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8144580: java.lang.AssertionError: Missing type variable in where clause: T
2016-01-19, by sadayapalam
8147554: InfoOptsTest fails when executed outside make
2016-01-18, by mcimadamore
8146208: Add a public DocTreeFactory to the Compiler Tree API
2016-01-15, by jjg
Added tag jdk-9+102 for changeset cb71f7f18b6f
2016-01-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-01-21, by lana
8136494: Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.version.specification
2016-01-19, by iris
8146086: Publishing two webservices on same port fails with " Address already in use"
2016-01-18, by mkos
Added tag jdk-9+102 for changeset 7e3feb2ba5b3
2016-01-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-01-21, by lana
8136494: Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.version.specification
2016-01-19, by iris
8134650: Xsl transformation gives different results in 8u66
2015-10-20, by aefimov
8134861: XSLT: Extension func call cause exception if namespace URI contains partial package name
2015-09-09, by aefimov
8133962: More general limits
2015-08-30, by joehw
8147051: StaxEntityResolverWrapper should create StaxXMLInputSource with a resolver indicator
2016-01-15, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+102 for changeset 254cbe482e81
2016-01-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8133299: Nashorn Java adapters should not early bind to functions
2016-01-23, by attila
8148040: jjs -fx test does not exit
2016-01-22, by hannesw
8134933: re-enable LambdaFormEditor assertions in Nashorn testing
2016-01-22, by mhaupt
2016-01-21, by lana
8147845: Varargs Array functions still leaking longs
2016-01-21, by hannesw
8136494: Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.version.specification
2016-01-19, by iris
8144113: enable jjs testing
2016-01-20, by mhaupt
8145305: fix Nashorn shebang handling on Cygwin
2016-01-18, by mhaupt
8146274: Thread spinning on WeakHashMap.getEntry() with concurrent use of nashorn
2016-01-18, by hannesw
Added tag jdk-9+102 for changeset 722ab3267903
2016-01-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-01-21, by lana
8146403: Windows build can be faster
2016-01-16, by erikj
Added tag jdk-9+102 for changeset 05d2c272a439
2016-01-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8148147: Sync up @modules from jigsaw/jake
2016-01-25, by alanb
8148044: Remove Enum[0] constants from EnumSet and EnumMap
2016-01-25, by redestad
8147862: Null check too late in
2016-01-24, by msheppar
8146568: NegativeArraySizeException in ArrayList.grow(int)
2016-01-08, by martin
8147545: Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from java.prefs
2016-01-22, by bpb
8147857: RMIConnector logs attribute names incorrectly
2016-01-22, by sgehwolf
8133035: test/com/sun/jndi/dns/ fails to compile
2016-01-22, by xiaofeya
8147985: Exclude sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ on jdk9/dev
2016-01-21, by amurillo
2016-01-21, by lana
8138990: Implementation of HTTP Digest authentication may be more flexible
2016-01-21, by asmotrak
8147931: Incorrect edits for JDK-8064330
2016-01-21, by robm
8064330: Remove SHA224 from the default support list if SunMSCAPI enabled
2016-01-21, by robm
8147922: Remove sun.misc.ClassFileTransformer
2016-01-21, by chegar
8136494: Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.version.specification
2016-01-20, by iris
8133085: Avoid creating instances of security providers when possible
2016-01-20, by bgopularam
2016-01-20, by henryjen
8145551: Test failed with Crash for Improved font lookups
2015-12-22, by aivanov
8144773: Further reduce use of MD5
2015-12-15, by xuelei
8143002: [Parfait] JNI exception pending in fontpath.c:1300
2015-12-10, by vadim
8143941: Update splashscreen displays
2015-12-08, by azvegint
8143185: Cleanup for handling proxies
2015-12-01, by chegar
8143959: Certificates requiring blacklisting
2015-11-26, by weijun
8141229: [Parfait] Null pointer dereference in cmsstrcasecmp of cmserr.c
2015-11-18, by vadim
8141213: [Parfait]Potentially blocking function GetArrayLength called in JNI critical region at line 239 of jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/image/jpeg/jpegdecoder.c in function GET_ARRAYS
2015-11-03, by vadim
8140543: Arrange font actions
2015-10-26, by vadim
8139012: Better font substitutions
2015-10-21, by vadim
8139017: More stable image decoding
2015-10-16, by vadim