author mrkam
Fri, 02 Mar 2012 12:24:35 +0200
changeset 12030 e7055cf1294e
parent 11840 dfd8edddd85f
child 13256 5886d7607acd
permissions -rw-r--r--
7130241: [macosx] TransparentRuler demo can not run due to lacking of perpixel transparency support Reviewed-by: art

# This file identifies the root of the test-suite hierarchy.
# It also contains test-suite configuration information.
# DO NOT EDIT without first contacting jdk-regtest@sun.com.

# The list of keywords supported in the entire test suite
keys=2d dnd i18n

# Tests that must run in othervm mode
othervm.dirs=java/rmi sun/rmi javax/management

# Tests that cannot run concurrently
exclusiveAccess.dirs=java/rmi sun/rmi sun/management/jmxremote sun/tools/jstatd