8178843: A bug in an inner loop in MethodGenerator's getLocals method
Reviewed-by: lancea
% IDE support in the JDK## IntroductionWhen you are familiar with building and testing the JDK, you may want toconfigure an IDE to work with the source code. The instructions differ a bitdepending on whether you are interested in working with the native (C/C++) orthe Java code.### IDE support for native codeThere are a few ways to generate IDE configuration for the native sources,depending on which IDE to use.#### Visual Studio CodeThe make system can generate a [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com)workspace that has C/C++ source indexing configured correctly, as well aslauncher targets for tests and the Java launcher. After configuring, a workspacefor the configuration can be generated using:```shellmake vscode-project```This creates a file called `jdk.code-workspace` in the build output folder. Thefull location will be printed after the workspace has been generated. To use it,choose `File -> Open Workspace...` in Visual Studio Code.##### Alternative indexersThe main `vscode-project` target configures the default C++ support in VisualStudio Code. There are also other source indexers that can be installed, thatmay provide additional features. It's currently possible to generateconfiguration for two such indexers, [clangd](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clangd/)and [rtags](https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags). These can be configured byappending the name of the indexer to the make target, such as:```shellmake vscode-project-clangd```Additional instructions for configuring the given indexer will be displayedafter the workspace has been generated.#### Visual StudioThis section is a work in progress.```shellmake ide-project```#### Compilation DatabaseThe make system can generate generic native code indexing support in the form ofa [Compilation Database](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html)that can be used by many different IDEs and source code indexers.```shellmake compile-commands```It's also possible to generate the Compilation Database for the HotSpot sourcecode only, which is a bit faster as it includes less information.```shellmake compile-commands-hotspot```### IDE support for Java codeThis section is a work in progress.