Working on Jar and Zip code using the NetBeans IDEThis note is specific to working on jar and zip; much more information aboutworking with this project and others is in ../README.This project allows developers to work on the Jar and Zip in java.util.jar, as well as the jar tool itself in The NetBeansproject supports editing, building, testing, and debugging of this code. Thisis a make-based project, and involves compilation of native code. Some ofthis native code is provided by the JDK community, but the base zip library isfrom note: The most recent zlib is version 1.2.3. We are providing zlibversion 1.1.3, modified to include security fixes that have been added sincethat release.Source code layoutThe jar tool depends on the jar library, which in turn depends on the ziplibrary. This in turn depends on some native code, which in turn depends onthe zlib depends on java.util.jar, which depends on, which depends on src/share/native/java/util/zip, which depends on src/share/native/java/util/zip/zlib-1.1.3.The project is set up to invoke make on the zip code first. This make targetcompile the native zip code, as well as the Java sources in invocations of make build java.util.jar, and then as NetBeans use is concerned with Java code, most things you are usedto. You can build the project. There are several regression tests included,run either as a group via Test Project or individually via Run File.Debugging is also supported, try Debug File. Since the jar tool needs commandline parameters in order to do anything interesting, it is not hooked up toRun Project in NetBeans.