author prr
Thu, 09 May 2019 16:09:39 -0700
changeset 54876 da3834261f0c
parent 49234 3375a8039fde
permissions -rw-r--r--
8222362: Upgrade to Freetype 2.10.0 Reviewed-by: serb, erikj

 * svmm.h
 *   The FreeType Multiple Masters and GX var services (specification).
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

#ifndef SVMM_H_
#define SVMM_H_



   * A service used to manage multiple-masters data in a given face.
   * See the related APIs in `ftmm.h' (FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H).

#define FT_SERVICE_ID_MULTI_MASTERS  "multi-masters"

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_MM_Func)( FT_Face           face,
                     FT_Multi_Master*  master );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_MM_Var_Func)( FT_Face      face,
                         FT_MM_Var*  *master );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Set_MM_Design_Func)( FT_Face   face,
                            FT_UInt   num_coords,
                            FT_Long*  coords );

  /* use return value -1 to indicate that the new coordinates  */
  /* are equal to the current ones; no changes are thus needed */
  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Set_Var_Design_Func)( FT_Face    face,
                             FT_UInt    num_coords,
                             FT_Fixed*  coords );

  /* use return value -1 to indicate that the new coordinates  */
  /* are equal to the current ones; no changes are thus needed */
  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Set_MM_Blend_Func)( FT_Face   face,
                           FT_UInt   num_coords,
                           FT_Long*  coords );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_Var_Design_Func)( FT_Face    face,
                             FT_UInt    num_coords,
                             FT_Fixed*  coords );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Set_Instance_Func)( FT_Face  face,
                           FT_UInt  instance_index );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_MM_Blend_Func)( FT_Face   face,
                           FT_UInt   num_coords,
                           FT_Long*  coords );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_Var_Blend_Func)( FT_Face      face,
                            FT_UInt     *num_coords,
                            FT_Fixed*   *coords,
                            FT_Fixed*   *normalizedcoords,
                            FT_MM_Var*  *mm_var );

  typedef void
  (*FT_Done_Blend_Func)( FT_Face );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Set_MM_WeightVector_Func)( FT_Face    face,
                                  FT_UInt    len,
                                  FT_Fixed*  weight_vector );

  typedef FT_Error
  (*FT_Get_MM_WeightVector_Func)( FT_Face    face,
                                  FT_UInt*   len,
                                  FT_Fixed*  weight_vector );

  FT_DEFINE_SERVICE( MultiMasters )
    FT_Get_MM_Func               get_mm;
    FT_Set_MM_Design_Func        set_mm_design;
    FT_Set_MM_Blend_Func         set_mm_blend;
    FT_Get_MM_Blend_Func         get_mm_blend;
    FT_Get_MM_Var_Func           get_mm_var;
    FT_Set_Var_Design_Func       set_var_design;
    FT_Get_Var_Design_Func       get_var_design;
    FT_Set_Instance_Func         set_instance;
    FT_Set_MM_WeightVector_Func  set_mm_weightvector;
    FT_Get_MM_WeightVector_Func  get_mm_weightvector;

    /* for internal use; only needed for code sharing between modules */
    FT_Get_Var_Blend_Func  get_var_blend;
    FT_Done_Blend_Func     done_blend;

#define FT_DEFINE_SERVICE_MULTIMASTERSREC( class_,            \
                                           get_mm_,           \
                                           set_mm_design_,    \
                                           set_mm_blend_,     \
                                           get_mm_blend_,     \
                                           get_mm_var_,       \
                                           set_var_design_,   \
                                           get_var_design_,   \
                                           set_instance_,     \
                                           set_weightvector_, \
                                           get_weightvector_, \
                                           get_var_blend_,    \
                                           done_blend_ )      \
  static const FT_Service_MultiMastersRec  class_ =           \
  {                                                           \
    get_mm_,                                                  \
    set_mm_design_,                                           \
    set_mm_blend_,                                            \
    get_mm_blend_,                                            \
    get_mm_var_,                                              \
    set_var_design_,                                          \
    get_var_design_,                                          \
    set_instance_,                                            \
    set_weightvector_,                                        \
    get_weightvector_,                                        \
    get_var_blend_,                                           \
    done_blend_                                               \

  /* */


#endif /* SVMM_H_ */

/* END */