/ graph
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8181670: Improve implementation of keystores
2017-09-05, by vinnie
8178449: Improve LDAP logins
2017-09-04, by vinnie
8178466: Better RSA parameters
2017-08-31, by valeriep
8186212: Improve GSS handling
2017-08-24, by valeriep
8182601: Improve usage messages
2017-08-08, by naoto
8182387: Improve PKCS usage
2017-07-28, by apetcher
8182125: Improve reliability of DNS lookups
2017-07-23, by vtewari
8174756: Extra validation for public keys
2017-07-04, by apetcher
8180877: More deeply colored ICC spaces
2017-06-29, by prr
8180869: Cleaner image file reading handling
2017-06-05, by jlaskey
8180015: Cleaner AWT robot handling
2017-06-01, by serb
8179990: Cleaner palette entry handling
2017-05-17, by serb
8180011: Cleaner native graphics device handling
2017-05-17, by prr
8179533: Cleaner print job handling
2017-05-17, by prr
8172525: Improve key keying case
2017-04-28, by apetcher
8176450: Revise default document styling
2017-03-23, by psadhukhan
8181664: Improve JVM UTF String handling
2017-06-12, by rprotacio
8174962: Better interface invocations
2017-05-26, by vlivanov
8180020: Improve SymbolHashMap entry handling
2017-05-25, by rprotacio
8175932: Improve host instance supports
2017-03-20, by hseigel
8160104: CORBA communication improvements
2017-09-03, by msheppar
8195153: [test] runtime/6981737/ shouldn't check 'java.vendor' and 'java.vm.vendor' properties
2018-01-17, by simonis
8194953: doclet corrupts HTML files when adding navbar
2018-01-16, by ksrini
8189146: Have use of "var" in 9 and earlier source versions issue a warning for type declarations
2018-01-16, by darcy
8181047: Add comment to technical terms that shall not be translated
2018-01-16, by joehw
8195598: Reference to overloaded method is ambiguous with 3 methods but works with 2
2018-01-18, by mcimadamore
8195667: ProblemList PKCS11 tests Secmod/ and tls/ due to JDK-8180837
2018-01-17, by jjiang
8194864: Outputs more details for PKCS11 tests if the NSS lib version cannot be determined
2018-01-17, by jjiang
8190229: Non-ASCII characters in file after 8186093
2018-01-17, by wetmore
8194879: Runtime.Version parses string which does not conform to spec without throwing IAE
2018-01-17, by bchristi
8194554: filterArguments runs multiple filters in the wrong order
2018-01-17, by mchung
8189102: All tools should support -?, -h and --help
2018-01-16, by goetz
8194960: Add a test for trust manager and cacerts keystore sanity
2018-01-11, by martin
8193300: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2018-01
2018-01-16, by dl
8191483: AbstractQueuedSynchronizer cancel/cancel race
2018-01-16, by dl
8195119: Fine-tune output text in keytool
2018-01-17, by weijun
2018-01-16, by lana
8187946: Support ISO 4217 Amendments 163 and 164
2018-01-14, by ljiang
8194717: JDK10 L10n resource file update - msgdrop 10
2018-01-14, by lana
8195138: The asynchronous Http1HeaderParser doesn't handle all line folds correctly
2018-01-16, by dfuchs
8194929: Unreferenced FileDescriptors not closed
2018-01-16, by rriggs
8179700: Exceptions thrown in
2018-01-16, by asapre
8195094: Fix type-O in "8159422: Very high Concurrent Mark mark stack contention"
2018-01-16, by goetz
8175542: JMX: Not enough JDP packets received
2018-01-16, by asapre
8195072: Update ASM 3rd party legal copyright to 6.0
2018-01-15, by ksrini
8193933: Export ClassLoaderData claim state to support interleaved object traversal
2018-01-15, by mgronlun
8194993: Loop Strip Mining has some leftover debugging code
2018-01-15, by roland
8193597: sun/nio/cs/ fails intermittently with getBytes(csn) failed -> GBK
2018-01-15, by roland
8194914: Compilation fails with "node not on backedge" in OuterStripMinedLoopNode::adjust_strip_mined_loop
2018-01-15, by roland
8191350: jdk/internal/reflect/CallerSensitive/ test fails when -Xmx512m set
2018-01-14, by mchung
8193767: Improve javadoc in ResourceBundle working with modules
2017-12-21, by mchung
8194883: Unhandleable Push Promises should be cancelled
2018-01-13, by chegar
8194287: tools/launcher/ fails with java.lang.NullPointerException
2018-01-12, by ksrini
8194955: Warn when default HTML version is used
2018-01-12, by jjg
8194044: Regression manual Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8067660/ fails
2018-01-12, by kaddepalli
8194959: Correct test tag to move bugid from @test to @bug
2018-01-12, by amlu
2018-01-12, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+39 for changeset 5b834ec96236
2018-01-12, by lana
8193664: AppCDS tests should use -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures when running with commercial JDK
2018-01-11, by iklam
8181878: javadoc should support/ignore --add-opens
2018-01-11, by jjg
8188145: MethodHandle resolution should follow JVMS sequence of lookup by name & type before type descriptor resolution
2018-01-12, by vlivanov
8187805: bogus RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations for unused local in a block
2018-01-10, by vromero
8194901: remove interim code from
2018-01-10, by jjg
8193673: Regression manual Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/6515169/ fails
2018-01-10, by serb
8194681: G1 uses young free cset time when reporting non-young free cset times
2018-01-09, by lkorinth
2018-01-10, by tschatzl
8194824: Add gc/stress/gclocker/ to the ProblemList file
2018-01-10, by tschatzl
8193607: Test failure with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: compiler.tiered.LevelTransitionTest
2018-01-10, by rraghavan
8194258: PPC64 safepoint mechanism: Fix initialization on AIX and support SIGTRAP
2018-01-10, by mdoerr
8191362: [Graal] gc/g1/TestShrinkAuxiliaryData tests crash with "assert(check_klass_alignment(result)) failed: address not aligned"
2018-01-10, by thartmann
8194836: delta apply changesets for JDK-8192885 and JDK-8175883
2018-01-09, by vromero
8185986: redundant/obsolete overview.html pages
2018-01-09, by jjg
8194742: Writing replay data crashes: task is NULL
2018-01-09, by goetz
8193608: Quarantine test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/codegen/ until JDK-8193479 is fixed
2017-12-15, by thartmann
8194067: [Testbug] serviceability/sa/Jhsdb* tests can't tolerate unrelated warnings
2018-01-09, by sballal
8187951: Update javax.lang.model.SourceVersion for "var" name
2018-01-08, by darcy
8187487: crash with classes with same binary name
2018-01-08, by vromero
8193567: Conversion of comparison nodes affects local slots in optimistic continuation
2018-01-08, by hannesw
8194662: Problem list com/sun/jndi/ldap/
2018-01-08, by amlu
8194666: ProblemList update for bugid associated with, ConcurrentHashMapTest and
2018-01-08, by amlu
8194985: JavaAdapterBytecodeGenerator passes invalid type descriptor to ASM
2018-01-15, by hannesw
8031482: Some jcmds generate output with a \n as a separator rather than \r\n on Windows
2018-01-13, by gadams
8195067: problem list tools/javac/jvm/
2018-01-12, by iignatyev
8194667: Regex: Serialization doesn't work with match flags
2018-01-12, by sherman
2018-01-05, by jwilhelm
8194279: support zhaoxin x86 cpu vendor ids CentaurHauls and Shanghai
2018-01-04, by dholmes
8194406: Use Atomic::replace_if_null
2018-01-04, by kbarrett
8193260: AArch64: JVMCI: Implement trampoline calls
2018-01-03, by aph
8193927: Optimize scanning code for oops.
2017-12-21, by goetz
8188856: Incorrect file path in an exception message when .java_pid is not accessible on Unix
2018-01-02, by gadams
8193193: AArch64: immByteMapBase operand generated for non-CardTable GCs
2017-12-05, by rkennke
8191989: JDK-8190862 work for arch sparc
2017-12-19, by jcbeyler
8191986: JDK-8190862 work for arch aarch64
2017-12-19, by jcbeyler
8191027: JDK-8190862 work for arch x86/x64
2017-12-18, by jcbeyler
8193930: [JVMCI] calling ResolvedTypeType.getClassInitializer on an array type crashes
2017-12-22, by dnsimon
8192123: Zero should use compiler built-ins for atomics on linux-arm
2017-11-29, by glaubitz
8193699: aarch64 fails to build after 8167372
2017-12-22, by rraghavan
8179424: Remove terminally deprecated sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass
2017-12-22, by chegar
8191987: JDK-8190862 work for arch ppc64
2017-12-20, by jcbeyler
2017-12-21, by jwilhelm
8180709: java -javaagent:agent.jar with run-time that does not contain java.instrument prints confusing error
2017-12-20, by gadams
8193897: JDK-8191374 caused windows_i586 build to fail
2017-12-20, by iklam
8152957: Improve specificity of safepoint logging to print safepoint type
2017-12-20, by coleenp
8193840: Add compiler/c2/ to the problem list
2017-12-19, by dholmes
8191374: Improve error message when CDS is not supported on exploded build
2017-12-19, by iklam
8193672: [test] Enhance vm.cds property to check for all conditions required to run CDS tests
2017-12-04, by iklam
8186903: Remove j-types from Atomic
2017-12-19, by coleenp
8193514: UseMembar should not be obsoleted yet
2017-12-18, by rehn
8193509: Test dynamic path to retrieve active processor count.
2017-12-14, by goetz
8167372: Add code to check for getting oops while thread is in native
2017-12-15, by hseigel
2017-12-15, by jwilhelm
8154587: Resolution fails for default method named 'clone'
2017-12-15, by hseigel
8193608: Quarantine test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/codegen/ until JDK-8193479 is fixed
2017-12-15, by thartmann
4358774: Add null InputStream and OutputStream
2018-01-12, by bpb
8165852: (fs) Mount point not found for a file which is present in overlayfs
2018-01-12, by bpb
8194932: no ambuguity error is emitted if classfile contains two identical methods with different return types
2018-01-12, by mcimadamore
8157251: BeanLinker relinks array length operations for array types
2018-01-12, by hannesw
8194893: javac -verbose prints wrong paths for output files
2018-01-11, by jjg
8151850: eliminate
2018-01-11, by jjg
8194148: bcp47u/ and fail on th_TH locale
2018-01-11, by naoto
8194257: javax/net/ssl/compatibility/ should be updated for JDK 6 after JDK-8174748
2018-01-09, by jjiang
8134459: java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/ timed out
2018-01-10, by redestad
8145371: ClassCastException thrown in LambdaFormEditor.getInCache
2018-01-03, by martin
8194724: Problem list java/net/httpclient/
2018-01-08, by xiaofeya
2018-01-06, by lana
8191637: Interface with defaults invalid compiler warning for Serializable
2018-01-05, by jjg
2018-01-05, by lana
2018-01-05, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+38 for changeset e569e83139fd
2018-01-05, by lana
8188649: javadoc -encoding doesn't work when using the old doclet API
2018-01-05, by jjg
8194494: SHA-512 stub uses AVX 2 instructions on non-supporting CPUs
2018-01-05, by thartmann
8194271: jaotc crashes with --debug flag
2018-01-04, by iveresov
8193671: Default Methods tab under Method Summary includes static methods
2018-01-04, by ksrini
8194069: doclint throws missing comment warnings on lines which can't even have javadoc
2018-01-04, by jjg
8179858: jshell tool: sync nomenclature from reference to online /help
2018-01-04, by rfield
2018-01-04, by bobv
8194232: Container memory not properly recognized.
2017-12-27, by goetz
8192007: javadoc @uses and @provides tags in the modules documentation appears before the first-sentence summary of the service type.
2018-01-04, by bpatel
8194649: Minor cleanup of parameter checking in ByteArrayOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
2018-01-05, by bpb
8193861: Typos in API documentation of File.toPath() and InetSocketAddress.getAddress()
2018-01-05, by bpb
8189760: sun/security/ssl/CertPathRestrictions/ failed with unexpected Exception intermittently
2018-01-04, by jjiang
8194141: Remove JDK9Wrappers
2018-01-04, by jjg
8193671: Default Methods tab under Method Summary includes static methods
2018-01-03, by ksrini
8194644: Typo in javadoc
2018-01-04, by alanb
2018-01-04, by lana
8189704: broken links in the javax/xml/namespace package
2018-01-03, by joehw
8194482: Fix SIGSEGV in print_threads_compiling.
2018-01-03, by goetz
8193125: javac should not compile a module if it requires java.base with modifiers
2018-01-03, by jjg
8193468: [PIT][TEST BUG]: java/awt/FileDialog/ fails on Linux
2018-01-03, by sveerabhadra
8194058: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ fails to find method 'sleep' in output
2018-01-03, by sballal
8193506: serviceability/sa/ fails in OpenJDK build
2018-01-03, by sballal
8183964: Bad lexing of javadoc comments (change in parsing/rendering of backslashes in javadoc)
2018-01-02, by jjg
8192837: Need new test for release info file
2018-01-02, by shurailine
8193428: serviceability/sa/ fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: 'UsageTracker' missing from stdout/stderr
2017-12-27, by sballal
8193427: serviceability/sa/ fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: '_jfr_checkpoints' missing from stdout/stderr
2017-12-26, by sballal
8193699: aarch64 fails to build after 8167372
2017-12-26, by rraghavan
8191854: Null pointer dereference in methodData.hpp:462
2017-12-22, by dlong
8191852: Null pointer dereference in ciKlass::get_Klass of ciKlass.hpp:58
2017-12-22, by dlong
8193435: Remove pre-1.2 SecurityManager text from java.awt.Toolkit
2017-12-22, by dmarkov
8191988: JDK-8190862 work for arch s390
2017-12-20, by jcbeyler
2017-12-22, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+37 for changeset 4f830b447edf
2017-12-22, by lana
8184431: References to
2017-12-21, by joehw
8193371: Use Dynalink REMOVE operation in Nashorn
2017-12-20, by attila
8193856: takeWhile produces incorrect result with elements produced by flatMap
2017-12-20, by psandoz
8193568: @LastModified tag in license header
2017-12-21, by joehw
8193365: Improve interoperability between HTTP Client's BodyPublisher/BodySubscriber and Flow.Subscriber/Publisher
2017-12-21, by chegar
8193491: JavaImporter fails to resolve method elements within functions, that contain too many statements
2017-12-21, by hannesw
8193512: Remove remnants of javah from jdk/jdk repo
2017-12-20, by jjg
8193622: JFR test times out intermittently
2017-12-19, by coleenp
2017-12-20, by jwilhelm
8165603: runtime/appcds/ failed to clean up files after test when running with agentvm
2017-12-13, by iklam
8133805: Remove the bot_updates parameter from G1Allocator's allocation methods
2017-12-06, by lkorinth
8192985: SA: Test cases for the clhsdb 'inspect', 'scanoops' and 'printas' commands
2017-12-14, by jgeorge
8193323: Crash in "failed dependencies, but counter didn't change" with enabled UseJVMCICompiler
2017-12-13, by dlong
2017-12-13, by jwilhelm
8193439: Update Graal
2017-12-13, by iveresov
8191788: add jdk.internal.vm.compiler to --limit-modules if -Djvmci.Compiler=graal is in the command line
2017-12-13, by kvn
8190869: C2: missing strength reduction of Math.pow(x, 2.0D) to x*x
2017-12-13, by vlivanov
8193053: jvm crash by G1CMBitMapClosure::do_addr
2017-12-13, by coleenp
8192971: LockCompilationTest fails intermittently
2017-12-13, by neliasso
8190984: tools/launcher/ WARNING was found in the output
2017-12-12, by bchristi
8193271: ProblemList tools/launcher/
2017-12-08, by bchristi
2017-12-12, by dholmes
8193222: EnsureLocalCapacity() should maintain capacity requests through multiple calls
2017-12-12, by dholmes
8193407: jdk/hs fails Solaris slowdebug test-image build
2017-12-12, by dcubed
2017-12-12, by coleenp
8193386: CompressedClassSize too large with MaxMetaspace
2017-12-12, by coleenp
8193363: fails with product builds
2017-12-12, by thartmann
8191229: serviceability/jvmti/GetOwnedMonitorInfo/ fails with NoClassDefFoundError
2017-12-09, by cjplummer
2017-12-08, by jwilhelm
8192989: runtime/appcds/javaldr/ crashes with assert(k->is_instance_klass())
2017-12-08, by ccheung
8193135: get rid of redundant _smr_ prefix/infix in ThreadSMRSupport stuff
2017-12-08, by dcubed
8193124: SA: Testcases for clhsdb jdis and findpc commands
2017-12-08, by sballal
8193508: Expressions in split literals must never be optimistic
2017-12-20, by hannesw
8193698: Null handling in BodyPublisher, BodyHandler, and BodySubscriber convenience static factory methods
2017-12-18, by chegar
8193764: Cannot set COMPANY_NAME when configuring a build
2017-12-19, by mr
2017-12-19, by michaelm
8192966: HttpClient should reuse TCP connection for h2c connections
2017-12-19, by michaelm
8193779: Fix copyright header in nashorn builtin scripts
2017-12-19, by sundar
8193515: AIX: new Harfbuzz 1.7.1 version fails to compile with xlC
2017-12-15, by mbaesken
8193758: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception
2017-12-19, by alanb
8154405: AccessControlException by URLPermission check
2017-12-15, by dmarkov
8190934: Regressions on Haswell Xeon due to JDK-8178811
2017-12-15, by vdeshpande
8193518: C2: Vector registers sometimes corrupted at safepoint
2017-12-15, by roland
Added tag jdk-10+36 for changeset cb54a299aa91
2017-12-15, by lana
8193525: Intermittent failures of
2017-12-14, by jjg
8187487: crash with classes with same binary name
2018-01-02, by vromero
8193832: Performance of InputStream.readAllBytes() could be improved
2017-12-22, by bpb
8194071: [Testbug] Update VMDeprecatedOptions test for obsolete/expired options
2017-12-22, by dholmes
8193840: Add compiler/c2/ to the problem list
2017-12-19, by dholmes
8193514: UseMembar should not be obsoleted yet
2017-12-18, by rehn
8193608: Quarantine test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/codegen/ until JDK-8193479 is fixed
2017-12-15, by thartmann
8193767: Improve javadoc in ResourceBundle working with modules
2017-12-21, by mchung
8193780: (ref) Remove the undocumented "jdk.lang.ref.disableClearBeforeEnqueue" system property
2017-12-21, by mchung
8193216: Filer should warn if processors redefine symbols from the classpath or sourcepath
2017-12-21, by cushon
8193683: Increase the number of clones in the CloneableDigest
2017-12-21, by xuelei
8193838: Update jtreg requiredVersion to 4.2 b11 for JDK 11 and 12 support
2017-12-20, by dholmes
8193085: Vectorize the nio Buffer equals and compareTo implementations
2017-12-20, by psandoz
8191913: Bump classfile version number to 55
2017-12-20, by psandoz
8193371: Use Dynalink REMOVE operation in Nashorn
2017-12-20, by attila
8193842: Replace Files.copy(InputStream,OutputStream) with InputStream.transferTo(OutputStream)
2017-12-20, by bpb
8057650: uniform error diagnostics for inconsistent inherited method signatures
2017-12-20, by mcimadamore
2017-12-19, by prr
2017-12-19, by prr
8179858: jshell tool: sync nomenclature from reference to online /help
2017-12-19, by rfield
2017-12-18, by prr
8188894: jdk/jshell/ failed with IllegalStateException
2017-12-13, by rfield
2017-12-13, by prr
8154405: AccessControlException by URLPermission check
2017-12-13, by dmarkov
8007720: Names are not loaded correctly for method parameters if the parameters have annotations
2017-12-19, by cushon
8173382: Add -source 11 and -target 11 to javac
2017-12-18, by darcy
8193364: verify_special_jvm_flags should not cause an assertion failure when version is bumped
2017-12-15, by dholmes
Added tag jdk-10+36 for changeset 959f2f7cbaa6
2017-12-15, by lana
8193525: Intermittent failures of
2017-12-14, by jjg
Added tag jdk-11+0 for changeset 0ee20aad71c4
2017-12-14, by lana
8193208: Add additional licensing file for the JDK
2017-12-14, by erikj
8193507: [REDO] Startup regression due to JDK-8185582
2017-12-14, by redestad
2017-12-14, by alanb
8193503: javah launcher was not removed by JDK-8191054
2017-12-14, by alanb
8193296: Parser should not eagerly transform delete expressions
2017-12-14, by attila
8192988: keytool should support -storepasswd for pkcs12 keystores
2017-12-14, by weijun
8193257: PPC64, s390 implementation for Thread-local handshakes
2017-12-14, by mdoerr
8193443: [s390]: EncodeISOArray generates wrong vector code
2017-12-14, by lucy
8193490: java/util/zip/ZipFile/,,, failed because cleaner can't finish
2017-12-13, by sherman
8193489: Add information about local variable type inference to SourceVersion.RELEASE_10
2017-12-13, by darcy
8140281: add no-arg Optional.orElseThrow() as preferred alternative to get()
2017-12-13, by smarks
8192833: JEP 322: Time-Based Release Versioning
2017-12-13, by mr
2017-12-13, by jjg
8178070: duplicate entries in package table
2017-12-13, by jjg
8191301: JavaImporter fails to resolve imported elements within functions, that contain too many statements
2017-12-14, by hannesw
8191054: Remove the Native-Header Tool (javah)
2017-12-13, by jjg
8193476: (jdeprscan) additional version updates for JDK 10
2017-12-13, by smarks
8192971: LockCompilationTest fails intermittently
2017-12-13, by neliasso
2017-12-08, by jwilhelm
8193225: [BACKOUT] fix for 8182307 Error during JRMP connection establishment
2017-12-07, by dcubed
8182307: Error during JRMP connection establishment
2017-12-07, by dcubed
8193105: Print error code when map_memory_to_file() fails
2017-12-07, by sangheki
8192908: -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints alone doesn't disable strip mining with G1
2017-12-07, by roland
2017-12-07, by jwilhelm
8193009: compiler/c2/ crashes with SIGILL in java.lang.StringLatin1.indexOf with -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler
2017-12-06, by dlong
8193065: [TESTBUG] [TESTBUG] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: String is not shared.
2017-12-06, by jiangli
8191789: migrate more Thread-SMR stuff from thread.[ch]pp -> threadSMR.[ch]pp
2017-12-06, by dcubed
8192870: [Testbug] runtime/handshake/HandshakeTransitionTest throws NPE
2017-12-05, by dlong
8145579: SimpleThresholdPolicy assumes non-trivial methods to be trivial
2017-12-05, by dlong
8192846: Support cmov vectorization for float
2017-12-05, by kvn
8192909: Invalid username or password in
2017-12-05, by hb
8193068: Add gc/g1/ to problem list
2017-12-05, by sjohanss
8192983: gc/g1/ might fail on loaded machines
2017-12-05, by sjohanss
8193045: JDK-8190484 breaks build on Windows
2017-12-05, by ihse
8191232: compiler/intrinsics/bigInteger/ fails with java.lang.Exception: Failed
2017-11-30, by phedlin
8192950: Missing -nativepath for svc tests
2017-12-05, by dholmes
8191360: Lookup of critical JNI method causes duplicate library loading with leaking handler
2017-12-05, by thartmann
8192897: NPE occurs on clhsdb jstack
2017-12-04, by ysuenaga
8190484: Move jvm.h, jmm.h et al to hotspot/*/include
2017-12-04, by ihse
8191052: [Graal] java/lang/invoke/ intermittently fails with "Failed dependency of type call_site_target_value" when running with Graal as JIT
2017-12-04, by never
8191950: assertion failed: no insertions allowed
2017-12-02, by roland
2017-12-02, by jwilhelm
8192823: SA: Testcase for 'clhsdb source' command
2017-12-02, by sballal
8164407: Add module support for -link and -linkoffline javadoc option
2017-12-13, by bpatel
8193471: Startup regression due to JDK-8185582
2017-12-13, by redestad
8193460: Take tools/launcher/ back off the ProblemList
2017-12-13, by bchristi
2017-12-13, by prr
8191803: [TEST_BUG] : sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ failed with "Wait "greater then 1349" state to be reached
2017-12-13, by akolarkunnu
8187936: Automatically selecting a new JTree node in a model listener can cause unusual behavior
2017-12-12, by kaddepalli
8188083: NullPointerExcpn-java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource.startProduction JDK-8079607
2017-12-12, by pnarayanan
8146537: TrayIcon Action Listener doesnt work in WIndows 10
2017-12-12, by sveerabhadra
8190515: java.awt.Desktop.moveToTrash(File) prompts on Windows 7 but not on Mac
2017-12-12, by sveerabhadra
8162989: jshell tool: /edit with external editor leaks files in /tmp
2017-12-11, by rfield
8189809: Large performance regression in Swing text layout
2017-12-11, by prr
8191814: Marlin rasterizer spends time computing geometry for stroked segments that do not intersect the clip
2017-12-11, by lbourges
2017-12-11, by prr
8178401: Various audio files writers do not close file streams properly
2017-12-10, by serb
8193012: Small cleanup of AWTEvent class
2017-12-09, by serb
8183960: Upgrade to libpng 1.6.34
2017-12-09, by prr
8193211: Update jtreg TEST.groups and ProblemList for client-libs
2017-12-08, by prr
8177758: Regression in java.awt.FileDialog
2017-12-08, by ssadetsky
8191436: ListSelectionModel.setSelectionMode() underspecified
2017-12-08, by pbansal
8191639: NPE from BasicListUI.Actions.getNextPageIndex
2017-12-08, by psadhukhan
8192863: jshell tool: /<id><tab> gives "No such command"
2017-12-07, by rfield
8188836: Upgrade to Harfbuzz 1.7.1 in JDK 10
2017-12-07, by prr
8192979: jshell tool: Online help text for commands is confusing
2017-12-05, by rfield
8191455: jdk/jshell/ and jdk/jshell/ failed after changeset e0f08a
2017-12-04, by rfield
8189656: The Windows L&F should be moved out from the shared folder
2017-12-04, by serb
2017-12-04, by prr
8182610: Update specification of service providers for IIORegistry and ServiceRegistry
2017-12-04, by prr
8181659: Create an alternative fix for JDK-8167102, whose fix was backed out
2017-12-03, by alitvinov
8183518: Premature deprecation of Event/InputEvent/KeyEvent in Java 9
2017-12-01, by serb
2017-12-01, by prr
8191767: Memory leak in JabSwitch
2017-12-01, by prr
8182410: missing 'title' in api/javax/swing/plaf/synth/doc-files/componentProperties.html
2017-11-29, by serb
8193370: Provide more user friendly defaults for HTTP/2 client settings
2017-12-13, by dfuchs
8184947: ZipCoder performance improvements
2017-12-13, by sherman
8193454: ModuleDescriptor.{Requires,Exports,Open} toString should use toLowerCase(Local.ROOT)
2017-12-13, by alanb
8193034: Optimize URL.toExternalForm
2017-12-06, by martin
8191636: [Windows] jshell tool: Wrong character in /env class-path command crashes jshell
2017-12-13, by jlahoda
8190278: ClassCastException is thrown by java.util.Scanner when a NumberFormatProvider is used.
2017-12-13, by nishjain
8192850: method summary tables of inherited methods improperly list static interface methods
2017-12-12, by ksrini
8189131: Open-source the Oracle JDK Root Certificates
2017-12-12, by rhalade
8170495: JNI primitive type mismatch in SocketDispatcher.c:187
2017-12-12, by bpb
8193107: javadoc complains about empty module
2017-12-12, by ksrini
8193192: jdeps --generate-module-info does not look at module path
2017-12-12, by mchung
8183743: Umbrella: add overloads that take a Charset parameter
2017-12-12, by joehw
8176841: Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions
2017-12-12, by naoto
8187254: MethodType allows unvalidated parameter types
2017-12-12, by psandoz
8171826: Comparator.reverseOrder(c) mishandles singleton comparators
2017-12-12, by psandoz
8165996: PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite
2017-12-13, by weijun
8069338: Implement sharedScopeCall for optimistic types
2017-12-12, by hannesw
8193142: Regression: ClassCastException: Type$ErrorType cannot be cast to Type$ArrayType
2017-12-12, by sadayapalam
8185027: Typo in method documentation
2017-12-12, by chegar
8191905: Add a REMOVE StandardOperation to Dynalink
2017-12-12, by attila
8193298: Don't run javadoc with test.single
2017-12-12, by attila
8193258: Better usage of JDWP HEADER SIZE
2017-12-12, by clanger
8190823: Broken link in org/w3c/dom/ls/
2017-12-11, by joehw
8192897: NPE occurs on clhsdb jstack
2017-12-04, by ysuenaga
8191216: SimpleTimeZone.clone() has a data race on cache fields
2017-12-12, by plevart
8185582: Update Zip implementation to use Cleaner, not finalizers
2017-12-11, by sherman
8189778: Jshell crash on tab for StringBuilder.append(
2017-12-11, by jlahoda
8189782: misreports number of arguments consumed
2017-12-08, by jlahoda
8192978: Missing checks and small fixes in jdwp library
2017-12-11, by clanger
8182401: Verification error for enclosing instance capture inside super constructor invocation
2017-12-11, by sadayapalam
8192944: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-12-08
2017-12-08, by dl
8192943: Optimize atomic accumulators using VarHandle getAndSet
2017-12-08, by dl
8193174: SubmissionPublisher invokes the Subscriber's onComplete before all of its submitted items have been published
2017-12-08, by dl
8192935: Fix EnumSet's SerializationProxy javadoc
2017-12-03, by martin
8193271: ProblemList tools/launcher/
2017-12-08, by bchristi
8181118: update java/time tests to use RandomFactory from the top level testlibrary
2017-12-08, by iignatyev
8193194: Update javax.lang.model.util visitors for 10
2017-12-08, by darcy
8187073: The java.util.logging.Level.findLevel() will not correctly find a Level by it's int value
2017-12-08, by dfuchs
8148421: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension
2017-12-08, by xuelei
8080225: FileInput/OutputStream/FileChannel cleanup should be improved
2017-12-01, by rriggs
8192986: Inconsistent handling of exploded modules in jlink
2017-12-08, by sundar
8193256: Configuration and ModuleLayer findModule cleanup
2017-12-08, by alanb
8191033: Regression in specifying .handlers= for root logger (instead of handlers=) no longer works
2017-12-08, by dfuchs
8193137: Nashorn crashes when given an empty script file
2017-12-08, by hannesw
8192970: Element getters/setters with fixed key fail to link properly
2017-12-08, by attila
8193183: Fix format string in libdt_shmem/shmemBase.c
2017-12-08, by clanger
8034254: Don't use binary testing files broken.jar
2017-12-07, by ksrini
8192987: keytool should remember real storetype if it is not provided
2017-12-08, by weijun
8149402: "-group" option issue for classes from default package
2017-12-07, by ksrini
8177681: Remove methods Runtime.getLocalized{Input,Output}Stream
2017-12-07, by smarks
8191030: @value Tags are not resolved by javadoc 9.
2017-12-07, by ksrini
8188789: Update JDK 9.0.1 and Future OpenJDK bundle names
2017-12-07, by erikj
2017-12-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+35 for changeset d8c634b016c6
2017-12-07, by lana
8193191: Update JavacTestingAbstractProcessor for JDK 10
2017-12-07, by darcy
8189248: Jshell: error with mutually dependent snippets, when one must be replaced
2017-12-07, by jlahoda
8193156: Need to backout fixes for JDK-8058547, JDK-8055753, JDK-8085903
2017-12-07, by igerasim
8192945: Need stable sort for MODULES entry in the release file
2017-12-07, by mchung
8193159: Reduce the number of classes loaded due to NativeLibrary
2017-12-07, by mchung
8191872: (fs) UnixNativeDispatcher conditionally compiles in support for high precision timestamps
2017-12-07, by bpb
8191867: Module attribute in 54.0+ class file cannot contains a requires java.base with ACC_TRANSITIVE or ACC_STATIC_PHASE
2017-12-07, by alanb
8193068: Add gc/g1/ to problem list
2017-12-05, by sjohanss
8193065: [TESTBUG] [TESTBUG] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: String is not shared.
2017-12-06, by jiangli
8193009: compiler/c2/ crashes with SIGILL in java.lang.StringLatin1.indexOf with -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler
2017-12-06, by dlong
8192983: gc/g1/ might fail on loaded machines
2017-12-05, by sjohanss
8192909: Invalid username or password in
2017-12-05, by hb
8191950: assertion failed: no insertions allowed
2017-12-02, by roland
2017-12-02, by jwilhelm
8170244: Update UseAVX after cpu feature detection to use more default mapping
2017-12-01, by vdeshpande
8190494: Different results with UseAVX=3 when calling AVX-512 native function via JNI
2017-12-01, by vdeshpande
8192762: LoopNode::verify_strip_mined() fails with "assert failed: only phis"
2017-12-01, by roland
8191273: applications/ctw/modules tests fail intermittently
2017-12-01, by iignatyev
8190809: JVM crashes while generating appcds for classpath with empty directory entry
2017-12-01, by iklam
8192814: Update Graal
2017-12-01, by dlong
2017-12-01, by coleenp
8192898: AIX build broken after JDK-8190308
2017-12-01, by mdoerr
8192825: PPC64: Missing null check in C1 inline cache check
2017-12-01, by mdoerr
8192818: [s390]: restoring register contents calculates wrong value
2017-12-01, by lucy
8179083: Uninitialized notifier in Java Monitor Wait tracing event
2017-12-01, by egahlin
8192810: EnableThreadSMRStatistics should be default off in release builds
2017-12-01, by dcubed
8189439: Parameters type profiling is not performed from aarch64 interpreter
2017-12-01, by dpochepk
8191129: AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
2017-12-01, by dchuyko
8191538: SA: tests for clhsdb commands: vmstructsdump, field, symboltable and symbol
2017-12-01, by jgeorge
8006887: Comment about LIR_OprDesc.value in c1_LIR.hpp is incorrect
2017-12-01, by jcm
8191821: Finer granularity for GC verification
2017-12-01, by sjohanss
8191914: New SA test timeout on windows
2017-12-01, by jgeorge
8192866: [TESTBUG] Move from the closed ProblemList.txt to the open one
2017-11-30, by mseledtsov
8191943: [TESTBUG] docker/TestCPUAwareness fails on machine with 2 CPUs
2017-11-30, by mseledtsov
8190837: BasicType and BasicTypeSize should refer to HotSpot values
2017-12-01, by ysuenaga
8192840: serviceability/dcmd/jvmti/AttachFailed/ failing on Windows
2017-11-30, by cjplummer
8191787: move private inline functions from thread.inline.hpp -> thread.cpp
2017-11-30, by dcubed
8191437: AOT doesn't work easily after thread local handshakes
2017-11-30, by dlong
8174101: Bootclasspath append should not invalidate CDS archive
2017-11-30, by ccheung
8192821: Make LogCompilation into a maven project
2017-11-30, by ecaspole
8186787: clang-4.0 SIGSEGV in Unsafe_PutByte
2017-11-30, by eosterlund
8191564: Refactor GC related servicability code into GC specific subclasses
2017-11-30, by rkennke
8192756: SIGSEGV in nmethod::new_native_nmethod
2017-11-30, by iveresov
8191324: SA cleanup -- part 2
2017-11-30, by jgeorge
8192072: 8191782 fix for missed DeferThrSuspendLoopCount and duplicated DeferPollingPageLoopCount
2017-11-30, by rehn
2017-11-30, by ecaspole
8191779: LogCompilation throws java.lang.Error: scope underflow
2017-11-30, by ecaspole
2017-11-30, by bobv
8192154: JVM crashes inside some chroot environments on linux
2017-11-30, by bobv
8191658: SA: Testcases for attach, detach, reattach and Jhisto commands
2017-11-30, by sballal
8192807: testlibrary_tests/ fail due to new method in
2017-11-30, by sjohanss
8184982: SA: Running ClassDump on a simple java program generates NullPointerException
2017-11-30, by sballal
8192061: Clean up allocation.inline.hpp includes
2017-11-28, by stefank
8191747: [TESTBUG] runtime/appcds/ and fail on product bits
2017-11-29, by iklam
8191927: Enable AppCDS for custom loaders on all 64-bit Linux and AIX
2017-11-28, by iklam
8190980: Develop test cases and collect test pass rate
2017-11-29, by kkharbas
8190308: Implementation: JEP 316: Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
2017-11-29, by kkharbas
8184361: AOT lib at jdk/lib/ seems to override -XX:AOTLibrary=
2017-11-29, by kvn
8188221: Return type profiling is not performed from aarch64 interpreter
2017-11-29, by dchuyko
8165736: Error message should be shown when JVMTI agent cannot be attached
2017-11-29, by ysuenaga
2017-11-28, by coleenp
8190729: Adjustment to anonymous metadata space chunk allocation algorithm
2017-11-27, by zgu
8191870: Remove badJNIHandle
2017-11-28, by kbarrett
8191996: VM startup fails with CodeCacheExpansionSize=32768 is outside the allowed range
2017-11-28, by thartmann
8186027: C2: loop strip mining
2017-11-28, by roland
5016517: Replace plaintext passwords by hashed passwords for out-of-the-box JMX Agent
2017-11-28, by hb
8191863: [s390] Fix CDS: some bytecode rewriting doesn't depend on RewriteControl
2017-11-28, by simonis
8191770: [ppc64] Fix CDS: don't rewrite invokefinal if DumpSharedSpaces
2017-11-28, by simonis
8191769: AARCH64: Fix hint instructions encoding
2017-11-28, by dchuyko
8188877: Improper synchronization in offer_termination
2017-11-28, by drwhite
8191961: SA: Remove left over quarantined SA tests due to 8184042 from ProblemList.txt
2017-11-28, by jgeorge
8188791: Move AppCDS from closed repo to open repo
2017-11-27, by iklam
8191504: [TESTBUG] CDSTestUtils.isUnableToMap() should check OptionalData region mapping failure
2017-11-27, by jiangli
8181633: Vectorization fails for some multiplication with constant cases
2017-06-20, by njian
8191887: assert(b->is_Bool()) in PhaseIdealLoop::clone_iff() due to Opaque4 node
2017-11-27, by roland
2017-11-27, by dcubed
8191919: Include in ProblemList.txt
2017-11-27, by jgeorge
8178497: Bug in MutableNUMASpace::ensure_parsability
2017-11-27, by sangheki
8191153: assert(u_ctrl != blk1 && u_ctrl != blk2) failed: won't converge
2017-11-27, by roland
8189116: Give the only the permissions it really needs to expose the bean
2017-11-10, by jtulach
2017-11-27, by aph
2017-11-27, by aph
8189596: AArch64: implementation for Thread-local handshakes
2017-11-24, by aph