author tonyp
Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:30:42 -0500
changeset 7923 fc200fcd4e05
parent 7397 5b173b4ca846
child 13195 be27e1b6a4b9
permissions -rw-r--r--
6977804: G1: remove the zero-filling thread Summary: This changeset removes the zero-filling thread from G1 and collapses the two free region lists we had before (the "free" and "unclean" lists) into one. The new free list uses the new heap region sets / lists abstractions that we'll ultimately use it to keep track of all regions in the heap. A heap region set was also introduced for the humongous regions. Finally, this change increases the concurrency between the thread that completes freeing regions (after a cleanup pause) and the rest of the system (before we'd have to wait for said thread to complete before allocating a new region). The changest also includes a lot of refactoring and code simplification. Reviewed-by: jcoomes, johnc

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.


#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"

// correct linkage required to compile w/o warnings
// (must be on file level - cannot be local)
extern "C" { typedef int (*ftype)(const void*, const void*); }

class ResourceArray: public ResourceObj {
  int   _length;                                 // the number of array elements
  void* _data;                                   // the array memory
#ifdef ASSERT
  int   _nesting;                                // the resource area nesting level

  // creation
  ResourceArray() {
    _length  = 0;
    _data    = NULL;
    // client may call initialize, at most once

  ResourceArray(size_t esize, int length) {
    DEBUG_ONLY(_data = NULL);
    initialize(esize, length);

  void initialize(size_t esize, int length) {
    assert(length >= 0, "illegal length");
    assert(_data == NULL, "must be new object");
    _length  = length;
    _data    = resource_allocate_bytes(esize * length);

#ifdef ASSERT
  void init_nesting();

  // helper functions
  void sort     (size_t esize, ftype f);         // sort the array
  void expand   (size_t esize, int i, int& size);// expand the array to include slot i
  void remove_at(size_t esize, int i);           // remove the element in slot i

  // standard operations
  int  length() const                            { return _length; }
  bool is_empty() const                          { return length() == 0; }

class CHeapArray: public CHeapObj {
  int   _length;                                 // the number of array elements
  void* _data;                                   // the array memory

  // creation
  CHeapArray() {
    _length  = 0;
    _data    = NULL;

  CHeapArray(size_t esize, int length) {
    assert(length >= 0, "illegal length");
    _length  = length;
    _data    = (void*) NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char *, esize * length);

#ifdef ASSERT
  void init_nesting();

  // helper functions
  void sort     (size_t esize, ftype f);         // sort the array
  void expand   (size_t esize, int i, int& size);// expand the array to include slot i
  void remove_at(size_t esize, int i);           // remove the element in slot i

  // standard operations
  int  length() const                            { return _length; }
  bool is_empty() const                          { return length() == 0; }

#define define_generic_array(array_name,element_type, base_class)                        \
  class array_name: public base_class {                                                  \
   protected:                                                                            \
    typedef element_type etype;                                                          \
    enum { esize = sizeof(etype) };                                                      \
    void base_remove_at(size_t size, int i) { base_class::remove_at(size, i); }          \
   public:                                                                               \
    /* creation */                                                                       \
    array_name() : base_class()                       {}                                 \
    array_name(const int length) : base_class(esize, length) {}                          \
    array_name(const int length, const etype fx)      { initialize(length, fx); }        \
    void initialize(const int length)     { base_class::initialize(esize, length); }     \
    void initialize(const int length, const etype fx) {                                  \
      initialize(length);                                                                \
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ((etype*)_data)[i] = fx;                          \
    }                                                                                    \
    /* standard operations */                                                            \
    etype& operator [] (const int i) const {                                             \
      assert(0 <= i && i < length(), "index out of bounds");                             \
      return ((etype*)_data)[i];                                                         \
    }                                                                                    \
    int index_of(const etype x) const {                                                  \
      int i = length();                                                                  \
      while (i-- > 0 && ((etype*)_data)[i] != x) ;                                       \
      /* i < 0 || ((etype*)_data)_data[i] == x */                                        \
      return i;                                                                          \
    }                                                                                    \
    void sort(int f(etype*, etype*))             { base_class::sort(esize, (ftype)f); }  \
    bool contains(const etype x) const           { return index_of(x) >= 0; }            \
    /* deprecated operations - for compatibility with GrowableArray only */              \
    etype  at(const int i) const                 { return (*this)[i]; }                  \
    void   at_put(const int i, const etype x)    { (*this)[i] = x; }                     \
    etype* adr_at(const int i)                   { return &(*this)[i]; }                 \
    int    find(const etype x)                   { return index_of(x); }                 \
  };                                                                                     \

#define define_array(array_name,element_type)                                            \
  define_generic_array(array_name, element_type, ResourceArray)

#define define_stack(stack_name,array_name)                                              \
  class stack_name: public array_name {                                                  \
   protected:                                                                            \
    int _size;                                                                           \
    void grow(const int i, const etype fx) {                                             \
      assert(i >= length(), "index too small");                                          \
      if (i >= size()) expand(esize, i, _size);                                          \
      for (int j = length(); j <= i; j++) ((etype*)_data)[j] = fx;                       \
      _length = i+1;                                                                     \
    }                                                                                    \
   public:                                                                               \
    /* creation */                                                                       \
    stack_name() : array_name()                     { _size = 0; }                       \
    stack_name(const int size)                      { initialize(size); }                \
    stack_name(const int size, const etype fx)      { initialize(size, fx); }            \
    void initialize(const int size, const etype fx) {                                    \
      _size = size;                                                                      \
      array_name::initialize(size, fx);                                                  \
      /* _length == size, allocation and size are the same */                            \
    }                                                                                    \
    void initialize(const int size) {                                                    \
      _size = size;                                                                      \
      array_name::initialize(size);                                                      \
      _length = 0;          /* reset length to zero; _size records the allocation */     \
    }                                                                                    \
    /* standard operations */                                                            \
    int size() const                             { return _size; }                       \
    int push(const etype x) {                                                            \
      int len = length();                                                                \
      if (len >= size()) expand(esize, len, _size);                                      \
      ((etype*)_data)[len] = x;                                                          \
      _length = len+1;                                                                   \
      return len;                                                                        \
    }                                                                                    \
    etype pop() {                                                                        \
      assert(!is_empty(), "stack is empty");                                             \
      return ((etype*)_data)[--_length];                                                 \
    }                                                                                    \
    etype top() const {                                                                  \
      assert(!is_empty(), "stack is empty");                                             \
      return ((etype*)_data)[length() - 1];                                              \
    }                                                                                    \
    void push_all(const stack_name* stack) {                                             \
      const int l = stack->length();                                                     \
      for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) push(((etype*)(stack->_data))[i]);                     \
    }                                                                                    \
    etype at_grow(const int i, const etype fx) {                                         \
      if (i >= length()) grow(i, fx);                                                    \
      return ((etype*)_data)[i];                                                         \
    }                                                                                    \
    void at_put_grow(const int i, const etype x, const etype fx) {                       \
      if (i >= length()) grow(i, fx);                                                    \
      ((etype*)_data)[i] = x;                                                            \
    }                                                                                    \
    void truncate(const int length) {                                                    \
      assert(0 <= length && length <= this->length(), "illegal length");                 \
      _length = length;                                                                  \
    }                                                                                    \
    void remove_at(int i)                        { base_remove_at(esize, i); }           \
    void remove(etype x)                         { remove_at(index_of(x)); }             \
    /* inserts the given element before the element at index i */                        \
    void insert_before(const int i, const etype el)  {                                   \
      int len = length();                                                                \
      int new_length = len + 1;                                                          \
      if (new_length >= size()) expand(esize, new_length, _size);                        \
      for (int j = len - 1; j >= i; j--) {                                               \
        ((etype*)_data)[j + 1] = ((etype*)_data)[j];                                     \
      }                                                                                  \
      _length = new_length;                                                              \
      at_put(i, el);                                                                     \
    }                                                                                    \
    /* inserts contents of the given stack before the element at index i */              \
    void insert_before(const int i, const stack_name *st) {                              \
      if (st->length() == 0) return;                                                     \
      int len = length();                                                                \
      int st_len = st->length();                                                         \
      int new_length = len + st_len;                                                     \
      if (new_length >= size()) expand(esize, new_length, _size);                        \
      int j;                                                                             \
      for (j = len - 1; j >= i; j--) {                                                   \
        ((etype*)_data)[j + st_len] = ((etype*)_data)[j];                                \
      }                                                                                  \
      for (j = 0; j < st_len; j++) {                                                     \
        ((etype*)_data)[i + j] = ((etype*)st->_data)[j];                                 \
      }                                                                                  \
      _length = new_length;                                                              \
    }                                                                                    \
    /* deprecated operations - for compatibility with GrowableArray only */              \
    int  capacity() const                        { return size(); }                      \
    void clear()                                 { truncate(0); }                        \
    void trunc_to(const int length)              { truncate(length); }                   \
    int  append(const etype x)                   { return push(x); }                     \
    void appendAll(const stack_name* stack)      { push_all(stack); }                    \
    etype last() const                           { return top(); }                       \
  };                                                                                     \

#define define_resource_list(element_type)                                               \
  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type, ResourceArray)                 \
  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)

#define define_resource_pointer_list(element_type)                                       \
  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type *, ResourceArray)               \
  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)

#define define_c_heap_list(element_type)                                                 \
  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type, CHeapArray)                    \
  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)

#define define_c_heap_pointer_list(element_type)                                         \
  define_generic_array(element_type##Array, element_type *, CHeapArray)                  \
  define_stack(element_type##List, element_type##Array)

// Arrays for basic types

define_array(boolArray, bool)          define_stack(boolStack, boolArray)
define_array(intArray , int )          define_stack(intStack , intArray )