author mkos
Sun, 30 Dec 2012 00:00:00 +0100
changeset 22678 ac1ea46be942
parent 12009 4abb694f273a
permissions -rw-r--r--
8029237: Update copyright year to match last edit in jaxws repository for 2012 Reviewed-by: chegar

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.

 This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 accompanied this code).

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

 Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any

<!DOCTYPE grammar [

<!ENTITY XJCURI "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc">
<!--  cc:$runtime-type="com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.impl.parser.NGCCRuntimeEx">-->
    import com.sun.codemodel.internal.*;
    import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.generator.bean.field.*;
    import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.model.*;
    import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.api.impl.NameConverter;
    import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.WellKnownNamespace;
    import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.marshaller.SAX2DOMEx;
    import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.*;
    import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.Const;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
  <start cc:class="Root">
      <!-- root of the external binding file. -->
      <ref name="declaration"/>
      <!-- root of the internal binding -->
      <ref name="annotation"/>
    in context of XML Schema annotation
  <define name="annotation" cc:access="public" cc:class="AnnotationState"
    cc:return-type="BindInfo" cc:return-value="bi">
      import java.io.StringWriter;
      import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.marshaller.DataWriter;
      // customization declarations
      public BindInfo bi;
      private StringWriter w;

      private SAX2DOMEx sax2dom;
    <element name="xs:annotation">
      bi = new BindInfo($runtime.copyLocator());
      $runtime.currentBindInfo = bi;
      <p:ignore><ref name="anyAttributes"/></p:ignore>
          <element name="xs:appinfo">
            <p:ignore><ref name="anyAttributes"/></p:ignore>
                  result = <ref name="declaration" />
                    <nsName ns="&XJCURI;"/>
                    <nsName /><!-- JAXB namespace URI -->
                    <nsName ns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" />

                  if($runtime.isExtensionURI($uri)) {
                    // parse this sub-tree as an extension
                    try {
                      sax2dom = new SAX2DOMEx();
                    } catch( ParserConfigurationException e ) {
                      throw new Error(e); // impossible
                  } else {
                    // ignore this sub-tree
                    sax2dom = null;
                    $runtime.redirectSubtree(new DefaultHandler(),$uri,$localName,$qname);
                  <p:ignore><ref name="anyContents"/></p:ignore>
                  if(sax2dom!=null) {
                    bi.addDecl(new BIXPluginCustomization(((Document)sax2dom.getDOM()).getDocumentElement(),$runtime.copyLocator()));
          <!-- ignore documentations -->
          <element name="xs:documentation">
            <p:ignore><ref name="anyAttributes"/></p:ignore>
                  msg = <text />
                    <anyName />
                    w = new StringWriter();
                    DataWriter xw = new DataWriter(w,"UTF-8");
                    <p:ignore><ref name="anyContents"/></p:ignore>
                    false );
    Individual customization declarations
  <define name="declaration"
    cc:return-type="BIDeclaration" cc:return-value="result">
      private BIDeclaration result;
    <!-- result field will have the parsed object -->
      result = <ref name="globalBindings" />
      result = <ref name="schemaBindings" />
      result = <ref name="class"/>
      result = <ref name="conversion"/>
      result = <ref name="property"/>
      result = <ref name="typesafeEnum"/>
      result = <ref name="enumMember"/>
      <!-- result = <ref name="idSymbolSpace"/-->
      <!-- result = <ref name="dom"/-->
  <define name="globalBindings"
    cc:return-type="BIGlobalBinding" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      private Map globalConvs = new HashMap();
      private NameConverter nameConverter = NameConverter.standard;
      private String enableJavaNamingConvention = "true";
      private String fixedAttrToConstantProperty = "false";
      private String needIsSetMethod = "false";
      private String simpleTypeSubstitution = "false";
      private boolean flattenClasses = false;
      private Set enumBaseTypes = new HashSet();
      private int defaultEnumSizeCap = 256;
      private boolean generateEnumMemberName = false;
      private boolean choiceContentPropertyWithModelGroupBinding = false;
      private boolean xSmartWildcardDefaultBinding = false;
      private boolean xSimpleMode;
      private boolean generateValueClass = true;
      private boolean generateElementClass = false;
      private boolean generateMixedExtensions = false;

      public BIGlobalBinding makeResult() {
        if( enumBaseTypes.size()==0 )
          enumBaseTypes.add(new QName(WellKnownNamespace.XML_SCHEMA,"NCName")); // defaults to NCName
        return new BIGlobalBinding(
    <element name="globalBindings">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        <attribute name="underscoreBinding">
            <value>asWordSeparator</value><!-- default -->
              nameConverter = NameConverter.jaxrpcCompatible;
        <attribute name="enableJavaNamingConventions">
          enableJavaNamingConvention = <data type="boolean"/>
        <attribute name="fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty">
          fixedAttrToConstantProperty = <data type="boolean"/>
        <attribute name="generateIsSetMethod">
          needIsSetMethod = <data type="boolean"/>

        <attribute name="mapSimpleTypeDef">
          simpleTypeSubstitution = <data type="boolean"/>

        <attribute name="localScoping">
              flattenClasses = false;
              flattenClasses = true;

        <attribute name="collectionType">
          ct = <ref name="collectionType" />
        <attribute name="typesafeEnumMemberName">
            <value>generateError</value> <!-- default -->
              generateEnumMemberName = true;
        <attribute name="typesafeEnumBase">
              value = <data type="QName"/>
              QName qn = $runtime.parseQName(value);
              enumBaseTypes.add( qn );

        <attribute name="typesafeEnumMaxMembers">
              value = <data type="int"/>
              defaultEnumSizeCap = Integer.parseInt(value);

        <attribute name="choiceContentProperty">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          choiceContentPropertyWithModelGroupBinding = $runtime.parseBoolean(value);

        <attribute name="generateValueClass">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          generateValueClass = $runtime.parseBoolean(value);

        <attribute name="generateElementClass">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          generateElementClass = $runtime.parseBoolean(value);

        <attribute name="generateMixedExtensions">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          generateMixedExtensions = $runtime.parseBoolean(value);

      <!-- unimplemented attributes -->
        <attribute name="enableValidation">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          if( $runtime.parseBoolean(value)==true )
        <attribute name="enableFailFastCheck">
          value = <data type="boolean"/>
          if( $runtime.parseBoolean(value)==true )
      <!-- body -->
          <element name="javaType">
            <attribute name="xmlType">
              xmlType = <data type="QName"/>
            conv = <ref name="conversionBody" />
            globalConvs.put( $runtime.parseQName(xmlType), conv );
          <element name="serializable">
              <attribute name="uid">
                serialuid = <data type="long"/>
              serializable = new BISerializable(Long.parseLong(serialuid));
              serializable = new BISerializable(null);

          <!-- global vendor extensions -->
          serializable = <ref name="serializable"/>
          xSuperClass = <ref name="superClass"/>
          xSuperInterface = <ref name="superInterface"/>
          <ref name="typeSubstitution" />
          <element name="xjc:smartWildcardDefaultBinding">
              changes the default binding of wildcards so that unknown elements will be
              bound to DOM. This feature is not publicly available, and we may change it
            xSmartWildcardDefaultBinding = true;
            <empty />

          <element name="xjc:simple">
            xSimpleMode = true;
            <empty />

            light-weight runtime. we no longer support them,
            but we don't issue an error when we see them.
          <element name="xjc:noMarshaller">
            <empty />
          <element name="xjc:noUnmarshaller">
            <empty />
          <element name="xjc:noValidator">
            <empty />
          <element name="xjc:noValidatingUnmarshaller">
            <empty />
  <define name="schemaBindings"
    cc:return-type="BISchemaBinding" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      public BISchemaBinding makeResult() {
        return new BISchemaBinding(packageName,javadoc,tt,et,at,mt,nt,loc);
    <element name="schemaBindings">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        <element name="package">
            packageName = <attribute name="name"/>
            javadoc = <ref name="javadoc"/>
        <element name="nameXmlTransform">
          <!-- use newer version of RELAXNGCC and wrap them by <interleave> -->
              <element name="typeName">
                tt = <ref name="nameXmlTransformRule"/>
              <element name="elementName">
                et = <ref name="nameXmlTransformRule"/>
              <element name="attributeName">
                at = <ref name="nameXmlTransformRule"/>
              <element name="modelGroupName">
                mt = <ref name="nameXmlTransformRule"/>
              <element name="anonymousTypeName">
                nt = <ref name="nameXmlTransformRule"/>
  <define name="nameXmlTransformRule"
    cc:return-value="new BISchemaBinding.NamingRule(prefix,suffix)">
      private String prefix="";
      private String suffix="";
      <attribute name="prefix">
        prefix = <data type="NCName"/>
      <attribute name="suffix">
        suffix = <data type="NCName"/>
  <define name="javadoc" cc:return-type="String" cc:return-value="javadoc">
      <element name="javadoc">
        javadoc = <text />
        javadoc = $runtime.truncateDocComment(javadoc);
  <define name="collectionType" cc:class="CollectionTypeState"
    cc:return-type="FieldRenderer" cc:return-value="r">
      private FieldRenderer r = null;
    type = <data type="token"/>
    if( type.equals("indexed") )
      r = FieldRenderer.ARRAY;
      try {
        r = new UntypedListFieldRenderer( $runtime.codeModel.ref(type) );
      } catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
        throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());
  <define name="class" cc:class="BIClassState"
    cc:return-type="BIClass" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      public BIClass makeResult() {
        return new BIClass(loc,name,implClass,javadoc);
    <element name="class">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        javadoc = <ref name="javadoc"/>
        <attribute name="name">
          name = <data type="identifier" datatypeLibrary="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/relaxng/java-datatypes"/>
        implClass = <attribute name="implClass"/>
  <define name="property"
    cc:return-type="BIProperty" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      private Boolean isConst = null;
      private Boolean isSet = null;
      private Boolean genElemProp = null;

      public BIProperty makeResult() throws SAXException {
        JType baseTypeRef = null;
          baseTypeRef = $runtime.getType(baseType);
        return new BIProperty(loc,name,javadoc,baseTypeRef,conv,ct,isConst,isSet,genElemProp);
    <element name="property">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        name = <attribute name="name"/>
        baseType = <attribute name="baseType"/>
        <attribute name="collectionType">
          ct = <ref name="collectionType" />
        <attribute name="fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty">
          isConstStr = <data type="boolean"/>
          isConst = $runtime.parseBoolean(isConstStr)?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE;
        <attribute name="generateIsSetMethod">
          isSetStr = <data type="boolean"/>
          isSet = $runtime.parseBoolean(isSetStr)?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE;
        <attribute name="generateElementProperty">
          genElemPropStr = <data type="boolean"/>
          genElemProp = $runtime.parseBoolean(genElemPropStr)?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE;
        <attribute name="generateFailFastSetterMethod">
          failFast = <data type="boolean"/>
        if( $runtime.parseBoolean(failFast) ) {

          javadoc = <ref name="javadoc"/>
          <element name="baseType">
            conv = <ref name="conversion"/>
  <define name="conversion"
    cc:return-type="BIConversion" cc:return-value="r">
    <element name="javaType">
      r = <ref name="conversionBody"/>
  <define name="conversionBody"
    cc:return-type="BIConversion" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.generator.util.WhitespaceNormalizer;
      public BIConversion makeResult() throws SAXException {
        return new BIConversion.User( $runtime.copyLocator(), parse, print, $runtime.getType(type) );

      // initialize with default values.
      private String type  = "java.lang.String"; // in case a schema has an error
      private String parse = null;
      private String print = null;
      private boolean context = false;
      parse = <attribute name="parseMethod" />
      print = <attribute name="printMethod" />
    <attribute name="name" cc:alias="type"/>
      <attribute name="hasNsContext">
        _context = <data type="boolean"/>
        context = $runtime.parseBoolean(_context);
  <!-- type safe enum customization -->
  <define name="typesafeEnum"
    cc:return-type="BIEnum" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      import java.util.HashMap;
      private HashMap members = new HashMap();
      private boolean dontBind = false;
      private Locator loc,loc2;
      private BIEnum makeResult() {
        return new BIEnum(loc,dontBind,name,javadoc,members);
    <element name="typesafeEnumClass">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        <attribute name="map">
          dontBind = true;
            name = <attribute name="name"/>
            javadoc = <ref name="javadoc" />
            jname = null;
            javadoc = null;
            <element name="typesafeEnumMember">
              loc2 = $runtime.copyLocator();
                jname = <attribute name="name"/>
              value = <attribute name="value"/>
                javadoc = <ref name="javadoc" />
              members.put( value, new BIEnumMember(loc2,jname,javadoc) );
  <!-- stand-alone type safe enum member customization -->
     Note that only the name attribute is allowed here, and the same element
     under the typesafeEnumClass is handled differently.
  <define name="enumMember"
    cc:return-type="BIEnumMember" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      private BIEnumMember makeResult() {
        return new BIEnumMember(loc,name,javadoc);
    <element name="typesafeEnumMember">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
      name = <attribute name="name"/>
        javadoc = <ref name="javadoc" />
  <!-- XJC-exntension: root class support -->
  <define name="superClass" cc:return-type="JDefinedClass" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private JDefinedClass makeResult() {
        try {
          JDefinedClass c = $runtime.codeModel._class(name);
          return c;
        } catch( JClassAlreadyExistsException e ) {
          return e.getExistingClass();
    <element name="xjc:superClass">
      name = <attribute name="name" />
  <!-- XJC-exntension: root interface support -->
  <define name="superInterface" cc:return-type="JDefinedClass" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private JDefinedClass makeResult() {
        try {
          JDefinedClass c = $runtime.codeModel._class(name,ClassType.INTERFACE);
          return c;
        } catch( JClassAlreadyExistsException e ) {
          return e.getExistingClass();

    <element name="xjc:superInterface">
      name = <attribute name="name" />

  <!-- XJC-exntension: serialization support -->
  <define name="serializable" cc:return-type="BISerializable" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private long uid = 1;
      private BISerializable makeResult() {
        return new BISerializable(uid);
    <element name="xjc:serializable">
//      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        <attribute name="uid">
          v = <data type="long"/>
          uid = Long.parseLong(v);
  <!-- XJC extension: type substitution -->
  <define name="typeSubstitution" cc:return-type="boolean" cc:return-value="true">
    <element name="xjc:typeSubstitution">
      <attribute name="type"><value>complex</value></attribute>
  <!-- XJC extension: ID symbol space support -->
  <!--define name="idSymbolSpace" cc:return-type="BIXIdSymbolSpace" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      private Locator loc;
      private BIXIdSymbolSpace makeResult() {
        return new BIXIdSymbolSpace(loc,name);
    <element name="xjc:idSymbolSpace">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
      name = <attribute name="name"/>
  <!-- XJC extension: DOM support -->
  <!--define name="dom" cc:return-type="BIXDom" cc:return-value="makeResult()">
      import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.grammar.ext.*;
      private String factoryName = "w3c";
      private Locator loc;
      private BIXDom makeResult() {
        try {
          return new BIXDom(DOMItemFactory.getInstance(factoryName),loc);
        } catch( DOMItemFactory.UndefinedNameException e ) {
          throw new InternalError(); // impossible since we use validation to reject incorrect values
    <element name="xjc:dom">
      loc = $runtime.copyLocator();
        <attribute name="type">
            factoryName = <value>dom4j</value>
            factoryName = <value>w3c</value>
    <!-- these patterns are ignored when using RelaxNGCC -->
    <define name="anyContents">
          <ref name="anyAttributes"/>
            <ref name="anyContents"/>
    <define name="anyAttributes">