author ohair
Tue, 25 May 2010 15:52:11 -0700
changeset 5555 b2b5ed3f0d0d
parent 4 02bb8761fcce
permissions -rw-r--r--
6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices Reviewed-by: darcy

 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package ;

import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Iterator ;

import java.lang.reflect.Method ;

import java.rmi.Remote ;

import javax.rmi.CORBA.Tie ;

import ;

import ;
import ;
import ;

import ;

import ;

import ;
import ;

import ;
import ;
import ;

public final class PresentationManagerImpl implements PresentationManager
    private Map classToClassData ;
    private Map methodToDMM ;
    private PresentationManager.StubFactoryFactory staticStubFactoryFactory ;
    private PresentationManager.StubFactoryFactory dynamicStubFactoryFactory ;
    private ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = null ;
    private boolean useDynamicStubs ;

    public PresentationManagerImpl( boolean useDynamicStubs )
        this.useDynamicStubs = useDynamicStubs ;
        wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get(
            CORBALogDomains.RPC_PRESENTATION ) ;

        // XXX these should probably be WeakHashMaps.
        classToClassData = new HashMap() ;
        methodToDMM = new HashMap() ;

// PresentationManager interface

    public synchronized DynamicMethodMarshaller getDynamicMethodMarshaller(
        Method method )
        if (method == null)
            return null ;

        DynamicMethodMarshaller result =
            (DynamicMethodMarshaller)methodToDMM.get( method ) ;
        if (result == null) {
            result = new DynamicMethodMarshallerImpl( method ) ;
            methodToDMM.put( method, result ) ;

        return result ;

    public synchronized ClassData getClassData( Class cls )
        ClassData result = (ClassData)classToClassData.get( cls ) ;
        if (result == null) {
            result = new ClassDataImpl( cls ) ;
            classToClassData.put( cls, result ) ;

        return result ;

    private class ClassDataImpl implements PresentationManager.ClassData
        private Class cls ;
        private IDLNameTranslator nameTranslator ;
        private String[] typeIds ;
        private PresentationManager.StubFactory sfactory ;
        private InvocationHandlerFactory ihfactory ;
        private Map dictionary ;

        public ClassDataImpl( Class cls )
            this.cls = cls ;
            Graph gr = new GraphImpl() ;
            NodeImpl root = new NodeImpl( cls ) ;
            Set rootSet = getRootSet( cls, root, gr ) ;

            // At this point, rootSet contains those remote interfaces
            // that are not related by inheritance, and gr contains
            // all reachable remote interfaces.

            Class[] interfaces = getInterfaces( rootSet ) ;
            nameTranslator = IDLNameTranslatorImpl.get( interfaces ) ;
            typeIds = makeTypeIds( root, gr, rootSet ) ;
            ihfactory = new InvocationHandlerFactoryImpl(
                PresentationManagerImpl.this, this ) ;
            dictionary = new HashMap() ;

        public Class getMyClass()
            return cls ;

        public IDLNameTranslator getIDLNameTranslator()
            return nameTranslator ;

        public String[] getTypeIds()
            return typeIds ;

        public InvocationHandlerFactory getInvocationHandlerFactory()
            return ihfactory ;

        public Map getDictionary()
            return dictionary ;

    public PresentationManager.StubFactoryFactory getStubFactoryFactory(
        boolean isDynamic )
        if (isDynamic)
            return dynamicStubFactoryFactory ;
            return staticStubFactoryFactory ;

    public void setStubFactoryFactory( boolean isDynamic,
        PresentationManager.StubFactoryFactory sff )
        if (isDynamic)
            dynamicStubFactoryFactory = sff ;
            staticStubFactoryFactory = sff ;

    public Tie getTie()
        return dynamicStubFactoryFactory.getTie( null ) ;

    public boolean useDynamicStubs()
        return useDynamicStubs ;

// Graph computations

    private Set getRootSet( Class target, NodeImpl root, Graph gr )
        Set rootSet = null ;

        if (target.isInterface()) {
            gr.add( root ) ;
            rootSet = gr.getRoots() ; // rootSet just contains root here
        } else {
            // Use this class and its superclasses (not Object) as initial roots
            Class superclass = target ;
            Set initialRootSet = new HashSet() ;
            while ((superclass != null) && !superclass.equals( Object.class )) {
                Node node = new NodeImpl( superclass ) ;
                gr.add( node ) ;
                initialRootSet.add( node ) ;
                superclass = superclass.getSuperclass() ;

            // Expand all nodes into the graph
            gr.getRoots() ;

            // remove the roots and find roots again
            gr.removeAll( initialRootSet ) ;
            rootSet = gr.getRoots() ;

        return rootSet ;

    private Class[] getInterfaces( Set roots )
        Class[] classes = new Class[ roots.size() ] ;
        Iterator iter = roots.iterator() ;
        int ctr = 0 ;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) ;
            classes[ctr++] = node.getInterface() ;

        return classes ;

    private String[] makeTypeIds( NodeImpl root, Graph gr, Set rootSet )
        Set nonRootSet = new HashSet( gr ) ;
        nonRootSet.removeAll( rootSet ) ;

        // List<String> for the typeids
        List result = new ArrayList() ;

        if (rootSet.size() > 1) {
            // If the rootSet has more than one element, we must
            // put the type id of the implementation class first.
            // Root represents the implementation class here.
            result.add( root.getTypeId() ) ;

        addNodes( result, rootSet ) ;
        addNodes( result, nonRootSet ) ;

        return (String[])result.toArray( new String[result.size()] ) ;

    private void addNodes( List resultList, Set nodeSet )
        Iterator iter = nodeSet.iterator() ;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) ;
            String typeId = node.getTypeId() ;
            resultList.add( typeId ) ;

    private static class NodeImpl implements Node
        private Class interf ;

        public Class getInterface()
            return interf ;

        public NodeImpl( Class interf )
            this.interf = interf ;

        public String getTypeId()
            return "RMI:" + interf.getName() + ":0000000000000000" ;

        public Set getChildren()
            Set result = new HashSet() ;
            Class[] interfaces = interf.getInterfaces() ;
            for (int ctr=0; ctr<interfaces.length; ctr++) {
                Class cls = interfaces[ctr] ;
                if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) &&
                    result.add( new NodeImpl( cls ) ) ;

            return result ;

        public String toString()
            return "NodeImpl[" + interf + "]" ;

        public int hashCode()
            return interf.hashCode() ;

        public boolean equals( Object obj )
            if (this == obj)
                return true ;

            if (!(obj instanceof NodeImpl))
                return false ;

            NodeImpl other = (NodeImpl)obj ;

            return other.interf.equals( interf ) ;