author duke
Wed, 05 Jul 2017 16:42:03 +0200
changeset 1266 c2036bf76829
parent 2 90ce3da70b43
child 24973 8c4bc3fa4c4e
permissions -rw-r--r--

/** hard coded linenumbers in other tests - DO NOT CHANGE
 *  @test/nodynamiccopyright/
 *  @bug 4490824
 *  @summary JDI: provide arguments when no debug attributes present
 *  @author jjh
 *  @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter
 *  @run compile ArgumentValuesTest.java
 *  @run main ArgumentValuesTest
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;

import java.util.*;

 /********** target program **********/

class ArgumentValuesTarg {
    static char s_char1 = 'a';
    static byte s_byte1 = (byte) 146;
    static short s_short1 = (short) 28123;
    static int s_int1 = 3101246;
    static long s_long1 = 0x0123456789ABCDEFL;
    static float s_float1 = 2.3145f;
    static double s_double1 = 1.469d;
    static int s_iarray1[] = {1, 2, 3};
    static int s_marray1[][] = {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}, null, {6, 7}};
    static String s_sarray1[] = {"abc", null, "def", "ghi"};
    static String s_string1 = "abcdef";

    static String s_string2 = "xy";
    static String s_string3 = "wz";
    static List<Integer> intList;

    public static void noArgs() {
        int index = 0;     // line 38

    public static void allArgs(char p_char, byte p_byte, short p_short,
                               int p_int, long p_long, float p_float,
                               double p_double, int p_iarray[], int p_marray[][],
                               String p_sarray1[], String p_string) {
        int index = 0;      // line 45

    public static void varArgs(String ... p1) {
        int index = 0;     // line 49

    public static void genericArgs(List<Integer> p1) {
        int index = 0;     // line 53

    public void instanceMethod(char p_char, byte p_byte) {
        int index = 0;     // line 57

    public static void main(String[] args) {
                s_char1,   s_byte1,   s_short1,  s_int1,
                s_long1,   s_float1,  s_double1, s_iarray1,
                s_marray1, s_sarray1, s_string1);

        varArgs(s_string1, s_string2, s_string3);
        ArgumentValuesTarg avt = new ArgumentValuesTarg();
        intList = new ArrayList<Integer>(10);

        avt.instanceMethod(s_char1, s_byte1);

        System.out.println("Goodbye from ArgumentValuesTarg!");

 /********** test program **********/

public class ArgumentValuesTest extends TestScaffold {
    // Must be in same order as args to allArgs(....)
    String fieldNames[] = {"s_char1",   "s_byte1",   "s_short1",  "s_int1",
                           "s_long1",   "s_float1",  "s_double1", "s_iarray1",
                           "s_marray1", "s_sarray1", "s_string1"};

    String fieldNamesVarArgs[] = {"s_string1", "s_string2", "s_string3"};
    String fieldNamesInstance[] = {"s_char1",   "s_byte1"};

    ReferenceType targetClass;
    ThreadReference mainThread;

    ArgumentValuesTest (String args[]) {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
        new ArgumentValuesTest (args).startTests();

    /********** test core **********/

    protected void runTests()
        throws Exception
         * Get to the top of main() to determine targetClass and mainThread
        BreakpointEvent bpe = startToMain("ArgumentValuesTarg");
        targetClass = bpe.location().declaringType();
        mainThread = bpe.thread();
        EventRequestManager erm = vm().eventRequestManager();

            System.out.println("----- Testing each type of arg");
            bpe = resumeTo("ArgumentValuesTarg", 45);
            StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0);

            Method mmm = frame.location().method();
            System.out.println("Arg types are: " + mmm.argumentTypeNames());

            List<Value> argVals = frame.getArgumentValues();

            if (argVals.size() != fieldNames.length) {
                failure("failure: Varargs: expected length " + fieldNames.length +
                        " args, got: " + argVals);
            for (int ii = 0; ii < argVals.size(); ii++) {
                Value gotVal = argVals.get(ii);

                Field theField = targetClass.fieldByName(fieldNames[ii]);
                Value expectedVal = targetClass.getValue(theField);
                System.out.println(fieldNames[ii] + ": gotVal = " + gotVal +
                                   ", expected = " + expectedVal);
                //System.out.println(gotVal.getClass() + ", " + expectedVal.getClass());
                if (!gotVal.equals(expectedVal)) {
                    failure("     failure: gotVal != expected");

        // a method with no params
            System.out.println("----- Testing no args");
            bpe = resumeTo("ArgumentValuesTarg", 38);
            StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0);

            Method mmm = frame.location().method();
            System.out.println("Arg types are: " + mmm.argumentTypeNames());

            List<Value> argVals = frame.getArgumentValues();
            if (argVals.size() == 0) {
                System.out.println("Empty arg list ok");
            } else {
                failure("failure: Expected empty val list, got: " + argVals);

        // var args.  3 Strings are passed in and they appear
        // as a String[3] in the method.
            System.out.println("----- Testing var args");
            bpe = resumeTo("ArgumentValuesTarg", 49);
            StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0);

            Method mmm = frame.location().method();
            System.out.println("Arg types are: " + mmm.argumentTypeNames());

            List<Value> argVals = frame.getArgumentValues();
            if (argVals.size() != 1) {
                failure("failure: Varargs: expected one arg, got: " + argVals);
            argVals = ((ArrayReference)argVals.get(0)).getValues();

            if (argVals.size() != fieldNamesVarArgs.length) {
                failure("failure: Varargs: expected length " + fieldNamesVarArgs.length +
                        " array elements, got: " + argVals);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < argVals.size(); ii++) {
                Value gotVal = argVals.get(ii);

                Field theField = targetClass.fieldByName(fieldNamesVarArgs[ii]);
                Value expectedVal = targetClass.getValue(theField);
                System.out.println(fieldNamesVarArgs[ii] + ": gotVal = " + gotVal +
                                   ", expected = " + expectedVal);
                //System.out.println(gotVal.getClass() + ", " + expectedVal.getClass());
                if (!gotVal.equals(expectedVal)) {
                    failure("     failure: gotVal != expected");

        // a method with with one generic param
            System.out.println("----- Testing generic args");
            bpe = resumeTo("ArgumentValuesTarg", 53);
            StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0);

            Method mmm = frame.location().method();
            System.out.println("Arg types are: " + mmm.argumentTypeNames());

            List<Value> argVals = frame.getArgumentValues();
            if (argVals.size() != 1) {
                failure("failure: Expected one arg, got: " + argVals);
            } else {
                Value gotVal = argVals.get(0);

                Field theField = targetClass.fieldByName("intList");
                Value expectedVal = targetClass.getValue(theField);
                System.out.println("intList " + ": gotVal = " + gotVal +
                                   ", expected = " + expectedVal);
                if (!gotVal.equals(expectedVal)) {
                    failure("failure: gotVal != expected");

        // test instance method call
            System.out.println("----- Testing instance method call");
            bpe = resumeTo("ArgumentValuesTarg", 57);
            StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0);

            Method mmm = frame.location().method();
            System.out.println("Arg types are: " + mmm.argumentTypeNames());

            List<Value> argVals = frame.getArgumentValues();

            if (argVals.size() != fieldNamesInstance.length) {
                failure("failure: Varargs: expected length " + fieldNamesInstance.length +
                        " args, got: " + argVals);
            for (int ii = 0; ii < argVals.size(); ii++) {
                Value gotVal = argVals.get(ii);

                Field theField = targetClass.fieldByName(fieldNamesInstance[ii]);
                Value expectedVal = targetClass.getValue(theField);
                System.out.println(fieldNamesInstance[ii] + ": gotVal = " + gotVal +
                                   ", expected = " + expectedVal);
                //System.out.println(gotVal.getClass() + ", " + expectedVal.getClass());
                if (!gotVal.equals(expectedVal)) {
                    failure("     failure: gotVal != expected");

         * resume the target listening for events

         * deal with results of test if anything has called failure("foo")
         * testFailed will be true
        if (!testFailed) {
            println("ArgumentValuesTest: passed");
        } else {
            throw new Exception("ArgumentValuesTest: failed");