8159027: JShell API: SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion has constructor, ...
Reviewed-by: jlahoda
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
package jdk.jshell;
import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness;
import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ErroneousTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ImportTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Scope;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask;
import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
import com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacScope;
import com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTaskImpl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.CompletionFailure;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.VarSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symtab;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ClassType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DefinedBy;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DefinedBy.Api;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Pair;
import jdk.jshell.CompletenessAnalyzer.CaInfo;
import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.AnalyzeTask;
import jdk.jshell.TaskFactory.ParseTask;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.debug.InternalDebugControl.DBG_COMPA;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.collectingAndThen;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toCollection;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.QualifiedNameable;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.StandardLocation;
import javax.tools.ToolProvider;
import static jdk.jshell.Util.REPL_DOESNOTMATTER_CLASS_NAME;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining;
import static jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness.DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE;
* The concrete implementation of SourceCodeAnalysis.
* @author Robert Field
class SourceCodeAnalysisImpl extends SourceCodeAnalysis {
private static final Map<Path, ClassIndex> PATH_TO_INDEX = new HashMap<>();
private static final ExecutorService INDEXER = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, r -> {
Thread t = new Thread(r);
t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, ex) -> ex.printStackTrace());
return t;
private final JShell proc;
private final CompletenessAnalyzer ca;
private final Map<Path, ClassIndex> currentIndexes = new HashMap<>();
private int indexVersion;
private int classpathVersion;
private final Object suspendLock = new Object();
private int suspend;
SourceCodeAnalysisImpl(JShell proc) {
this.proc = proc;
this.ca = new CompletenessAnalyzer(proc);
int cpVersion = classpathVersion = 1;
INDEXER.submit(() -> refreshIndexes(cpVersion));
public CompletionInfo analyzeCompletion(String srcInput) {
MaskCommentsAndModifiers mcm = new MaskCommentsAndModifiers(srcInput, false);
if (mcm.endsWithOpenComment()) {
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Incomplete (open comment): %s\n", srcInput);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null, srcInput + '\n');
String cleared = mcm.cleared();
String trimmedInput = Util.trimEnd(cleared);
if (trimmedInput.isEmpty()) {
// Just comment or empty
return new CompletionInfoImpl(Completeness.EMPTY, srcInput, "");
CaInfo info = ca.scan(trimmedInput);
Completeness status = info.status;
int unitEndPos = info.unitEndPos;
if (unitEndPos > srcInput.length()) {
unitEndPos = srcInput.length();
int nonCommentNonWhiteLength = trimmedInput.length();
String src = srcInput.substring(0, unitEndPos);
switch (status) {
if (unitEndPos == nonCommentNonWhiteLength) {
// The unit is the whole non-coment/white input plus semicolon
String compileSource = src
+ mcm.mask().substring(nonCommentNonWhiteLength);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Complete: %s\n", compileSource);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, " nothing remains.\n");
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, compileSource, "");
} else {
String remain = srcInput.substring(unitEndPos);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Complete: %s\n", src);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, " remaining: %s\n", remain);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, src, remain);
// The unit is the whole non-coment/white input plus semicolon
String compileSource = src
+ ";"
+ mcm.mask().substring(nonCommentNonWhiteLength);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Complete with semi: %s\n", compileSource);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, " nothing remains.\n");
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, compileSource, "");
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Incomplete: %s\n", srcInput);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, null, srcInput + '\n');
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Considered incomplete: %s\n", srcInput);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, null, srcInput + '\n');
case EMPTY:
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Detected empty: %s\n", srcInput);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, srcInput, "");
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Detected error: %s\n", srcInput);
return new CompletionInfoImpl(status, srcInput, "");
throw new InternalError();
private Tree.Kind guessKind(String code) {
ParseTask pt = proc.taskFactory.new ParseTask(code);
List<? extends Tree> units = pt.units();
if (units.isEmpty()) {
return Tree.Kind.BLOCK;
Tree unitTree = units.get(0);
proc.debug(DBG_COMPA, "Kind: %s -- %s\n", unitTree.getKind(), unitTree);
return unitTree.getKind();
//TODO: would be better handled through a lexer:
private final Pattern JAVA_IDENTIFIER = Pattern.compile("\\p{javaJavaIdentifierStart}\\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}*");
public List<Suggestion> completionSuggestions(String code, int cursor, int[] anchor) {
try {
return completionSuggestionsImpl(code, cursor, anchor);
} finally {
private List<Suggestion> completionSuggestionsImpl(String code, int cursor, int[] anchor) {
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
Matcher m = JAVA_IDENTIFIER.matcher(code);
String identifier = "";
while (m.find()) {
if (m.end() == code.length()) {
cursor = m.start();
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
identifier = m.group();
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
if (code.trim().isEmpty()) { //TODO: comment handling
code += ";";
OuterWrap codeWrap;
switch (guessKind(code)) {
case IMPORT:
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapImport(Wrap.simpleWrap(code + "any.any"), null);
case CLASS:
case METHOD:
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.classMemberWrap(code));
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodWrap(code));
String requiredPrefix = identifier;
return computeSuggestions(codeWrap, cursor, anchor).stream()
.filter(s -> s.continuation().startsWith(requiredPrefix) && !s.continuation().equals(REPL_DOESNOTMATTER_CLASS_NAME))
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(s -> s.continuation()))
.collect(collectingAndThen(toList(), Collections::unmodifiableList));
private List<Suggestion> computeSuggestions(OuterWrap code, int cursor, int[] anchor) {
AnalyzeTask at = proc.taskFactory.new AnalyzeTask(code);
SourcePositions sp = at.trees().getSourcePositions();
CompilationUnitTree topLevel = at.firstCuTree();
List<Suggestion> result = new ArrayList<>();
TreePath tp = pathFor(topLevel, sp, code.snippetIndexToWrapIndex(cursor));
if (tp != null) {
Scope scope = at.trees().getScope(tp);
Predicate<Element> accessibility = createAccessibilityFilter(at, tp);
Predicate<Element> smartTypeFilter;
Predicate<Element> smartFilter;
Iterable<TypeMirror> targetTypes = findTargetType(at, tp);
if (targetTypes != null) {
smartTypeFilter = el -> {
TypeMirror resultOf = resultTypeOf(el);
return Util.stream(targetTypes)
.anyMatch(targetType -> at.getTypes().isAssignable(resultOf, targetType));
smartFilter = IS_CLASS.negate()
} else {
smartFilter = TRUE;
smartTypeFilter = TRUE;
switch (tp.getLeaf().getKind()) {
MemberSelectTree mst = (MemberSelectTree)tp.getLeaf();
if (mst.getIdentifier().contentEquals("*"))
TreePath exprPath = new TreePath(tp, mst.getExpression());
TypeMirror site = at.trees().getTypeMirror(exprPath);
boolean staticOnly = isStaticContext(at, exprPath);
ImportTree it = findImport(tp);
boolean isImport = it != null;
List<? extends Element> members = membersOf(at, site, staticOnly && !isImport);
Predicate<Element> filter = accessibility;
Function<Boolean, String> paren = DEFAULT_PAREN;
if (isNewClass(tp)) { // new xxx.|
Predicate<Element> constructorFilter = accessibility.and(IS_CONSTRUCTOR)
.and(el -> {
if (el.getEnclosingElement().getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS) {
return el.getEnclosingElement().getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC);
return true;
addElements(membersOf(at, members), constructorFilter, smartFilter, result);
filter = filter.and(IS_PACKAGE);
} else if (isThrowsClause(tp)) {
staticOnly = true;
filter = filter.and(IS_PACKAGE.or(IS_CLASS).or(IS_INTERFACE));
smartFilter = IS_PACKAGE.negate().and(smartTypeFilter);
} else if (isImport) {
paren = NO_PAREN;
if (!it.isStatic()) {
filter = filter.and(IS_PACKAGE.or(IS_CLASS).or(IS_INTERFACE));
} else {
filter = filter.and(IS_CONSTRUCTOR.negate());
filter = filter.and(staticOnly ? STATIC_ONLY : INSTANCE_ONLY);
addElements(members, filter, smartFilter, paren, result);
if (isNewClass(tp)) {
Function<Element, Iterable<? extends Element>> listEnclosed =
el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE ? Collections.singletonList(el)
: el.getEnclosedElements();
Predicate<Element> filter = accessibility.and(IS_CONSTRUCTOR.or(IS_PACKAGE));
NewClassTree newClassTree = (NewClassTree)tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
ExpressionTree enclosingExpression = newClassTree.getEnclosingExpression();
if (enclosingExpression != null) { // expr.new IDENT|
TypeMirror site = at.trees().getTypeMirror(new TreePath(tp, enclosingExpression));
filter = filter.and(el -> el.getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS && !el.getEnclosingElement().getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC));
addElements(membersOf(at, membersOf(at, site, false)), filter, smartFilter, result);
} else {
addScopeElements(at, scope, listEnclosed, filter, smartFilter, result);
if (isThrowsClause(tp)) {
Predicate<Element> accept = accessibility.and(STATIC_ONLY)
addScopeElements(at, scope, IDENTITY, accept, IS_PACKAGE.negate().and(smartTypeFilter), result);
ImportTree it = findImport(tp);
if (it != null) {
addElements(membersOf(at, at.getElements().getPackageElement("").asType(), false), it.isStatic() ? STATIC_ONLY.and(accessibility) : accessibility, smartFilter, result);
case CLASS: {
Predicate<Element> accept = accessibility.and(IS_TYPE);
addScopeElements(at, scope, IDENTITY, accept, smartFilter, result);
addElements(primitivesOrVoid(at), TRUE, smartFilter, result);
case BLOCK:
boolean staticOnly = ReplResolve.isStatic(((JavacScope)scope).getEnv());
Predicate<Element> accept = accessibility.and(staticOnly ? STATIC_ONLY : TRUE);
if (isClass(tp)) {
ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (clazz.getExtendsClause() == tp.getLeaf()) {
accept = accept.and(IS_TYPE);
smartFilter = smartFilter.and(el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS);
} else {
Predicate<Element> f = smartFilterFromList(at, tp, clazz.getImplementsClause(), tp.getLeaf());
if (f != null) {
accept = accept.and(IS_TYPE);
smartFilter = f.and(el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE);
} else if (isTypeParameter(tp)) {
TypeParameterTree tpt = (TypeParameterTree) tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
Predicate<Element> f = smartFilterFromList(at, tp, tpt.getBounds(), tp.getLeaf());
if (f != null) {
accept = accept.and(IS_TYPE);
smartFilter = f;
if (!tpt.getBounds().isEmpty() && tpt.getBounds().get(0) != tp.getLeaf()) {
smartFilter = smartFilter.and(el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE);
} else if (isVariable(tp)) {
VariableTree var = (VariableTree) tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (var.getType() == tp.getLeaf()) {
accept = accept.and(IS_TYPE);
addScopeElements(at, scope, IDENTITY, accept, smartFilter, result);
Tree parent = tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
switch (parent.getKind()) {
accept = ((VariableTree)parent).getType() == tp.getLeaf() ?
IS_VOID.negate() :
case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: // TODO: JEP 218: Generics over Primitive Types
case CLASS:
case ENUM:
accept = FALSE;
accept = TRUE;
addElements(primitivesOrVoid(at), accept, smartFilter, result);
anchor[0] = cursor;
return result;
private static final Set<Kind> CLASS_KINDS = EnumSet.of(
private Predicate<Element> smartFilterFromList(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath base, Collection<? extends Tree> types, Tree current) {
Set<Element> existingEls = new HashSet<>();
for (Tree type : types) {
if (type == current) {
return el -> !existingEls.contains(el);
existingEls.add(at.trees().getElement(new TreePath(base, type)));
return null;
public SnippetWrapper wrapper(Snippet snippet) {
return new SnippetWrapper() {
public String source() {
return snippet.source();
public String wrapped() {
return snippet.outerWrap().wrapped();
public String fullClassName() {
return snippet.classFullName();
public Snippet.Kind kind() {
return snippet.kind() == Snippet.Kind.ERRONEOUS
? ((ErroneousSnippet) snippet).probableKind()
: snippet.kind();
public int sourceToWrappedPosition(int pos) {
return snippet.outerWrap().snippetIndexToWrapIndex(pos);
public int wrappedToSourcePosition(int pos) {
return snippet.outerWrap().wrapIndexToSnippetIndex(pos);
public List<SnippetWrapper> wrappers(String input) {
return proc.eval.sourceToSnippetsWithWrappers(input).stream()
.map(sn -> wrapper(sn))
public Collection<Snippet> dependents(Snippet snippet) {
return proc.maps.getDependents(snippet);
private boolean isStaticContext(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath path) {
switch (path.getLeaf().getKind()) {
return true;
Element selectEl = at.trees().getElement(path);
return selectEl != null && (selectEl.getKind().isClass() || selectEl.getKind().isInterface() || selectEl.getKind() == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER) && selectEl.asType().getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR;
private TreePath pathFor(CompilationUnitTree topLevel, SourcePositions sp, int pos) {
TreePath[] deepest = new TreePath[1];
new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() {
@Override @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
public Void scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
if (tree == null)
return null;
long start = sp.getStartPosition(topLevel, tree);
long end = sp.getEndPosition(topLevel, tree);
long prevEnd = deepest[0] != null ? sp.getEndPosition(topLevel, deepest[0].getLeaf()) : -1;
if (start <= pos && pos <= end &&
(start != end || prevEnd != end || deepest[0] == null ||
deepest[0].getParentPath().getLeaf() != getCurrentPath().getLeaf())) {
deepest[0] = new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), tree);
return super.scan(tree, p);
return null;
@Override @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) {
return scan(node.getErrorTrees(), null);
}.scan(topLevel, null);
return deepest[0];
private boolean isNewClass(TreePath tp) {
return tp.getParentPath() != null &&
tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.NEW_CLASS &&
((NewClassTree) tp.getParentPath().getLeaf()).getIdentifier() == tp.getLeaf();
private boolean isThrowsClause(TreePath tp) {
Tree parent = tp.getParentPath().getLeaf();
return parent.getKind() == Kind.METHOD &&
private boolean isClass(TreePath tp) {
return tp.getParentPath() != null &&
private boolean isTypeParameter(TreePath tp) {
return tp.getParentPath() != null &&
tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.TYPE_PARAMETER;
private boolean isVariable(TreePath tp) {
return tp.getParentPath() != null &&
tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.VARIABLE;
private ImportTree findImport(TreePath tp) {
while (tp != null && tp.getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.IMPORT) {
tp = tp.getParentPath();
return tp != null ? (ImportTree)tp.getLeaf() : null;
private Predicate<Element> createAccessibilityFilter(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath tp) {
Scope scope = at.trees().getScope(tp);
return el -> {
switch (el.getKind()) {
return at.trees().isAccessible(scope, (TypeElement) el);
return true;
TypeMirror type = el.getEnclosingElement().asType();
if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED)
return at.trees().isAccessible(scope, el, (DeclaredType) type);
return true;
private final Predicate<Element> TRUE = el -> true;
private final Predicate<Element> FALSE = TRUE.negate();
private final Predicate<Element> IS_STATIC = el -> el.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC);
private final Predicate<Element> IS_CONSTRUCTOR = el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
private final Predicate<Element> IS_METHOD = el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD;
private final Predicate<Element> IS_PACKAGE = el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE;
private final Predicate<Element> IS_CLASS = el -> el.getKind().isClass();
private final Predicate<Element> IS_INTERFACE = el -> el.getKind().isInterface();
private final Predicate<Element> IS_TYPE = IS_CLASS.or(IS_INTERFACE).or(el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER);
private final Predicate<Element> IS_VOID = el -> el.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.VOID;
private final Predicate<Element> STATIC_ONLY = el -> {
ElementKind kind = el.getKind();
Element encl = el.getEnclosingElement();
ElementKind enclKind = encl != null ? encl.getKind() : ElementKind.OTHER;
return IS_STATIC.or(IS_PACKAGE).or(IS_CLASS).or(IS_INTERFACE).test(el) || IS_PACKAGE.test(encl) ||
(kind == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER && !enclKind.isClass() && !enclKind.isInterface());
private final Predicate<Element> INSTANCE_ONLY = el -> {
Element encl = el.getEnclosingElement();
return IS_STATIC.or(IS_CLASS).or(IS_INTERFACE).negate().test(el) ||
private final Function<Element, Iterable<? extends Element>> IDENTITY = el -> Collections.singletonList(el);
private final Function<Boolean, String> DEFAULT_PAREN = hasParams -> hasParams ? "(" : "()";
private final Function<Boolean, String> NO_PAREN = hasParams -> "";
private void addElements(Iterable<? extends Element> elements, Predicate<Element> accept, Predicate<Element> smart, List<Suggestion> result) {
addElements(elements, accept, smart, DEFAULT_PAREN, result);
private void addElements(Iterable<? extends Element> elements, Predicate<Element> accept, Predicate<Element> smart, Function<Boolean, String> paren, List<Suggestion> result) {
Set<String> hasParams = Util.stream(elements)
.filter(c -> !((ExecutableElement)c).getParameters().isEmpty())
for (Element c : elements) {
if (!accept.test(c))
if (c.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD &&
c.getSimpleName().contentEquals(Util.DOIT_METHOD_NAME) &&
((ExecutableElement) c).getParameters().isEmpty()) {
String simpleName = simpleName(c);
if (c.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR || c.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) {
simpleName += paren.apply(hasParams.contains(simpleName));
result.add(new SuggestionImpl(simpleName, smart.test(c)));
private String simpleName(Element el) {
return el.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR ? el.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString()
: el.getSimpleName().toString();
private List<? extends Element> membersOf(AnalyzeTask at, TypeMirror site, boolean shouldGenerateDotClassItem) {
if (site == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
switch (site.getKind()) {
case DECLARED: {
TypeElement element = (TypeElement) at.getTypes().asElement(site);
List<Element> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (shouldGenerateDotClassItem) {
result.add(createDotClassSymbol(at, site));
result.removeIf(el -> el.getKind() == ElementKind.STATIC_INIT);
return result;
case ERROR: {
//try current qualified name as a package:
TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) at.getTypes().asElement(site);
Element enclosingElement = typeElement.getEnclosingElement();
String parentPackageName = enclosingElement instanceof QualifiedNameable ?
((QualifiedNameable)enclosingElement).getQualifiedName().toString() :
Set<PackageElement> packages = listPackages(at, parentPackageName);
return packages.stream()
.filter(p -> p.getQualifiedName().equals(typeElement.getQualifiedName()))
.map(p -> membersOf(at, p.asType(), false))
case PACKAGE: {
String packageName = site.toString()/*XXX*/;
List<Element> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.addAll(listPackages(at, packageName));
return result;
case BOOLEAN: case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR:
case INT: case FLOAT: case LONG: case DOUBLE:
case VOID: {
return shouldGenerateDotClassItem ?
Collections.singletonList(createDotClassSymbol(at, site)) :
case ARRAY: {
List<Element> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.add(createArrayLengthSymbol(at, site));
if (shouldGenerateDotClassItem)
result.add(createDotClassSymbol(at, site));
return result;
return Collections.emptyList();
private List<? extends Element> membersOf(AnalyzeTask at, List<? extends Element> elements) {
return elements.stream()
.flatMap(e -> membersOf(at, e.asType(), true).stream())
private List<? extends Element> getEnclosedElements(PackageElement packageEl) {
if (packageEl == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
//workaround for: JDK-8024687
while (true) {
try {
return packageEl.getEnclosedElements()
.filter(el -> el.asType() != null)
.filter(el -> el.asType().getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR)
} catch (CompletionFailure cf) {
private List<? extends Element> primitivesOrVoid(AnalyzeTask at) {
Types types = at.getTypes();
return Stream.of(
TypeKind.BOOLEAN, TypeKind.BYTE, TypeKind.CHAR,
TypeKind.DOUBLE, TypeKind.FLOAT, TypeKind.INT,
TypeKind.LONG, TypeKind.SHORT, TypeKind.VOID)
.map(tk -> (Type)(tk == TypeKind.VOID ? types.getNoType(tk) : types.getPrimitiveType(tk)))
void classpathChanged() {
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
int cpVersion = ++classpathVersion;
INDEXER.submit(() -> refreshIndexes(cpVersion));
private Set<PackageElement> listPackages(AnalyzeTask at, String enclosingPackage) {
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
return currentIndexes.values()
.flatMap(idx -> idx.packages.stream())
.filter(p -> enclosingPackage.isEmpty() || p.startsWith(enclosingPackage + "."))
.map(p -> {
int dot = p.indexOf('.', enclosingPackage.length() + 1);
return dot == (-1) ? p : p.substring(0, dot);
.map(p -> createPackageElement(at, p))
private PackageElement createPackageElement(AnalyzeTask at, String packageName) {
Names names = Names.instance(at.getContext());
Symtab syms = Symtab.instance(at.getContext());
PackageElement existing = syms.enterPackage(syms.unnamedModule, names.fromString(packageName));
return existing;
private Element createArrayLengthSymbol(AnalyzeTask at, TypeMirror site) {
Name length = Names.instance(at.getContext()).length;
Type intType = Symtab.instance(at.getContext()).intType;
return new VarSymbol(Flags.PUBLIC | Flags.FINAL, length, intType, ((Type) site).tsym);
private Element createDotClassSymbol(AnalyzeTask at, TypeMirror site) {
Name _class = Names.instance(at.getContext())._class;
Type classType = Symtab.instance(at.getContext()).classType;
Type erasedSite = (Type)at.getTypes().erasure(site);
classType = new ClassType(classType.getEnclosingType(), com.sun.tools.javac.util.List.of(erasedSite), classType.asElement());
return new VarSymbol(Flags.PUBLIC | Flags.STATIC | Flags.FINAL, _class, classType, erasedSite.tsym);
private Iterable<? extends Element> scopeContent(AnalyzeTask at, Scope scope, Function<Element, Iterable<? extends Element>> elementConvertor) {
Iterable<Scope> scopeIterable = () -> new Iterator<Scope>() {
private Scope currentScope = scope;
public boolean hasNext() {
return currentScope != null;
public Scope next() {
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
try {
return currentScope;
} finally {
currentScope = currentScope.getEnclosingScope();
List<Element> result = Util.stream(scopeIterable)
.flatMap(s -> localElements(s))
.flatMap(el -> Util.stream((Iterable<Element>)elementConvertor.apply(el)))
.collect(toCollection(ArrayList :: new));
result.addAll(listPackages(at, ""));
return result;
private Stream<Element> localElements(Scope scope) {
Stream<Element> elements = Util.stream((Iterable<Element>)scope.getLocalElements());
if (scope.getEnclosingScope() != null &&
scope.getEnclosingClass() != scope.getEnclosingScope().getEnclosingClass()) {
elements = Stream.concat(elements, scope.getEnclosingClass().getEnclosedElements().stream());
return elements;
private Iterable<TypeMirror> findTargetType(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath forPath) {
if (forPath.getParentPath() == null)
return null;
Tree current = forPath.getLeaf();
switch (forPath.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind()) {
AssignmentTree tree = (AssignmentTree) forPath.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (tree.getExpression() == current)
return Collections.singletonList(at.trees().getTypeMirror(new TreePath(forPath.getParentPath(), tree.getVariable())));
case VARIABLE: {
VariableTree tree = (VariableTree) forPath.getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (tree.getInitializer()== current)
return Collections.singletonList(at.trees().getTypeMirror(forPath.getParentPath()));
return findTargetType(at, forPath.getParentPath());
case NEW_CLASS: {
NewClassTree nct = (NewClassTree) forPath.getParentPath().getLeaf();
List<TypeMirror> actuals = computeActualInvocationTypes(at, nct.getArguments(), forPath);
if (actuals != null) {
Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidateConstructors = newClassCandidates(at, forPath.getParentPath());
return computeSmartTypesForExecutableType(at, candidateConstructors, actuals);
} else {
return findTargetType(at, forPath.getParentPath());
case METHOD:
if (!isThrowsClause(forPath)) {
// fall through
case THROW:
return Collections.singletonList(at.getElements().getTypeElement("java.lang.Throwable").asType());
MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) forPath.getParentPath().getLeaf();
List<TypeMirror> actuals = computeActualInvocationTypes(at, mit.getArguments(), forPath);
if (actuals == null)
return null;
Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidateMethods = methodCandidates(at, forPath.getParentPath());
return computeSmartTypesForExecutableType(at, candidateMethods, actuals);
return null;
private List<TypeMirror> computeActualInvocationTypes(AnalyzeTask at, List<? extends ExpressionTree> arguments, TreePath currentArgument) {
if (currentArgument == null)
return null;
int paramIndex = arguments.indexOf(currentArgument.getLeaf());
if (paramIndex == (-1))
return null;
List<TypeMirror> actuals = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExpressionTree arg : arguments.subList(0, paramIndex)) {
actuals.add(at.trees().getTypeMirror(new TreePath(currentArgument.getParentPath(), arg)));
return actuals;
private List<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> filterExecutableTypesByArguments(AnalyzeTask at, Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidateMethods, List<TypeMirror> precedingActualTypes) {
List<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidate = new ArrayList<>();
int paramIndex = precedingActualTypes.size();
for (Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType> method : candidateMethods) {
boolean varargInvocation = paramIndex >= method.snd.getParameterTypes().size();
for (int i = 0; i < paramIndex; i++) {
TypeMirror actual = precedingActualTypes.get(i);
if (this.parameterType(method.fst, method.snd, i, !varargInvocation)
.noneMatch(formal -> at.getTypes().isAssignable(actual, formal))) {
continue OUTER;
return candidate;
private Stream<TypeMirror> parameterType(ExecutableElement method, ExecutableType methodType, int paramIndex, boolean allowVarArgsArray) {
int paramCount = methodType.getParameterTypes().size();
if (paramIndex >= paramCount && !method.isVarArgs())
return Stream.empty();
if (paramIndex < paramCount - 1 || !method.isVarArgs())
return Stream.of(methodType.getParameterTypes().get(paramIndex));
TypeMirror varargType = methodType.getParameterTypes().get(paramCount - 1);
TypeMirror elemenType = ((ArrayType) varargType).getComponentType();
if (paramIndex >= paramCount || !allowVarArgsArray)
return Stream.of(elemenType);
return Stream.of(varargType, elemenType);
private List<TypeMirror> computeSmartTypesForExecutableType(AnalyzeTask at, Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidateMethods, List<TypeMirror> precedingActualTypes) {
List<TypeMirror> candidate = new ArrayList<>();
int paramIndex = precedingActualTypes.size();
this.filterExecutableTypesByArguments(at, candidateMethods, precedingActualTypes)
.flatMap(method -> parameterType(method.fst, method.snd, paramIndex, true))
return candidate;
private TypeMirror resultTypeOf(Element el) {
//TODO: should reflect the type of site!
switch (el.getKind()) {
case METHOD:
return ((ExecutableElement) el).getReturnType();
case INSTANCE_INIT: case STATIC_INIT: //TODO: should be filtered out
return el.getEnclosingElement().asType();
return el.asType();
private void addScopeElements(AnalyzeTask at, Scope scope, Function<Element, Iterable<? extends Element>> elementConvertor, Predicate<Element> filter, Predicate<Element> smartFilter, List<Suggestion> result) {
addElements(scopeContent(at, scope, elementConvertor), filter, smartFilter, result);
private Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> methodCandidates(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath invocation) {
MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) invocation.getLeaf();
ExpressionTree select = mit.getMethodSelect();
List<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> result = new ArrayList<>();
Predicate<Element> accessibility = createAccessibilityFilter(at, invocation);
switch (select.getKind()) {
MemberSelectTree mst = (MemberSelectTree) select;
TreePath tp = new TreePath(new TreePath(invocation, select), mst.getExpression());
TypeMirror site = at.trees().getTypeMirror(tp);
if (site == null || site.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED)
Element siteEl = at.getTypes().asElement(site);
if (siteEl == null)
if (isStaticContext(at, tp)) {
accessibility = accessibility.and(STATIC_ONLY);
for (ExecutableElement ee : ElementFilter.methodsIn(membersOf(at, siteEl.asType(), false))) {
if (ee.getSimpleName().contentEquals(mst.getIdentifier())) {
if (accessibility.test(ee)) {
result.add(Pair.of(ee, (ExecutableType) at.getTypes().asMemberOf((DeclaredType) site, ee)));
IdentifierTree it = (IdentifierTree) select;
for (ExecutableElement ee : ElementFilter.methodsIn(scopeContent(at, at.trees().getScope(invocation), IDENTITY))) {
if (ee.getSimpleName().contentEquals(it.getName())) {
if (accessibility.test(ee)) {
result.add(Pair.of(ee, (ExecutableType) ee.asType())); //XXX: proper site
return result;
private Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> newClassCandidates(AnalyzeTask at, TreePath newClassPath) {
NewClassTree nct = (NewClassTree) newClassPath.getLeaf();
Element type = at.trees().getElement(new TreePath(newClassPath.getParentPath(), nct.getIdentifier()));
TypeMirror targetType = at.trees().getTypeMirror(newClassPath);
if (targetType == null || targetType.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
Iterable<TypeMirror> targetTypes = findTargetType(at, newClassPath);
if (targetTypes == null)
targetTypes = Collections.emptyList();
targetType =
StreamSupport.stream(targetTypes.spliterator(), false)
.filter(t -> at.getTypes().asElement(t) == type)
List<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidateConstructors = new ArrayList<>();
Predicate<Element> accessibility = createAccessibilityFilter(at, newClassPath);
if (targetType != null &&
targetType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED &&
type != null &&
(type.getKind().isClass() || type.getKind().isInterface())) {
for (ExecutableElement constr : ElementFilter.constructorsIn(type.getEnclosedElements())) {
if (accessibility.test(constr)) {
ExecutableType constrType =
(ExecutableType) at.getTypes().asMemberOf((DeclaredType) targetType, constr);
candidateConstructors.add(Pair.of(constr, constrType));
return candidateConstructors;
public String documentation(String code, int cursor) {
try {
return documentationImpl(code, cursor);
} finally {
//tweaked by tests to disable reading parameter names from classfiles so that tests using
//JDK's classes are stable for both release and fastdebug builds:
private final String[] keepParameterNames = new String[] {
private String documentationImpl(String code, int cursor) {
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
if (code.trim().isEmpty()) { //TODO: comment handling
code += ";";
if (guessKind(code) == Kind.IMPORT)
return null;
OuterWrap codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodWrap(code));
AnalyzeTask at = proc.taskFactory.new AnalyzeTask(codeWrap, keepParameterNames);
SourcePositions sp = at.trees().getSourcePositions();
CompilationUnitTree topLevel = at.firstCuTree();
TreePath tp = pathFor(topLevel, sp, codeWrap.snippetIndexToWrapIndex(cursor));
if (tp == null)
return null;
TreePath prevPath = null;
while (tp != null && tp.getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION && tp.getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
prevPath = tp;
tp = tp.getParentPath();
if (tp == null)
return null;
Iterable<Pair<ExecutableElement, ExecutableType>> candidates;
List<? extends ExpressionTree> arguments;
if (tp.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) tp.getLeaf();
candidates = methodCandidates(at, tp);
arguments = mit.getArguments();
} else {
NewClassTree nct = (NewClassTree) tp.getLeaf();
candidates = newClassCandidates(at, tp);
arguments = nct.getArguments();
if (!isEmptyArgumentsContext(arguments)) {
List<TypeMirror> actuals = computeActualInvocationTypes(at, arguments, prevPath);
List<TypeMirror> fullActuals = actuals != null ? actuals : Collections.emptyList();
candidates =
this.filterExecutableTypesByArguments(at, candidates, fullActuals)
.filter(method -> parameterType(method.fst, method.snd, fullActuals.size(), true).findAny().isPresent())
try (SourceCache sourceCache = new SourceCache(at)) {
return Util.stream(candidates)
.map(method -> Util.expunge(element2String(sourceCache, method.fst)))
private boolean isEmptyArgumentsContext(List<? extends ExpressionTree> arguments) {
if (arguments.size() == 1) {
Tree firstArgument = arguments.get(0);
return firstArgument.getKind() == Kind.ERRONEOUS;
return false;
private String element2String(SourceCache sourceCache, Element el) {
try {
if (hasSyntheticParameterNames(el)) {
el = sourceCache.getSourceMethod(el);
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.element2String(..., " + el + ")");
return Util.expunge(elementHeader(el));
private boolean hasSyntheticParameterNames(Element el) {
if (el.getKind() != ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && el.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD)
return false;
ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement) el;
if (ee.getParameters().isEmpty())
return false;
return ee.getParameters()
.allMatch(param -> param.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("arg"));
private final class SourceCache implements AutoCloseable {
private final JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
private final Map<String, Map<String, Element>> topLevelName2Signature2Method = new HashMap<>();
private final AnalyzeTask originalTask;
private final StandardJavaFileManager fm;
public SourceCache(AnalyzeTask originalTask) {
this.originalTask = originalTask;
List<Path> sources = findSources();
if (sources.iterator().hasNext()) {
StandardJavaFileManager fm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
try {
fm.setLocationFromPaths(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, sources);
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.SourceCache.<init>(...)");
fm = null;
this.fm = fm;
} else {
//don't waste time if there are no sources
this.fm = null;
public Element getSourceMethod(Element method) throws IOException {
if (fm == null)
return method;
TypeElement type = topLevelType(method);
if (type == null)
return method;
String binaryName = originalTask.task.getElements().getBinaryName(type).toString();
Map<String, Element> cache = topLevelName2Signature2Method.get(binaryName);
if (cache == null) {
topLevelName2Signature2Method.put(binaryName, cache = createMethodCache(binaryName));
String handle = elementHeader(method, false);
return cache.getOrDefault(handle, method);
private TypeElement topLevelType(Element el) {
while (el != null && el.getEnclosingElement().getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE) {
el = el.getEnclosingElement();
return el != null && (el.getKind().isClass() || el.getKind().isInterface()) ? (TypeElement) el : null;
private Map<String, Element> createMethodCache(String binaryName) throws IOException {
Pair<JavacTask, CompilationUnitTree> source = findSource(binaryName);
if (source == null)
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Element> signature2Method = new HashMap<>();
Trees trees = Trees.instance(source.fst);
new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() {
@Override @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
Element currentMethod = trees.getElement(getCurrentPath());
if (currentMethod != null) {
signature2Method.put(elementHeader(currentMethod, false), currentMethod);
return null;
}.scan(source.snd, null);
return signature2Method;
private Pair<JavacTask, CompilationUnitTree> findSource(String binaryName) throws IOException {
JavaFileObject jfo = fm.getJavaFileForInput(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH,
if (jfo == null)
return null;
List<JavaFileObject> jfos = Arrays.asList(jfo);
JavacTaskImpl task = (JavacTaskImpl) compiler.getTask(null, fm, d -> {}, null, null, jfos);
Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> cuts = task.parse();
return Pair.of(task, cuts.iterator().next());
public void close() {
try {
if (fm != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.SourceCache.close()");
private List<Path> availableSources;
private List<Path> findSources() {
if (availableSources != null) {
return availableSources;
List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
Path home = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"));
Path srcZip = home.resolve("src.zip");
if (!Files.isReadable(srcZip))
srcZip = home.getParent().resolve("src.zip");
if (Files.isReadable(srcZip))
return availableSources = result;
private String elementHeader(Element el) {
return elementHeader(el, true);
private String elementHeader(Element el, boolean includeParameterNames) {
switch (el.getKind()) {
return ((TypeElement) el).getQualifiedName().toString();
case FIELD:
return elementHeader(el.getEnclosingElement()) + "." + el.getSimpleName() + ":" + el.asType();
return elementHeader(el.getEnclosingElement()) + "." + el.getSimpleName();
return el.getSimpleName() + ":" + el.asType();
StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder();
if (el.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) {
String sep = "";
ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement) el;
for (Iterator<? extends VariableElement> i = method.getParameters().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
VariableElement p = i.next();
if (!i.hasNext() && method.isVarArgs()) {
} else {
if (includeParameterNames) {
header.append(" ");
sep = ", ";
return header.toString();
return el.toString();
private TypeMirror unwrapArrayType(TypeMirror arrayType) {
if (arrayType.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) {
return ((ArrayType)arrayType).getComponentType();
return arrayType;
public String analyzeType(String code, int cursor) {
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
CompletionInfo completionInfo = analyzeCompletion(code);
if (!completionInfo.completeness().isComplete())
return null;
if (completionInfo.completeness() == Completeness.COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI) {
code += ";";
OuterWrap codeWrap;
switch (guessKind(code)) {
case IMPORT: case METHOD: case CLASS: case ENUM:
return null;
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodWrap(code));
AnalyzeTask at = proc.taskFactory.new AnalyzeTask(codeWrap);
SourcePositions sp = at.trees().getSourcePositions();
CompilationUnitTree topLevel = at.firstCuTree();
int pos = codeWrap.snippetIndexToWrapIndex(code.length());
TreePath tp = pathFor(topLevel, sp, pos);
while (ExpressionTree.class.isAssignableFrom(tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind().asInterface()) &&
tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.ERRONEOUS &&
tp.getParentPath().getParentPath() != null)
tp = tp.getParentPath();
TypeMirror type = at.trees().getTypeMirror(tp);
if (type == null)
return null;
switch (type.getKind()) {
case ERROR: case NONE: case OTHER:
case PACKAGE: case VOID:
return null; //not usable
case NULL:
type = at.getElements().getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType();
return TreeDissector.printType(at, proc, type);
public QualifiedNames listQualifiedNames(String code, int cursor) {
code = code.substring(0, cursor);
if (code.trim().isEmpty()) {
return new QualifiedNames(Collections.emptyList(), -1, true, false);
OuterWrap codeWrap;
switch (guessKind(code)) {
case IMPORT:
return new QualifiedNames(Collections.emptyList(), -1, true, false);
case METHOD:
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.classMemberWrap(code));
codeWrap = proc.outerMap.wrapInTrialClass(Wrap.methodWrap(code));
AnalyzeTask at = proc.taskFactory.new AnalyzeTask(codeWrap);
SourcePositions sp = at.trees().getSourcePositions();
CompilationUnitTree topLevel = at.firstCuTree();
TreePath tp = pathFor(topLevel, sp, codeWrap.snippetIndexToWrapIndex(code.length()));
if (tp.getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
return new QualifiedNames(Collections.emptyList(), -1, true, false);
Scope scope = at.trees().getScope(tp);
TypeMirror type = at.trees().getTypeMirror(tp);
Element el = at.trees().getElement(tp);
boolean erroneous = (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR && el.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS) ||
(el.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE && el.getEnclosedElements().isEmpty());
String simpleName = ((IdentifierTree) tp.getLeaf()).getName().toString();
boolean upToDate;
List<String> result;
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
upToDate = classpathVersion == indexVersion;
result = currentIndexes.values()
.flatMap(idx -> idx.classSimpleName2FQN.getOrDefault(simpleName,
.filter(fqn -> isAccessible(at, scope, fqn))
return new QualifiedNames(result, simpleName.length(), upToDate, !erroneous);
private boolean isAccessible(AnalyzeTask at, Scope scope, String fqn) {
TypeElement type = at.getElements().getTypeElement(fqn);
if (type == null)
return false;
return at.trees().isAccessible(scope, type);
// classpath indexing:
//the indexing can be suspended when a more important task is running:
private void waitIndexingNotSuspended() {
boolean suspendedNotified = false;
synchronized (suspendLock) {
while (suspend > 0) {
if (!suspendedNotified) {
suspendedNotified = true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
public void suspendIndexing() {
synchronized (suspendLock) {
public void resumeIndexing() {
synchronized (suspendLock) {
if (--suspend == 0) {
//update indexes, either initially or after a classpath change:
private void refreshIndexes(int version) {
try {
Collection<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>();
MemoryFileManager fm = proc.taskFactory.fileManager();
appendPaths(fm, StandardLocation.PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, paths);
appendPaths(fm, StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, paths);
appendPaths(fm, StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, paths);
Map<Path, ClassIndex> newIndexes = new HashMap<>();
//setup existing/last known data:
for (Path p : paths) {
ClassIndex index = PATH_TO_INDEX.get(p);
if (index != null) {
newIndexes.put(p, index);
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
//temporary setting old data:
//update/compute the indexes if needed:
for (Path p : paths) {
ClassIndex index = indexForPath(p);
newIndexes.put(p, index);
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.refreshIndexes(" + version + ")");
} finally {
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
indexVersion = version;
private void appendPaths(MemoryFileManager fm, Location loc, Collection<Path> paths) {
Iterable<? extends Path> locationPaths = fm.getLocationAsPaths(loc);
if (locationPaths == null)
return ;
for (Path path : locationPaths) {
if (".".equals(path.toString())) {
//skip CWD
//create/update index a given JavaFileManager entry (which may be a JDK installation, a jar/zip file or a directory):
//if an index exists for the given entry, the existing index is kept unless the timestamp is modified
private ClassIndex indexForPath(Path path) {
if (isJRTMarkerFile(path)) {
FileSystem jrtfs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"));
Path modules = jrtfs.getPath("modules");
return PATH_TO_INDEX.compute(path, (p, index) -> {
try {
long lastModified = Files.getLastModifiedTime(modules).toMillis();
if (index == null || index.timestamp != lastModified) {
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(modules)) {
index = doIndex(lastModified, path, stream);
return index;
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.indexesForPath(" + path.toString() + ")");
return new ClassIndex(-1, path, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptyMap());
} else if (!Files.isDirectory(path)) {
if (Files.exists(path)) {
return PATH_TO_INDEX.compute(path, (p, index) -> {
try {
long lastModified = Files.getLastModifiedTime(p).toMillis();
if (index == null || index.timestamp != lastModified) {
ClassLoader cl = SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.class.getClassLoader();
try (FileSystem zip = FileSystems.newFileSystem(path, cl)) {
index = doIndex(lastModified, path, zip.getRootDirectories());
return index;
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "SourceCodeAnalysisImpl.indexesForPath(" + path.toString() + ")");
return new ClassIndex(-1, path, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptyMap());
} else {
return new ClassIndex(-1, path, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptyMap());
} else {
return PATH_TO_INDEX.compute(path, (p, index) -> {
//no persistence for directories, as we cannot check timestamps:
if (index == null) {
index = doIndex(-1, path, Arrays.asList(p));
return index;
static boolean isJRTMarkerFile(Path path) {
return path.equals(Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home"), "lib", "modules"));
//create an index based on the content of the given dirs; the original JavaFileManager entry is originalPath.
private ClassIndex doIndex(long timestamp, Path originalPath, Iterable<? extends Path> dirs) {
Set<String> packages = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, Collection<String>> classSimpleName2FQN = new HashMap<>();
for (Path d : dirs) {
try {
Files.walkFileTree(d, new FileVisitor<Path>() {
int depth;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
if (depth++ == 0)
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
String dirName = dir.getFileName().toString();
String sep = dir.getFileSystem().getSeparator();
dirName = dirName.endsWith(sep) ? dirName.substring(0, dirName.length() - sep.length())
: dirName;
if (SourceVersion.isIdentifier(dirName))
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
if (file.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".class")) {
String relativePath = d.relativize(file).toString();
String binaryName = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length() - 6).replace('/', '.');
int packageDot = binaryName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (packageDot > (-1)) {
packages.add(binaryName.substring(0, packageDot));
String typeName = binaryName.replace('$', '.');
addClassName2Map(classSimpleName2FQN, typeName);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
} catch (IOException ex) {
proc.debug(ex, "doIndex(" + d.toString() + ")");
return new ClassIndex(timestamp, originalPath, packages, classSimpleName2FQN);
private static void addClassName2Map(Map<String, Collection<String>> classSimpleName2FQN, String typeName) {
int simpleNameDot = typeName.lastIndexOf('.');
classSimpleName2FQN.computeIfAbsent(typeName.substring(simpleNameDot + 1), n -> new LinkedHashSet<>())
//holder for indexed data about a given path
public static final class ClassIndex {
public final long timestamp;
public final Path forPath;
public final Set<String> packages;
public final Map<String, Collection<String>> classSimpleName2FQN;
public ClassIndex(long timestamp, Path forPath, Set<String> packages, Map<String, Collection<String>> classSimpleName2FQN) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.forPath = forPath;
this.packages = packages;
this.classSimpleName2FQN = classSimpleName2FQN;
//for tests, to be able to wait until the indexing finishes:
public void waitBackgroundTaskFinished() throws Exception {
boolean upToDate;
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
upToDate = classpathVersion == indexVersion;
while (!upToDate) {
INDEXER.submit(() -> {}).get();
synchronized (currentIndexes) {
upToDate = classpathVersion == indexVersion;
* A candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
private static class SuggestionImpl implements Suggestion {
private final String continuation;
private final boolean matchesType;
* Create a {@code Suggestion} instance.
* @param continuation a candidate continuation of the user's input
* @param matchesType does the candidate match the target type
public SuggestionImpl(String continuation, boolean matchesType) {
this.continuation = continuation;
this.matchesType = matchesType;
* The candidate continuation of the given user's input.
* @return the continuation string
public String continuation() {
return continuation;
* Indicates whether input continuation matches the target type and is thus
* more likely to be the desired continuation. A matching continuation is
* preferred.
* @return {@code true} if this suggested continuation matches the
* target type; otherwise {@code false}
public boolean matchesType() {
return matchesType;
* The result of {@code analyzeCompletion(String input)}.
* Describes the completeness and position of the first snippet in the given input.
private static class CompletionInfoImpl implements CompletionInfo {
private final Completeness completeness;
private final String source;
private final String remaining;
CompletionInfoImpl(Completeness completeness, String source, String remaining) {
this.completeness = completeness;
this.source = source;
this.remaining = remaining;
* The analyzed completeness of the input.
* @return an enum describing the completeness of the input string.
public Completeness completeness() {
return completeness;
* Input remaining after the complete part of the source.
* @return the portion of the input string that remains after the
* complete Snippet
public String remaining() {
return remaining;
* Source code for the first Snippet of code input. For example, first
* statement, or first method declaration. Trailing semicolons will be
* added, as needed.
* @return the source of the first encountered Snippet
public String source() {
return source;