8152160: SIGFPE in CompactibleFreeListSpaceLAB::compute_desired_plab_size
Summary: Rephrase the calculation with CMSOldPLABNumRefills to avoid an overflow
Reviewed-by: pliden, jmasa
Building the entire JavaSE source baseThis project exists for building the entire JavaSE source base which is in thejdk directory. Rather than using this project for editing Java code, pleaseuse one of the other projects which will narrow the scope of the sources to amore manageable size.Given that it can take a rather long time to build all of the JavaSE code, youmight prefer to build this project from the command line using ant.The results of building this project are all in the directory<install-dir>/jdk/build/<platform>-<arch>. The other subprojects, with theexception of the "world" project, place their results in same build directory.