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Added tag jdk-9+144 for changeset 4a00f20b9fe2
2016-11-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8168500: (se) EPollArrayWrapper optimization for update events should be robust to dynamic changes in file descriptor resource limits
2016-11-15, by bpb
8169720: jimage help message for --include option should be corrected
2016-11-15, by jlaskey
8168931: Few OCSP related test failed with "Response is unreliable: its validity interval is out-of-date"
2016-11-14, by ascarpino
8168861: AnchorCertificates uses hardcoded password for cacerts keystore
2016-11-14, by ascarpino
8169316: com/sun/net/httpserver tests have undeclared dependency on java.logging
2016-11-08, by skovalev
8169556: Wrapping of FileInputStream's native skip and available methods
2016-01-28, by rriggs
8169595: jshell tool: pasting multiple lines hangs input
2016-11-14, by jlahoda
8164815: 3 JCK NetworkInterface tests fail on Raspberry Pi
2016-11-11, by msheppar
2016-11-11, by lana
8169041: com/sun/corba/cachedSocket should be added to exclusiveAccess.dirs
2016-11-11, by amlu
8169001: Remove launcher's built-in ergonomics
2016-11-10, by ksrini
8169196: [TESTBUG] Three tests from sun/net/www have undeclared dependencies
2016-11-09, by skovalev
8169362: Interop automated testing with Chrome
2016-11-10, by xuelei
8164934: javadoc code example
2016-11-09, by psandoz
8169191: (tz) Support tzdata2016i
2016-11-08, by rpatil
8169229: RSAClientKeyExchange debug info is incorrect
2016-11-08, by wetmore
8168882: keytool doesn't print certificate info if disabled algorithm was used for signing a jar
2016-11-08, by asmotrak
8168862: Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.zipfs module
2016-11-08, by sherman
8166735: JarFile#getVersion spec clarification for unversioned jars
2016-11-08, by psandoz
8165782: java.util.jar.JarFile.runtimeVersion() spec needs clarification
2016-11-08, by psandoz
8168911: Increased number of classes initialized during initialization of SignatureFileVerifier
2016-11-08, by redestad
8166994: Improve sun.util.locale.LocaleMatcher
2016-11-08, by nishjain
8169318: Dump the reproduced packet in
2016-11-08, by xuelei
8155756: Better context for some jlink exceptions
2016-11-07, by jlaskey
Added tag jdk-9+144 for changeset 612b698f8b8f
2016-11-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+144 for changeset 458b7becdccc
2016-11-11, by lana
8169632: Update compare script for clean compare
2016-11-15, by erikj
8169630: Fix wrong cpu build flag for Linux/ppc64le build
2016-11-14, by simonis
Added tag jdk-9+144 for changeset 854ef5325653
2016-11-11, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+144 for changeset 31f5023200d4
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8169093: Generics, javac not matching actual and formal arguments.
2016-11-07, by mcimadamore
8168854: javac erroneously reject a a service interface inner class in a provides clause
2016-11-07, by mcimadamore
8161983: JShell API: Clean-up following 8160127 et. al.
2016-11-06, by rfield
8129559: JShell: compilation fails if class, method or field is annotated and has modifiers
2016-11-04, by rfield
2016-11-04, by lana
8167975: align javac --add-* modules options with launcher
2016-11-03, by jjg
8161969: jshell tool: /var value is not truncated per feedback setting
2016-11-03, by rfield
8166857: langtools build.xml broken on windows
2016-11-02, by ksrini
8166635: getEnclosedElements() on package causes BadClassFile error
2016-11-03, by jlahoda
8167636: jshell tool: Edit Pad should be in its own module
2016-11-02, by rfield
8169078: add bug IDs to jdeprscan tests
2016-11-02, by smarks
8169074: Build is failing after JDK-8166538
2016-11-02, by jlahoda
8166538: Improve error reporting for compiling against unexported package
2016-11-02, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 3ef02797070d
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 4adab4f59cdc
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset e444f2f9dc8a
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8156619: Unimplemented ES6 features should result in clear Error being thrown
2016-11-07, by hannesw
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 40da931419f1
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 450cb4719bea
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8159393: jlink should print a warning that a signed modular JAR will be treated as unsigned
2016-11-07, by jlaskey
8160491: tar.gz bundles missing files containing $
2016-11-07, by erikj
8168108: lib/classlist should be packaged in java.base.jmod
2016-11-07, by erikj
8166286: jmod fails on symlink to directory
2016-11-07, by sundar
8169231: Fix tests to add @compile --add-modules to workaround jtreg bug
2016-11-04, by mchung
8156079: consider making empty instances singletons
2016-11-04, by smarks
2016-11-04, by lana
8037278: sun/rmi/runtime/Log/6409194/ fails Intermittently: unexpected subprocess output
2016-11-04, by amlu
6479237: (cl) Add support for classloader names
2016-11-03, by mchung
8133632: does not properly handle received SSL fatal alerts
2016-11-03, by jnimeh
2016-11-03, by ddehaven
8167176: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.desktop
2016-11-01, by alexsch
8168899: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException if click button in JFileChooser demo of SwingSet2
2016-11-01, by alexsch
2016-10-31, by ddehaven
8167615: Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound
2016-10-31, by serb
8168540: [TEST_BUG] On Unity, need a delay before screenshot taking to avoid animation
2016-10-31, by aniyogi
8075904: The regression-swing case failed as Ctrl-F4 can't work with the special options"-client -Dswing.defaultlaf=javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel"
2016-10-28, by ssadetsky
8168609: No link to BMP specification in javax.imageio package documentation
2016-10-28, by jdv
2016-10-27, by prr
8165981: Consider making some classes in javax.imageio.plugins.tiff final
2016-10-27, by bpb
8162796: [macosx] LinearGradientPaint and RadialGradientPaint are not printed on OS X.
2016-10-27, by psadhukhan
8168292: [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/ fails on OS X
2016-10-27, by pkbalakr
8168470: [TEST_BUG] @test missed in java/awt/Window/ChangeWindowResizabilty/
2016-10-26, by aghaisas
8168367: Table in javax.imageio package description does not mention TIFF
2016-10-25, by bpb
8168364: [macosx] Delete unused class NSPrintinfo
2016-10-25, by prr
8168288: Dubious FontMetrics values from NullFontScaler
2016-10-25, by prr
8168498: ExifGPSTagSet and ExifTIFFTagSet should use string literals for String constants
2016-10-24, by bpb
8159454: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/ToolTipManager/7123767/ number of checked graphics configurations should be limited
2016-10-20, by avstepan
8168681: Correct deprecation text for Class.newInstance
2016-11-03, by darcy
8169002: Several java/net/httpclient have undeclared dependency on java.logging module
2016-11-03, by skovalev
8169020: Add since element to JDBC deprecated methods
2016-11-03, by lancea
8169055: [TESTBUG] java/io/Serializable/serialFilter/ tests have undeclared dependency on java.compiler module
2016-11-03, by rriggs
8143097: java/net/ipv6tests/ fails intermittently with "checkTime failed: got 1998 expected 4000"
2016-11-03, by amlu
8156504: java/net/URLPermission/nstest/ fails intermittently
2016-11-02, by xiaofeya
8151511: Test case in CollectionAndMapModifyStreamTest for LinkedHashMap overrides that for HashMap
2016-11-03, by amlu
8168972: Editor support: move built-in and external editor support to the jdk repo
2016-11-02, by rfield
8158963: RMI server-side multiplex protocol should be disabled
2016-11-02, by rriggs
8168921: Inconsistent Annotation.toString()
2016-11-02, by igerasim
8168923: Use unsigned random long in a temp directory name
2016-11-02, by igerasim
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 32253abe330e
2016-11-04, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-11-04, by lana
6479237: (cl) Add support for classloader names
2016-11-03, by mchung
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 621dfac78ca1
2016-11-04, by lana
8160491: tar.gz bundles missing files containing $
2016-11-07, by erikj
8168108: lib/classlist should be packaged in java.base.jmod
2016-11-07, by erikj
2016-11-04, by lana
2016-11-03, by ddehaven
8167176: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.desktop
2016-11-01, by alexsch
8168974: Editor support: include properties file in image
2016-11-02, by rfield
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset 97e8b9b653f9
2016-11-04, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+143 for changeset d62173b931bf
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8131019: jshell tool: access javadoc from tool
2016-11-02, by jlahoda
8169025: Problem list until JDK-8169005 is fixed
2016-11-01, by darcy
8165646: (jdeprscan) adjust tool output to improve clarity
2016-11-01, by smarks
8167431: javac takes too long time to resolve interface dependency
2016-11-01, by vromero
8132562: javac fails with CLASSPATH with double-quotes as an environment variable
2016-11-01, by vromero
8167057: jdeps option to list modules and internal APIs for @modules for test dev
2016-10-31, by mchung
8168789: ModuleReader.list and ModuleFinder.of update
2016-10-28, by alanb
8167643: JShell: silently ignore access modifiers (as semantically irrelevant)
2016-10-27, by rfield
2016-10-27, by lana
8168774: Polymorhic signature method check crashes javac
2016-10-26, by mcimadamore
8168134: Inference: javac incorrectly propagating inner constraint with primitive target
2016-10-26, by mcimadamore
8166367: Missing ExceptionTable attribute in anonymous class constructors
2016-10-26, by sadayapalam
8168369: fix for langtools intermittent failures needs to check PRODUCT_HOME
2016-10-25, by tbell
8166649: jshell tool: missing --add-modules and --module-path
2016-10-24, by rfield
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset a628785b9dd9
2016-10-27, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset 65fab2e83c63
2016-10-27, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8168968: Two jaxp tests failing after JDK-8167646
2016-11-02, by fyuan
8069098: StAX produces the wrong event stream
2016-10-31, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset d32a755d06d1
2016-10-27, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8169050: underscore_linker.js sample fails after dynalink changes for JDK-8168005
2016-11-02, by sundar
8168005: Introduce namespaces for GET, SET Dynalink operations
2016-11-01, by attila
8148924: Inconsistent "this" context in JSAdapter adaptee function calls
2016-10-28, by hannesw
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset 4519c4ace34d
2016-10-27, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+142 for changeset e2be7700de36
2016-10-27, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8169024: Problem list until JDK-8168881 is fixed
2016-11-03, by darcy
8152515: (logging) LogManager.resetLogger should ignore LinkageError
2016-11-02, by dfuchs
8168771: Remove #ifdef AF_INET6 guards in libnet native coding
2016-11-02, by clanger
8063154: Checked in jvmti.h not in sync with generated jvmti.h
2016-11-02, by erikj
8168518: rcache interop with krb5-1.15
2016-11-02, by weijun
8160063: Provide a means to disable a plugin via the command line
2016-11-02, by sundar
8168841: The JavaDoc of method collectingAndThen has incorrect code snippet
2016-11-01, by psandoz
8167974: MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(...) fails with CCE in the case of iterating over array
2016-11-01, by psandoz
8156499: Update jlink to support creating images with modules that are packaged as multi-release JARs
2016-11-01, by sdrach
8168980: Reinstate sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(Class,Constructor)
2016-11-01, by chegar
4985694: Incomplete spec for most of the getInstances
2016-10-31, by wetmore
8168517: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed
2016-10-31, by rriggs
8166261: Scanner.nextInt(int) (and similar methods) throws PatternSyntaxException
2016-10-31, by sherman
8167646: Better invalid FilePermission
2016-10-31, by weijun
8168127: FilePermissionCollection merges incorrectly
2016-10-31, by weijun
8168524: Remove two jdk_nio tests from ProblemList: BashStreams and
2016-10-31, by amlu
8167680: DTLS implementation bugs
2016-10-29, by xuelei
8168512: (tz) Support tzdata2016h
2016-10-28, by rpatil
8163162: The separation between system loggers and application loggers should take the extension loader in consideration.
2016-10-28, by dfuchs
8168789: ModuleReader.list and ModuleFinder.of update
2016-10-28, by alanb
8168822: Document that algorithm restrictions do not apply to trusted anchors
2016-10-27, by xuelei
2016-10-27, by lana
8168205: Should not default class path to CWD if -cp is not specified but -m is specified
2016-10-27, by mchung
2016-10-27, by mullan
8168851: Tighten permissions granted to the java.smartcardio module
2016-10-27, by mullan
8168010: Deprecate obsolete launcher -d32/-d64 options
2016-10-27, by ksrini
8167187: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.jsobject
2016-10-27, by ddehaven
2016-10-27, by prr
8167988: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException if click button in JFileChooser demo of SwingSet2
2016-10-27, by prr
8156217: Selected text is shifted on HiDPI display
2016-10-20, by alexsch
2016-10-19, by prr
8154434: Open the request focus methods of the java.awt.Component which accept FocusEvent.Cause
2016-10-19, by ssadetsky
8167126: Create a module to provide access to non-SE desktop APIs
2016-10-18, by prr
8166673: The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() may hang
2016-10-18, by serb
8166897: Some font overlap in the Optionpane dialog.
2016-10-18, by ssadetsky
8089573: [macosx] Incorrect char to glyph mapping printing on OSX 10.10
2016-10-17, by prr
8168077: Solaris build failed: gtk2_interface.h typedef redeclared: GThreadFunctions
2016-10-17, by ssadetsky
8167288: [TEST_BUG] Consistent failure on Unity of
2016-10-17, by arapte
8158390: [macosx] Regression: javax/swing/JMenuItem/8139169/
2016-10-17, by mhalder
8153526: [Unity] Taskbar.getTaskbar().setMenu(null) doesn't remove menu
2016-10-17, by azvegint
8163167: [PIT] javax/swing/JTextArea/ScrollbarFlicker/ always fail
2016-10-17, by ssadetsky
8161473: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] add autodelay to java/awt/TrayIcon/TrayIconEventModifiers/
2016-10-17, by rchamyal
8167281: IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods
2016-10-17, by jdv
8167486: Device.getDisplayMode() doesn't report refresh rate on Linux in case of dual screen
2016-10-17, by ssadetsky
8164321: Crash of SwingNode with GTK LaF
2016-10-17, by ssadetsky
8166034: [macosx] Non-AA Serif font always displays as regular - no bold
2016-10-14, by prr
8167435: IllegalArgumentException is not thrown by,byte[], int, int)
2016-10-14, by serb
2016-10-14, by prr
8167310: The graphics clip is incorrectly rounded for some fractional scales
2016-10-14, by serb
8167565: [macosx] Maximization of a dialog hides it
2016-10-14, by azvegint
8158380: [macosx] Regression: java/awt/List/ActionEventTest/
2016-10-14, by mhalder
8166980: JCK testing of Window.setIconImage() leads to VM crash starting approx from JDK9 b134
2016-10-14, by aghaisas
6294607: GIFWriter returns the same compression type twice
2016-10-13, by jdv
8167291: [TEST_BUG] javax/print/attribute/
2016-10-12, by psadhukhan
8167523: JDK 9 build failure on MacOS due to unhandled cases in switch statement
2016-10-11, by prr
2016-10-10, by prr
8160893: [macosx] JMenuItems in JPopupMenu are not accessible
2016-10-06, by ptbrunet
8165232: XKeycodeToKeysym is deprecated and should be replaced
2016-10-06, by alanbur
8165555: [macosx] VM crashes on second attempt to execute JCK interactive tests that use Robot (single JVM, agent)
2016-10-06, by mhalder
8058950: [TESTBUG] There is no F1 dialog when the case loading,so we can't restore it.
2016-10-06, by aghaisas
8151787: Unify the HiDPI splash screen image naming convention
2016-10-06, by rchamyal
7067885: FileChooser does not display soft link name if link is to nonexistent file/directory
2016-10-05, by alexsch
8165485: Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Motif L&F on HiDPI display
2016-10-05, by alexsch
8166591: [macos 10.12] Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast (Trackpad, Retina only)
2016-10-05, by alexsch
8167028: can be removed
2016-10-04, by serb
8167481: cleanup of headers and includes for native libnet
2016-10-27, by clanger
8168064: sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker/ failed with "Received fatal alert: handshake_failure"
2016-10-26, by mli
8168640: (fc) Avoiding AtomicBoolean in FileInput/-OutputStream improves startup
2016-10-26, by redestad
8168613: CORBA ObjectStreamTest fails with address in use
2016-10-26, by rriggs
8168773: Temporarily remove java/net/httpclient from jdk_net test group
2016-10-26, by chegar
8166810: jlink should fail on extra arguments
2016-10-26, by sundar
2016-10-25, by amurillo
2016-10-25, by amurillo
2016-10-20, by amurillo
8165827: Support private interface methods in JNI, JDWP, JDI and JDB
2016-10-18, by dholmes
8167034: Re-enable once JDK-8167001 is fixed
2016-10-18, by cjplummer
8167001: [TESTBUG] java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/ fails when run by jprt
2016-10-18, by cjplummer
8158797: Test java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails when GC is specified explicitly
2016-10-17, by akulyakh
2016-10-13, by amurillo
2016-10-13, by amurillo
8166801: [s390] Add jvm.cfg file for Linux/s390x
2016-09-28, by simonis
8166657: Remove exports to jdk.hotspot.agent
2016-10-03, by dsamersoff