8073498: Enhance GensrcProperties.gmk to allow an alternative source root
Reviewed-by: tbell, mchung, ihse
# This file identifies the root of the test-suite hierarchy.# It also contains test-suite configuration information.# The list of keywords supported in the entire test suitekeys=2d dnd i18n# Tests that must run in othervm modeothervm.dirs=java/awt java/beans javax/accessibility javax/imageio javax/sound javax/print javax/management com/sun/awt sun/awt sun/java2d sun/pisces# Tests that cannot run concurrentlyexclusiveAccess.dirs=java/rmi/Naming java/util/prefs sun/management/jmxremote sun/tools/jstatd sun/security/mscapi java/util/stream# Group definitionsgroups=TEST.groups [closed/TEST.groups]# Tests using jtreg 4.1 b10 featuresrequiredVersion=4.1 b10