt
2011-11-29, by dholmes
7094995: Trailing daemon thread causes continuous GC in agentvm mode
2011-11-18, by ngmr
7115070: (fs) lookupPrincipalByName/lookupPrincipalByGroupName should treat ESRCH as not found
2011-11-24, by ngmr
7115524: no longer works
2011-11-28, by xuelei
7115744: Do not call File::deleteOnExit in security tests
2011-11-28, by weijun
7115586: Suppress creation of SocketImpl in SocketAdaptor's constructor
2011-11-25, by chegar
7115150: code cleanup, style, formatting, typos
2011-11-25, by chegar
2011-12-06, by lana
7115400: jdk 8 awt-gate build fails in headless toolkit on solaris.
2011-12-05, by serb
2011-11-30, by lana
2011-11-29, by lana
7115357: closed/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/ fails on MacOS
2011-11-30, by rupashka
7110440: closed/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4865918/ fails on Aqua L&F
2011-11-30, by rupashka
7112925: closed/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/ fails on MacOS
2011-11-29, by rupashka
7113337: Swing closed test tries to click in the area reserved for resize by Mac OS X
2011-11-25, by rupashka
7109085: Test use hotkeys not intended for Mac
2011-11-21, by rupashka
2011-11-18, by lana
7108598: Pogo Table Games freeze with JDK 7
2011-11-16, by bagiras
6996291: command line selection of MToolkit by -Dawt.toolkit=sun.awt.motif.MToolkit fails from jdk7 b21 on
2011-11-12, by serb
7110521: Regression test failed: Introspector/
2011-11-14, by malenkov
7109617: Test was writed for Metal L&F but not set it
2011-11-14, by rupashka
7103610: _NET_WM_PID and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE are not set
2011-11-11, by anthony
7087429: Constructor of java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent should declare thrown NPE for null source
2011-11-10, by malenkov
7092744: XMLEncoder fails to encode and breaks backward compatibility
2011-11-10, by malenkov
7087876: java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.html#createPropertyEditor() throws RE if editor cannot be created
2011-11-10, by malenkov
7064279: Introspector.getBeanInfo() should release some resources in timely manner
2011-11-10, by malenkov
7057459: Regression: Performance degradation with java.beans.XMLEncoder
2011-11-10, by malenkov
6938583: Unexpected NullPointerException by InputContext.endComposition()
2011-11-10, by rupashka
7045370: Java Statically Determines Display Size on Linux platforms
2011-11-09, by anthony
2011-12-06, by lana
7117199: Fix javac warnings in src/share/classes/java/awt/font
2011-12-03, by prr
7117914: Fix javac warnings in src/share/classes/sun/java2d
2011-12-03, by neugens
Added tag jdk8-b16 for changeset 736a63b854f3
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset 14b0b1e3dd43
2011-12-01, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-07, by katleman
7117162: jdk8/jaxws/Makefile default DROPS_DIR should set to jdk8-drops
2011-12-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset 0c8bd2a7ecb9
2011-12-01, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-12-07, by katleman
7117162: jdk8/jaxws/Makefile default DROPS_DIR should set to jdk8-drops
2011-12-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset ab11a4dcb014
2011-12-01, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset e82c66df0a41
2011-12-01, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset 64fbc4786179
2011-12-01, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset 2e0d0fb7ccc8
2011-12-01, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset a31cbe56aacf
2011-12-01, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b15 for changeset b5060eae3b32
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
7110611: compiler message file broken for javac -fullversion
2011-11-19, by jjh
2011-11-18, by lana
7106166: (javac) re-factor EndPos parser
2011-11-14, by ksrini
7110974: (javac) add coding conventions and style checkers for langtools
2011-11-14, by ksrini
7108669: cleanup Log methods for direct printing to streams
2011-11-08, by jjg
7108668: allow Log to be initialized and used earlier
2011-11-08, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b14 for changeset aab57958af8d
2011-11-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b14 for changeset 9b823c528db3
2011-11-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b14 for changeset 8f64d0e75d9e
2011-11-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-11-18, by lana
7091388: Regular unexplained npe's from corba libs after system has been running for days
2011-11-11, by coffeys
Added tag jdk8-b14 for changeset 21889dc8d0c4
2011-11-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2011-11-28, by lana
2011-11-23, by lana
7102369: remove java.rmi.server.codebase property parsing from registyimpl
2011-11-23, by coffeys
6776144: java/lang/ThreadGroup/ fails with Thread group is not destroyed ,fastdebug LINUX
2011-11-23, by chegar
7113275: compatibility issue with MD2 trust anchor and old X509TrustManager
2011-11-23, by xuelei
2011-11-22, by mullan
2011-11-22, by mullan
7093090: Reduce synchronization in
2011-11-22, by mullan
7114558: Inet4AddressImpl should use memset (rather than bzero) and NI_MAXHOST (rather than MAXHOSTNAMELEN)
2011-11-22, by ngmr
7112670: Inet4AddressImpl should use getaddrinfo/getnameinfo
2011-11-11, by ngmr
7114125: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ should use volatile cross thread variable declaration
2011-11-21, by alanb
7084033: TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/ThreadGroup/ fails intermittently
2011-11-21, by alanb
6860309: TEST_BUG: Insufficient sleep time in java/lang/Runtime/exec/
2011-11-19, by alanb
6731620: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ is too optimistic about the execution time of System.out.printf
2011-11-19, by alanb
6818464: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ failing intermittently
2011-11-19, by alanb
2011-11-18, by lana
7077172: KerberosTime does not take into account system clock adjustement
2011-11-18, by weijun
7067691: java/lang/management/PlatformLoggingMXBean/ failing intermittently
2011-11-17, by mchung
7112160: jdk8 javadoc failure in jdk/make/docs javadoc: error - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
2011-11-16, by ksrini
2011-11-16, by okutsu
7111903: (tz) Windows-only: tzmappings needs update for KB2570791
2011-11-16, by okutsu
7111579: klist starttime, renewtill, ticket etype
2011-11-16, by weijun
7107020: calls itself
2011-11-14, by chegar
7111548: unexpected debug log message
2011-11-14, by xuelei
7105952: Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
2011-11-11, by coffeys
7110111: Minor Java SE javadoc & Constructor clean up
2011-11-10, by lancea
2011-11-10, by michaelm
7110484: HttpServer.stop() not closing selector
2011-11-10, by michaelm
7107516: LinkedBlockingQueue/Deque.drainTo(Collection, int) returns 'maxElements' if its value is negative
2011-11-10, by dl
7109096: keytool -genkeypair needn't call -selfcert
2011-11-09, by weijun
7107019: does not use auth data
2011-11-09, by weijun
2011-11-18, by lana
7113017: Use POSIX compliant include file headers in sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h
2011-11-17, by prr
2011-11-18, by jcoomes
7109063: JSR 292: fix for 7085860 is incomplete
2011-11-09, by twisti
7085860: JSR 292: implement CallSite.setTargetNormal and setTargetVolatile as native methods
2011-11-02, by twisti
Added tag jdk8-b14 for changeset 21d97162fe47
2011-11-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs23-b06 for changeset 6b882ec466cd
2011-11-18, by jcoomes
2011-11-18, by jcoomes
2011-11-17, by tonyp
7110428: Crash during HeapDump operation
2011-11-16, by poonam
7110152: assert(size_in_words <= (julong)max_jint) failed: no overflow
2011-11-15, by brutisso
7110190: GCCause::to_string missing case for _adaptive_size_policy
2011-11-09, by brutisso
7099849: G1: include heap region information in hs_err files
2011-11-08, by tonyp
7092309: G1: introduce old region set
2011-11-07, by tonyp
7106751: G1: gc/gctests/nativeGC03 crashes VM with SIGSEGV
2011-11-02, by brutisso
7102044: G1: VM crashes with assert(old_end != new_end) failed: don't call this otherwise
2011-10-31, by brutisso
2011-10-28, by tonyp
7105163: CMS: some mentions of MinChunkSize should be IndexSetStart
2011-10-26, by ysr
2011-11-15, by coleenp