8177076: jshell tool: allow non-zero /exit
8190383: JShell API: no way for the jshell tool to report exit status to provider
Reviewed-by: jlahoda
'\" t.\" Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved..\" DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER..\".\" This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.\" under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as.\" published by the Free Software Foundation..\".\" This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT.\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or.\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License.\" version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that.\" accompanied this code)..\".\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version.\" 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,.\" Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA..\".\" Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA.\" or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any.\" questions..\".\" Arch: generic.\" Software: JDK 8.\" Date: 21 November 2013.\" SectDesc: Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools.\" Title: servertool.1.\".if n .pl 99999.TH servertool 1 "21 November 2013" "JDK 8" "Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools".\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.\" * Define some portability stuff.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq.el .ds Aq '.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.\" * set default formatting.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.\" disable hyphenation.nh.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only).ad l.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE *.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------.SH NAME servertool \- Provides an easy-to-use interface for developers to register, unregister, start up, and shut down a persistent server\&..SH SYNOPSIS .sp .nf \fBservertool\fR \-ORBInitialPort \fInameserverport\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIcommands \fR].fi .sp .TP \fIoptions\fRThe command-line options\&. See Options\&..TP commandsThe command-line commands\&. See Commands\&..SH DESCRIPTION The \f3servertool\fR command provides the command-line interface for developers to register, unregister, start up, and shut down a persistent server\&. Command-line commands let you obtain various statistical information about the server\&. See Commands\&..SH OPTIONS .TP-ORBInitialHost \fInameserverhost\fR.brThis options is required\&. It specifies the host machine on which the name server runs and listens for incoming requests\&. The \f3nameserverhost\fR value must specify the port on which the \f3orb\fR is running and listening for requests\&. The value defaults to \f3localhost\fR when this option is not specified\&. If \f3orbd\fR and \f3servertool\fR are running on different machines, then you must specify the name or IP address of the host on which \f3orbd\fR is running\&.\fINote:\fR On Oracle Solaris, you must become a root user to start a process on a port below 1024\&. Oracle recommends that you use a port number above or equal to 1024 for the \f3nameserverport\fR value\&..TP-J\fIoption\fR.brPasses \f3option\fR to the Java Virtual Machine, where \f3option\fR is one of the options described on the reference page for the Java application launcher\&. For example, \f3-J-Xms48m\fR sets the startup memory to 48 MB\&. See java(1)\&..SH COMMANDS You can start the \f3servertool\fR command with or without a command-line command\&..TP 0.2i \(buIf you did not specify a command when you started \f3servertool\fR, then the command-line tool displays the \f3servertool\fR prompt where you can enter commands: \f3servertool >\fR\&..TP 0.2i \(buIf you specify a command when you start \f3servertool\fR, then the Java IDL Server Tool starts, executes the command, and exits\&..TP .ll 180register -server \fIserver-class-name\fR -classpath \fIclasspath-to-server\fR [ -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fR -args \fIargs-to-server\fR -vmargs \fIflags-for-JVM\fR ]Registers a new persistent server with the Object Request Broker Daemon (ORBD)\&. If the server is not already registered, then it is registered and activated\&. This command causes an installation method to be called in the \f3main\fR class of the server identified by the \f3-server\fR option\&. The installation method must be \f3public static void install(org\&.omg\&.CORBA\&.ORB)\fR\&. The install method is optional and lets developers provide their own server installation behavior, such as creating a database schema\&..TP .ll 180unregister -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fRUnregisters a server from the ORBD with either its server ID or its application name\&. This command causes an uninstallation method to be called in the \f3main\fR class of the server identified by the \f3-server\fR option\&. The \f3uninstall\fR method must be \f3public static void uninstall(org\&.omg\&.CORBA\&.ORB)\fR\&. The \f3uninstall\fR method is optional and lets developers provide their own server uninstallation behavior, such as undoing the behavior of the \f3install\fR method\&..TP getserverid -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fRReturns the server ID that corresponds to the \f3application-name\fR value\&..TP listLists information about all persistent servers registered with the ORBD\&..TP listappnamesLists the application names for all servers currently registered with the ORBD\&..TP listactiveLists information about all persistent servers that were started by the ORBD and are currently running\&..TP .ll 180locate -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fR [ -endpointType \fIendpointType\fR ]Locates the endpoints (ports) of a specific type for all ORBs created by a registered server\&. If a server is not already running, then it is activated\&. If an \f3endpointType\fR value is not specified, then the plain/non-protected endpoint associated with each ORB in a server is returned\&..TP .ll 180locateperorb -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fR [ -orbid \fIORB-name\fR ]Locates all the endpoints (ports) registered by a specific Object Request Broker (ORB) of registered server\&. If a server is not already running, then it is activated\&. If an \f3orbid\fR is not specified, then the default value of \f3""\fR is assigned to the \f3orbid\fR\&. If any ORBs are created with an \f3orbid\fR of empty string, then all ports registered by it are returned\&..TP orblist -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName \fIapplication-name\fRLists the \f3ORBId\fR of the ORBs defined on a server\&. An \f3ORBId\fR is the string name for the ORB created by the server\&. If the server is not already running, then it is activated\&..TP shutdown -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName application-nameShut down an active server that is registered with ORBD\&. During execution of this command, the \f3shutdown\fR method defined in the class specified by either the \f3-serverid\fR or \f3-applicationName\fR parameter is also called to shut down the server process\&..TP startup -serverid \fIserver-id\fR | -applicationName application-nameStarts up or activate a server that is registered with ORBD\&. If the server is not running, then this command starts the server\&. If the server is already running, then an error message is displayed\&..TP helpLists all the commands available to the server through the \f3servertool\fR command\&..TP quitExits the \f3servertool\fR command\&..SH SEE\ ALSO .TP 0.2i \(buorbd(1).RE.br'pl 8.5i'bp