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2016-04-01, by tschatzl
8153193: Missing includes in gc/g1/heapRegionBounds.hpp
2016-04-01, by tschatzl
8153182: GC ID prefix for gc, humongous log messages are missing
2016-04-01, by tschatzl
8148099: Improve memory access to FromCardCache during GC
2016-04-01, by tschatzl
8151442: jstack doesn't close quotation marks properly with threads' name greater than 1996 characters
2016-04-01, by csahu
8153188: Use log_error(gc, verify) for logging in verification code
2016-04-01, by brutisso
8153187: Convert TraceWorkGang to use unified logging
2016-04-01, by brutisso
8153186: Convert TraceGCTaskThread to use unified logging
2016-04-01, by brutisso
2016-04-01, by ctornqvi
8150899: [TESTBUG] Split hotspot_all job into smaller jobs
2016-03-31, by ctornqvi
2016-04-01, by ccheung
8075253: Multiversion JAR feature: CDS does not support MV-JARs
2016-03-31, by ccheung
2016-03-31, by jmasa
8151674: STW phases at Concurrent GC should count in PerfCounter
2016-03-30, by ysuenaga
2016-03-31, by rprotacio
8145235: Deprecate product flags that have been converted to Unified Logging
2016-03-31, by rprotacio
2016-03-31, by brutisso
8152952: Allow G1 phase logging to use individual number of threads
2016-03-31, by brutisso
2016-03-31, by gziemski
8143958: CDS Shared flags need constraint function
2016-03-30, by gziemski
2016-03-31, by dsamersoff
8150973: Hotspot agent use of sun.boot.class.path needs to be updated for Jigsaw
2016-03-31, by dsamersoff
8153065: "Preserve CM refs" log message disconnected from "Parallel Preserve CM refs"
2016-03-31, by tschatzl
8142510: -XX:+PrintFlagsRanges should print default range value for those flags that have constraint and an implicit range.
2016-03-30, by gziemski
8152422: Optimize GC JPRT test set
2016-03-30, by dfazunen
8152916: ostream has unnecessary dependency on GCId
2016-03-29, by kbarrett
2016-03-29, by mockner
2016-03-29, by mockner
8150084: Convert TraceMonitorMismatch to Unified Logging.
2016-03-29, by mockner
8149996: TraceLoaderConstraints has been converted to Unified Logging.
2016-03-29, by mockner
8151993: Remove inclusion of inline.hpp in log.hpp
2016-03-29, by mlarsson
8151438: UL instantiates duplicate tag sets
2016-03-29, by mlarsson
8068579: Running with -XX:-UseParallelGC does not turn ParalleGC off
2016-03-29, by pliden
8152380: Shared symbol table should never use alternate hashcode
2016-03-23, by iklam
8151670: Unexpected concurrent refinement deactivation and reactivation
2016-03-25, by kbarrett
8078112: [TESTBUG] Integrate Selection/Resolution test suite into jtreg tests
2016-03-25, by ddmitriev
8151991: jvmti diagnostics commands requires INCLUDE_SERVICES
2016-03-25, by dsamersoff
8152160: SIGFPE in CompactibleFreeListSpaceLAB::compute_desired_plab_size
2016-03-24, by sangheki
2016-03-25, by jmasa
8060463: ParNew: SurvivorAlignmentInBytes greater then YoungPLABSize cause assert(obj != NULL || plab->words_remaining() < word_sz) failed: Else should have been able to allocate
2016-03-16, by jmasa
2016-03-25, by rprotacio
8146947: Remove PrintOopAddress rather than converting to UL
2016-03-24, by rprotacio
2016-03-24, by kbarrett
8152196: SuspendibleThreadSet::yield scales poorly
2016-03-22, by kbarrett
2016-03-24, by coleenp
8143269: Refactor code in universe_post_init that sets up methods to upcall
2016-03-24, by coleenp
2016-03-24, by hseigel
8140665: SIGSEGV when a primitive type's class is used as the host class in a call to DefineAnonymousClass call
2016-03-24, by hseigel
2016-03-24, by dfazunen
2016-03-24, by dfazunen
8149662: Refactor hotspot/test/gc/g1/plab/lib/
2016-03-23, by mchernov
8152400: Enabling TASK_STATS_ONLY filters out just enabled messages anyway
2016-03-24, by tschatzl
2016-03-23, by jwilhelm
2016-03-23, by dsamersoff
8148659: Add all option to JSnap
2016-03-23, by ysuenaga
8149023: Event based tracing should cover safepoint begin and end
2016-03-23, by dsimms
8152119: Event-based tracing to allow for tracing Klass definition
2016-03-23, by mgronlun
2016-03-23, by mockner
8146632: Add descriptive error messages for removed non-product logging flags.
2016-03-22, by mockner
8144940: Broken hash in string table entry in closed/runtime/7158800/
2016-03-22, by coleenp
8152300: Convert G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING to unified logging
2016-03-22, by brutisso
8142935: Adding old gen regions does not consider available free space
2016-03-21, by tbenson
2016-03-22, by sangheki
8152120: TLAB compute_size() should not allow any size larger than max_size
2016-03-21, by sangheki
2016-03-21, by cjplummer
8146436: Add -XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps option (previously -XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink)
2016-03-21, by cjplummer
8149343: assert(rp->num_q() == no_of_gc_workers) failed: sanity
2016-03-07, by jmasa
2016-03-21, by tschatzl
8150648: Re-enable after JDK-8150183 is fixed
2016-03-17, by mchernov
2016-03-21, by mlarsson
8150015: Integrate TraceTime with Unified Logging more seamlessly
2016-03-15, by rehn
2016-03-21, by brutisso
8148759: G1AllocRegion::_count inconsistently used if more than one context is active
2016-03-18, by brutisso
8152101: Move G1 concurrent refinement adjustment code out of G1CollectorPolicy
2016-03-11, by mgerdin
8152118: MinTLABSize should be less than TLAB max
2016-03-18, by sangheki
2016-03-19, by jwilhelm
2016-03-19, by jwilhelm
2016-03-18, by coleenp
2016-03-18, by coleenp
8152065: TraceBytecodes breaks the interpreter expression stack
2016-03-18, by coleenp
8151845: Comment in globals.hpp for MetaspaceSize is incorrect.
2016-03-17, by jmasa
8152185: ReferencePendingListLocker incorrectly assumes that the lock is never taken recursively
2016-03-18, by pliden
8152113: Remove _last_ditch_collection GC-cause and avoid expanding heap on Metaspace OOM
2016-03-18, by sjohanss
2016-03-18, by stefank
8152104: G1 StringTable cleaning incorrectly logs with the stringdedup tag
2016-03-18, by stefank
8152100: Rework and unify the GC phase logging
2016-03-18, by stefank
8152086: Remove SpaceMangler::mangle_region logging
2016-03-18, by stefank
8151808: Factor G1 heap sizing code out of the G1CollectorPolicy
2016-03-11, by mgerdin
8151637: Move CollectionSetChooser rebuild code into CollectionSetChooser
2016-03-11, by mgerdin
2016-03-18, by stefank
8152007: Add the thread to the GCPhase trace events
2016-03-17, by stefank
8027423: Parallel compact GC class unloading measurement includes symbol and string table time
2016-03-17, by stefank
8026720: Remove the unused SpaceManager::mangle_freed_chunks
2016-03-17, by stefank
2016-03-18, by sangheki
8151085: Change G1 concurrent timer and tracer measuring time
2016-03-17, by sangheki
2016-03-17, by rprotacio
8151560: Safepoint logging has mismatch between command line level and printed level
2016-03-17, by rprotacio
8151711: Move G1 number sequences out of the G1 collector policy
2016-03-08, by mgerdin
2016-03-17, by erikj
8151656: Minor tweaks to old Hotspot build to ease comparison with new
2016-03-17, by erikj
2016-03-17, by tschatzl
8151920: Region liveness printing is broken
2016-03-17, by tschatzl
8151601: Cleanup locking of the Reference pending list
2016-03-17, by pliden
2016-03-16, by brutisso
2016-03-16, by brutisso
8151912: guarantee(GCPauseIntervalMillis >= 1) failed: Constraint for GCPauseIntervalMillis should guarantee that value is >= 1
2016-03-16, by brutisso
2016-03-16, by tschatzl
2016-03-16, by tschatzl
8151614: Improve logging in concurrent mark code
2016-03-16, by tschatzl
8151126: Clean up duplicate code for clearing the mark bitmaps
2016-03-16, by tschatzl
2016-03-16, by brutisso
8151336: Root region scanning should be cancelled and disabled when the ConcurrentMarkThread::run_service() exits
2016-03-16, by brutisso
2016-03-16, by kevinw
2016-03-16, by kevinw
8151509: In check_addr0() function pointer is not updated correctly
2016-03-14, by csahu
2016-03-16, by erikj
8151653: Hotspot build does not respect --enable-openjdk-only
2016-03-15, by erikj
2016-03-16, by dholmes
8148425: strerror() function is not thread-safe
2016-03-12, by stuefe
8151781: DirtyCardQueue::apply_closure is unused
2016-03-16, by kbarrett
2016-03-15, by coleenp
8150085: Convert TraceClearedExceptions to Unified Loggin
2016-03-15, by rprotacio
2016-03-15, by mlarsson
8151264: Add a notification mechanism for UL configuration changes.
2016-03-08, by rehn
2016-03-15, by stefank
8151539: Remove duplicate AlwaysTrueClosures
2016-03-15, by stefank
2016-03-15, by pliden
8148239: incorrectly expects G1 on non-server class machines
2016-03-15, by pliden
8062506: Java GCCause enum is out of sync with C++ GCCause enum
2016-03-15, by pliden
2016-03-15, by dsamersoff
8151709: jhsdb should show help message in SALauncher.
2016-03-15, by ysuenaga
2016-03-15, by brutisso
8151842: Local variables have wrong names after JDK-8148736
2016-03-15, by brutisso
2016-03-15, by dholmes
8137165: Tests fail in SR_Handler because thread is not VMThread or JavaThread
2016-03-15, by dholmes
8151534: Refactor ArrayAllocator for easier reuse
2016-03-09, by stefank
2016-03-14, by mockner
8149995: TraceClassLoadingPreorder has been converted to Unified Logging.
2016-03-14, by mockner
2016-03-14, by coleenp
8151593: Cleanup definition/usage of INLINE/NOINLINE macros and add xlC support
2016-03-11, by simonis
2016-03-14, by dsamersoff
8151181: Add JSnap to jhsdb
2016-03-04, by ysuenaga
2016-03-14, by pliden
8067768: Check for too small values for -Xmx
2016-03-14, by pliden
2016-03-14, by dsamersoff
8151368: SA: Unexpected ArithmeticException in CompactHashTable
2016-03-14, by dsamersoff
8151696: Print all regions on trace level to get same behavior as old PrintHeapAtGCExtended
2016-03-14, by sjohanss
8151693: Move print_heap_before/after_gc to debug level
2016-03-14, by sjohanss
2016-03-13, by coleenp
8151728: jni test crashes JVM assert(_handle != __null) failed: resolving NULL handle
2016-03-12, by coleenp
8140257: Add support for "gc service threads" to ConcurrentGCThread
2016-03-11, by drwhite
8151604: Rely on options range checking rather than explict checks
2016-03-13, by brutisso
2016-03-11, by mockner
8146551: The output from classresolve tag has been shortened and moved to debug level.
2016-03-10, by mockner
2016-03-11, by mlarsson
8151265: Add a way to extend UL tags
2016-03-08, by rehn
8151304: Remove unused develop options(ClearInterpreterLocals and others)
2016-03-11, by ddmitriev
2016-03-11, by brutisso
8151605: Change warning() to log_warning(gc) in the GC code
2016-03-11, by brutisso
8151602: Remove logging from refillLinearAllocBlockIfNeeded()
2016-03-11, by brutisso
8151603: Use error stream instead of tty for logging before ShouldNotReachHere()
2016-03-11, by brutisso
8151633: Don't keep copies of the survivor lists and counts in the G1CollectorPolicy
2016-03-11, by mgerdin
2016-03-11, by tschatzl
8150952: Net PLAB size is clipped to max PLAB size as a whole, not on a per thread basis
2016-03-11, by tschatzl
8134749: SoftReferences declared dead too early
2016-03-11, by pliden
2016-03-10, by kbarrett
8150676: Use BufferNode index
2016-03-10, by kbarrett
8150778: Reduce Throwable.getStackTrace() calls to the JVM
2016-03-10, by coleenp
2016-03-10, by iignatyev
8145908: [Newtest] Multi-threading stress test for G1 Remembered Sets
2016-03-01, by dfazunen
8150183: gc/g1/plab/ - previous PLAB size should be less than current
2016-03-03, by mchernov
2016-03-10, by stefank
8151440: Move BitMap verfication inline functions out from bitMap.hpp
2016-03-09, by stefank
8151439: Inline the BitMap constructor
2016-03-09, by stefank
8151436: Leaner ArrayAllocator and BitMaps
2016-03-09, by stefank
8150617: nth_bit and friends are broken
2016-02-25, by stefank
8151514: Remove the noisy NOISY debugging code from parCardTableModRefBS.cpp
2016-03-10, by brutisso
8145312: CMS: There is insufficient memory with CMSSamplingGrain=1
2016-03-09, by sangheki
2016-03-09, by kbarrett
8150688: Fix os_windows siglabel
2016-03-09, by kbarrett
8150362: G1 base elapsed time prediction is wrong because rs_length prediction is wrong
2016-03-09, by sangheki
2016-03-09, by jwilhelm
2016-03-09, by brutisso
8151513: Remove debugging code from BarrierSet
2016-03-09, by brutisso
8151196: Several tests fail due to test library not found
2016-03-09, by sla
8151414: os::pretouch_memory should take void* instead of char*
2016-03-09, by tschatzl
8146991: Introduce per-worker preserved mark stacks in ParallelGC
2016-03-09, by tonyp
8150083: Convert VerboseVerification to Unified Logging
2016-03-08, by rprotacio
8149991: Convert TraceSafepointCleanupTime to Unified Logging
2016-03-08, by rprotacio
2016-03-08, by ehelin
8151365: Move G1YoungGenSizer to a separate file
2016-03-07, by ehelin
8146683: check_addr0 should be more efficient
2016-03-08, by csahu