author coleenp
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:48:55 -0400
changeset 25950 b5c40ed1d349
parent 25813 4640a86f2b43
child 25971 e0831270085f
permissions -rw-r--r--
8003426: Remove UseFastAccessors and UseFastEmptyMethods except for zero Summary: These options have been long disabled in Xmixed mode because they prevent these small methods from being inlined and are subject to bit rot, and we don't need more macro assembler code to maintain and change if the constant pool cache format changes. Reviewed-by: simonis, kvn

# Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
# List of tests that should not be run by test/Makefile, for various reasons:
#   1. Does not run with jtreg -samevm mode
#   2. Causes problems in jtreg -samevm mode for jtreg or tests that follow it
#   3. The test is too slow or consumes too many system resources
#   4. The test fails when run on any official build systems
# It is possible that a test being on this list is a mistake, and that some
#   other test in samevm mode caused tests to fail, mistakes happen.
# Tests marked @ignore are not run by test/Makefile, but harmless to be listed.
# Tests that explicitly state "@run main/othervm ...", and are not listed here,
#   will be run in the same batch as the samevm tests.
# Shell tests are othervm by default.
# List items  are testnames followed by labels, all MUST BE commented
#   as to why they are here and use a label:
#     generic-all   Problems on all platforms
#     generic-ARCH  Where ARCH is one of: sparc, sparcv9, x64, i586, etc.
#     OSNAME-all    Where OSNAME is one of: solaris, linux, windows, macosx, aix
#     OSNAME-ARCH   Specific on to one OSNAME and ARCH, e.g. solaris-amd64
#     OSNAME-REV    Specific on to one OSNAME and REV, e.g. solaris-5.8
# More than one label is allowed but must be on the same line.
# Running the tests:
#    cd test && make JT_HOME=jtreg_home PRODUCT_HOME=jdk_home jdk_all
#  Or instead of jdk_all, use any of the jdk_* targets.
# Samevm Notes:
#  * Although some tests may have only been seen to fail on some platforms,
#    they might be flagged as 'generic-all' because the problem they have
#    could cause hidden slowdowns on other platforms.
#    Most samevm problems will be generic-all, but windows usually dislikes
#    them the most.
#    Address already in use or connection errors indicate a generic port issue.
#    (this is not necessarily a samevm issue, but an issue for running the tests
#     on shared machines, two people or two test runs will collide).
#  * Samevm problem (windows in particular) is not closing all input/output
#  * Samevm problem when a test calls setSecurityManager()
#  * Samevm problem with setHttps*() is used? (not exactly sure here)
#  * Samevm problem when stuffing system properties with non Strings or anything
#  * Samevm problem when changing vm settings, or registering any vm actions
#  * Samevm problems with deleteOnExit(), if it must happen at end of test
#  * Samevm problems with URLClassLoader? (no details here)
#  * Samevm problems with dependence on predictable GC or finalizations
# Any of the above problems may mean the test needs to be flagged as "othervm".
# Fixing the tests:
# Some tests just may need to be run with "othervm", and that can easily be
#   done my adding a @run line (or modifying any existing @run):
#      @run main/othervm NameOfMainClass
#   Make sure this @run follows any use of @library.
#   Otherwise, if the test is a samevm possibility, make sure the test is
#     cleaning up after itself, closing all streams, deleting temp files, etc.
# Keep in mind that the bug could be in many places, and even different per
#   platform, it could be a bug in any one of:
#      - the testcase
#      - the jdk (jdk classes, native code, or hotspot)
#      - the native compiler
#      - the javac compiler
#      - the OS (depends on what the testcase does)
# If you managed to really fix one of these tests, here is how you can
#    remove tests from this list:
#  1. Make sure test passes on all platforms with samevm, or mark it othervm
#  2. Make sure test passes on all platforms when run with it's entire group
#  3. Make sure both VMs are tested, -server and -client, if possible
#  4. Make sure you try the -d64 option on Solaris
#  5. Use a tool like JPRT or something to verify these results
#  6. Delete lines in this file, include the changes with your test changes
# You may need to repeat your testing 2 or even 3 times to verify good
#   results, some of these samevm failures are not very predictable.


# jdk_awt


# jdk_beans


# jdk_lang


# jdk_management

# 8046351
com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java   generic-all
com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java          generic-all


# jdk_jmx

# 8030957
com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/GetProcessCpuLoad.java aix-all
com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/GetSystemCpuLoad.java  aix-all
javax/management/MBeanServer/OldMBeanServerTest.java            aix-all


# jdk_math


# jdk_other

# 6988950
demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java	generic-all


# jdk_net

# 7148829
sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/simple/CacheTest.java		generic-all
sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/simple/DefaultCaching.java	generic-all

# 7122846
java/net/MulticastSocket/NoLoopbackPackets.java                  macosx-all
java/net/MulticastSocket/SetLoopbackMode.java                    macosx-all

# 7145658
java/net/MulticastSocket/Test.java                               macosx-all

# 7143960
java/net/DatagramSocket/SendDatagramToBadAddress.java            macosx-all


# jdk_nio

# 6963118
java/nio/channels/Selector/Wakeup.java                          windows-all

# 7141822
java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ChangingAddress.java          macosx-all

# 7132677
java/nio/channels/Selector/OutOfBand.java                       macosx-all

# 7158947, Solaris 11
java/nio/file/WatchService/Basic.java				solaris-all
java/nio/file/WatchService/LotsOfEvents.java			solaris-all


# jdk_rmi

# 7146541
java/rmi/transport/rapidExportUnexport/RapidExportUnexport.java	linux-all

# 7191877
java/rmi/transport/checkLeaseInfoLeak/CheckLeaseLeak.java       generic-all

# 7195095
sun/rmi/transport/proxy/EagerHttpFallback.java                  generic-all


# jdk_security

# 7157786
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestKeyFactory.java                      generic-all

# 7164518: no PortUnreachableException on Mac
# 8051952: Unreachable.java test failing on Windows
sun/security/krb5/auto/Unreachable.java                         windows-all,macosx-all

# 6988842: 4 tests failing on Solaris 5.10
sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/AddPrivateKey.java                   solaris-all
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadCertificates.java                    solaris-all
sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ReadPKCS12.java                          solaris-all
sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java            solaris-all

# 7041639: Solaris DSA keypair generation bug
java/security/KeyPairGenerator/SolarisShortDSA.java             solaris-all
sun/security/tools/keytool/standard.sh                          solaris-all


# jdk_sound


# jdk_swing


# jdk_text


# jdk_time


# jdk_tools

# Tests take too long, on sparcs see 7143279
tools/pack200/CommandLineTests.java                             solaris-all,macosx-all
tools/pack200/Pack200Test.java                                  solaris-all,macosx-all

# 8007410
tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java                              linux-all


# jdk_jdi

# 6983531
com/sun/jdi/BadHandshakeTest.java                               linux-all,windows-all

# 8004127
com/sun/jdi/RedefineImplementor.sh                              generic-all

# 8031555
com/sun/jdi/JdbMethodExitTest.sh                                generic-all

# 8041934
com/sun/jdi/RepStep.java                                        generic-all

# 8044419
com/sun/jdi/JdbReadTwiceTest.sh                                 generic-all


# jdk_util


# jdk_instrument

# 8037082
java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java               generic-all


# svc_tools

# 8031482
sun/tools/jcmd/TestJcmdSanity.java				windows-all

# 8033104
sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/CR6672135.java			generic-all

# 8041989
sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatdDefaults.java                        generic-all

# 8037285
sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatdServer.java                          generic-all

# 8046355
sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatdExternalRegistry.java                generic-all
