println is java method? trueprintln is script function? falsegetProperty is java method? truegetProperty is script function? falseFile is java method? trueFile is script function? falseeval is script function? trueeval is java method? falsehello is script function? truehello is java method? falseout is script object? falseSystem is script object? falseObject is script object? true{} is script object? true/foo/ is script object? truejava.awt.Color is java function? truejava.lang.Runnable instance is java function? trueeval is java function? falseprintln is java function? truegetProperty is java function? truecallable JSObject is function? trueNon callable JSObject is function? falselock is java object? trueeval is java object? false{} is java object? false/foo/ is java object? false[] is java object? is java object? trueabout to threadnotifying..done waiting!about to threadnotifying..done waiting!TypeError: 232 is not a functionTypeError: 232 is not a functionTypeError: [object Object] is not a functionTypeError: [object Object] is not a functionTypeError: [object Array] is not a functionTypeError: [object Array] is not a functionTypeError: hello is not a functionTypeError: hello is not a functionTypeError: null is not a functionTypeError: null is not a functionTypeError: undefined is not a functionTypeError: undefined is not a function