8176472: Lazily create ModuleEntryTable
Summary: Moved the unnamed module out of the ModuleEntryTable and into the ClassLoaderData so that the MET can be lazily created only when other modules are present. Also a smaller PackageTable size.
Reviewed-by: gtriantafill, hseigel, lfoltan, coleenp
#!/bin/bash## Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.## This script creates a devkit for building OpenJDK on Solaris by copying# part of a Solaris Studio installation and cretaing a sysroot by installing# a limited set of system packages. It is assumed that a suitable pkg# publisher is configured for the system where the script is executed.## The Solaris Studio installation must contain at least these packages:# developer/solarisstudio-124/backend 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/c++ 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/cc 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/library/c++-libs 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/library/math-libs 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/library/studio-gccrt 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/studio-common 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/studio-ja 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/studio-legal 12.4- i--# developer/solarisstudio-124/studio-zhCN 12.4- i--# In particular backend 12.4- contains a critical patch for the sparc# version.## erik.joelsson@oracle.comUSAGE="$0 <Solaris Studio installation> <Path to gnu make binary>"if [ "$1" = "" ] || [ "$2" = "" ]; then echo $USAGE exit 1fiSOLARIS_STUDIO_VERSION=12u4SOLARIS_VERSION=11u1case `uname -p` in i*) ARCH=x86 ;; sparc*) ARCH=sparc ;;esacSOLARIS_STUDIO_SRC=$1GNU_MAKE=$2SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname $0)" > /dev/null && pwd)"BUILD_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../../build/devkit"DEVKIT_NAME=SS${SOLARIS_STUDIO_VERSION}-Solaris${SOLARIS_VERSION}DEVKIT_ROOT=${BUILD_DIR}/${DEVKIT_NAME}BUNDLE_NAME=${DEVKIT_NAME}.tar.gzBUNDLE=${BUILD_DIR}/${BUNDLE_NAME}INSTALL_ROOT=${BUILD_DIR}/install-rootSYSROOT=${DEVKIT_ROOT}/sysrootSOLARIS_STUDIO_SUBDIR=SS${SOLARIS_STUDIO_VERSION}SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR=${DEVKIT_ROOT}/${SOLARIS_STUDIO_SUBDIR}# Extract the publisher from the systemif [ -z "${PUBLISHER_URI}" ]; then PUBLISHER_URI="$(pkg publisher solaris | grep URI | awk '{ print $3 }')"fiif [ ! -d $INSTALL_ROOT ]; then echo "Creating $INSTALL_ROOT and installing packages" pkg image-create $INSTALL_ROOT pkg -R $INSTALL_ROOT set-publisher -P -g ${PUBLISHER_URI} solaris pkg -R $INSTALL_ROOT install --accept $(cat solaris11.1-package-list.txt)else echo "Skipping installing packages"fiif [ ! -d $SYSROOT ]; then echo "Copying from $INSTALL_ROOT to $SYSROOT" mkdir -p $SYSROOT cp -rH $INSTALL_ROOT/lib $SYSROOT/ mkdir $SYSROOT/usr $DEVKIT_ROOT/gnu # Some of the tools in sysroot are needed in the OpenJDK build but cannot be # run from their current location due to relative runtime paths in the # binaries. Move the sysroot/usr/bin directory to the outer bin and have them # be runnable from there to force them to link to the system libraries cp -rH $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/bin $DEVKIT_ROOT cp -rH $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/gnu/bin $DEVKIT_ROOT/gnu/ cp -rH $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/lib $SYSROOT/usr/ cp -rH $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/include $SYSROOT/usr/ pkg -R $INSTALL_ROOT list > $SYSROOT/pkg-list.txtelse echo "Skipping copying to $SYSROOT"fiif [ ! -d $SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR ]; then echo "Copying Solaris Studio from $SOLARIS_STUDIO_SRC" cp -rH $SOLARIS_STUDIO_SRC ${SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR%/*} mv ${SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR%/*}/${SOLARIS_STUDIO_SRC##*/} $SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR # Solaris Studio 12.4 requires /lib/libmmheap.so.1 to run, but this lib is not # installed by default on all Solaris systems. Sneak it in from the sysroot to # make it run OOTB on more systems. cp $SYSROOT/lib/libmmheap.so.1 $SOLARIS_STUDIO_DIR/lib/compilers/sys/else echo "Skipping copying of Solaris Studio"fiecho "Copying gnu make to $DEVKIT_ROOT/bin"mkdir -p $DEVKIT_ROOT/bincp $GNU_MAKE $DEVKIT_ROOT/bin/if [ ! -e $DEVKIT_ROOT/bin/gmake ]; then ln -s make $DEVKIT_ROOT/bin/gmakefi# Create the devkit.info fileecho Creating devkit.infoINFO_FILE=$DEVKIT_ROOT/devkit.inform -f $INFO_FILEecho "# This file describes to configure how to interpret the contents of this devkit" >> $INFO_FILEecho "DEVKIT_NAME=\"Solaris Studio $SOLARIS_STUDIO_VERSION - Solaris $SOLARIS_VERSION - $ARCH\"" >> $INFO_FILEecho "DEVKIT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=\"\$DEVKIT_ROOT/$SOLARIS_STUDIO_SUBDIR/bin:\$DEVKIT_ROOT/bin\"" >> $INFO_FILEecho "DEVKIT_EXTRA_PATH=\"\$DEVKIT_ROOT/bin\"" >> $INFO_FILEecho "DEVKIT_SYSROOT=\"\$DEVKIT_ROOT/sysroot\"" >> $INFO_FILEif [ ! -e $BUNDLE ]; then echo "Creating $BUNDLE from $DEVKIT_ROOT" cd $DEVKIT_ROOT/.. tar zcf $BUNDLE $DEVKIT_NAMEelse echo "Skipping creation of $BUNDLE"fi