Fix syntax errors.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sanitycheck
import itertools
import json
import mx
import mx_graal
def _run_benchmark(args, availableBenchmarks, runBenchmark):
vmOpts, benchmarksAndOptions = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=availableBenchmarks is None)
if availableBenchmarks is None:
harnessArgs = benchmarksAndOptions
return runBenchmark(None, harnessArgs, vmOpts)
if len(benchmarksAndOptions) == 0:
mx.abort('at least one benchmark name or "all" must be specified')
benchmarks = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'), benchmarksAndOptions))
harnessArgs = benchmarksAndOptions[len(benchmarks):]
if 'all' in benchmarks:
benchmarks = availableBenchmarks
for bm in benchmarks:
if bm not in availableBenchmarks:
mx.abort('unknown benchmark: ' + bm + '\nselect one of: ' + str(availableBenchmarks))
failed = []
for bm in benchmarks:
if not runBenchmark(bm, harnessArgs, vmOpts):
if len(failed) != 0:
mx.abort('Benchmark failures: ' + str(failed))
def deoptalot(args):
"""bootstrap a VM with DeoptimizeALot and VerifyOops on
If the first argument is a number, the process will be repeated
this number of times. All other arguments are passed to the VM."""
count = 1
if len(args) > 0 and args[0].isdigit():
count = int(args[0])
del args[0]
for _ in range(count):
if not mx_graal.run_vm(['-XX:-TieredCompilation', '-XX:+DeoptimizeALot', '-XX:+VerifyOops'] + args + ['-version']) == 0:
def longtests(args):
deoptalot(['15', '-Xmx48m'])
dacapo(['100', 'eclipse', '-esa'])
def dacapo(args):
"""run one or more DaCapo benchmarks"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
return sanitycheck.getDacapo(bm, harnessArgs).test(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
_run_benchmark(args, sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup.keys(), launcher)
def scaladacapo(args):
"""run one or more Scala DaCapo benchmarks"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
return sanitycheck.getScalaDacapo(bm, harnessArgs).test(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
_run_benchmark(args, sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup.keys(), launcher)
Extra benchmarks to run from 'bench()'.
extraBenchmarks = []
def bench(args):
"""run benchmarks and parse their output for results
Results are JSON formated : {group : {benchmark : score}}."""
resultFile = None
if '-resultfile' in args:
index = args.index('-resultfile')
if index + 1 < len(args):
resultFile = args[index + 1]
del args[index]
del args[index]
mx.abort('-resultfile must be followed by a file name')
resultFileCSV = None
if '-resultfilecsv' in args:
index = args.index('-resultfilecsv')
if index + 1 < len(args):
resultFileCSV = args[index + 1]
del args[index]
del args[index]
mx.abort('-resultfilecsv must be followed by a file name')
vm = mx_graal.get_vm()
if len(args) is 0:
args = ['all']
vmArgs = [arg for arg in args if arg.startswith('-')]
def benchmarks_in_group(group):
prefix = group + ':'
return [a[len(prefix):] for a in args if a.startswith(prefix)]
results = {}
benchmarks = []
# DaCapo
if 'dacapo' in args or 'all' in args:
benchmarks += sanitycheck.getDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark)
dacapos = benchmarks_in_group('dacapo')
for dacapo in dacapos:
if dacapo not in sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup.keys():
mx.abort('Unknown DaCapo : ' + dacapo)
iterations = sanitycheck.dacapoSanityWarmup[dacapo][sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark]
if iterations > 0:
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getDacapo(dacapo, ['-n', str(iterations)])]
if 'scaladacapo' in args or 'all' in args:
benchmarks += sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark)
scaladacapos = benchmarks_in_group('scaladacapo')
for scaladacapo in scaladacapos:
if scaladacapo not in sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup.keys():
mx.abort('Unknown Scala DaCapo : ' + scaladacapo)
iterations = sanitycheck.dacapoScalaSanityWarmup[scaladacapo][sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Benchmark]
if iterations > 0:
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getScalaDacapo(scaladacapo, ['-n', str(iterations)])]
# Bootstrap
if 'bootstrap' in args or 'all' in args:
benchmarks += sanitycheck.getBootstraps()
# SPECjvm2008
if 'specjvm2008' in args or 'all' in args:
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(['-ikv', '-wt', '120', '-it', '120'])]
specjvms = benchmarks_in_group('specjvm2008')
for specjvm in specjvms:
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(['-ikv', '-wt', '120', '-it', '120', specjvm])]
if 'specjbb2005' in args or 'all' in args:
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2005()]
if 'specjbb2013' in args: # or 'all' in args //currently not in default set
benchmarks += [sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2013()]
if 'ctw-full' in args:
benchmarks.append(sanitycheck.getCTW(vm, sanitycheck.CTWMode.Full))
if 'ctw-noinline' in args:
benchmarks.append(sanitycheck.getCTW(vm, sanitycheck.CTWMode.NoInline))
for f in extraBenchmarks:
f(args, vm, benchmarks)
for test in benchmarks:
for (groupName, res) in test.bench(vm, extraVmOpts=vmArgs).items():
group = results.setdefault(groupName, {})
if resultFile:
with open(resultFile, 'w') as f:
if resultFileCSV:
with open(resultFileCSV, 'w') as f:
for key1, value1 in results.iteritems():
f.write('%s;\n' % (str(key1)))
for key2, value2 in sorted(value1.iteritems()):
f.write('%s; %s;\n' % (str(key2), str(value2)))
def specjvm2008(args):
"""run one or more SPECjvm2008 benchmarks"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
return sanitycheck.getSPECjvm2008(harnessArgs + [bm]).bench(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
availableBenchmarks = set(sanitycheck.specjvm2008Names)
if "all" not in args:
# only add benchmark groups if we are not running "all"
for name in sanitycheck.specjvm2008Names:
parts = name.rsplit('.', 1)
if len(parts) > 1:
assert len(parts) == 2
group = parts[0]
_run_benchmark(args, sorted(availableBenchmarks), launcher)
def specjbb2013(args):
"""run the composite SPECjbb2013 benchmark"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
assert bm is None
return sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2013(harnessArgs).bench(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
_run_benchmark(args, None, launcher)
def specjbb2015(args):
"""run the composite SPECjbb2015 benchmark"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
assert bm is None
return sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2015(harnessArgs).bench(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
_run_benchmark(args, None, launcher)
def specjbb2005(args):
"""run the composite SPECjbb2005 benchmark"""
def launcher(bm, harnessArgs, extraVmOpts):
assert bm is None
return sanitycheck.getSPECjbb2005(harnessArgs).bench(mx_graal.get_vm(), extraVmOpts=extraVmOpts)
_run_benchmark(args, None, launcher)
mx.update_commands(mx.suite('graal'), {
'dacapo': [dacapo, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [DaCapo options]'],
'scaladacapo': [scaladacapo, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [Scala DaCapo options]'],
'specjvm2008': [specjvm2008, '[VM options] benchmarks...|"all" [SPECjvm2008 options]'],
'specjbb2013': [specjbb2013, '[VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2013 options]]'],
'specjbb2015': [specjbb2015, '[VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2015 options]]'],
'specjbb2005': [specjbb2005, '[VM options] [-- [SPECjbb2005 options]]'],
'bench' : [bench, '[-resultfile file] [all(default)|dacapo|specjvm2008|bootstrap]'],
'deoptalot' : [deoptalot, '[n]'],
'longtests' : [longtests, ''],