## Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#ifndef _MODULES_GMK_MODULES_GMK := 1################################################################################## BOOT_MODULES are modules defined by the boot loader# PLATFORM_MODULES are modules defined by the platform loader# JRE_TOOL_MODULES are tools included in JRE and defined by the application loader## All other modules not declared below are defined by the application loader# and are not included in JRE.BOOT_MODULES :=PLATFORM_MODULES :=JRE_TOOL_MODULES :=UPGRADEABLE_MODULES :=AGGREGATOR_MODULES :=# Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present.$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, , common/Modules.gmk))BOOT_MODULES += \ java.base \ java.datatransfer \ java.desktop \ java.instrument \ java.logging \ java.management \ java.management.rmi \ java.naming \ java.prefs \ java.rmi \ java.security.sasl \ java.xml \ jdk.httpserver \ jdk.management \ jdk.management.agent \ jdk.net \ jdk.sctp \ jdk.unsupported \ jdk.internal.vm.ci \ ## to be deprivilegedBOOT_MODULES += \ jdk.naming.rmi \ #UPGRADEABLE_MODULES += \ java.activation \ java.corba \ java.transaction \ java.xml.bind \ java.xml.ws \ java.xml.ws.annotation \ ## Modules explicitly declared as not being upgradeable even though they require# an upgradeable module.NON_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES +=AGGREGATOR_MODULES += \ java.se \ java.se.ee \ #PLATFORM_MODULES += \ $(UPGRADEABLE_MODULES) \ $(AGGREGATOR_MODULES) #PLATFORM_MODULES += \ java.compiler \ jdk.incubator.httpclient \ java.scripting \ java.security.jgss \ java.smartcardio \ java.sql \ java.sql.rowset \ java.xml.crypto \ jdk.accessibility \ jdk.charsets \ jdk.crypto.ec \ jdk.crypto.cryptoki \ jdk.dynalink \ jdk.jsobject \ jdk.localedata \ jdk.naming.dns \ jdk.scripting.nashorn \ jdk.security.auth \ jdk.security.jgss \ jdk.internal.vm.compiler \ jdk.xml.dom \ jdk.zipfs \ #JRE_TOOL_MODULES += \ jdk.jdwp.agent \ jdk.pack \ jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell \ #ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows) PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.mscapiendififeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris) PLATFORM_MODULES += jdk.crypto.ucryptoendif# These modules are included in the interim image which is used to run profiling# before building the real images.INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES := java.base java.logging################################################################################# Some platforms don't have the serviceability agentifeq ($(INCLUDE_SA), false) MODULES_FILTER += jdk.hotspot.agentendif################################################################################# Filter out Graal specific modules if Graal build is disabledifeq ($(INCLUDE_GRAAL), false) MODULES_FILTER += jdk.internal.vm.compilerendif################################################################################# Filter out aot specific modules if aot is disabledifeq ($(ENABLE_AOT), false) MODULES_FILTER += jdk.aotendif################################################################################# Module list macros# Use append so that the custom extension may add to these variablesGENERATED_SRC_DIRS += \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc \ #TOP_SRC_DIRS += \ $(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src \ $(HOTSPOT_TOPDIR)/src \ $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src \ $(LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR)/src \ $(JAXP_TOPDIR)/src \ $(JAXWS_TOPDIR)/src \ $(NASHORN_TOPDIR)/src \ #SRC_SUBDIRS += $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/classesifneq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)) SRC_SUBDIRS += $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/classesendifSRC_SUBDIRS += share/classes# Find all module-info.java files for the current build target platform and# configuration.# Param 1 - Module to find for, set to * for finding allFindAllModuleInfos = \ $(wildcard \ $(foreach sub, $(SRC_SUBDIRS), \ $(patsubst %,%/$(strip $1)/$(sub)/module-info.java, $(TOP_SRC_DIRS))) \ $(patsubst %,%/$(strip $1)/module-info.java, $(IMPORT_MODULES_SRC)))# Find module-info.java files in the specific source dir# Param 1 - Src dir to find module-info.java files inFindModuleInfosForSrcDir = \ $(wildcard \ $(foreach sub, $(SRC_SUBDIRS), \ $(patsubst %,%/*/$(sub)/module-info.java, $(strip $1)) \ ) \ $(patsubst %,%/*/module-info.java, $(strip $1)) \ )# Extract the module names from the paths of module-info.java files. The# position of the module directory differs depending on if this is an imported# src dir or not.GetModuleNameFromModuleInfo = \ $(strip $(foreach mi, $1, \ $(if $(filter $(addsuffix %, $(IMPORT_MODULES_SRC)), $(mi)), \ $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(mi)))), \ $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(mi)))))))))))# Find all modules by looking for module-info.java files and looking at parent# directories.FindAllModules = \ $(sort $(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER), \ $(call GetModuleNameFromModuleInfo, $(MODULE_INFOS))))# Find all modules in a specific src dir# Param 1 - Src dir to find modules inFindModulesForSrcDir = \ $(sort $(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER), \ $(call GetModuleNameFromModuleInfo, $(call FindModuleInfosForSrcDir, $1)) \ ))FindImportedModules = \ $(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER), \ $(if $(IMPORT_MODULES_CLASSES), $(notdir $(wildcard $(IMPORT_MODULES_CLASSES)/*))))# Find all source dirs for a particular module# $1 - Module to find source dirs forFindModuleSrcDirs = \ $(strip $(wildcard \ $(addsuffix /$(strip $1), $(GENERATED_SRC_DIRS) $(IMPORT_MODULES_SRC)) \ $(foreach sub, $(SRC_SUBDIRS), $(addsuffix /$(strip $1)/$(sub), $(TOP_SRC_DIRS)))))# Construct the complete module source pathGetModuleSrcPath = \ $(call PathList, \ $(addsuffix /*, $(GENERATED_SRC_DIRS) $(IMPORT_MODULES_SRC)) \ $(foreach sub, $(SRC_SUBDIRS), $(addsuffix /*/$(sub), $(TOP_SRC_DIRS))))################################################################################# Extract module dependencies from module-info.java files.MODULE_DEPS_MAKEFILE := $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/module-deps.gmkMODULE_INFOS := $(call FindAllModuleInfos, *)$(MODULE_DEPS_MAKEFILE): $(MODULE_INFOS) \ $(call DependOnVariable, MODULE_INFOS, $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/MODULE_INFOS.vardeps) $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(RM) $@ $(foreach m, $(MODULE_INFOS), \ ( $(PRINTF) "DEPS_$(call GetModuleNameFromModuleInfo, $m) :=" && \ $(NAWK) -v MODULE=$(call GetModuleNameFromModuleInfo, $m) '\ BEGIN { if (MODULE != "java.base") printf(" java.base"); } \ /requires/ { sub(/;/, ""); \ sub(/requires/, ""); \ sub(/transitive/, ""); \ sub(/\/\/.*/, ""); \ sub(/\/\*.*\*\//, ""); \ gsub(/^ +\*.*/, ""); \ gsub(/ /, ""); \ printf(" %s", $$0) } \ END { printf("\n") }' $m \ ) >> $@ $(NEWLINE))-include $(MODULE_DEPS_MAKEFILE)# Param 1: Module to find deps forFindDepsForModule = \ $(DEPS_$(strip $1))# Finds transitive dependencies in 3 levels.# Param 1: Module to find transitive deps forFindTransitiveDepsForModule = \ $(sort $(call FindDepsForModule, $1) \ $(foreach m, $(call FindDepsForModule, $1), \ $(call FindDepsForModule, $m) \ $(foreach n, $(call FindDepsForModule, $m), \ $(call FindDepsForModule, $n))))# Upgradeable modules are those that are either defined as upgradeable or that# require an upradeable module.FindAllUpgradeableModules = \ $(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER) $(NON_UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), \ $(sort $(UPGRADEABLE_MODULES) $(foreach m, \ $(filter-out $(UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), $(call FindAllModules)), \ $(if $(filter $(UPGRADEABLE_MODULES), \ $(call FindTransitiveDepsForModule, $m)), \ $m \ ) \ )) \ )################################################################################LEGAL_SUBDIRS += $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/legalifneq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)) LEGAL_SUBDIRS += $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/legalendifLEGAL_SUBDIRS += share/legal# Find all legal dirs for a particular module# $1 - Module to find legal dirs forFindModuleLegalDirs = \ $(strip $(wildcard \ $(addsuffix /$(strip $1), $(IMPORT_MODULES_LEGAL)) \ $(foreach sub, $(LEGAL_SUBDIRS), $(addsuffix /$(strip $1)/$(sub), $(TOP_SRC_DIRS)))))################################################################################# Param 1 - Name of moduledefine ReadSingleImportMetaData ifneq ($$(wildcard $(IMPORT_MODULES_MAKE)/$$(strip $1)/build.properties), ) classloader := include_in_jre := include_in_jdk := include $(IMPORT_MODULES_MAKE)/$$(strip $1)/build.properties ifeq ($$(include_in_jre), true) JRE_MODULES += $1 endif ifeq ($$(include_in_jdk), true) JDK_MODULES += $1 endif ifeq ($$(classloader), boot) BOOT_MODULES += $1 else ifeq ($$(classloader), ext) PLATFORM_MODULES += $1 endif else # Default to include in all JRE_MODULES += $1 JDK_MODULES += $1 endifendef# Reading the imported modules metadata has a cost, so to make it available,# a makefile needs to eval-call this macro first. After calling this, the# following variables are populated with data from the imported modules:# * JRE_MODULES# * JDK_MODULES# * BOOT_MODULES# * PLATFORM_MODULES# * JRE_TOOL_MODULESdefine ReadImportMetaData IMPORTED_MODULES := $$(call FindImportedModules) $$(foreach m, $$(IMPORTED_MODULES), \ $$(eval $$(call ReadSingleImportMetaData, $$m)))endef################################################################################endif # _MODULES_GMK