author sundar
Wed, 24 Aug 2016 14:02:41 +0530
changeset 40575 e49bc2deb2f0
parent 39899 b3d60e304c3e
child 41142 a48be9ca03ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
8164618: add documentation for NativeNumber and NativeBoolean Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by:

Object.setIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData=sets ByteBuffer to hold indexed data (nashorn extension)

Object.getPrototypeOf=returns the prototype of the specified object

Object.setPrototypeOf=sets the prototype of the given object (ES6)

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor=returns a property descriptor for an own property (not inherited property)

Object.getOwnPropertyNames=returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found directly on the given object

Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=returns an array of all symbol properties found directly on the given object (ES6)

Object.create=creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties

Object.defineProperty=adds an own property and/or update the attributes of an existing own property of an object

Object.defineProperties=defines new or modifies existing properties directly on the given object

Object.seal=prevents new properties from being added to the given object and marks existing properties as non-configurable

Object.freeze=prevents new properties from being added to the given object and prevents existing properties from being removed or re-configured

Object.preventExtensions=prevents new properties from ever being added to the given object

Object.isSealed=tells if an object is sealed or not

Object.isFrozen=tells if an object is frozen or not

Object.isExtensible=tells if an object is extensible or not

Object.keys=returns an array of the given object's own enumerable properties

Object=creates a new script object or converts given value as a script object

Object.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this object

Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty=tells whether this object has the specified property or not

Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf=tests for this object in another object's prototype chain

Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable=tells whether the given property is enumerable or not

Object.bindProperties=binds the source object's properties to the target object (nashorn extension)

Array.isArray=tells whether the argument is an array

Array.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this array

Array.prototype.assertNumeric=asserts that the array is numeric, throws a type error if this is not the case

Array.prototype.toLocaleString=returns a locale-specific string representation of this array

Array=creates a new array

Array.prototype.concat=concatenates arrays

Array.prototype.join=returns a string representation of the array, with a separator placed between elements

Array.prototype.pop=returns the element from the end of the array, or undefined

Array.prototype.push=appends an element to the end of the array

Array.prototype.reverse=reverses the array

Array.prototype.shift=removes the first element from the array and returns that element

Array.prototype.slice=returns a shallow copy of a slice of the array

Array.prototype.sort=sorts the array

Array.prototype.splice=changes the content of the array by removing and/or adding elements

Array.prototype.unshift=adds one or more elements to the beginning of the array

Array.prototype.indexOf=retrieves the first index of an element in the array, or -1 if the element is not found

Array.prototype.lastIndexOf=retrieves the last index of an element in the array, or -1 if the element is not found

Array.prototype.every=applies a predicate to all elements of the array, returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for all

Array.prototype.some=tests whether a predicate evaluates to true for some element in the array

Array.prototype.forEach=applies a function to all elements in the array a function to all elements in the array, returns the array of results

Array.prototype.filter=returns an array with those elements from this array that match a filter function

Array.prototype.reduce=applies a left-fold to the array and returns the result

Array.prototype.reduceRight=applies a right-fold to the array and returns the result

Function=creates a new function with the given parameters and function body

Function.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this function

Function.prototype.apply=invokes the function with the given this-reference and arguments array the function with the given this-reference and arguments

Function.prototype.bind=returns a new function with bound this-reference and arguments

Math.abs=returns absolute value of the argument

Math.acos=returns an approximation to the arc cosine of argument, return value is expressed in radians

Math.asin=returns an approximation to the arc sine of argument, return value is expressed in radians

Math.atan=returns an approximation to the arc tangent of argument, return value expressed in radians

Math.atan2=returns an approximation to the arc tangent of the quotient argument1/argument2, signs of argument1 and argument2 are used to determine quadrant of the result

Math.ceil=returns smallest value that is not less than argument and is equal to a mathematical integer, returns argument itself if it is an integer

Math.cos=returns an approximation to the cosine of argument, argument is expressed in radians

Math.exp=returns an approximation to the value of exponential function of argument, e raised to the power of argument where e is the base of natural logarithms

Math.floor=returns the greatest value that is not greater than argument and is equal to mathematical integer, returns argument itself if it is an integer

Math.log=returns an approximation to the natural logarithm of argument

Math.max=returns the largest of the given arguments

Math.min=returns the smallest of the given arguments

Math.pow=returns an approximation to the result of raising argument1 to the power of argument2

Math.random=returns random value between 0 to 1, inclusive 0 and exclusive 1

Math.round=returns mathematical integer value that is closest to the given argument

Math.sin=returns an approximation to the sine of given argument, argument is expressed in radians

Math.sqrt=returns an approximation to the square root of given argument

Math.tan=returns an approximation to the tangent of given argument

String.fromCharCode=returns a string value containing the characters corresponding to the sequence of unicode values given as arguments

String.prototype.toString=returns string value of calling object, returns TypeError if calling object is not a string object

String.prototype.valueOf=returns string value of calling object, returns TypeError if calling object is not a string object

String.prototype.charAt=returns string value representing the character at the index given as argument, empty string if the index is out of range

String.prototype.concat=returns the string resulting from appending the argument string value to the calling object

String.prototype.indexOf=returns the index of first occurrence of specified string, starting the search from position given as argument, returns -1 if the string is not found

String.prototype.lastIndexOf=returns the index of last occurrence of specified string, searching backwards from position given as argument, returns -1 if the string is not found

String.prototype.localeCompare=returns negative, zero, or positive value if calling string value comes before, equal, or after argument string value in the locale-sensitive sort order

String.prototype.match=returns an array containing entire match result when matching calling string value against regular expression given as argument

String.prototype.replace=returns a new string with some or all matches of pattern argument replaced by the given replacement argument index of the first occurrence of the match between regular expression given as argument and the calling string, returns -1 if not found

String.prototype.slice=returns a new string by extracting a section of the string according to given arguments

String.prototype.split=returns an array of strings split at each point where the separator given as argument occurs in the calling string, number of array elements is limited by second argument

String.prototype.substring=returns a new string value extracted from the calling string starting from first argument position to position before the second argument position

String.prototype.toLowerCase=returns a new string representing the calling string value converted to lower case

String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase=returns a new string representing the calling string value converted to lower case according to any locale specific case mappings

String.prototype.toUpperCase=returns a new string representing the calling string value converted to upper case

String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase=returns a new string representing the calling string value converted to upper case according to any locale specific case mappings

String.prototype.trim=returns a new string representing the calling string with white space removed from both ends

Boolean.prototype.toString=returns string representation of specified Boolean object

Boolean.prototype.valueOf=returns the primitive value of the specified Boolean object

Number.prototype.toString=returns string representation of specified object in the specified radix

Number.prototype.toLocaleString=returns a string with a language sensitive representation of this number

Number.prototype.valueOf=returns the primitive value of the specified object

Number.prototype.toFixed=returns a string representing the number in decimal fixed-point notation

Number.prototype.toExponential=returns a string representing the number in decimal exponential notation

Number.prototype.toPrecision=returns a string representing the number to a specified precision in fixed-point or exponential notation