6719955: Update copyright year
Summary: Update copyright year for files that have been modified in 2008
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell
## Copyright 1998-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,# CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or# have any questions.# ## Rules to build JVM and related libraries, included from vm.make in the build# directory.# Common build rules.MAKEFILES_DIR=$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(Platform_os_family)/makefilesinclude $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/rules.makedefault: build#----------------------------------------------------------------------# DefsGENERATED = ../generated# read a generated file defining the set of .o's and the .o .h dependenciesinclude $(GENERATED)/Dependencies# read machine-specific adjustments (%%% should do this via buildtree.make?)include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/$(BUILDARCH).make# set VPATH so make knows where to look for source files# Src_Dirs is everything in src/share/vm/*, plus the right os/*/vm and cpu/*/vm# The incls directory contains generated header file lists for inclusion.# The adfiles directory contains ad_<arch>.[ch]pp.# The jvmtifiles directory contains jvmti*.[ch]ppSrc_Dirs_V = $(GENERATED)/adfiles $(GENERATED)/jvmtifiles ${Src_Dirs} $(GENERATED)/inclsVPATH += $(Src_Dirs_V:%=%:)# set INCLUDES for C preprocessorSrc_Dirs_I = $(GENERATED)/adfiles $(GENERATED)/jvmtifiles ${Src_Dirs} $(GENERATED) INCLUDES += $(Src_Dirs_I:%=-I%)ifeq (${VERSION}, debug) SYMFLAG = -gelse SYMFLAG =endif# The following variables are defined in the generated flags.make file.BUILD_VERSION = -DHOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION="\"$(HS_BUILD_VER)\""JRE_VERSION = -DJRE_RELEASE_VERSION="\"$(JRE_RELEASE_VER)\""HS_LIB_ARCH = -DHOTSPOT_LIB_ARCH=\"$(LIBARCH)\"BUILD_TARGET = -DHOTSPOT_BUILD_TARGET="\"$(TARGET)\""BUILD_USER = -DHOTSPOT_BUILD_USER="\"$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_USER)\""VM_DISTRO = -DHOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO="\"$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO)\""CPPFLAGS = \ ${SYSDEFS} \ ${INCLUDES} \ ${BUILD_VERSION} \ ${BUILD_TARGET} \ ${BUILD_USER} \ ${HS_LIB_ARCH} \ ${JRE_VERSION} \ ${VM_DISTRO}# CFLAGS_WARN holds compiler options to suppress/enable warnings.CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_WARN)# Do not use C++ exception handlingCFLAGS += $(CFLAGS/NOEX)# Extra flags from gnumake's invocation or environmentCFLAGS += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)# Math Library (libm.so), do not use -lm.# There might be two versions of libm.so on the build system:# libm.so.1 and libm.so.2, and we want libm.so.1.# Depending on the Solaris release being used to build with,# /usr/lib/libm.so could point at a libm.so.2, so we are# explicit here so that the libjvm.so you have built will work on an# older Solaris release that might not have libm.so.2.# This is a critical factor in allowing builds on Solaris 10 or newer# to run on Solaris 8 or 9.#LIBM=/usr/lib$(ISA_DIR)/libm.so.1ifeq ("${Platform_compiler}", "sparcWorks")# The whole megilla:ifeq ($(shell expr $(COMPILER_REV) \>= 5.5), 1)# Old Comment: List the libraries in the order the compiler was designed for# Not sure what the 'designed for' comment is referring too above.# The order may not be too significant anymore, but I have placed this# older libm before libCrun, just to make sure it's found and used first.LIBS += -lsocket -lsched -ldl $(LIBM) -lCrun -lthread -ldoor -lcelseLIBS += -ldl -lthread -lsocket $(LIBM) -lsched -ldoorendifelseLIBS += -lsocket -lsched -ldl $(LIBM) -lthread -lcendif# By default, link the *.o into the library, not the executable.LINK_INTO$(LINK_INTO) = LIBJVMJDK_LIBDIR = $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/$(LIBARCH)#----------------------------------------------------------------------# jvm_db & dtraceinclude $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/dtrace.make#----------------------------------------------------------------------# JVMJVM = jvm$(G_SUFFIX)LIBJVM = lib$(JVM).soJVM_OBJ_FILES = $(Obj_Files) $(DTRACE_OBJS)vm_version.o: $(filter-out vm_version.o,$(JVM_OBJ_FILES))mapfile : $(MAPFILE) $(MAPFILE_DTRACE_OPT) rm -f $@ cat $^ > $@mapfile_reorder : mapfile $(MAPFILE_DTRACE_OPT) $(REORDERFILE) rm -f $@ cat $^ > $@ifeq ($(LINK_INTO),AOUT) LIBJVM.o = LIBJVM_MAPFILE = LIBS_VM = $(LIBS)else LIBJVM.o = $(JVM_OBJ_FILES) LIBJVM_MAPFILE$(LDNOMAP) = mapfile_reorder LFLAGS_VM$(LDNOMAP) += $(MAPFLAG:FILENAME=$(LIBJVM_MAPFILE)) LFLAGS_VM += $(SONAMEFLAG:SONAME=$(LIBJVM))ifndef USE_GCC LIBS_VM = $(LIBS)else # JVM is statically linked with libgcc[_s] and libstdc++; this is needed to # get around library dependency and compatibility issues. Must use gcc not # g++ to link. LFLAGS_VM += $(STATIC_LIBGCC) LIBS_VM += $(STATIC_STDCXX) $(LIBS)endifendififdef USE_GCCLINK_VM = $(LINK_LIB.c)elseLINK_VM = $(LINK_LIB.CC)endif# making the library:$(LIBJVM): $(LIBJVM.o) $(LIBJVM_MAPFILE) $(QUIETLY) \ case "$(CFLAGS_BROWSE)" in \ -sbfast|-xsbfast) \ ;; \ *) \ echo Linking vm...; \ $(LINK_LIB.CC/PRE_HOOK) \ $(LINK_VM) $(LFLAGS_VM) -o $@ $(LIBJVM.o) $(LIBS_VM); \ $(LINK_LIB.CC/POST_HOOK) \ rm -f $@.1; ln -s $@ $@.1; \ ;; \ esacDEST_JVM = $(JDK_LIBDIR)/$(VM_SUBDIR)/$(LIBJVM)install_jvm: $(LIBJVM) @echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)" $(QUIETLY) cp -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done"#----------------------------------------------------------------------# Other files# Gamma launcherinclude $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/launcher.make# Signal interposition libraryinclude $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/jsig.make# Serviceability agentinclude $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/saproc.make#----------------------------------------------------------------------build: $(LIBJVM) $(LAUNCHER) $(LIBJSIG) $(LIBJVM_DB) $(LIBJVM_DTRACE) checkAndBuildSA dtraceCheckinstall: install_jvm install_jsig install_saproc.PHONY: default build install install_jvm