8202771: Migrate Unicode character tests to JDK Repo
Reviewed-by: naoto
Contributed-by: dan.z.zhou@oracle.com
#!/bin/bash## Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.## Script for updating a patch file as per the shuffled/unshuffled source location.usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-to9|-to10] [-r <repo>] <input_patch> <output_patch>" echo "where:" echo " -to9 create patches appropriate for a JDK 9 source tree" echo " When going to 9, the output patches will be suffixed with the" echo " repo name" echo " -to10 create patches appropriate for a JDK 10 source tree" echo " -r <repo> specify repo for source patch, set to 'top' for top repo" echo " <input_patch> is the input patch file, that needs shuffling/unshuffling" echo " <output_patch> is the updated patch file " echo " " exit 1}SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname $0`UNSHUFFLE_LIST=$SCRIPT_DIR"/unshuffle_list.txt"if [ ! -f "$UNSHUFFLE_LIST" ] ; then echo "FATAL: cannot find $UNSHUFFLE_LIST" >&2 exit 1fivflag="false"while [ $# -gt 0 ]do case $1 in -h | --help ) usage ;; -v | --verbose ) vflag="true" ;; -r) repo="$2" shift ;; -to9) shuffle_to=9 ;; -to10) shuffle_to=10 ;; -*) # bad option usage ;; * ) # non option break ;; esac shiftdone# Make sure we have the right number of argumentsif [ ! $# -eq 2 ] ; then echo "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments." >&2 usagefi# Check the given reporepos="top corba jaxp jaxws jdk langtools nashorn hotspot"found="false"if [ -n "$repo" ]; then for r in $repos ; do if [ $repo = "$r" ] ; then found="true" break; fi done if [ $found = "false" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Unknown repo: $repo. Should be one of [$repos]." >&2 usage fifiif [ "$shuffle_to" != "9" -a "$shuffle_to" != "10" ]; then echo "ERROR: Must pick either -to9 or -to10" exit 1fi# When going to 10, a repo must be specified for the source patchif [ "$shuffle_to" = "10" -a -z "$repo" ]; then echo "ERROR: Must specify src repo for JDK 9 patch" exit 1fi# Check given input/output filesinput="$1"if [ "x$input" = "x-" ] ; then input="/dev/stdin"fiif [ ! -f $input -a "x$input" != "x/dev/stdin" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot find input patch file: $input" >&2 exit 1fioutput="$2"if [ "x$output" = "x-" ] ; then output="/dev/stdout"fibase_output="$output"if [ "$shuffle_to" = "10" ]; then if [ -f $output -a "x$output" != "x/dev/stdout" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Output patch already exists: $output" >&2 exit 1 fielse for r in $repos; do if [ -f "$output.$r" ]; then echo "ERROR: Output patch already exists: $output.$r" >&2 exit 1 fi donefiverbose() { if [ ${vflag} = "true" ] ; then echo "$@" >&2 fi}unshuffle() { line=$@ verbose "Attempting to rewrite: \"$line\"" # Retrieve the file name path= if echo "$line" | egrep '^diff' > /dev/null ; then if ! echo "$line" | egrep '\-\-git' > /dev/null ; then echo "ERROR: Only git patches supported. Please use 'hg export --git ...'." >&2 exit 1 fi path="`echo "$line" | sed -e s@'diff --git a/'@@ -e s@' b/.*$'@@`" elif echo "$line" | egrep '^\-\-\-' > /dev/null ; then path="`echo "$line" | sed -e s@'--- a/'@@`" elif echo "$line" | egrep '^\+\+\+' > /dev/null ; then path="`echo "$line" | sed s@'+++ b/'@@`" fi verbose "Extracted path: \"$path\"" # Find the most specific matches in the shuffle list matches= if [ -n "$repo" -a "$repo" != "top" ]; then matchpath="$repo"/"$path"/x else matchpath="$path"/x fi while [ "$matchpath" != "" ] ; do matchpath="`echo $matchpath | sed s@'\(.*\)/.*$'@'\1'@`" if [ "$shuffle_to" = "10" ] ; then pattern=": $matchpath$" else pattern="^$matchpath :" fi verbose "Attempting to find \"$matchpath\"" matches=`egrep "$pattern" "$UNSHUFFLE_LIST"` if ! [ "x${matches}" = "x" ] ; then verbose "Got matches: [$matches]" break; fi if ! echo "$matchpath" | egrep '.*/.*' > /dev/null ; then break; fi done # Rewrite the line, if we have a match if ! [ "x${matches}" = "x" ] ; then shuffled="${matches%% : *}" unshuffled="${matches#* : }" patch_suffix_9="" for r in $repos; do if [ "$unshuffled" != "${unshuffled#$r}" ]; then unshuffled="${unshuffled#$r\/}" patch_suffix_9=".$r" fi done verbose "shuffled: $shuffled" verbose "unshuffled: $unshuffled" verbose "patch_suffix_9: $patch_suffix_9" if [ "$shuffle_to" = "10" ] ; then newline="`echo "$line" | sed -e s@"$unshuffled"@"$shuffled"@g`" else newline="`echo "$line" | sed -e s@"$shuffled"@"$unshuffled"@g`" output=$base_output$patch_suffix_9 verbose "Writing to $output" fi verbose "Rewriting to \"$newline\"" echo "$newline" >> $output else echo "WARNING: no match found for $path" echo "$line" >> $output fi}while IFS= read -r linedo if echo "$line" | egrep '^diff|^\-\-\-|^\+\+\+' > /dev/null ; then unshuffle "$line" else printf "%s\n" "$line" >> $output fidone < "$input"