author tschatzl
Thu, 03 May 2018 14:09:00 +0200
changeset 49964 99e698e94cc7
parent 49811 bfba4712d4ff
child 49982 9042ffe5b7fe
permissions -rw-r--r--
8201492: Properly implement non-contiguous generations for Reference discovery Summary: Collectors like G1 implementing non-contiguous generations previously used an inexact but conservative area for discovery. Concurrent and STW reference processing could discover the same reference multiple times, potentially missing referents during evacuation. So these collectors had to take extra measures while concurrent marking/reference discovery has been running. This change makes discovery exact for G1 (and any collector using non-contiguous generations) so that concurrent discovery and STW discovery discover on strictly disjoint memory areas. This means that the mentioned situation can not occur any more, and extra work is not required any more too. Reviewed-by: kbarrett, sjohanss

 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.


#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMarkBitMap.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMarkObjArrayProcessor.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1HeapVerifier.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1RegionMarkStatsCache.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/heapRegionSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/taskqueue.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"

class ConcurrentGCTimer;
class G1ConcurrentMarkThread;
class G1CollectedHeap;
class G1CMTask;
class G1ConcurrentMark;
class G1OldTracer;
class G1RegionToSpaceMapper;
class G1SurvivorRegions;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
// warning C4522: multiple assignment operators specified
#pragma warning(disable:4522)

// This is a container class for either an oop or a continuation address for
// mark stack entries. Both are pushed onto the mark stack.
class G1TaskQueueEntry {
  void* _holder;

  static const uintptr_t ArraySliceBit = 1;

  G1TaskQueueEntry(oop obj) : _holder(obj) {
    assert(_holder != NULL, "Not allowed to set NULL task queue element");
  G1TaskQueueEntry(HeapWord* addr) : _holder((void*)((uintptr_t)addr | ArraySliceBit)) { }
  G1TaskQueueEntry(const G1TaskQueueEntry& other) { _holder = other._holder; }
  G1TaskQueueEntry() : _holder(NULL) { }

  static G1TaskQueueEntry from_slice(HeapWord* what) { return G1TaskQueueEntry(what); }
  static G1TaskQueueEntry from_oop(oop obj) { return G1TaskQueueEntry(obj); }

  G1TaskQueueEntry& operator=(const G1TaskQueueEntry& t) {
    _holder = t._holder;
    return *this;

  volatile G1TaskQueueEntry& operator=(const volatile G1TaskQueueEntry& t) volatile {
    _holder = t._holder;
    return *this;

  oop obj() const {
    assert(!is_array_slice(), "Trying to read array slice " PTR_FORMAT " as oop", p2i(_holder));
    return (oop)_holder;

  HeapWord* slice() const {
    assert(is_array_slice(), "Trying to read oop " PTR_FORMAT " as array slice", p2i(_holder));
    return (HeapWord*)((uintptr_t)_holder & ~ArraySliceBit);

  bool is_oop() const { return !is_array_slice(); }
  bool is_array_slice() const { return ((uintptr_t)_holder & ArraySliceBit) != 0; }
  bool is_null() const { return _holder == NULL; }

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)

typedef GenericTaskQueue<G1TaskQueueEntry, mtGC> G1CMTaskQueue;
typedef GenericTaskQueueSet<G1CMTaskQueue, mtGC> G1CMTaskQueueSet;

// Closure used by CM during concurrent reference discovery
// and reference processing (during remarking) to determine
// if a particular object is alive. It is primarily used
// to determine if referents of discovered reference objects
// are alive. An instance is also embedded into the
// reference processor as the _is_alive_non_header field
class G1CMIsAliveClosure : public BoolObjectClosure {
  G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
  G1CMIsAliveClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h) : _g1h(g1h) { }
  bool do_object_b(oop obj);

class G1CMSubjectToDiscoveryClosure : public BoolObjectClosure {
  G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
  G1CMSubjectToDiscoveryClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h) : _g1h(g1h) { }
  bool do_object_b(oop obj);

// Represents the overflow mark stack used by concurrent marking.
// Stores oops in a huge buffer in virtual memory that is always fully committed.
// Resizing may only happen during a STW pause when the stack is empty.
// Memory is allocated on a "chunk" basis, i.e. a set of oops. For this, the mark
// stack memory is split into evenly sized chunks of oops. Users can only
// add or remove entries on that basis.
// Chunks are filled in increasing address order. Not completely filled chunks
// have a NULL element as a terminating element.
// Every chunk has a header containing a single pointer element used for memory
// management. This wastes some space, but is negligible (< .1% with current sizing).
// Memory management is done using a mix of tracking a high water-mark indicating
// that all chunks at a lower address are valid chunks, and a singly linked free
// list connecting all empty chunks.
class G1CMMarkStack {
  // Number of TaskQueueEntries that can fit in a single chunk.
  static const size_t EntriesPerChunk = 1024 - 1 /* One reference for the next pointer */;
  struct TaskQueueEntryChunk {
    TaskQueueEntryChunk* next;
    G1TaskQueueEntry data[EntriesPerChunk];

  size_t _max_chunk_capacity;    // Maximum number of TaskQueueEntryChunk elements on the stack.

  TaskQueueEntryChunk* _base;    // Bottom address of allocated memory area.
  size_t _chunk_capacity;        // Current maximum number of TaskQueueEntryChunk elements.

  TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile _free_list;  // Linked list of free chunks that can be allocated by users.
  char _pad1[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(TaskQueueEntryChunk*)];
  TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile _chunk_list; // List of chunks currently containing data.
  volatile size_t _chunks_in_chunk_list;
  char _pad2[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(TaskQueueEntryChunk*) - sizeof(size_t)];

  volatile size_t _hwm;          // High water mark within the reserved space.
  char _pad4[DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(size_t)];

  // Allocate a new chunk from the reserved memory, using the high water mark. Returns
  // NULL if out of memory.
  TaskQueueEntryChunk* allocate_new_chunk();

  // Atomically add the given chunk to the list.
  void add_chunk_to_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile* list, TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);
  // Atomically remove and return a chunk from the given list. Returns NULL if the
  // list is empty.
  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* volatile* list);

  void add_chunk_to_chunk_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);
  void add_chunk_to_free_list(TaskQueueEntryChunk* elem);

  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_chunk_list();
  TaskQueueEntryChunk* remove_chunk_from_free_list();

  // Resizes the mark stack to the given new capacity. Releases any previous
  // memory if successful.
  bool resize(size_t new_capacity);


  // Alignment and minimum capacity of this mark stack in number of oops.
  static size_t capacity_alignment();

  // Allocate and initialize the mark stack with the given number of oops.
  bool initialize(size_t initial_capacity, size_t max_capacity);

  // Pushes the given buffer containing at most EntriesPerChunk elements on the mark
  // stack. If less than EntriesPerChunk elements are to be pushed, the array must
  // be terminated with a NULL.
  // Returns whether the buffer contents were successfully pushed to the global mark
  // stack.
  bool par_push_chunk(G1TaskQueueEntry* buffer);

  // Pops a chunk from this mark stack, copying them into the given buffer. This
  // chunk may contain up to EntriesPerChunk elements. If there are less, the last
  // element in the array is a NULL pointer.
  bool par_pop_chunk(G1TaskQueueEntry* buffer);

  // Return whether the chunk list is empty. Racy due to unsynchronized access to
  // _chunk_list.
  bool is_empty() const { return _chunk_list == NULL; }

  size_t capacity() const  { return _chunk_capacity; }

  // Expand the stack, typically in response to an overflow condition
  void expand();

  // Return the approximate number of oops on this mark stack. Racy due to
  // unsynchronized access to _chunks_in_chunk_list.
  size_t size() const { return _chunks_in_chunk_list * EntriesPerChunk; }

  void set_empty();

  // Apply Fn to every oop on the mark stack. The mark stack must not
  // be modified while iterating.
  template<typename Fn> void iterate(Fn fn) const PRODUCT_RETURN;

// Root Regions are regions that are not empty at the beginning of a
// marking cycle and which we might collect during an evacuation pause
// while the cycle is active. Given that, during evacuation pauses, we
// do not copy objects that are explicitly marked, what we have to do
// for the root regions is to scan them and mark all objects reachable
// from them. According to the SATB assumptions, we only need to visit
// each object once during marking. So, as long as we finish this scan
// before the next evacuation pause, we can copy the objects from the
// root regions without having to mark them or do anything else to them.
// Currently, we only support root region scanning once (at the start
// of the marking cycle) and the root regions are all the survivor
// regions populated during the initial-mark pause.
class G1CMRootRegions {
  const G1SurvivorRegions* _survivors;
  G1ConcurrentMark*        _cm;

  volatile bool            _scan_in_progress;
  volatile bool            _should_abort;
  volatile int             _claimed_survivor_index;

  void notify_scan_done();

  // We actually do most of the initialization in this method.
  void init(const G1SurvivorRegions* survivors, G1ConcurrentMark* cm);

  // Reset the claiming / scanning of the root regions.
  void prepare_for_scan();

  // Forces get_next() to return NULL so that the iteration aborts early.
  void abort() { _should_abort = true; }

  // Return true if the CM thread are actively scanning root regions,
  // false otherwise.
  bool scan_in_progress() { return _scan_in_progress; }

  // Claim the next root region to scan atomically, or return NULL if
  // all have been claimed.
  HeapRegion* claim_next();

  // The number of root regions to scan.
  uint num_root_regions() const;

  void cancel_scan();

  // Flag that we're done with root region scanning and notify anyone
  // who's waiting on it. If aborted is false, assume that all regions
  // have been claimed.
  void scan_finished();

  // If CM threads are still scanning root regions, wait until they
  // are done. Return true if we had to wait, false otherwise.
  bool wait_until_scan_finished();

// This class manages data structures and methods for doing liveness analysis in
// G1's concurrent cycle.
class G1ConcurrentMark : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
  friend class G1ConcurrentMarkThread;
  friend class G1CMRefProcTaskProxy;
  friend class G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor;
  friend class G1CMKeepAliveAndDrainClosure;
  friend class G1CMDrainMarkingStackClosure;
  friend class G1CMBitMapClosure;
  friend class G1CMConcurrentMarkingTask;
  friend class G1CMRemarkTask;
  friend class G1CMTask;

  G1ConcurrentMarkThread* _cm_thread;     // The thread doing the work
  G1CollectedHeap*        _g1h;           // The heap
  bool                    _completed_initialization; // Set to true when initialization is complete

  // Concurrent marking support structures
  G1CMBitMap              _mark_bitmap_1;
  G1CMBitMap              _mark_bitmap_2;
  G1CMBitMap*             _prev_mark_bitmap; // Completed mark bitmap
  G1CMBitMap*             _next_mark_bitmap; // Under-construction mark bitmap

  // Heap bounds
  MemRegion const         _heap;

  // Root region tracking and claiming
  G1CMRootRegions         _root_regions;

  // For grey objects
  G1CMMarkStack           _global_mark_stack; // Grey objects behind global finger
  HeapWord* volatile      _finger;            // The global finger, region aligned,
                                              // always pointing to the end of the
                                              // last claimed region

  uint                    _worker_id_offset;
  uint                    _max_num_tasks;    // Maximum number of marking tasks
  uint                    _num_active_tasks; // Number of tasks currently active
  G1CMTask**              _tasks;            // Task queue array (max_worker_id length)

  G1CMTaskQueueSet*       _task_queues;      // Task queue set
  ParallelTaskTerminator  _terminator;       // For termination

  // Two sync barriers that are used to synchronize tasks when an
  // overflow occurs. The algorithm is the following. All tasks enter
  // the first one to ensure that they have all stopped manipulating
  // the global data structures. After they exit it, they re-initialize
  // their data structures and task 0 re-initializes the global data
  // structures. Then, they enter the second sync barrier. This
  // ensure, that no task starts doing work before all data
  // structures (local and global) have been re-initialized. When they
  // exit it, they are free to start working again.
  WorkGangBarrierSync     _first_overflow_barrier_sync;
  WorkGangBarrierSync     _second_overflow_barrier_sync;

  // This is set by any task, when an overflow on the global data
  // structures is detected
  volatile bool           _has_overflown;
  // True: marking is concurrent, false: we're in remark
  volatile bool           _concurrent;
  // Set at the end of a Full GC so that marking aborts
  volatile bool           _has_aborted;

  // Used when remark aborts due to an overflow to indicate that
  // another concurrent marking phase should start
  volatile bool           _restart_for_overflow;

  ConcurrentGCTimer*      _gc_timer_cm;

  G1OldTracer*            _gc_tracer_cm;

  // Timing statistics. All of them are in ms
  NumberSeq _init_times;
  NumberSeq _remark_times;
  NumberSeq _remark_mark_times;
  NumberSeq _remark_weak_ref_times;
  NumberSeq _cleanup_times;
  double    _total_cleanup_time;

  double*   _accum_task_vtime;   // Accumulated task vtime

  WorkGang* _concurrent_workers;
  uint      _num_concurrent_workers; // The number of marking worker threads we're using
  uint      _max_concurrent_workers; // Maximum number of marking worker threads

  void verify_during_pause(G1HeapVerifier::G1VerifyType type, VerifyOption vo, const char* caller);

  void finalize_marking();

  void weak_refs_work_parallel_part(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, bool purged_classes);
  void weak_refs_work(bool clear_all_soft_refs);

  void report_object_count(bool mark_completed);

  void swap_mark_bitmaps();

  void reclaim_empty_regions();

  // After reclaiming empty regions, update heap sizes.
  void compute_new_sizes();

  // Clear statistics gathered during the concurrent cycle for the given region after
  // it has been reclaimed.
  void clear_statistics(HeapRegion* r);

  // Resets the global marking data structures, as well as the
  // task local ones; should be called during initial mark.
  void reset();

  // Resets all the marking data structures. Called when we have to restart
  // marking or when marking completes (via set_non_marking_state below).
  void reset_marking_for_restart();

  // We do this after we're done with marking so that the marking data
  // structures are initialized to a sensible and predictable state.
  void reset_at_marking_complete();

  // Called to indicate how many threads are currently active.
  void set_concurrency(uint active_tasks);

  // Should be called to indicate which phase we're in (concurrent
  // mark or remark) and how many threads are currently active.
  void set_concurrency_and_phase(uint active_tasks, bool concurrent);

  // Prints all gathered CM-related statistics
  void print_stats();

  HeapWord*               finger()          { return _finger;   }
  bool                    concurrent()      { return _concurrent; }
  uint                    active_tasks()    { return _num_active_tasks; }
  ParallelTaskTerminator* terminator()      { return &_terminator; }

  // Claims the next available region to be scanned by a marking
  // task/thread. It might return NULL if the next region is empty or
  // we have run out of regions. In the latter case, out_of_regions()
  // determines whether we've really run out of regions or the task
  // should call claim_region() again. This might seem a bit
  // awkward. Originally, the code was written so that claim_region()
  // either successfully returned with a non-empty region or there
  // were no more regions to be claimed. The problem with this was
  // that, in certain circumstances, it iterated over large chunks of
  // the heap finding only empty regions and, while it was working, it
  // was preventing the calling task to call its regular clock
  // method. So, this way, each task will spend very little time in
  // claim_region() and is allowed to call the regular clock method
  // frequently.
  HeapRegion* claim_region(uint worker_id);

  // Determines whether we've run out of regions to scan. Note that
  // the finger can point past the heap end in case the heap was expanded
  // to satisfy an allocation without doing a GC. This is fine, because all
  // objects in those regions will be considered live anyway because of
  // SATB guarantees (i.e. their TAMS will be equal to bottom).
  bool out_of_regions() { return _finger >= _heap.end(); }

  // Returns the task with the given id
  G1CMTask* task(uint id) {
    // During initial mark we use the parallel gc threads to do some work, so
    // we can only compare against _max_num_tasks.
    assert(id < _max_num_tasks, "Task id %u not within bounds up to %u", id, _max_num_tasks);
    return _tasks[id];

  // Access / manipulation of the overflow flag which is set to
  // indicate that the global stack has overflown
  bool has_overflown()           { return _has_overflown; }
  void set_has_overflown()       { _has_overflown = true; }
  void clear_has_overflown()     { _has_overflown = false; }
  bool restart_for_overflow()    { return _restart_for_overflow; }

  // Methods to enter the two overflow sync barriers
  void enter_first_sync_barrier(uint worker_id);
  void enter_second_sync_barrier(uint worker_id);

  // Clear the given bitmap in parallel using the given WorkGang. If may_yield is
  // true, periodically insert checks to see if this method should exit prematurely.
  void clear_bitmap(G1CMBitMap* bitmap, WorkGang* workers, bool may_yield);

  // Region statistics gathered during marking.
  G1RegionMarkStats* _region_mark_stats;
  // Top pointer for each region at the start of the rebuild remembered set process
  // for regions which remembered sets need to be rebuilt. A NULL for a given region
  // means that this region does not be scanned during the rebuilding remembered
  // set phase at all.
  HeapWord* volatile* _top_at_rebuild_starts;
  void add_to_liveness(uint worker_id, oop const obj, size_t size);
  // Liveness of the given region as determined by concurrent marking, i.e. the amount of
  // live words between bottom and nTAMS.
  size_t liveness(uint region) const { return _region_mark_stats[region]._live_words; }

  // Sets the internal top_at_region_start for the given region to current top of the region.
  inline void update_top_at_rebuild_start(HeapRegion* r);
  // TARS for the given region during remembered set rebuilding.
  inline HeapWord* top_at_rebuild_start(uint region) const;

  // Clear statistics gathered during the concurrent cycle for the given region after
  // it has been reclaimed.
  void clear_statistics_in_region(uint region_idx);
  // Notification for eagerly reclaimed regions to clean up.
  void humongous_object_eagerly_reclaimed(HeapRegion* r);
  // Manipulation of the global mark stack.
  // The push and pop operations are used by tasks for transfers
  // between task-local queues and the global mark stack.
  bool mark_stack_push(G1TaskQueueEntry* arr) {
    if (!_global_mark_stack.par_push_chunk(arr)) {
      return false;
    return true;
  bool mark_stack_pop(G1TaskQueueEntry* arr) {
    return _global_mark_stack.par_pop_chunk(arr);
  size_t mark_stack_size() const                { return _global_mark_stack.size(); }
  size_t partial_mark_stack_size_target() const { return _global_mark_stack.capacity() / 3; }
  bool mark_stack_empty() const                 { return _global_mark_stack.is_empty(); }

  G1CMRootRegions* root_regions() { return &_root_regions; }

  void concurrent_cycle_start();
  // Abandon current marking iteration due to a Full GC.
  void concurrent_cycle_abort();
  void concurrent_cycle_end();

  void update_accum_task_vtime(int i, double vtime) {
    _accum_task_vtime[i] += vtime;

  double all_task_accum_vtime() {
    double ret = 0.0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < _max_num_tasks; ++i)
      ret += _accum_task_vtime[i];
    return ret;

  // Attempts to steal an object from the task queues of other tasks
  bool try_stealing(uint worker_id, int* hash_seed, G1TaskQueueEntry& task_entry);

  G1ConcurrentMark(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* prev_bitmap_storage,
                   G1RegionToSpaceMapper* next_bitmap_storage);

  G1ConcurrentMarkThread* cm_thread() { return _cm_thread; }

  const G1CMBitMap* const prev_mark_bitmap() const { return _prev_mark_bitmap; }
  G1CMBitMap* next_mark_bitmap() const { return _next_mark_bitmap; }

  // Calculates the number of concurrent GC threads to be used in the marking phase.
  uint calc_active_marking_workers();

  // Moves all per-task cached data into global state.
  void flush_all_task_caches();
  // Prepare internal data structures for the next mark cycle. This includes clearing
  // the next mark bitmap and some internal data structures. This method is intended
  // to be called concurrently to the mutator. It will yield to safepoint requests.
  void cleanup_for_next_mark();

  // Clear the previous marking bitmap during safepoint.
  void clear_prev_bitmap(WorkGang* workers);

  // Return whether the next mark bitmap has no marks set. To be used for assertions
  // only. Will not yield to pause requests.
  bool next_mark_bitmap_is_clear();

  // These two methods do the work that needs to be done at the start and end of the
  // initial mark pause.
  void pre_initial_mark();
  void post_initial_mark();

  // Scan all the root regions and mark everything reachable from
  // them.
  void scan_root_regions();

  // Scan a single root region and mark everything reachable from it.
  void scan_root_region(HeapRegion* hr, uint worker_id);

  // Do concurrent phase of marking, to a tentative transitive closure.
  void mark_from_roots();

  void remark();

  void cleanup();
  // Mark in the previous bitmap. Caution: the prev bitmap is usually read-only, so use
  // this carefully.
  inline void mark_in_prev_bitmap(oop p);

  // Clears marks for all objects in the given range, for the prev or
  // next bitmaps.  Caution: the previous bitmap is usually
  // read-only, so use this carefully!
  void clear_range_in_prev_bitmap(MemRegion mr);

  inline bool is_marked_in_prev_bitmap(oop p) const;

  // Verify that there are no collection set oops on the stacks (taskqueues /
  // global mark stack) and fingers (global / per-task).
  // If marking is not in progress, it's a no-op.
  void verify_no_cset_oops() PRODUCT_RETURN;

  inline bool do_yield_check();

  bool has_aborted()      { return _has_aborted; }

  void print_summary_info();

  void print_worker_threads_on(outputStream* st) const;
  void threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) const;

  void print_on_error(outputStream* st) const;

  // Mark the given object on the next bitmap if it is below nTAMS.
  // If the passed obj_size is zero, it is recalculated from the given object if
  // needed. This is to be as lazy as possible with accessing the object's size.
  inline bool mark_in_next_bitmap(uint worker_id, HeapRegion* const hr, oop const obj, size_t const obj_size = 0);
  inline bool mark_in_next_bitmap(uint worker_id, oop const obj, size_t const obj_size = 0);

  inline bool is_marked_in_next_bitmap(oop p) const;

  // Returns true if initialization was successfully completed.
  bool completed_initialization() const {
    return _completed_initialization;

  ConcurrentGCTimer* gc_timer_cm() const { return _gc_timer_cm; }
  G1OldTracer* gc_tracer_cm() const { return _gc_tracer_cm; }

  // Rebuilds the remembered sets for chosen regions in parallel and concurrently to the application.
  void rebuild_rem_set_concurrently();

// A class representing a marking task.
class G1CMTask : public TerminatorTerminator {
  enum PrivateConstants {
    // The regular clock call is called once the scanned words reaches
    // this limit
    words_scanned_period          = 12*1024,
    // The regular clock call is called once the number of visited
    // references reaches this limit
    refs_reached_period           = 1024,
    // Initial value for the hash seed, used in the work stealing code
    init_hash_seed                = 17

  // Number of entries in the per-task stats entry. This seems enough to have a very
  // low cache miss rate.
  static const uint RegionMarkStatsCacheSize = 1024;

  G1CMObjArrayProcessor       _objArray_processor;

  uint                        _worker_id;
  G1CollectedHeap*            _g1h;
  G1ConcurrentMark*           _cm;
  G1CMBitMap*                 _next_mark_bitmap;
  // the task queue of this task
  G1CMTaskQueue*              _task_queue;

  G1RegionMarkStatsCache      _mark_stats_cache;
  // Number of calls to this task
  uint                        _calls;

  // When the virtual timer reaches this time, the marking step should exit
  double                      _time_target_ms;
  // Start time of the current marking step
  double                      _start_time_ms;

  // Oop closure used for iterations over oops
  G1CMOopClosure*             _cm_oop_closure;

  // Region this task is scanning, NULL if we're not scanning any
  HeapRegion*                 _curr_region;
  // Local finger of this task, NULL if we're not scanning a region
  HeapWord*                   _finger;
  // Limit of the region this task is scanning, NULL if we're not scanning one
  HeapWord*                   _region_limit;

  // Number of words this task has scanned
  size_t                      _words_scanned;
  // When _words_scanned reaches this limit, the regular clock is
  // called. Notice that this might be decreased under certain
  // circumstances (i.e. when we believe that we did an expensive
  // operation).
  size_t                      _words_scanned_limit;
  // Initial value of _words_scanned_limit (i.e. what it was
  // before it was decreased).
  size_t                      _real_words_scanned_limit;

  // Number of references this task has visited
  size_t                      _refs_reached;
  // When _refs_reached reaches this limit, the regular clock is
  // called. Notice this this might be decreased under certain
  // circumstances (i.e. when we believe that we did an expensive
  // operation).
  size_t                      _refs_reached_limit;
  // Initial value of _refs_reached_limit (i.e. what it was before
  // it was decreased).
  size_t                      _real_refs_reached_limit;

  // Used by the work stealing
  int                         _hash_seed;
  // If true, then the task has aborted for some reason
  bool                        _has_aborted;
  // Set when the task aborts because it has met its time quota
  bool                        _has_timed_out;
  // True when we're draining SATB buffers; this avoids the task
  // aborting due to SATB buffers being available (as we're already
  // dealing with them)
  bool                        _draining_satb_buffers;

  // Number sequence of past step times
  NumberSeq                   _step_times_ms;
  // Elapsed time of this task
  double                      _elapsed_time_ms;
  // Termination time of this task
  double                      _termination_time_ms;
  // When this task got into the termination protocol
  double                      _termination_start_time_ms;

  TruncatedSeq                _marking_step_diffs_ms;

  // Updates the local fields after this task has claimed
  // a new region to scan
  void setup_for_region(HeapRegion* hr);
  // Makes the limit of the region up-to-date
  void update_region_limit();

  // Called when either the words scanned or the refs visited limit
  // has been reached
  void reached_limit();
  // Recalculates the words scanned and refs visited limits
  void recalculate_limits();
  // Decreases the words scanned and refs visited limits when we reach
  // an expensive operation
  void decrease_limits();
  // Checks whether the words scanned or refs visited reached their
  // respective limit and calls reached_limit() if they have
  void check_limits() {
    if (_words_scanned >= _words_scanned_limit ||
        _refs_reached >= _refs_reached_limit) {
  // Supposed to be called regularly during a marking step as
  // it checks a bunch of conditions that might cause the marking step
  // to abort
  void regular_clock_call();

  // Test whether obj might have already been passed over by the
  // mark bitmap scan, and so needs to be pushed onto the mark stack.
  bool is_below_finger(oop obj, HeapWord* global_finger) const;

  template<bool scan> void process_grey_task_entry(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);
  // Apply the closure on the given area of the objArray. Return the number of words
  // scanned.
  inline size_t scan_objArray(objArrayOop obj, MemRegion mr);
  // Resets the task; should be called right at the beginning of a marking phase.
  void reset(G1CMBitMap* next_mark_bitmap);
  // Clears all the fields that correspond to a claimed region.
  void clear_region_fields();

  // The main method of this class which performs a marking step
  // trying not to exceed the given duration. However, it might exit
  // prematurely, according to some conditions (i.e. SATB buffers are
  // available for processing).
  void do_marking_step(double target_ms,
                       bool do_termination,
                       bool is_serial);

  // These two calls start and stop the timer
  void record_start_time() {
    _elapsed_time_ms = os::elapsedTime() * 1000.0;
  void record_end_time() {
    _elapsed_time_ms = os::elapsedTime() * 1000.0 - _elapsed_time_ms;

  // Returns the worker ID associated with this task.
  uint worker_id() { return _worker_id; }

  // From TerminatorTerminator. It determines whether this task should
  // exit the termination protocol after it's entered it.
  virtual bool should_exit_termination();

  // Resets the local region fields after a task has finished scanning a
  // region; or when they have become stale as a result of the region
  // being evacuated.
  void giveup_current_region();

  HeapWord* finger()            { return _finger; }

  bool has_aborted()            { return _has_aborted; }
  void set_has_aborted()        { _has_aborted = true; }
  void clear_has_aborted()      { _has_aborted = false; }

  void set_cm_oop_closure(G1CMOopClosure* cm_oop_closure);

  // Increment the number of references this task has visited.
  void increment_refs_reached() { ++_refs_reached; }

  // Grey the object by marking it.  If not already marked, push it on
  // the local queue if below the finger. obj is required to be below its region's NTAMS.
  // Returns whether there has been a mark to the bitmap.
  inline bool make_reference_grey(oop obj);

  // Grey the object (by calling make_grey_reference) if required,
  // e.g. obj is below its containing region's NTAMS.
  // Precondition: obj is a valid heap object.
  // Returns true if the reference caused a mark to be set in the next bitmap.
  template <class T>
  inline bool deal_with_reference(T* p);

  // Scans an object and visits its children.
  inline void scan_task_entry(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);

  // Pushes an object on the local queue.
  inline void push(G1TaskQueueEntry task_entry);

  // Move entries to the global stack.
  void move_entries_to_global_stack();
  // Move entries from the global stack, return true if we were successful to do so.
  bool get_entries_from_global_stack();

  // Pops and scans objects from the local queue. If partially is
  // true, then it stops when the queue size is of a given limit. If
  // partially is false, then it stops when the queue is empty.
  void drain_local_queue(bool partially);
  // Moves entries from the global stack to the local queue and
  // drains the local queue. If partially is true, then it stops when
  // both the global stack and the local queue reach a given size. If
  // partially if false, it tries to empty them totally.
  void drain_global_stack(bool partially);
  // Keeps picking SATB buffers and processing them until no SATB
  // buffers are available.
  void drain_satb_buffers();

  // Moves the local finger to a new location
  inline void move_finger_to(HeapWord* new_finger) {
    assert(new_finger >= _finger && new_finger < _region_limit, "invariant");
    _finger = new_finger;

  G1CMTask(uint worker_id,
           G1ConcurrentMark *cm,
           G1CMTaskQueue* task_queue,
           G1RegionMarkStats* mark_stats,
           uint max_regions);

  inline void update_liveness(oop const obj, size_t const obj_size);

  // Clear (without flushing) the mark cache entry for the given region.
  void clear_mark_stats_cache(uint region_idx);
  // Evict the whole statistics cache into the global statistics. Returns the
  // number of cache hits and misses so far.
  Pair<size_t, size_t> flush_mark_stats_cache();
  // Prints statistics associated with this task
  void print_stats();

// Class that's used to to print out per-region liveness
// information. It's currently used at the end of marking and also
// after we sort the old regions at the end of the cleanup operation.
class G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure : public HeapRegionClosure {
  // Accumulators for these values.
  size_t _total_used_bytes;
  size_t _total_capacity_bytes;
  size_t _total_prev_live_bytes;
  size_t _total_next_live_bytes;

  // Accumulator for the remembered set size
  size_t _total_remset_bytes;

  // Accumulator for strong code roots memory size
  size_t _total_strong_code_roots_bytes;

  static double bytes_to_mb(size_t val) {
    return (double) val / (double) M;

  // The header and footer are printed in the constructor and
  // destructor respectively.
  G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure(const char* phase_name);
  virtual bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r);