author jjg
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:27:24 -0800
changeset 15385 ee1eebe7e210
child 15554 eea02af8112f
permissions -rw-r--r--
8006775: JSR 308: Compiler changes in JDK8 Reviewed-by: jjg Contributed-by:,,,

 * Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

 * @test
 * @bug 8005085 8005877 8004829 8005681 8006734 8006775
 * @ignore
 * @summary Combinations of Target ElementTypes on (repeated)type annotations.


public class CombinationsTargetTest1 extends ClassfileTestHelper {
    // Helps identify test case in event of failure.
    int testcount = 0;
    int src1 = 1, src2 = 2, src4 = 4,
        src5 = 5, src6 = 6, src7 = 7;

                     "LOCAL_VARIABLE", "ANNOTATION_TYPE", "PACKAGE"};

    // local class tests will have an inner class.
    Boolean hasInnerClass=false;
    String innerClassname="";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new CombinationsTargetTest1().run();

    void run() throws Exception {
        // Determines which repeat and order in source(ABMix).
        Boolean As= false, BDs=true, ABMix=false;
        int testrun=0;
        // A repeats and/or B/D repeats, ABMix for order of As and Bs.
        Boolean [][] bRepeat = new Boolean[][]{{false,false,false},//no repeats
                                               {true,false,false}, //repeat @A
                                               {false,true,false}, //repeat @B
                                               {true,true,false},  //repeat both
                                               {false,false,true}  //repeat mix
        for(Boolean[] bCombo : bRepeat) {
            As=bCombo[0]; BDs=bCombo[1]; ABMix=bCombo[2];
            for(String et : ETypes) {
               switch(et) {
                   case "METHOD":
                       test( 8,  0, 2, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test(10,  0, 2, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src2);
                       test( 8,  0, 0, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src4);
                       test(10,  0, 2, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src6);
                       test( 0,  8, 0, 2, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test( 0, 10, 0, 2, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src2);
                       test( 0,  8, 0, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src4);
                       test( 0, 10, 0, 2, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src6);
                   case "CONSTRUCTOR":
                   case "FIELD":
                       test( 8,  0, 4, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test( 6,  0, 3, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src5);
                       test( 9,  0, 0, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src7);
                       test( 0,  8, 0, 4, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test( 0,  6, 0, 3, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src5);
                       test( 0,  9, 0, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src7);
                       test( 8,  0, 2, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test( 6,  0, 3, 0, As, BDs, ABMix, "CLASS",   et, ++testrun, src5);
                       test( 0,  8, 0, 2, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src1);
                       test( 0,  6, 0, 3, As, BDs, ABMix, "RUNTIME", et, ++testrun, src5);

    public void test(int tinv, int tvis, int inv, int vis, Boolean Arepeats,
                     Boolean BDrepeats, Boolean ABmix, String rtn, String et2,
                     Integer N, int source) throws Exception {
        expected_tvisibles = tvis;
        expected_tinvisibles = tinv;
        expected_visibles = vis;
        expected_invisibles = inv;
        File testFile = null;
        String tname="Test" + N.toString();
        String testDef = "Test " + testcount + " parameters: tinv=" + tinv +
                ", tvis=" + tvis + ", inv=" + inv + ", vis=" + vis +
                ", Arepeats=" + Arepeats + ", BDrepeats=" + BDrepeats +
                ", ABmix=" + ABmix + ", retention: " + rtn + ", anno2: " +
                et2 + ", src=" + source;

        // Create test source and File.
        String sourceString = sourceString(tname, rtn, et2, Arepeats,
                                           BDrepeats, ABmix, source);
        testFile = writeTestFile(tname+".java", sourceString);
        // Compile test source and read classfile.
        File classFile = null;
        try {
            classFile = compile(testFile);
        } catch (Error err) {
            System.err.println("Failed compile. Source:\n" + sourceString);
            throw err;
        //if sourcString() set hasInnerClass it also set innerClassname.
        if(hasInnerClass) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(classFile.getAbsolutePath());
            classFile=new File(sb.insert(sb.lastIndexOf(".class"),innerClassname).toString());
        ClassFile cf =;

        //Test class,fields and method counts.

        for (Field f : cf.fields) {
            test(cf, f);
        for (Method m: cf.methods) {
            test(cf, m);
        if (errors > 0) {
            System.err.println( testDef );
            System.err.println( "Source:\n" + sourceString );
            throw new Exception( errors + " errors found" );

    // Source for test cases
    String sourceString(String testname, String retentn, String annot2,
                        Boolean Arepeats, Boolean BDrepeats, Boolean ABmix,
                        int src) {

        String As = "@A", Bs = "@B", Ds = "@D";
        if(Arepeats) As = "@A @A";
        if(BDrepeats) {
            Bs = "@B @B";
            Ds = "@D @D";
        if(ABmix) { As = "@A @B"; Bs = "@A @B"; Ds = "@D @D"; }

        // Source to check for TYPE_USE and TYPE_PARAMETER annotations.
        // Source base (annotations) is same for all test cases.
        String source = new String();
        String imports = new String("import java.lang.annotation.*; \n" +
            "import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; \n" +
            "import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; \n" +
            "import java.util.List; \n" +
            "import java.util.HashMap; \n" +
            "import java.util.Map; \n\n");

            String sourceBase = new String("@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainedBy( AC.class )\n" +
            "@interface A { }\n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainerFor(A.class)\n" +
            "@interface AC { A[] value(); }\n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainedBy( BC.class )\n" +
            "@interface B { }\n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainerFor(B.class)\n" +
            "@interface BC { B[] value(); } \n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_PARAMETER,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@interface C { }\n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,TYPE_PARAMETER,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainedBy(DC.class)\n" +
            "@interface D { }\n\n" +

            "@Retention("+retentn+")\n" +
            "@Target({TYPE_USE,TYPE_PARAMETER,_OTHER_})\n" +
            "@ContainerFor(D.class) \n" +
            "@interface DC { D[] value(); }\n\n");

        // Test case sources with sample generated source.
        switch(src) {
            case 1: // repeating type annotations at class level
                     * @A @B class Test1 {
                     * @A @B Test1(){}
                     * @A @B Integer i1 = 0;
                     * String @A @B [] @A @B [] sa = null;
                     * // type usage in method body
                     * String test(Test1 this, String param, String ... vararg) {
                     *     Object o = new  String  [3];
                     *     return (String) null;
                     * }}
                source = new String(
                "// (repeating) type annotations at class level. \n" +
                "_As_ _Bs_ class " + testname + " {\n" +
                "_As_ _Bs_ " + testname +"(){} \n" +
                "_As_ _Bs_ Integer i1 = 0; \n" +
                "String _As_ _Bs_ [] _As_ _Bs_ [] sa = null; \n" +
                "// type usage in method body \n" +
                "String test("+testname+" this, " +
                   "String param, String ... vararg) { \n" +
                "    Object o = new  String  [3]; \n" +
                "    return (String) null; \n" +
                "} \n" +
                "} \n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs) +
            case 2: // (repeating) type annotations on method.
                     * class Test12 {
                     * Test12(){}
                     * // type usage on method
                     * @A @B String test(@A @B  Test12 this, @A @B  String param, @A @B  String @A @B  ... vararg) {
                     *     Object o = new String [3];
                     *     return (String) null;
                     * }}
                source = new String(
                "// (repeating) type annotations on method. \n" +
                "class " + testname + " {\n" +
                testname +"(){} \n" +
                "// type usage on method \n" +
                "_As_ _Bs_ String test(_As_ _Bs_  "+testname+" this, " +
                   "_As_ _Bs_  String param, _As_ _Bs_  String _As_ _Bs_  ... vararg) { \n" +
                "    Object o = new String [3]; \n" +
                "    return (String) null; \n" +
                "} \n" +
                "} \n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs) +
            case 4: //(repeating) annotations on wildcard, type arguments in anonymous class.
                     * class Test13<T extends Object> {
                     *     public T data = null;
                     *     T getData() { return data;}
                     *     String mtest( Test13<String> t){ return t.getData(); }
                     *     public void test() {
                     *         mtest( new Test13<@A @B String>() {
                     *                  void m1(List<@A @B ? extends @A @B  Object> lst) {}
                     *                  void m2() throws@A @B Exception { }
                     *                });
                     *     }
                     * }
                source = new String( source +
                "// (repeating) annotations on wildcard, type arguments in anonymous class. \n" +
                "class " + testname + "<T extends Object> {\n" +
                "    public T data = null;\n" +
                "    T getData() { return data;}\n" +
                "    String mtest( " + testname + "<String> t){ return t.getData(); }\n" +
                "    public void test() {\n" +
                "        mtest( new " + testname + "<_As_ _Bs_ String>() {\n" +
                "                 void m1(List<_As_ _Bs_ ? extends _As_ _Bs_  Object> lst) {}\n" +
                "                 void m2() throws_As_ _Bs_ Exception { }\n" +
                "               });\n" +
                "    }\n" +
                "}\n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs) + "\n\n";
            case 5: // (repeating)annotations on type parameters, bounds and  type arguments on class decl.
                     * @A @B @D
                     * class Test2<@A @B @C @D T extends @A @B Object> {
                     *     Map<List<String>, Integer> map =
                     *         new HashMap<List< String>, Integer>();
                     *     Map<List<String>,Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
                     *     String test(Test2<T> this) { return null;}
                     *     <T> String genericMethod(T t) { return null; }
                     * }
                source = new String( source +
                "// (repeating)annotations on type parameters, bounds and  type arguments on class decl. \n" +
                "_As_ _Bs_ _Ds_\n" +  //8004829: A and B on type parameter below.
                "class " + testname + "<_As_ _Bs_ @C _Ds_ T extends _As_ _Bs_ Object> {\n" +
                "    Map<List<String>, Integer> map =\n" +
                "        new HashMap<List< String>, Integer>();\n" +
                "    Map<List<String>,Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();\n" +
                "    String test(" + testname + "<T> this) { return null;}\n" +
                "    <T> String genericMethod(T t) { return null; }\n" +
                "}\n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs).replace("_Ds_",Ds) +
            case 6: // (repeating) annotations on type parameters, bounds and  type arguments on method.
                     * class Test14<T extends Object> {
                     *     Map<List<String>, Integer> map =
                     *         new HashMap<List<String>, Integer>();
                     *     Map<List<String>, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
                     *     String test(@A @B Test14<@D T> this) { return null;}
                     *     <@C @D T> @A @B String genericMethod(@A @B @D T t) { return null; }
                     * }
                source = new String( source +
                "// (repeating) annotations on type parameters, bounds and  type arguments on method. \n" +
                "class " + testname + "<T extends Object> {\n" +
                "    Map<List<String>, Integer> map =\n" +
                "        new HashMap<List<String>, Integer>();\n" +
                "    Map<List<String>, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();\n" +
                "    String test(_As_ _Bs_ " + testname + "<_Ds_ T> this) { return null;}\n" +
                "    <@C _Ds_ T> _As_ _Bs_ String genericMethod(_As_ _Bs_ _Ds_ T t) { return null; }\n" +
                "}\n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs).replace("_Ds_",Ds) +
            case 7: // repeating annotations on type parameters, bounds and  type arguments in method.
                     * class Test7{
                     *     <E extends Comparable> Map<List<E>, E > foo(E e) {
                     *         class maptest <@A @B @D E> {
                     *             Map<List<@A @B @D E>,@A @B @D E> getMap() {
                     *                 return new HashMap<List<E>,E>();
                     *             }
                     *         }
                     *         return new maptest<E>().getMap();
                     *    }
                     *    Map<List<String>,String> shm = foo(new String("hello"));
                     * }
                source = new String( source +
                "// (repeating)annotations on type parameters of class, method return value in method. \n" +
                "class "+ testname + "{\n" +
                "    <E extends Comparable> Map<List<E>, E > foo(E e) {\n" +
                "        class maptest <_As_ _Bs_ _Ds_ E> {\n" +                  // inner class $1maptest
                "            Map<List<_As_ _Bs_ _Ds_ E>,_As_ _Bs_ _Ds_ E> getMap() { \n" +
                "                return new HashMap<List<E>,E>();\n" +
                "            }\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "        return new maptest<E>().getMap();\n" +
                "   }\n" +
                "   Map<List<String>,String> shm = foo(new String(\"hello\"));\n" +
                "}\n").concat(sourceBase).replace("_OTHER_", annot2).replace("_As_",As).replace("_Bs_",Bs).replace("_Ds_",Ds) +
        return imports + source;