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6484686: The next directory looks like it is no longer part of the build (deploy makefiles)
2008-04-14, by ohair
2008-04-07, by xdono
6627823: Missed whitespace normalization files: jdk/test/java/rmi
2008-04-01, by ohair
6482134: JDK 6 build error on Windows, Visual Studio .NET on Japanese locale
2008-04-01, by ohair
6501543: Username can have non-alphanumeric characters
2008-03-31, by ohair
6482445: j2se/make/java/java/ uses 'sort' from PATH, could get system32/sort
2008-03-31, by ohair
6672405: OPENJDK build: jdk7/jdk/make/tools/freetypecheck leaves dirt behind
2008-03-31, by ohair
2008-03-27, by xdono
2008-04-11, by tbell
2008-04-07, by tbell
2008-04-07, by wetmore
6683078: Update JCE framework and provider builds to work on read-only filesystems
2008-04-06, by wetmore
6668231: Presence of a critical subjectAltName causes JSSE's SunX509 to fail trusted checks
2008-04-02, by xuelei
2008-03-31, by valeriep
6682417: JCK test failed w/ ProviderException when decrypted data is not multiple of blocks
2008-03-31, by valeriep
6682411: JCK test failed w/ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException (-1) when decrypting with no data
2008-03-31, by valeriep
6469580: 1.5.0_08 JVM crashes in SignatureHandlerLibrary::add on Fujitsu Primepower platform
2008-03-31, by wetmore
6681652: Two new regression test failures in pkcs11 code
2008-03-31, by valeriep
2008-03-28, by wetmore
2008-03-21, by valeriep
6599979: KeyStore.setEntry/setKeyEntry() do not override existing entry for secret key objects
2008-03-20, by valeriep
6572331: regression: cipher.wrap operation fails with CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID
2008-03-20, by valeriep
4898461: Support for ECB and CBC/PKCS5Padding
2008-03-20, by valeriep
6670362: HTTP/SPNEGO should work across realms
2008-03-20, by weijun
6610917: Define a generic NotificationFilter
2008-04-01, by emcmanus
2008-03-27, by dcubed
6679866: 3/2 portability issues with JLI-batch-200803 on Win*
2008-03-26, by dcubed
6667089: 3/3 multiple redefinitions of a class break reflection
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6655234: 4/4 j.l.i.: setNativeMethodPrefix does not document that prefix string can be null
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6572160: 3/3 Instrumentation.getObjectSize triggers JVM crash in JPLISAssert in shutdown
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6642405: 4/4 src/share/instrument/JPLISAgent.c line 286: "==" found where assignment "=" expected
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6547500: 2/2 j.l.i.: .retransformClasses throws unexpected InternalError
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6547358: 2/2 j.l.i.: manifest attribute 'Can-Retransform-Classes' is ignored by isRetransformClassesSupported()
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6545149: 4/4 JLI Instrumentation.redefineClasses SIGSEGVs on java/lang/Thread
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6528548: 4/4 times out intermittently in nightly
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6491461: 3/3 TEST: java/lang/instrument .sh tests need to use $TESTVMOPTS in their java commands
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6487488: 3/5 TEST_BUG: Something in test/java/lang/instrument creates a copy of an SCCS dir
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6289149: 4/4 Java Agent will pick wrong execution path while attaching
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6274276: 3/2 java.lang.instrument JAR manifest processing does not remove spaces from class names
2008-03-24, by dcubed
5088398: 3/2 java.lang.instrument TCK test deadlock (test11)
2008-03-24, by dcubed
4926961: 4/4 TransformerManagementThreadRemoveTests hangs
2008-03-24, by dcubed
6239043: 4/4 failed
2008-03-24, by dcubed
2008-03-27, by tbell
6643627: JMX source code includes incorrect Java code
2008-03-21, by emcmanus
6649542: Document explicitly in registerMBean etc that MBeanServerNotification is emitted
2008-03-21, by emcmanus
2008-03-19, by mchung
6672804: First line in com/sun/management/package.html is broken
2008-03-18, by mchung
6658779: Regression: HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getDiagnosticOptions() throws NullPointerException
2008-03-18, by mchung
6675768: NoSuchElementException thrown in RequiredModelMBean when tracing enabled
2008-03-19, by emcmanus
Added tag jdk7-b25 for changeset 8d655ddd5a03
2008-04-09, by xdono
2017-07-05, by duke
2008-04-22, by trims
6689788: Bump HSX12 build version number
2008-04-16, by jcoomes
6692301: Side effect in NumberFormat tests with -server -Xcomp
2008-04-15, by kvn
6692235: Fix for 6666698 broke -XX:BiasedLockingStartupDelay=0
2008-04-10, by sbohne
6681646: Relocking of a scalar replaced object during deoptimization is broken
2008-04-01, by kvn
6682236: C2 hits ideal nodes limit during IGVN optimization with EA
2008-03-31, by kvn
6636352: Unit tests for supplementary character support fail with -XX:+AggressiveOpts
2008-03-31, by never
6679422: networkStream::connect() in ostream.cpp is not 64-bit clean
2008-03-28, by jcoomes
6642862: Code cache allocation fails with large pages after 6588638
2008-03-28, by jcoomes