6785442: ConcurrentLinkedQueue.remove() and poll() can both remove the same element
6493942: ConcurrentLinkedQueue.remove sometimes very slow
Summary: new algorithm for handling concurrent linked lists
Reviewed-by: martin
#! /bin/sh
# This file is used by adlc.make to selectively update generated
# adlc files. Because source and target diretories are relative
# paths, this file is copied to the target build directory before
# use.
# adlc-updater <file> <source-dir> <target-dir>
fix_lines() {
# repair bare #line directives in $1 to refer to $2
awk < $1 > $1+ '
/^#line 999999$/ {print "#line " (NR+1) " \"" F2 "\""; next}
' F2=$2
mv $1+ $1
[ -f $3/$1 ] && (fix_lines $2/$1 $3/$1; cmp -s $2/$1 $3/$1) || \
( [ -f $3/$1 ] && echo Updating $3/$1 ; touch $2/made-change ; mv $2/$1 $3/$1 )