7040096: Fix broken hg tip for 'make source'
Reviewed-by: katleman
## Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.### Definitions for Windows.## Default for COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL on Windows (C++ compiler warnings)# Level: Default is 3, 0 means none, 4 is the most but may be unreliable# Some makefiles may have set this to 0 to turn off warnings completely,# which also effectively creates a COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL=false situation.# Program.gmk may turn this down to 2 (building .exe's).# Windows 64bit platforms are less likely to be warning free.# Historically, Windows 32bit builds should be mostly warning free.# VS2010 introduced a large number of security warnings that are off by# default but will be turned back on with SHOW_ALL_WARNINGS=true.ifndef COMPILER_WARNING_LEVEL COMPILER_WARNING_LEVEL=3endififndef COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL=falseendififndef SHOW_ALL_WARNINGS SHOW_ALL_WARNINGS = falseendif# Windows should use parallel compilation for best build timesifndef COMPILE_APPROACH COMPILE_APPROACH = normalendif# Indication that we are doing an incremental build.# This may trigger the creation of make depend files.# (This may not be working on windows yet, always force to false.)override INCREMENTAL_BUILD = false# WARNING: This is extremely touch stuff, between CYGWIN vs. MKS and all# variations of MKS and CYGWIN releases, and 32bit vs 64bit,# this file can give you nightmares.## Notes:# Keep all paths in the windows "mixed" style except CYGWIN UNXIXCOMMAND_PATH.# Use of PrefixPath is critical, some variables must end with / (see NOTE).# Use of quotes is critical due to possible spaces in paths coming from# the environment variables, be careful.# First convert \ to / with subst, keep it quoted due to blanks, then# use cygpath -s or dosname -s to get the short non-blank name.# If the MKS is old and doesn't have a dosname -s, you will be forced# to set ALT variables with the short non-space directory names.# If dosname doesn't appear to work, we won't use it.# The dosname utility also wants to accept stdin if it is not supplied# any path on the command line, this is really dangerous when using# make variables that can easily become empty, so I use:# echo $1 | dosname -s instead of dosname -s $1# to prevent dosname from hanging up the make process when $1 is empty.# The cygpath utility does not have this problem.# The ALT values should never really have spaces or use \.# Suspect these environment variables to have spaces and/or \ characters:# SYSTEMROOT, SystemRoot, WINDIR, windir, PROGRAMFILES, ProgramFiles,# DXSDK_DIR, MSTOOLS, Mstools, MSSDK, MSSdk, VCnnCOMNTOOLS, # MSVCDIR, MSVCDir.# So use $(subst \,/,) on them first adding quotes and placing them in# their own variable assigned with :=, then use FullPath.#ifdef USING_CYGWIN# Macro to effectively do a toupper without an execdefine ToUpper$(subst a,A,$(subst b,B,$(subst c,C,$(subst d,D,$(subst e,E,$(subst f,F,\$(subst g,G,$(subst h,H,$(subst i,I,$(subst j,J,$(subst k,K,$(subst l,L,\$(subst m,M,$(subst n,N,$(subst o,O,$(subst p,P,$(subst q,Q,$(subst r,R,\$(subst s,S,$(subst t,T,$(subst u,U,$(subst v,V,$(subst w,W,$(subst x,X,\$(subst y,Y,$(subst z,Z,$1))))))))))))))))))))))))))endef# All possible drive lettersdrives=a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t v u w x y z# Convert /cygdrive/ paths to the mixed style without an exec of cygpath# Must be a path with no spaces. /cygdrive/letter is always lowercase# and letter:/ is always uppercase coming from cygpath.define MixedPath$(patsubst /%,$(CYGWIN_HOME)/%,$(sort $(filter-out /cygdrive/%,$(foreach drive,$(drives),$(patsubst /cygdrive/$(drive)/%,$(call ToUpper,$(drive)):/%,$1)))))endef# Use FullPath to get C:/ style non-spaces path. Never ends with a /!# We assume cygpath is available in the search path# NOTE: Use of 'pwd' with CYGWIN will not get you a mixed style path!define FullPath$(if $(word 2,$1),$(shell $(CYGPATH_CMD) $1 2> $(DEV_NULL)),$(call MixedPath,$(realpath $(subst ",,$1))))endefdefine OptFullPath$(shell if [ "$1" != "" -a -d "$1" ]; then $(CYGPATH_CMD) "$1" 2> $(DEV_NULL); else echo "$1"; fi)endefelse# Temporary until we upgrade to MKS 8.7, MKS pwd returns mixed mode pathdefine FullPath$(shell cd $1 2> $(DEV_NULL) && pwd)endefdefine OptFullPath$(shell if [ "$1" != "" -a -d "$1" ]; then (cd $1 && pwd); else echo "$1"; fi)endefendif# System driveifdef SYSTEMDRIVE _system_drive =$(SYSTEMDRIVE)else ifdef SystemDrive _system_drive =$(SystemDrive) endifendif_system_drive:=$(call CheckValue,_system_drive,C:)# UNIXCOMMAND_PATH: path to where the most common Unix commands are.# NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage.# With cygwin, just use this as is don't use FullPath on it.ifdef ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH ifdef USING_CYGWIN UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)) else xALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH))" fxALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)) UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)) endifelse ifdef USING_CYGWIN UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,/usr/bin) else ifdef ROOTDIR xROOTDIR :="$(subst \,/,$(ROOTDIR))" _rootdir :=$(call FullPath,$(xROOTDIR)) else xROOTDIR :="$(_system_drive)/mksnt" _rootdir :=$(call FullPath,$(xROOTDIR)) endif ifneq ($(_rootdir),) UNIXCOMMAND_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(_rootdir)/mksnt) endif endifendifUNIXCOMMAND_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)# Get version of MKS or CYGWINifndef USING_CYGWIN_MKS_VER :=$(shell $(MKSINFO) 2>&1 | $(GREP) Release | $(TAIL) -1 | $(SED) -e 's@.*\(Release.*\)@\1@')MKS_VER :=$(call GetVersion,$(_MKS_VER))# At this point, we can re-define FullPath to use DOSNAME_CMDCHECK_MKS87:=$(call CheckVersions,$(MKS_VER),8.7)TRY_DOSNAME:=falseifeq ($(CHECK_MKS87),same)TRY_DOSNAME:=trueendif# Newer should be okifeq ($(CHECK_MKS87),newer)TRY_DOSNAME:=trueendififeq ($(TRY_DOSNAME),true)ifeq ($(shell $(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)dosname -s $(_system_drive)/ 2> $(DEV_NULL)),$(_system_drive)/)_DOSNAME=$(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH)dosnameDOSNAME_CMD:=$(_DOSNAME) -sdefine FullPath$(subst //,/,$(shell echo $1 | $(DOSNAME_CMD) 2> $(DEV_NULL)))endefendif # test dosname -sendif # TRY_DOSNAMEendif # MKS# We try to get references to what we need via the default component# environment variables, or what was used historically.# Process Windows values into FullPath values, these paths may have \ chars# System rootifdef SYSTEMROOT xSYSTEMROOT :="$(subst \,/,$(SYSTEMROOT))" _system_root :=$(call FullPath,$(xSYSTEMROOT))else ifdef SystemRoot xSYSTEMROOT :="$(subst \,/,$(SystemRoot))" _system_root :=$(call FullPath,$(xSYSTEMROOT)) else ifdef WINDIR xWINDIR :="$(subst \,/,$(WINDIR))" _system_root :=$(call FullPath,$(xWINDIR)) else ifdef windir xWINDIR :="$(subst \,/,$(windir))" _system_root :=$(call FullPath,$(xWINDIR)) endif endif endifendif_system_root:=$(call CheckValue,_system_root,$(_system_drive)/WINNT)# Program Files directoryifdef PROGRAMFILES xPROGRAMFILES :="$(subst \,/,$(PROGRAMFILES))"else ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) xPROGRAMFILES :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files" else xPROGRAMFILES :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files (x86)" endifendififeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) _program_files :=$(call FullPath,$(xPROGRAMFILES)) _program_files32 :=$(_program_files)else ifdef PROGRAMW6432 xPROGRAMW6432 :="$(subst \,/,$(PROGRAMW6432))" else xPROGRAMW6432 :="$(_system_drive)/Program Files" endif _program_files :=$(call FullPath,$(xPROGRAMW6432)) _program_files32 :=$(call FullPath,$(xPROGRAMFILES)) ifneq ($(word 1,$(_program_files32)),$(_program_files32)) _program_files32:= endifendififneq ($(word 1,$(_program_files)),$(_program_files)) _program_files:=endif# DirectX SDKifdef ALT_DXSDK_DRIVE _dx_sdk_dir =$(ALT_DXSDK_DRIVE):/DXSDKelse ifdef DXSDK_DIR xDXSDK_DIR :="$(subst \,/,$(DXSDK_DIR))" else xDXSDK_DIR :="$(_system_drive)/DXSDK" endif _dx_sdk_dir :=$(call FullPath,$(xDXSDK_DIR))endif# Use of the Visual Studio compilers requires certain env variables be set:# PATH should include the path to cl.exe# INCLUDE should be defined# LIB should be defined# LIBPATH should be defined# VS100COMNTOOLS should be defined# WINDOWSSDKDIR should be defined# The 7.0a path is from VS2010 Pro, the 7.1 path is the standalone SDK.# For 64bit either will work for us.# If a developer chooses to install the standalone SDK in some other# location, then they need to set WINDOWSSDKDIR.## Compilers for 64bit may be from the free SDK, or Visual Studio Professional.# The free Express compilers don't contain 64 bit compilers, which is why# you instead need the SDK.# Release enginering will use VS2010 Pro, so the frequency of testing of# SDK based builds will depend entirely on individual usage.# We only need to do this onceifndef VS2010_EXISTS # The 2 key paths we need are WINDOWSSDKDIR and VS100COMNTOOLS. # If not defined try to see if default location exists. # If defined make sure that the path has no spaces. # Finally, export path with no spaces so logic minimizes FullPath calls. ifndef WINDOWSSDKDIR # The 7.0a SDK is the second choice. xWINDOWSSDKDIR :="$(_program_files32)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0a/" fWINDOWSSDKDIR :=$(call FullPath,$(xWINDOWSSDKDIR)) # The 7.1 SDK is the second choice. ifeq ($(fWINDOWSSDKDIR),) xWINDOWSSDKDIR :="$(_program_files32)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1/" fWINDOWSSDKDIR :=$(call FullPath,$(xWINDOWSSDKDIR)) endif else ifneq ($(word 2,$(WINDOWSSDKDIR)),) xWINDOWSSDKDIR :="$(subst \,/,$(WINDOWSSDKDIR))" fWINDOWSSDKDIR :=$(call FullPath,$(xWINDOWSSDKDIR)) else fWINDOWSSDKDIR :=$(WINDOWSSDKDIR) endif endif ifneq ($(fWINDOWSSDKDIR),) WINDOWSSDKDIR :=$(fWINDOWSSDKDIR)/ endif ifndef VS100COMNTOOLS xVS100COMNTOOLS :="$(_program_files32)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/Common7/Tools/" fVS100COMNTOOLS :=$(call FullPath,$(xVS100COMNTOOLS)) else xVS100COMNTOOLS :="$(subst \,/,$(VS100COMNTOOLS))" ifneq ($(word 2,$(VS100COMNTOOLS)),) fVS100COMNTOOLS :=$(call FullPath,$(xVS100COMNTOOLS)) else fVS100COMNTOOLS :=$(xVS100COMNTOOLS) endif endif ifneq ($(fVS100COMNTOOLS),) VS100COMNTOOLS :=$(fVS100COMNTOOLS)/ endif # Check to see that both exist ifeq ($(WINDOWSSDKDIR),) _vs2010_message := No WINDOWSSDKDIR found on system. $(_vs2010_message) VS2010_EXISTS := false endif ifeq ($(VS100COMNTOOLS),) _vs2010_message := No VS100COMNTOOLS found on system. $(_vs2010_message) VS2010_EXISTS := false endif ifeq ($(VS2010_EXISTS),false) x:=$(warning WARNING: No VS2010 available. $(_vs2010_message)) VS100COMNTOOLS := WINDOWSSDKDIR := else VS2010_EXISTS := true _msvc_dir :=$(VS100COMNTOOLS)/../../Vc endif export VS2010_EXISTS export VS100COMNTOOLS export WINDOWSSDKDIRendififneq ($(VS2010_EXISTS),true) x:=$(error ERROR: No VS2010 found on system.)endif # VS2010 Compiler root directory_msvc_dir :=$(VS100COMNTOOLS)/../../Vc# SDK root directory_ms_sdk :=$(WINDOWSSDKDIR)# Compiler bin directory and redist directoryifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) _compiler_bin :=$(_msvc_dir)/Bin _redist_sdk :=$(call FullPath,$(_msvc_dir)/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC100.CRT)endififeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) _compiler_bin :=$(_msvc_dir)/bin/amd64 _redist_sdk :=$(call FullPath,$(_msvc_dir)/redist/x64/Microsoft.VC100.CRT)endififeq ($(_redist_sdk),) _redist_sdk :=$(_system_root)/system32endif# Location on system where jdk installs might beifneq ($(_program_files),) USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH =$(_program_files)/Javaelse USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH =$(_system_drive)/endif# SLASH_JAVA: location of all network accessable files# NOTE: Do not use FullPath on this because it's often a drive letter and# plain drive letters are ambiguous, so just use this 'as is'.ifdef ALT_SLASH_JAVA xALT_SLASH_JAVA :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_SLASH_JAVA))" SLASH_JAVA :=$(xALT_SLASH_JAVA)else ifdef ALT_JDK_JAVA_DRIVE SLASH_JAVA =$(JDK_JAVA_DRIVE) else SLASH_JAVA =J: endifendifSLASH_JAVA:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,SLASH_JAVA)SLASH_JAVA:=$(call AltCheckValue,SLASH_JAVA)# JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR: common path for all the java devtoolsifdef ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR xALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR))" JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR))else JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR =$(SLASH_JAVA)/devtoolsendifJDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR)JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR:=$(call AltCheckValue,JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR)# COMPILER_PATH: path to where the compiler and tools are installed.# NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage.ifdef ALT_COMPILER_PATH xALT_COMPILER_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_COMPILER_PATH))" fxALT_COMPILER_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_COMPILER_PATH)) COMPILER_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_COMPILER_PATH))else COMPILER_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(_compiler_bin))endifCOMPILER_PATH :=$(call AltCheckSpaces,COMPILER_PATH)# MSDEVTOOLS_PATH: path to where the additional MS Compiler tools are.# NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage.ifdef ALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH xALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH))" fxALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH)) MSDEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH))else ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) ifdef MSTOOLS xMSTOOLS :="$(subst \,/,$(MSTOOLS))" _ms_tools :=$(call FullPath,$(xMSTOOLS)) else ifdef Mstools xMSTOOLS :="$(subst \,/,$(Mstools))" _ms_tools :=$(call FullPath,$(xMSTOOLS)) else _ms_tools := endif endif ifneq ($(_ms_tools),) _ms_tools_bin :=$(_ms_tools)/Bin else # Assumes compiler bin is .../Bin/win64/x86/AMD64, rc.exe is 3 levels up _ms_tools_bin :=$(_compiler_bin)/../../.. endif else _ms_tools_bin :=$(_compiler_bin) endif MSDEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(_ms_tools_bin))endifMSDEVTOOLS_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,MSDEVTOOLS_PATH)# DEVTOOLS_PATH: for other tools required for building (such as zip, etc.)# NOTE: Must end with / so that it could be empty, allowing PATH usage.ifdef ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH xALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH))" fxALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH)) DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH))else ifdef USING_CYGWIN DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(UNIXCOMMAND_PATH) else xDEVTOOLS_PATH :="$(_system_drive)/utils" fxDEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xDEVTOOLS_PATH)) DEVTOOLS_PATH :=$(call PrefixPath,$(fxDEVTOOLS_PATH)) endifendifDEVTOOLS_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,DEVTOOLS_PATH)# _BOOTDIR1: First choice for a Bootstrap JDK, previous released JDK.# _BOOTDIR2: Second choice# The _BOOTDIR3 is defind optionally.ifndef ALT_BOOTDIR _BOOTDIR1 =$(_system_drive)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) _BOOTDIR2 =$(USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) _BOOTDIR3 =$(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jdk/$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)/archive/fcs/binaries/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)endif# Everybody needs the MSVCRNN runtime starting with VS2010_NEEDS_MSVCRNN = trueifeq ($(_NEEDS_MSVCRNN), true) # MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH: location of msvcrnn.dll that will be re-distributed ifdef ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH xALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH))" MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH)) else MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH :=$(_redist_sdk) endif MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH :=$(call AltCheckSpaces,MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH) MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH)endif# DXSDK_PATH: path to Microsoft DirectX SDK Include and Libifdef ALT_DXSDK_PATH xALT_DXSDK_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DXSDK_PATH))" DXSDK_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DXSDK_PATH))else _DXSDK_PATH1 :=$(_dx_sdk_dir) _DXSDK_PATH2 :=$(JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR)/windows/dxsdk DXSDK_PATH :=$(call DirExists,$(_DXSDK_PATH1),$(_DXSDK_PATH2),$(_dx_sdk_dir))endifDXSDK_PATH :=$(call AltCheckSpaces,DXSDK_PATH)DXSDK_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,DXSDK_PATH)# DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH: path to Microsoft DirectX SDK Includeifdef ALT_DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH xALT_DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH))" DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH))else DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH =$(subst //,/,$(DXSDK_PATH)/Include)endif# DXSDK_LIB_PATH: path to Microsoft DirectX SDK Libifdef ALT_DXSDK_LIB_PATH xALT_DXSDK_LIB_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DXSDK_LIB_PATH))" DXSDK_LIB_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DXSDK_LIB_PATH))else ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) # 64bit libs are located in "Lib/x64" subdir DXSDK_LIB_PATH =$(subst //,/,$(DXSDK_PATH)/Lib/x64) else DXSDK_LIB_PATH =$(subst //,/,$(DXSDK_PATH)/Lib) endifendif# DEPLOY_MSSDK: Microsoft SDK for this platform (for deploy)ifdef ALT_DEPLOY_MSSDK xALT_DEPLOY_MSSDK :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_DEPLOY_MSSDK))" DEPLOY_MSSDK :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_DEPLOY_MSSDK))else DEPLOY_MSSDK :=$(_ms_sdk)endifDEPLOY_MSSDK:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,DEPLOY_MSSDK)# INSTALL_MSSDK: Microsoft Installer SDK for this platform (for install)ifdef ALT_INSTALL_MSSDK xALT_INSTALL_MSSDK :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_INSTALL_MSSDK))" INSTALL_MSSDK :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_INSTALL_MSSDK))else INSTALL_MSSDK :=$(_ms_sdk)endifINSTALL_MSSDK:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,INSTALL_MSSDK)# WSCRIPT: path to wscript.exe (used in creating install bundles)ifdef ALT_WSCRIPT xALT_WSCRIPT :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_WSCRIPT))" WSCRIPT =$(xALT_WSCRIPT)else _WSCRIPT1 :=$(_system_root)/system32/wscript.exe _WSCRIPT2 :=$(DEVTOOLS_PATH)wscript.exe WSCRIPT :=$(call FileExists,$(_WSCRIPT1),$(_WSCRIPT2))endifWSCRIPT:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,WSCRIPT)# batch mode no modal dialogs on errors, please.WSCRIPT += -B# CSCRIPT: path to cscript.exe (used in creating install bundles)ifdef ALT_CSCRIPT xALT_CSCRIPT :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_CSCRIPT))" CSCRIPT =$(xALT_CSCRIPT)else _CSCRIPT1 :=$(_system_root)/system32/cscript.exe _CSCRIPT2 :=$(DEVTOOLS_PATH)cscript.exe CSCRIPT :=$(call FileExists,$(_CSCRIPT1),$(_CSCRIPT2))endifCSCRIPT:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,CSCRIPT)# CABARC: path to cabarc.exe (used in creating install bundles)ifdef ALT_CABARC xALT_CABARC :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_CABARC))" CABARC =$(xALT_CABARC)else _CABARC1 :=$(_system_root)/system32/cabarc.exe _CABARC2 :=$(DEVTOOLS_PATH)cabarc.exe CABARC :=$(call FileExists,$(_CABARC1),$(_CABARC2))endifCABARC:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,CABARC)# MSICERT: path to msicert.exe (used in creating install bundles)ifdef ALT_MSICERT xALT_MSICERT :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_MSICERT))" MSICERT =$(xALT_MSICERT)else _MSICERT1 :=$(INSTALL_MSSDK)/Bin/msicert.exe _MSICERT2 :=$(DEVTOOLS_PATH)msicert.exe MSICERT :=$(call FileExists,$(_MSICERT1),$(_MSICERT2))endifMSICERT:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,MSICERT)# Import JDK images allow for partial builds, components not built are# imported (or copied from) these import areas when needed.# BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH: location of JDK install trees to import for# multiple platforms, e.g. windows-i586, solaris-sparc, linux-586, etc.ifdef ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH))else BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = $(PROMOTED_BUILD_BINARIES)endifBUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)# JDK_IMPORT_PATH: location of previously built JDK (this version) to importifdef ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH JDK_IMPORT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH))else JDK_IMPORT_PATH = $(BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)$(_JDK_IMPORT_VARIANT)endifJDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,JDK_IMPORT_PATH)JDK_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,JDK_IMPORT_PATH)# HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH: location of hotspot pre-built filesifdef ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH))else # Default locations include the current $OUTPUTDIR, RE Promotions, # and a JDK. Please be aware the JDK does not include a Kernel VM. _HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH1 = $(OUTPUTDIR)/hotspot/import _HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH2 = $(PROMOTED_BUILD_DISTDIR)/hotspot/import _HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH3 = $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH) HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH := $(call DirExists,$(_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH1),$(_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH2),$(_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH3))endifHOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH)HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH)# HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH: location of client jvm library file.ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) ifdef ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH)) else HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH =$(HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH)/$(ARCH_VM_SUBDIR)/client endif HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH) HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH)endif# HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH: location of server jvm library file.ifdef ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH))else HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH =$(HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH)/$(ARCH_VM_SUBDIR)/serverendifHOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH)HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH)# HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH: location of jvm.lib file.ifdef ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH xALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH :="$(subst \,/,$(ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH))" HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(xALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH))else HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH =$(HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH)/libendifHOTSPOT_LIB_PATH:=$(call AltCheckSpaces,HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH)HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH:=$(call AltCheckValue,HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH)# Special define for checking the binaries# All windows dll and exe files should have been built with /NXCOMPAT# and be setup for dynamic base addresses.# In addition, we should not be dependent on certain dll files that# we do not or cannot redistribute.# List of filenames we should NOT be dependent onifeq ($(MFC_DEBUG),true) BANNED_DLLS=msvcp100[.]dllelse BANNED_DLLS=msvcp100[.]dll|msvcr100d[.]dll|msvcrtd[.]dllendif# Check for /safeseh (only used on 32bit)define binary_file_safeseh_verification # binary_file( \ $(ECHO) "Checking for /SAFESEH usage in: $1" && \ if [ "`$(DUMPBIN) /loadconfig $1 | $(EGREP) -i 'Safe Exception Handler Table'`" = "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Did not find 'Safe Exception Handler Table' in loadconfig: $1" ; \ $(DUMPBIN) /loadconfig $1 ; \ exit 6 ; \ fi ; \)endef# Check for /NXCOMPAT usagedefine binary_file_nxcompat_verification # binary_file( \ $(ECHO) "Checking for /NXCOMPAT usage in: $1" && \ if [ "`$(DUMPBIN) /headers $1 | $(EGREP) -i 'NX compatible'`" = "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Did not find 'NX compatible' in headers: $1" ; \ $(DUMPBIN) /headers $1 ; \ exit 7 ; \ fi ; \)endef# Check for /DYNAMICBASE usagedefine binary_file_dynamicbase_verification # binary_file( \ $(ECHO) "Checking for /DYNAMICBASE usage in: $1" && \ if [ "`$(DUMPBIN) /headers $1 | $(EGREP) -i 'Dynamic base'`" = "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Did not find 'Dynamic base' in headers: $1" ; \ $(DUMPBIN) /headers $1 ; \ exit 8 ; \ fi ; \)endef# Check for banned dll usagedefine binary_file_dll_verification # binary_file( \ $(ECHO) "Checking for banned dependencies in: $1" && \ if [ "`$(DUMPBIN) /dependents $1 | $(EGREP) -i '$(BANNED_DLLS)'`" != "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: Found use of $(BANNED_DLLS)"; \ $(DUMPBIN) /dependents $1 ; \ exit 9 ; \ fi ; \)endef# Macro to check it's input file for properly built executables.# Relies on process exit code. Different for 32bit vs 64bit.ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL),32)define binary_file_verification # binary_file( \ $(call binary_file_safeseh_verification,$1); \ $(call binary_file_nxcompat_verification,$1); \ $(call binary_file_dynamicbase_verification,$1); \ $(call binary_file_dll_verification,$1); \)endefelsedefine binary_file_verification # binary_file( \ $(call binary_file_nxcompat_verification,$1); \ $(call binary_file_dynamicbase_verification,$1); \ $(call binary_file_dll_verification,$1); \)endefendif