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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
2010-03-17, by lana
6933784: NIMBUS: ImageView getNoImageIcon and getLoadingImageIcon returns nulls instead of an icon
2010-03-17, by rupashka
6931347: SynthTabbedPaneUI.paintTabArea() is not called when tabbed pane is painted
2010-03-15, by rupashka
6707226: java.beans.Statement & java.beans.Expression miss one important usecase
2010-03-11, by malenkov
6933032: (tz) Support tzdata2010e
2010-03-11, by peytoia
6932473: (tz) javazic produces incorrect SimpleTimeZone parameters with Sun<=7
2010-03-10, by okutsu
Added tag jdk7-b88 for changeset 03ed19dc460c
2010-04-08, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-04-13, by lana
2010-04-08, by lana
2010-03-24, by asaha
6932480: Fix crash in CompilerThread/Parser. Unloaded array klass?
2010-03-15, by acorn
2010-01-28, by acorn
6626217: Fixed loader constraint array handling
2010-01-19, by acorn
6894807: No ClassCastException for HashAttributeSet constructors if run with -Xcomp
2010-01-21, by kvn
6892265: System.arraycopy unable to reference elements beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes
2009-12-03, by kvn
Added tag jdk7-b88 for changeset 0c79cc0b79fd
2010-04-08, by mikejwre
2010-04-13, by lana
2010-04-08, by lana
6936788: Minor adjustment to top repo test/Makefile, missing non-zero exit case
2010-03-19, by ohair
2010-03-18, by lana
6934759: Add langtools testing to jprt control builds
2010-03-12, by ohair
6934712: run langtools jtreg tests from top level test/Makefile
2010-03-12, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b88 for changeset 9c9bfe8f3a47
2010-04-08, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b88 for changeset 7077b95d42f6
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset ea586c2ae58a
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset 3e4978c572e1
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset 40e99ec5ee66
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset 8b61398d2060
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset 506a77354250
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-04-01, by acorn
2010-04-01, by acorn
2010-03-26, by acorn
2010-03-25, by dcubed
6938185: 3/4 6923488 breaks Windows command shell builds
2010-03-25, by dcubed
2010-03-23, by dcubed
6915365: 3/4 assert(false,"Unsupported VMGlobal Type") at management.cpp:1540
2010-03-23, by dcubed
6936168: Recent fix for unmapping stack guard pages doesn't close /proc/self/maps
2010-03-18, by coleenp
6935224: Adding new DTrace probes to work with Palantir
2010-03-17, by fparain
2010-03-16, by dcubed
6923488: 4/4 need minor tweaks to HotSpot build for Cygwin
2010-03-16, by dcubed
6934758: Expose the break down of clean up task time during safepoint.
2010-03-13, by xlu
6929067: Stack guard pages should be removed when thread is detached
2010-03-12, by coleenp
6940419: Bump the HS18 build number to 02
2010-04-01, by trims
2010-04-01, by trims
6935821: G1: threads created during marking do not active their SATB queues
2010-03-18, by tonyp
2010-03-22, by apetrusenko
6935839: excessive marking stack growth during full gcs
2010-03-18, by jcoomes
6921710: G1: assert(new_finger >= _finger && new_finger < _region_limit,"invariant")
2010-03-18, by apetrusenko
6755988: G1: assert(new_obj != 0 || ... "should be forwarded")
2010-03-11, by johnc
2010-03-15, by apetrusenko
4396719: Mark Sweep stack overflow on deeply nested Object arrays
2010-03-03, by jcoomes
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset e147a1eaf2fc
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset 8367da959bab
2010-03-25, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b87 for changeset b7456c473862
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset cd99680e9c56
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset 998d177fa12c
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset 221fb7990478
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset 28050e60c70d
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset ebd0e0190faf
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-03-23, by trims
Added tag hs18-b01 for changeset 39a1b68b0062
2010-03-23, by trims
6936366: Fork HS17 to HS18 - renumber Major and build numbers of JVM
2010-03-18, by trims
2010-03-18, by trims
2010-03-18, by twisti
6932091: JSR 292 x86 code cleanup
2010-03-18, by twisti
6930043: C2: SIGSEGV in javasoft.sqe.tests.lang.arr017.arr01702.arr01702.loop_forw(II)I
2010-03-17, by never
6935535: String.indexOf() returns incorrect result on x86 with SSE4.2
2010-03-17, by kvn
6934966: JSR 292 add C1 logic for saved SP over MethodHandle calls
2010-03-17, by twisti
6935466: new CodeCache flushing code is not guarded by the flag
2010-03-16, by kvn
6934494: JSR 292 MethodHandles adapters should be generated into their own CodeBlob
2010-03-16, by twisti
6934089: Zero 32-bit/64kb page fix
2010-03-11, by twisti
6932496: c1: deoptimization of jsr subroutine fails on sparcv9
2010-03-05, by roland
2010-03-09, by twisti
6919934: JSR 292 needs to support x86 C1
2010-03-09, by twisti
6932270: Allow Java's ELF symtab reader to use separate debuginfo files
2010-03-09, by never
6932536: JSR 292 modified JDK MethodHandlesTest fails on x86_64
2010-03-08, by twisti
2010-03-11, by acorn
6933402: RFE: Improve PrintSafepointStatistics output to track cleanup time
2010-03-10, by xlu
6914050: jvm assertion "guard pages must be in use" in -Xcomp mode
2010-03-02, by coleenp
6910182: CMS: assert(_cursor[j] == _survivor_plab_array[j].end(),"Ctl pt invariant")
2010-03-03, by jmasa
2010-03-02, by johnc
6923123: Hotspot refuses to start when -Xmx4m or -Xms4m is specified
2010-02-26, by phh
2010-03-02, by johnc
6928065: G1: use existing command line parameters to set the young generation size
2010-02-24, by tonyp
6928081: G1: rename parameters common with CMS
2010-02-24, by jmasa
6928073: G1: use existing command line parameters for marking cycle initiation
2010-02-23, by tonyp
6928059: G1: command line parameter renaming
2010-02-23, by tonyp
6930398: fix for return address locals in OSR entries uses wrong test
2010-03-01, by never
6930116: loop predication code does not handle If nodes with only one projection
2010-02-25, by kvn
6930035: C2 type system incorrectly handles case j.l.Object->meet(constant AryPtr)
2010-02-25, by kvn
6915557: assert(_gvn.type(l)->higher_equal(type),"must constrain OSR typestate") with debug build
2010-02-25, by never
6928839: JSR 292 typo in x86 _adapter_check_cast
2010-02-23, by twisti
6928717: HS17 fails to build with SS11 C++
2010-02-22, by kvn
6927049: assert(is_Loop(),"invalid node class")
2010-02-19, by never
6910664: C2: java/util/Arrays/ fails with DeoptimizeALot flag
2010-02-19, by kvn
6663854: assert(n != __null,"Bad immediate dominator info.") in C2 with -Xcomp
2010-02-18, by never
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset 16a26e16c83f
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset 41627c4e030e
2010-03-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b86 for changeset c94d9cc81f49
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-03-09, by lana
2010-03-05, by jjg
6930108: IllegalArgumentException in AbstractDiagnosticFormatter for tools/javac/api/TestJavacTaskScanner.jav
2010-03-05, by jjg
2010-03-04, by lana
6931126: jtreg tests not Windows friendly
2010-03-03, by jjg
6931927: position issues with synthesized anonymous class
2010-03-03, by jjg
6449781: TypeElement.getQualifiedName for anonymous classes returns null instead of an empty name
2010-03-03, by darcy
6931127: strange test class files
2010-03-02, by jjg
6931482: minor findbugs fixes
2010-03-02, by jjg
6931130: Remove unused AnnotationCollector code from JavacProcessingEnvironment
2010-03-02, by darcy
6930032: fix findbugs errors in
2010-02-26, by jjg
6930076: "null" can incorrectly appear in error message compiler.err.error.reading.file
2010-02-26, by jjg
6881645: Unchecked method call on a method declared inside anonymous inner causes javac to crash
2010-02-26, by jjg
6893943: exit code from javah with no args is 0
2010-02-25, by jjg
6929544: langtools source code uses statics qualified by instance variables
2010-02-25, by jjg
6929645: Address various findbugs warnings in langtools
2010-02-25, by darcy
4880220: Add a warning when accessing a static method via an reference
2010-02-25, by jjg
6511613: javac unexpectedly doesn't fail in some cases if an annotation processor specified
2010-02-23, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 6830a7ec21d0
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 58d57db8348f
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset cdc37d7f9bba
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 3e4b803f1d22
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-03-09, by lana
6915983: testing problems, adjusting list of tests, needs some investigation
2010-03-06, by ohair
2010-03-04, by lana
6880321: abuse of OOM Exception handling
2010-03-04, by weijun
6923681: Jarsigner crashes during timestamping
2010-03-04, by weijun
6844909: support allow_weak_crypto in krb5.conf
2010-03-04, by weijun
6931763: sanity checks broken with latest cygwin, newer egrep -i option problems
2010-03-03, by ohair
6931216: TEST_BUG: test/java/nio/file/WatchService/ failed with NPE
2010-03-03, by alanb
2010-03-01, by vinnie
6921001: api/java_security/IdentityScope/IdentityScopeTests.html#getSystemScope fails starting from b78 JDK7
2010-03-01, by vinnie
6921374: java.lang.String::hashCode() should check for count == 0 to avoid repeated stores hash = 0
2010-02-27, by alanb
6815768: File.getxxxSpace() methods fail for very large file systems under 32bit Java
2010-02-27, by alanb
6929259: Remove double spaces from Dual-pivot quicksort
2010-02-27, by alanb
6929532: (file) WatchService should avoid queuing new modify events when lots of files are changing
2010-02-27, by alanb
6916202: More cases of invalid ldap filters accepted and processed
2010-02-25, by xuelei
6929382: Various core classes in util and elsewhere are missing @param <T> tags
2010-02-24, by darcy
6926800: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/Files/ fails with newer versions of find(1)
2010-02-23, by alanb
6928960: make modules fails to build class analyzer
2010-02-23, by alanb
6925932: (file) Path.endsWith can throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (unx)
2010-02-23, by alanb
6925977: (file) test/java/nio/file/Path/ fails if test.src on read-only file system
2010-02-23, by alanb
2010-03-09, by lana
2010-03-04, by lana
2010-03-01, by lana
6921644: XMLEncoder generates invalid XML
2010-03-04, by malenkov
6917744: JScrollPane Page Up/Down keys do not handle correctly html tables with different cells contents
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6913768: With default SynthLookAndFeel instance installed new JTable creation leads to throwing NPE
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6924059: SynthScrollBarUI.configureScrollBarColors() should have spec different from the overridden method
2010-03-03, by rupashka
6929298: The SynthSliderUI#calculateTickRect method should be removed
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6923305: SynthSliderUI paints the slider track when the slider's "paintTrack" property is set to false
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6918861: SynthSliderUI.uninstallDefaults() is not called when UI is uninstalled
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6918447: SynthToolBarUI.setBorderToXXXX() methods don't correspond inherited spec. They do nothing.
2010-02-27, by rupashka
6913758: Specification for SynthViewportUI.paintBorder(...) should mention that this method is never called
2010-02-27, by rupashka
4498236: RFE: Provide a toString method for PropertyChangeEvent and other classes
2010-02-18, by malenkov
6921289: (tz) Support tzdata2010b
2010-02-12, by peytoia
6909002: Remove indicim.jar and thaiim.jar from JRE and move to samples if needed
2010-02-11, by peytoia
6848475: JSlider does not display the correct value of its BoundedRangeModel
2010-02-10, by rupashka
2010-03-09, by lana
6918065: Crash in Java2D blit loop (IntArgbToIntArgbPreSrcOverMaskBlit) in 64bit mode
2010-03-08, by minqi
6892485: Deadlock in SunGraphicsEnvironment / FontManager
2010-03-03, by rkennke
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 5751e91f963a
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs17-b10 for changeset bd3cc6d99492
2010-03-08, by trims
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 448969041d3d
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
2010-03-09, by lana
2010-03-06, by ohair
6928700: Configure top repo for JPRT testing
2010-03-06, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset 13d8d7dd8b00
2010-03-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b85 for changeset b6f633a93ae0
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-23, by lana
6928623: Behaviour of VERBOSE=true on langtools build
2010-02-22, by andrew
6927797: langtools/test/tools/javac/ fails when run with assertions enabled (-ea)
2010-02-18, by jjg
2010-02-17, by lana
2010-02-17, by lana
6927061: Refactor apt implemenation to use code from JSR 269
2010-02-17, by darcy
6926703: apt tests should run with assertions enabled
2010-02-15, by darcy
6926699: Annotation processing regression tests should typically return SourceVersion.latest
2010-02-15, by darcy
6634138: Source generated in last round not compiled
2010-02-15, by darcy
6926555: 6921979 breaks TreePosTest
2010-02-15, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset ae856f7b6776
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset be1133a82187
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset 1a0d508d727c
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset a10244151b29
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-23, by lana
6365587: Proxy-Connection header sent through tunnel
2010-02-23, by chegar
6912868: "" behavior fails to check "use_same_proxy" in GNOME
2010-02-22, by chegar
2010-02-17, by lana
2010-02-15, by mchung
6925868: Eliminate pack200's dependency on logging
2010-02-12, by mchung
6925639: keytool -genkeypair -help missing dname option
2010-02-12, by weijun
6915413: Module build: building of specified jdk components instead of all
2010-02-10, by mchung
6693244: Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted
2010-02-10, by chegar
6924497: HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean.getDiagnosticOptions throws NPE
2010-02-08, by mchung
2010-02-19, by lana
6705345: Enable multiple file selection in AWT FileDialog
2010-02-12, by dcherepanov
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset b8df1478b109
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6927886: Bump the HS17 build number to 10
2010-02-18, by trims
2010-02-18, by trims
2010-02-18, by twisti
6927165: Zero S/390 fixes
2010-02-18, by twisti
6926782: CodeBuffer size too small after 6921352
2010-02-18, by twisti
6877221: Endless deoptimizations in OSR nmethod
2010-02-16, by never
6926697: "optimized" VM build failed: The type "AdapterHandlerTableIterator" is incomplete
2010-02-16, by kvn
2010-02-16, by johnc
6923991: G1: improve scalability of RSet scanning
2010-02-11, by iveresov
6782663: Data produced by PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime is not accurate.
2010-02-09, by johnc
6802453: G1: hr()->is_in_reserved(from),"Precondition."
2010-02-08, by tonyp
6920977: G1: guarantee(k == probe->klass(),"klass should be in dictionary") fails
2010-02-05, by tonyp
2010-02-12, by kvn
6926048: Improve Zero performance
2010-02-12, by kvn
6925249: assert(last_sp < (intptr_t*) interpreter_frame_monitor_begin(),"bad tos")
2010-02-12, by kvn
6924097: assert((_type == Type::MEMORY) == (_adr_type != 0),"adr_type for memory phis only")
2010-02-09, by kvn
6910618: C2: Error: assert(d->is_oop(),"JVM_ArrayCopy: dst not an oop")
2010-02-09, by kvn
6910605: C2: NullPointerException/ClassCaseException is thrown when C2 with DeoptimizeALot is used
2010-02-08, by kvn
6923002: assert(false,"this call site should not be polymorphic")
2010-02-07, by kvn
6920293: OptimizeStringConcat causing core dumps
2010-02-05, by never
2010-02-11, by apangin
6587322: dtrace probe object__alloc doesn't fire in some situations on amd64
2010-02-08, by kamg
2010-02-08, by johnc
6914402: G1: assert(!is_young_card(cached_ptr),"shouldn't get a card in young region")
2010-02-02, by johnc
6904516: More object array barrier fixes, following up on 6906727
2010-02-01, by ysr
6885297: java -XX:RefDiscoveryPolicy=2 or -XX:TLABWasteTargetPercent=0 cause VM crash
2010-01-29, by johnc
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset 31557f5428d0
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset a1aa32963dec
2010-02-18, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b84 for changeset b1e55627a698
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-14, by lana
2010-02-08, by lana
6923080: TreeScanner.visitNewClass should scan tree.typeargs
2010-02-04, by jjg
6921979: add test program to verify annotations are attached to nodes as expected
2010-02-03, by jjg
6922300: [308] populate the reference_info for type annotations targeting primitive class literals
2010-02-03, by jjg
6922429: extend tree position test waiver
2010-02-03, by jjg
6918625: handle annotations on array class literals
2010-02-02, by jjg
6919986: [308] change size of type_index (of CLASS_EXTENDS and THROWS) from byte to short
2010-02-01, by jjg
6499119: Created package-info class file modeled improperly
2010-01-29, by jjg
6919889: assorted position errors in compiler syntax trees
2010-01-29, by jjg
2010-01-27, by lana
6917130: should test that annotations that have been optimized away are not emitted to classfile
2010-01-26, by jjg
6919944: incorrect position given for duplicate annotation value error
2010-01-26, by jjg
6918127: improve handling of TypeAnnotationPosition fields
2010-01-20, by jjg
6917067: refactor type annotations code from TransTypes into new TypeAnnotations class
2010-01-19, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 36fcedcbb231
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset deb836072de4
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-14, by lana
2010-02-08, by lana
6923146: Upgrade to JAXP 1.4.3
2010-02-03, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset ab248239edc6
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 268bfb70324f
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-02-14, by lana
2010-02-09, by lana
6921057: REGRESSION: persistence delegate issue on Windows and Linux against 5.u23b03/6u17b11
2010-02-05, by malenkov
2010-01-28, by lana
6412286: DOC: LTP: Unspecified NPE in java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate.instantiate method
2010-01-28, by malenkov
6912118: Incosistency in several SynthUI classes between inherited specs ofupdate() and paint() methods
2010-01-28, by peterz
6912866: (date) java.util.Date.before / after may be expensive
2010-01-26, by okutsu
4968536: DOC: Javadoc for java.beans.Encoder.getPersistenceDelegate is incomplete
2010-01-21, by malenkov
4922835: DOC: Statement javadoc should indicate that target and methodName cannot be null
2010-01-21, by malenkov
6868503: RuleBasedBreakIterator is inefficient
2010-01-13, by peytoia
6584033: (tz) wrong buffer length in TimeZone_md.c
2010-01-08, by andrew
6860438: [Nimbus] Code to globally set slider's thumb background doesn't work as specified
2009-12-25, by peterz
6860433: [Nimbus] Code to set a single slider's thumb background doesn't work as specified
2009-12-21, by peterz
2009-12-16, by lana
5047314: [Col] runs indefinitely for a certain set of Thai strings
2009-12-15, by peytoia
2010-02-09, by lana
6882912: Strange behaviours when typing @ or '
2010-02-08, by yan
2010-01-28, by lana
6756774: fstdebug jvm fails with assertion (result != deleted_handle(),"Used a deleted global handle.")
2010-01-22, by dcherepanov
6660258: Java application stops Windows logout/shutdown (regression in 1.5.0_14)
2010-01-20, by dcherepanov
6916867: Fastdebug build failed after CR 4874070 fix putback.
2010-01-14, by uta
2010-01-13, by uta
4874070: invoking DragSource's startDrag with an Image renders no image on drag
2009-12-24, by uta
6857363: deadlock caused by sun.awt.X11.XTrayIconPeer$Tooltip.display
2009-12-28, by dcherepanov
6893325: JComboBox and dragging to an item outside the bounds of the containing JFrame is not selecting that
2009-12-22, by dav
6908299: Missed changes for 6664512 during the merge with 6879044
2009-12-23, by dcherepanov
2010-02-09, by lana
6904882: java.awt.Font.createFont() causes AccessControlException if executed with ""
2010-02-07, by rkennke
6896335: GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice() throws UnsatisfiedLinkError in headless mode
2010-02-03, by rkennke
6888734: PIT: regression test fails when is enabled
2010-02-02, by rkennke
2010-02-08, by lana
6923692: java/classes_util fails when
2010-02-06, by sherman
6923976: is using too small of an initial heap under newer Hotspot (b79+)
2010-02-05, by wetmore
6919132: Regex \P{Lu} selects half of a surrogate pari
2010-02-05, by sherman
6922482: keytool's help on -file always shows 'output file'
2010-02-03, by weijun
6921740: Eliminate warnings from converters and allow compiling with JAVAC_MAX_WARNINGS=true
2010-02-02, by andrew
6920732: opensource test/java/nio/charset
2010-01-27, by sherman
2010-01-27, by lana
6920143: test/java/awt/TestArea/ needs realSync()
2010-01-27, by ptisnovs
6905552: libnet/nio portability issues
2010-01-27, by chegar
6919185: test/closed/sun/net/ftp/FtpTests fails to compile
2010-01-26, by jccollet
6919610: KeyTabInputStream uses static field for per-instance value
2010-01-26, by weijun
6707289: InterfaceAddress.getNetworkPrefixLength() does not conform to Javadoc
2010-01-25, by chegar
2010-01-22, by vinnie
6763530: Cannot decode PublicKey (Proider SunPKCS11, curve prime256v1)
2010-01-21, by vinnie
6580131: 3/4 CompiledMethodLoad events don't produce the expected extra notifications to describe inlining
2010-01-20, by dcubed
6862064: incorrect implementation of PKIXParameters.clone()
2010-01-20, by xuelei
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 063470ff633d
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 36d525db29a0
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 109f388bca57
2010-02-12, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b83 for changeset 34c8199936a1
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset 737d10f28a89
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset d512637fe883
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset 735cf3731da4
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset 5960e50c8713
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset ca4ba6dd55c0
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs15-b05 for changeset c77d20908054
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs15-b04 for changeset 0ea2576e714b
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs15-b03 for changeset c5c3e5f4accc
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs15-b02 for changeset ccfb5ba09cb6
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs15-b01 for changeset a128eac78670
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b08 for changeset d716bbc29dcc
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b07 for changeset 699915c095af
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b06 for changeset 60611616dba4
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b05 for changeset 06171649948f
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b04 for changeset 28ccf5edf0ec
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b03 for changeset 10154d4b4b4b
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b02 for changeset 86c4409e49f6
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs16-b01 for changeset 1ecc4413e7e7
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b09 for changeset 246521c00249
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b08 for changeset 4197a09e1259
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b07 for changeset 8f15a8afca28
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b06 for changeset 9b63533d5895
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b05 for changeset 02d36709a16f
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b04 for changeset ac997bc87110
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b03 for changeset b95ea007fe67
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b02 for changeset 2248859f89d4
2010-02-11, by trims
Added tag hs17-b01 for changeset 0fa11a27fb57
2010-02-11, by trims
2010-02-05, by trims
6921473: Bump the HS17 build number to 09
2010-02-05, by trims
2010-02-05, by trims
2010-02-04, by apangin
2010-02-02, by dcubed
6918421: 1/1 in-process JVM now ignores preset Windows unhandled exception filter
2010-02-02, by dcubed
6902182: 4/4 Starting with jdwp agent should not incur performance penalty
2010-02-01, by dcubed
6921992: failure in verify scheduling after 6792161
2010-02-04, by never
2010-02-04, by twisti
2010-02-03, by never
6921969: optimize 64 long multiply for case with high bits zero
2010-02-03, by never
6923043: failed nightly tests which use -XX:+PrintCompilation -Xcomp -XX:CompileOnly
2010-02-03, by kvn
6921922: fix for 6911204 breaks tagged stack interpreter
2010-02-03, by never
6614597: Performance variability in jvm2008 xml.validation
2010-02-01, by kvn
6921799: JSR 292 call sites should not be fixed-up
2010-02-01, by twisti
6921352: JSR 292 needs its own deopt handler
2010-02-01, by twisti
6916644: C2 compiler crash on x86
2010-01-29, by never
4360113: Evict nmethods when code cache gets full
2010-01-29, by kvn
6921339: backout 6917766
2010-01-29, by twisti
6917766: JSR 292 needs its own deopt handler
2010-01-29, by twisti
6792161: assert("No dead instructions after post-alloc")
2010-01-28, by never
6920346: G1: "must avoid base_memory and AliasIdxTop"
2010-01-28, by never
6920970: Zero build fixes after 6849984 and 6911204
2010-01-28, by twisti
2010-01-27, by ysr
2010-01-26, by ysr
6920090: G1: Disable ReduceInitialCardMarks at least until 6920109 is fixed
2010-01-26, by ysr
6919980: G1: remove +UseG1GC from under experimental options (second attempt)
2010-01-25, by tonyp
6918006: G1: spill space must be reserved on the stack for barrier calls on Windows x64
2010-01-21, by apetrusenko
2010-01-21, by ysr
6895236: CMS: cmsOopClosures.inline.hpp:43 assert(..., "Should remember klasses in this context")
2010-01-21, by jmasa
2010-01-27, by iveresov
6919886: Sweep CodeCache more aggressively to reduce its usage for CompileTheWorld
2010-01-26, by kvn
6911204: generated adapters with large signatures can fill up the code cache
2010-01-20, by never
2010-01-22, by coleenp
2010-01-20, by dcubed
6580131: 3/4 CompiledMethodLoad events don't produce the expected extra notifications to describe inlining
2010-01-13, by dcubed
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset a84303f7ca26
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset 5560473b9cbe
2010-02-04, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b82 for changeset a30062be6d9c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 43ee00bea176
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 4ef036bb3679
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 0c8ad4a8e25b
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 9900f2781664
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-29, by ohair
6917466: Should set bootclasspath for javadoc in jdk build
2010-01-29, by andrew
6921068: Remove javadoc builds warnings from specdefault tag
2010-01-28, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset a280fa50978f
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset 4197a09e1259
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset f2507e238f8a
2010-01-28, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b81 for changeset dcc938ac40cc
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-22, by lana
2010-01-15, by lana
6916986: handle spaces in langtools launcher path
2010-01-14, by jjg
6917122: provide utility method to find the inner most type of a type tree
2010-01-14, by jjg
6472751: SourcePositions.getStartPos returns incorrect value for enum constants
2010-01-13, by jjg
6909470: langtools stub generator should prune unnecessary imports
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915497: test test/tools/javac/nio/compileTest/ fails under Hudson
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915476: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException in
2010-01-11, by jjg
6764569: [PATCH] Fix unused imports in list resource bundles
2010-01-11, by jjg
6326754: Compiler will fail to handle -Xmaxerrs with -ve numbers
2010-01-11, by jjg
6915152: langtools build failures with import.jdk on Windows
2010-01-08, by jjg
6915078: ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH typo in langtools/make/Makefile
2010-01-08, by jjg
6665791: com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree.toString() does not output default values
2010-01-08, by jjg
6878146: incorrect unused value should be deleted
2010-01-08, by jjg
6878147: Keywords.log is declared and initialized but unused
2010-01-08, by jjg
6855236: Compiler Tree API TreePath class generates NullPointerException from Iterator
2010-01-06, by jjg
6307206: missing lint control for pkg-info
2010-01-06, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 50559985f09b
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 45ed797aeb93
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 4f440ce94e8f
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 2e36be9a9a7f
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-22, by lana
6917791: KeyTabEntry, when the byte value smaller then 16, the string drop '0'
2010-01-19, by weijun
6916217: make/modules/Makefile requires ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH
2010-01-18, by mchung
6917663: test/java/security/Provider/ not samevm friendly
2010-01-18, by ptisnovs
6917021: (file) copyTo/moveTo can overrwrite existing file when target associated with custom provider
2010-01-18, by alanb
6917317: (sctp) Remove dependency on handleSocketError
2010-01-18, by chegar
6916890: (sctp) SctpChannel.send may cause IAE if given a heap buffer with an offset
2010-01-18, by chegar
2010-01-15, by lana
6916922: (sctp) SO_RCVBUF & SO_SNDBUF returns twice the value set
2010-01-15, by chegar
2010-01-15, by mullan
6915939: Exception should be thrown if OCSP SingleResponses contain unresolved critical extensions
2010-01-15, by mullan
6908218: java.lang.Deprecated should have explicit @Target meta-annotation.
2010-01-14, by darcy
6915502: Legal notice repairs needed in jdk/make/modules/tools
2010-01-12, by mchung
6828204: NavigableSet.subSet() documentation refers to nonexistent parameters
2010-01-11, by darcy
6915313: Reorganize implementation to make it more feasible to port to JDK6
2010-01-11, by chegar
6913877: (fs) AsynchronousFileChannel.write can return wrong result under load [win]
2010-01-10, by alanb
6907760: (file) OVERFLOW event should cause pending events to be purged
2010-01-09, by alanb
6915171: Clarify checked/unchecked status of Throwable and its subclasses
2010-01-07, by darcy
6911737: Module build: generate modules with native libraries and any other files not in jar
2010-01-07, by mchung
2010-01-05, by ohair
6911104: Tests do not work with CYGWIN: tools, sun/tools, and com/sun/tools
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911108: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/util
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911129: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/lang
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911112: Tests do not work with CYGWIN: javax/imageio/, javax/script/, and sun/misc/
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911131: Test does not work with CYGWIN: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911117: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: com/sun/jdi
2010-01-04, by ohair
6911113: These tests do not work with CYGWIN: java/nio
2010-01-04, by ohair
6910835: TESTS: 3 java/io tests fail when run on Windows XP CYGWIN
2010-01-04, by ohair
6910834: TEST: java/io/File/ fails on Windows CYGWIN environment
2010-01-04, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 3effa7542ca5
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6919437: Bump the HS17 build number to 08
2010-01-22, by trims
2010-01-22, by trims
2010-01-20, by iveresov
6893701: compiler/6877254/ fails because it combines -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC with other GC
2010-01-19, by kvn
6917931: compiler/6895383/ don't compile due missed imports
2010-01-19, by kvn
6917698: os::is_allocatable Zero fix for 32-bit platforms
2010-01-18, by twisti
6879943: CTW failure jdk6_18/hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIR.hpp:2029
2010-01-15, by never
6849984: Value methods for platform dependent math functions constant fold incorrectly
2010-01-15, by never
6912065: final fields in objects need to support inlining optimizations for JSR 292
2010-01-13, by jrose
6894779: Loop Predication for Loop Optimizer in C2
2010-01-12, by cfang
2010-01-19, by trims
2010-01-16, by ysr
6915005: G1: Hang in PtrQueueSet::completed_buffers_list_length with gcl001
2010-01-13, by johnc
2010-01-14, by tonyp
6916652: G1: remove +UseG1GC from under experimental options
2010-01-13, by tonyp
6896647: card marks can be deferred too long
2010-01-13, by ysr
6902115: G1:assert(ignore_max_completed||thread->is_Java_thread()||SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint())
2010-01-12, by johnc
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset 8f15a8afca28
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset e28f9a870f12
2010-01-21, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b80 for changeset e6abd38682d2
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset e7616c247414
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 4b85cf247673
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset c7d5c3613e3f
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
6917485: Corba doc warnings
2010-01-16, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset ae0f40f891d4
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
2010-01-17, by yhuang
2010-01-11, by yhuang
6821191: Timezone display name localization
2010-01-06, by yhuang
6914413: abbreviation name for November is not correct in be_BY
2010-01-06, by yhuang
6716626: Integrate contributed language and country names for NL
2010-01-05, by yhuang
6585666: Spanish language names not compliant with CLDR
2009-12-28, by yhuang
6541350: TimeZone display names localization
2009-12-24, by yhuang
6870908: reopen bug 4244752: month names in Estonian should be lowercase
2009-12-24, by yhuang
6573250: Java.util.Currency.getSymbol(Locale) returns wrong value when locale is not US.
2009-12-20, by yhuang
6910489: Slovenia Locale, wrong firstDayOfWeek number
2009-12-20, by yhuang
6645405: Errors in Hungarian local-specific formatting. (L10N part of 6609703)
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6650730: Lithuanian locale date and number formats mismatch.
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6646611: Incorrect spelling of month name in locale for Belarusian language ("be", "BY")
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6645268: Country/language names with locale fi_FI are incorrect for FRANCE/FRENCH
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6450945: The week day for Saturday and the first week day in Romania locale are incorrect
2009-12-17, by yhuang
6873931: New Turkish currency since 2009
2009-12-10, by yhuang
6507067: TimeZone country/area message error
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6609737: DateFormat incorrect for German locale
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6645271: Wrong date format for Croatian (hr) locale
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6610748: Dateformat - AM-PM indicator in Finnish appears to be from English
2009-12-08, by yhuang
6868106: Ukrainian currency has wrong format
2009-12-06, by yhuang
2010-01-13, by ohair
2010-01-05, by ohair
6899737: JDK build fails in make/java/jli because of _vsnprintf macro redefinition
2009-12-18, by tbell
6915906: tests in closed/javax/print/ should not be calling System.exit()
2010-01-15, by jgodinez
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 9cb43bde544d
2010-01-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
6917463: Bump the HS17 build number to 07
2010-01-15, by trims
2010-01-15, by trims
2010-01-12, by iveresov
6909839: missing unsigned compare cases for some cmoves in
2010-01-09, by never
2010-01-08, by jrose
2010-01-08, by jrose
6912063: inlining parameters need to be adjusted for some uses of the JVM
2010-01-08, by jrose
2010-01-08, by jrose
6912062: disassembler plugin needs to produce symbolic information in product mode
2010-01-08, by jrose
6910484: incorrect integer optimization (loosing and op-r in a given example)
2010-01-08, by kvn
6915110: IfNode::up_one_dom moves beyond RootNode bug in src/share/vm/opto/ifnode.cpp
2010-01-08, by kvn
6914206: change way of permission checking for generated MethodHandle adapters
2010-01-08, by twisti
6912517: JIT bug compiles out (and stops running) code that needs to be run. Causes NPE.
2010-01-07, by kvn
6914622: Print values of all flags for product VM
2010-01-07, by kvn
2010-01-09, by ysr
6912018: CMS: guarantee(head() != 0,"The head of the list cannot be NULL")
2010-01-07, by jmasa
6637203: Classunloading messages go to stdout rather than Xloggc file, causing hangs when stdout is closed
2010-01-04, by ysr
2010-01-04, by jmasa
6631166: CMS: better heuristics when combatting fragmentation
2009-12-23, by ysr
2010-01-06, by iveresov
2010-01-06, by never
6914300: ciEnv should export all well known classes
2010-01-06, by never
6914002: unsigned compare problem after 5057818
2010-01-05, by never
2010-01-05, by never
6908267: Zero fails to unlock synchronized native methods on exception
2010-01-05, by never
6893268: additional dynamic language related optimizations in C2
2010-01-05, by twisti
6829187: compiler optimizations required for JSR 292
2010-01-05, by twisti
6913075: EA identifies escape state incorrectly after 6895383 fix
2010-01-04, by kvn
6893081: method handle & invokedynamic code needs additional cleanup (post 6815692, 6858164)
2010-01-04, by twisti
2010-01-04, by twisti
6894206: JVM needs a way to traverse method handle structures
2010-01-04, by twisti
6913869: Zero assert fix
2010-01-04, by twisti
6909153: Fix broken options on Zero
2010-01-04, by twisti
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 9b63533d5895
2010-01-14, by katleman
2010-01-20, by mikejwre
6914986: Make sure openjdk doc generation not turned off with JDK_UPDATE_VERSION
2010-01-07, by andrew
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset 142aec7359d5
2010-01-14, by katleman
Added tag jdk7-b79 for changeset e9c98378f6b9
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-12-19, by tbell
6911854: Update to use @compile/proc
2009-12-18, by darcy
6910317: [classfile] typo and other issues in Dependency classes
2009-12-15, by jjg
6907575: [classfile] add support for classfile dependency analysis
2009-12-12, by jjg
6906175: bridge JSR199 and JSR 203 APIs
2009-12-11, by jjg
6909538: Clarify meaning of "element" in javax.lang.model.element API
2009-12-10, by darcy
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset fcbbd4d49581
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset f6cdb0710f97
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 977f877abc78
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 185d9f127780
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2010-01-13, by jcoomes
6914665: update jdk code for JSR 292 (post 6858164)
2010-01-07, by jrose
2010-01-06, by jrose
6891770: JSR 292 API needs initial unit tests
2009-10-21, by jrose
6913636: kvno check in JSSE
2010-01-05, by weijun
6895424: RFC 5653
2010-01-05, by weijun
6907425: JCK Kerberos tests fail since b77
2009-12-24, by weijun
6843127: krb5 should not try to access unavailable kdc too often
2009-12-24, by weijun
6908348: java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue/ get OOME for unbounded queues
2009-12-23, by dl
6912893: (build) make/java/nio/FILES_java.gmk doesn't list sun.nio.cs.Unicode
2009-12-23, by andrew
6912628: test/java/util/jar/JarFile/ cannot be run in samevm mode
2009-12-23, by ptisnovs
6908541: Bad resource management in java/math/BigInteger/
2009-12-22, by darcy
2009-12-19, by tbell
6909573: Temporary launcher support to add modules in the bootclasspath
2009-12-18, by mchung
6909572: Add a new target for building modules
2009-12-18, by mchung
2009-12-18, by mchung
6898747: Allow JNDI cosnaming provider to be used when java.applet is not present
2009-12-17, by mchung
6558110: tmp/java/jli/obj_g/static is not deleted automatically
2009-12-16, by ohair
6908131: Pure Java implementations of StrictMath.floor(double) & StrictMath.ceil(double)
2009-12-15, by darcy
2009-12-11, by ohair
2009-12-11, by ohair
6909373: Add -ea to the testing done by jdk/test/Makefile
2009-12-11, by ohair
2009-12-10, by ohair
2009-12-09, by ohair
6906210: Fix another minor typo in test/Makefile
2009-12-09, by ohair
6909442: Fix comments in test/sun/tools/jhat/
2009-12-11, by andrew
6909563: Javadoc build warnings in rmi, security, management
2009-12-11, by darcy
4891262: API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags
2009-12-10, by darcy
6909070: Missing package statements in java.text.Bidi @see links
2009-12-10, by darcy
2009-12-10, by chegar
6909089: Memory leak occurs by lack of free for read buffer in SocketInputStream#read()
2009-12-10, by chegar
2009-12-10, by mullan
6867348: Digest Value of References inside Manifest - calculation order problem
2009-12-10, by mullan
6909082: Docs warning from java.util.logging.PlatformLoggingMXBean
2009-12-09, by mchung
6909057: @see Arrays#hashCode missing particular method specification in j.u.Objects.hash
2009-12-09, by darcy
6908628: ObjectIdentifier s11n test fails
2009-12-09, by weijun
6903754: (bf) Improve floating-point buffer comparison
2009-12-08, by martin
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 97c33ee30c4f
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-12-23, by trims
2009-12-17, by xlu
2009-12-16, by xlu
6895168: JCK api/signaturetest/sigtest.basic.html#basic test fails for jdk 5.0 with HS 16 in nightly build
2009-12-16, by xlu
2009-12-16, by xlu
6899467: System property java.class.version out-of-sync with VM for jdk 5.0 with HS 16 in nightly build
2009-12-16, by xlu
6843629: Make current hotspot build part of jdk5 control build
2009-12-16, by phh
2009-12-14, by dcubed
6849968: 3/2 JVMTI tests fails on jdk5.0 with hs14
2009-12-14, by dcubed
6648438: 4/4 src/share/vm/prims/jvmtiEnv.cpp:457 assert(phase == JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE,"sanity check")
2009-12-14, by dcubed
6361589: Print out stack trace for target thread of GC crash
2009-12-11, by minqi
2009-12-02, by dholmes
6822370: ReentrantReadWriteLock: threads hung when there are no threads holding onto the lock (Netra x4450)
2009-12-01, by dholmes
2009-12-02, by coleenp
6888880: JKernel VM to inject the sun.jkernel.DownloadManager as a boot classloader hook
2009-11-25, by mchung
2009-12-23, by trims
2009-12-23, by jmasa
2009-12-22, by jmasa
6862387: tune concurrent refinement further
2009-12-16, by iveresov
2009-12-22, by iveresov
5057818: codecache full and compiler disabled in bigapps fastdebug run
2009-12-16, by never
6829192: JSR 292 needs to support 64-bit x86
2009-12-16, by twisti
6912782: Bump the HS17 build number to 06
2009-12-22, by trims
2009-12-22, by trims
2009-12-17, by jmasa
2009-12-11, by jmasa
6908215: G1: SEGV with G1PolicyVerbose=2 debug flag
2009-12-09, by johnc
2009-12-15, by iveresov
6896727: nsk/logging/LoggingPermission/LoggingPermission/logperm002 fails with G1, EscapeAnalisys
2009-12-09, by kvn
6895383: JCK test throws NPE for method compiled with Escape Analysis
2009-12-09, by kvn
6908167: jbb2005, OptimizeStringConcat causes assert in EA
2009-12-08, by never
2009-12-22, by trims
2009-12-11, by trims
2009-12-11, by jmasa
6908208: UseCompressedOops: array_size() returns incorrect size for MAX_INT object array following 6906727
2009-12-08, by ysr
6904967: G1: some CollectionUsageThreshold tests fail
2009-12-07, by tonyp
6906565: G1: deal with compilation warning in g1MemoryPool.hpp
2009-12-04, by tonyp
6880903: G1: G1 reports incorrect Runtime.maxMemory()
2009-12-04, by tonyp
6906727: UseCompressedOops: some card-marking fixes related to object arrays
2009-12-03, by ysr
6899058: G1: Internal error in ptrQueue.cpp:201 in nightly tests
2009-11-24, by johnc
6815790: G1: Missing MemoryPoolMXBeans with -XX:+UseG1GC
2009-11-20, by tonyp
6902303: G1: ScavengeALot should cause an incremental, rather than a full, collection
2009-11-19, by ysr
6902701: G1: protect debugging code related to 6898948 with a debug flag
2009-11-19, by ysr
6898948: G1: forensic instrumentation for out-of-bounds recent_avg_pause_time_ratio()
2009-11-13, by ysr
6898857: [Regression] -XX:NewRatio with -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC causes fatal error
2009-11-10, by jmasa
6895788: G1: SATB and update buffer allocation code allocates too much space
2009-11-06, by johnc
6901572: JVM 1.6.16 crash on loops: assert(has_node(i),"")
2009-12-02, by cfang
2009-12-01, by iveresov
6904191: OptimizeStringConcat should be product instead of experimental
2009-11-25, by cfang
6892658: C2 should optimize some stringbuilder patterns
2009-11-12, by never
2009-12-01, by iveresov
6896043: first round of zero fixes
2009-11-27, by twisti
2009-11-25, by kamg
2009-11-23, by acorn
6893504: LinkageError for bootstrap duplicate class definitions.
2009-11-11, by acorn
6900899: vm fails to start when -Xmx value is less than OldSize + NewSize
2009-11-20, by phh
2009-11-24, by cfang
6902036: WorldWind asserts on escape.cpp:1153: assert(addr->is_AddP(),"AddP required")
2009-11-19, by kvn
6902000: use ShouldNotReachHere() for btos/ctos/stos in TemplateInterpreterGenerator::set_short_entry_points
2009-11-19, by twisti
6892079: live value must not be garbage failure after fix for 6854812
2009-11-11, by never
2009-11-11, by kamg
2009-11-06, by kamg
6898160: Need serviceability support for new vm argument type 'uint64_t'
2009-11-04, by phh
2009-11-06, by kamg
2009-10-30, by xlu
6887571: Increase default heap config sizes
2009-10-28, by phh
2009-11-10, by cfang
6896352: CTW fails hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/escape.cpp:1155
2009-11-04, by kvn
6896370: CTW fails share/vm/opto/matcher.cpp:1475 "duplicating node that's already been matched"
2009-11-04, by kvn
6769124: various 64-bit fixes for c1
2009-11-02, by roland
6858164: invokedynamic code needs some cleanup (post-6655638)
2009-10-30, by jrose
6852078: HSX 14/16 in jdk 5.0: api/javax_management api/org_omg jck tests crashes or make tnameserv crash
2009-10-30, by cfang
6896084: VM does not reserve protected page below heap for compressed oops implicit null checks
2009-10-29, by kvn
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset c60317f0dfe6
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 2325bc76b570
2009-12-17, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b78 for changeset 4061c66ba1af
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-12-16, by mikejwre
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
2009-12-08, by tbell
6907660: stupid typo in ZipFileIndex guarantees NPE
2009-12-07, by jjg
6906748: Project Coin: Minor strings in switch cleanup
2009-12-03, by darcy
2009-11-23, by tbell
6902337: fix langtools build to allow forward refs into jdk/ repo
2009-11-20, by jjg
6903456: 6898585 drops javadoc doclet.xml from JDK
2009-11-20, by jjg
6902720: javac pretty printer does not handle enums correctly
2009-11-19, by jjg
6900511: javac command line help broken
2009-11-19, by jjg
6902264: fix indentation of tableswitch and lookupswitch
2009-11-19, by jjg
6898585: restructure langtools build.xml to facilitate more options for <build-classes> macro
2009-11-17, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 2edda439128d
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 8b1d8a20852f
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset d396d3706e0b
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset a9713976af74
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-12-16, by mikejwre
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
2009-12-16, by lana
2009-12-10, by lana
6827653: Make Synth UI classes public
2009-12-10, by peterz
6905574: DOC: Introspector's javadoc contains wrong statement
2009-12-09, by malenkov
4638075: DOC: Doc for java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() is incorrect.
2009-12-09, by malenkov
6905516: Test failed: java/beans/EventHandler/
2009-11-30, by malenkov
6905515: Test failed: java/beans/XMLEncoder/6329581/
2009-11-30, by malenkov
2009-11-27, by amenkov
2009-11-27, by amenkov
6832063: OpenJDK fails to open the default ALSA device when PulseAudio is enabled
2009-11-27, by amenkov
6823449: Gervill: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when trying to play too may voices at same time
2009-11-27, by kalli
6833357: Improve time-stamp support in Gervill to reduce jitter
2009-11-27, by kalli
6887318: Incorrect constant used in DirectSound Mixer implementation
2009-11-06, by amenkov
6744801: JCK api/javax_sound/interactive/RecordSoundTest.html#RecordSoundTest fails on Solaris10 x64 for -d64
2009-11-06, by amenkov
5102804: Memory leak in Introspector.getBeanInfo(Class) for custom BeanInfo: Class param
2009-11-27, by malenkov
6904997: (tz) Windows-only: tzmappings needs update for KB976098
2009-11-27, by okutsu
2009-11-25, by lana
6888156: With GTK Look and Feel Icons cannot be rendered in Jtable Cells
2009-11-25, by peterz
6823603: Generics: JList
2009-11-23, by rupashka
2009-12-10, by lana
6903893: Fix failed for CR 6834576: RemoveChild/ test fail with deadlock on rhel and sles
2009-12-09, by dav
6900622: Security warning icon is not getting displayed properly for tooltip
2009-12-09, by anthony
6907568: java/awt/ inproperly merged and lost a changeset
2009-12-08, by mchung
6903890: SWT_AWT focus issues when a dialog is shown/disposed, on X11
2009-12-07, by ant
2009-12-07, by dcherepanov
6823138: Need to replace ComponentAccessor with AWTAccessor
2009-12-07, by dcherepanov
5099725: AWT doesn't seem to handle MappingNotify events under X11.
2009-12-07, by yan
6903354: deadlock involving & SunToolkit.getImageFromHash
2009-12-04, by ant
6566375: PIT : test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/TestDialogTypeAhead.html
2009-12-02, by ant
6901021: Security Warning Icon not getting displayed properly when frame loses focus
2009-12-02, by anthony
6402325: Swing toolbars vs native toolbars on Windows
2009-11-27, by anthony
4913324: Deadlock when using two event queues
2009-11-27, by art
2009-11-25, by lana
4899516: Transferable has no DataFlavors when dragging from Gnome window to Swing
2009-11-25, by denis
5098433: REG: DnD of File-List between JVM is broken for non ASCII file names - Win32
2009-11-24, by denis
6863566: Java should support the startup notification specification
2009-11-20, by anthony
2009-12-10, by lana
2009-12-02, by lana
6904962: GlyphVector.getVisualBounds should not be affected by leading or trailing white space.
2009-11-30, by prr
2009-12-08, by tbell
6905046: More Dual-pivot quicksort improvements
2009-12-08, by jjb
6900043: Add method to return line.separator property
2009-12-07, by martin
6905029: Broken links in Deflater and DeflaterOutputStream javadoc
2009-12-07, by martin
2009-12-07, by alanb
6902010: (cl) Delay initialization of ClassLoader.parallelLoaders
2009-12-07, by alanb
6903753: (se) Selector should implement Closeable
2009-12-07, by alanb
6876158: Remove dependencies on Signer, Certificate, Identity, IdentityScope classes from pkg
2009-12-07, by vinnie
6886058: JNDI LDAP InitialLdapContext SECURITY_CREDENTIALS byte[] can be corrupted, then LDAP referral fails
2009-12-07, by weijun
6879540: enable empty password for kerberos 5
2009-12-07, by weijun
6907177: Update jdk tests to remove unncessary -source and -target options
2009-12-03, by darcy
6906854: SSL/Krb5 testcase should not use a fixed port number
2009-12-03, by vinnie
2009-12-02, by vinnie
6906510: Fix testcase for 6894643: Separate out dependency on Kerberos
2009-12-02, by vinnie
2009-12-01, by ohair
6905705: Fix broken exit code values in jdk/test/Makefile
2009-12-01, by ohair
6903197: Some java template files need to be renamed to .java.template
2009-11-30, by ohair
6367077: Purge LD_LIBRARY_PATH usage from the launcher
2009-11-20, by ksrini
2009-11-29, by tbell
6770883: Infinite loop if SPNEGO specified as
2009-11-27, by weijun
6901085: SPNEGO does not works with native program
2009-11-27, by weijun
6853328: Support OK-AS-DELEGATE flag
2009-11-27, by weijun
6904183: Fix jdk/test/com/sun/jdi tests to run with -samevm
2009-11-25, by ohair
2009-11-23, by tbell
2009-11-23, by mchung
2009-11-23, by mchung
6903638: Remove dependency on AuthPermission from SecurityConstants
2009-11-23, by mchung
2009-11-23, by ohair
6902666: Include closed tests in the test/Makefile jdk_* targets
2009-11-23, by ohair
6888171: JMX Monitor API should not require JavaBeans to be present
2009-11-23, by alanb
2009-11-23, by mullan
6899503: Security code issue using Verisign root certificate
2009-11-23, by mullan
6903102: 3/3 fixes in nightly testing version of need to be committed
2009-11-23, by dcubed
6901170: HttpCookie parsing of version and max-age mis-handled
2009-11-20, by jccollet
6902678: com.sun.tracing.ProviderFactory.createProvider doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException
2009-11-18, by mchung
2009-11-18, by ohair
2009-11-18, by ohair
6892742: Improve root set used by jhat
2009-11-18, by ohair
6902323: Fix testcase sun/tools/native2ascii/
2009-11-18, by ohair
6894461: OCSP Checker should not wrap all Exception as "Unable to send OCSP request."(introduced by #6885667)
2009-11-18, by mullan
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 78820074e4d5
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2017-07-05, by duke
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 3b5dba03cfd7
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
2009-12-16, by mikejwre
6909462: Fix nbproject/private references in .hgignore
2009-12-16, by ohair
2009-12-08, by tbell
2009-11-23, by tbell
6727046: Add message when docs are skipped in control build
2009-11-18, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 606fe54fc200
2009-12-03, by mikejwre
Added tag jdk7-b77 for changeset 1d0121b741f0
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-11-17, by tbell
2009-11-06, by tbell
6893062: remove support for obsolete attributes
2009-10-20, by jjg
Added tag jdk7-b76 for changeset bd950c8f4fb3
2009-11-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-11-17, by tbell
6900341: jaxp/jaxws ant scripts using ant runtime in classpath, needs to be explicit
2009-11-11, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b76 for changeset bd5ae0a4bc94
2009-11-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-11-17, by tbell
6900341: jaxp/jaxws ant scripts using ant runtime in classpath, needs to be explicit
2009-11-11, by ohair
Added tag jdk7-b76 for changeset 430015834eb3
2009-11-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-11-25, by ohair
6903453: Zero build on ARM and IA-64
2009-11-23, by gbenson
Added tag jdk7-b76 for changeset 2180f3e03264
2009-11-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2009-11-25, by ohair
6903453: Zero build on ARM and IA-64
2009-11-23, by gbenson
2009-11-24, by lana
2009-11-18, by lana
6882917: Nimbus and DefaultTableCellRenderer: must start with normal background
2009-11-18, by peterz
6520574: JFileChooser - create new folder - not editable
2009-11-18, by rupashka
6868611: FileSystemView throws NullPointerException
2009-11-17, by rupashka
6842557: NumericShaper needs to be updated for Unicode 5.1 support
2009-11-12, by peytoia
6899397: (tz) Support tzdata2009r
2009-11-11, by peytoia
6878399: public SwingUtilities.getParentViewport() is required
2009-11-06, by alexp
2009-11-06, by alexp
6879228: LayerUI should be extended
2009-11-06, by alexp
6621569: Win32ShellFolder2 and Win32ShellFolderManager2 may leak native resources
2009-11-06, by rupashka
6891412: The method should be synchronized
2009-10-30, by rupashka
6894504: javax/swing/JFileChooser/6741890/ fails w/ RuntimeException
2009-10-30, by rupashka
6795356: Leak caused by javax.swing.UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue.acc
2009-10-22, by alexp
6550546: Win LAF: JFileChooser -> Look in Drop down should not display any shortcuts created on desktop
2009-10-22, by rupashka
6893704: Potential memory leak in gtk2_interface.c
2009-10-22, by peterz
6892340: Part of the CR 6741890 should be forwardported
2009-10-21, by rupashka
2009-11-18, by lana
6890458: Datatransfer API should not require RMI to be present
2009-11-16, by alanb
6882909: Resetting a full-screen window to normal rotates screen to normal orientation.
2009-11-12, by dcherepanov
6880694: GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(null) throws NPE if there's a fullscreen window displayed
2009-11-11, by dcherepanov
6852111: Unhandled 'spurious wakeup' in java.awt.EventQueue.invokeAndWait()
2009-11-11, by dcherepanov
6887249: Get rid of double-check for isValid() idiom in validate() methods
2009-10-23, by anthony
6707273: TrayIcon does not support 8-bit alpha channel in Windows XP
2009-10-22, by dcherepanov
6852592: invalidate() must be smarter
2009-10-21, by anthony
6891483: XToolkit.getEnv() checks for NULL on a wrong symbol
2009-10-19, by anthony
2009-10-15, by lana
6884960: java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/ fails
2009-10-14, by anthony
6885735: closed/java/awt/Component/DisablingLWDisabledHW/DisablingLWDisabledHW.html fails
2009-10-14, by anthony
6711717: PIT: Security Icon is hidden for FullScreen apps, WinXP
2009-10-14, by anthony
6684916: jframe.setMaximizedBounds() has no effect in linux
2009-10-14, by anthony
6796915: Deadlock in XAWT when switching virtual desktops
2009-10-12, by dcherepanov
2009-11-18, by lana
6899078: potential deadlock and performance issue in freeing strike resources with D3D pipeline
2009-11-09, by prr
6897844: Fix broken build on newer versions of X11 (libXext >= 1.1.0)
2009-11-03, by andrew
6896068: SunGraphics2D exposes a reference to itself while non fully initialised.
2009-10-30, by neugens
6888167: memory leaks in the medialib glue code
2009-10-23, by bae
6888215: memory leak in jpeg plugin
2009-10-23, by bae
2009-10-16, by lana
6680634: Printing: "Collate" is ignored under Windows Vista x64
2009-10-16, by jgodinez
6890945: Typo in sentence about thread safety
2009-10-14, by jgodinez
6887494: NPE in pisces Renderer
2009-10-05, by rkennke
6887292: memory leak in freetypeScaler.c
2009-10-02, by igor
2009-11-17, by tbell
6901318: Yet more Dual-pivot quicksort improvements
2009-11-17, by alanb
6858708: HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.setVMOption() throws NullPointerException
2009-11-16, by thurka
2009-11-12, by mchung