8002026: build-infra: deploy repository building
Summary: Change the compare script to handle deploy build artifacts.
Reviewed-by: ohair, tbell
Contributed-by: erik.joelsson@oracle.com
## Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.## Execute the check given as argument, and verify the result# If the Boot JDK was previously found, do nothing# $1 A command line (typically autoconf macro) to executeAC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK],[ if test "x$BOOT_JDK_FOUND" = xno; then # Now execute the test $1 # If previous step claimed to have found a JDK, check it to see if it seems to be valid. if test "x$BOOT_JDK_FOUND" = xmaybe; then # Do we have a bin/java? if test ! -x "$BOOT_JDK/bin/java"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Potential Boot JDK found at $BOOT_JDK did not contain bin/java; ignoring]) BOOT_JDK_FOUND=no else # Do we have a bin/javac? if test ! -x "$BOOT_JDK/bin/javac"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Potential Boot JDK found at $BOOT_JDK did not contain bin/javac; ignoring]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([(This might be an JRE instead of an JDK)]) BOOT_JDK_FOUND=no else # Do we have an rt.jar? (On MacOSX it is called classes.jar) if test ! -f "$BOOT_JDK/jre/lib/rt.jar" && test ! -f "$BOOT_JDK/../Classes/classes.jar"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Potential Boot JDK found at $BOOT_JDK did not contain an rt.jar; ignoring]) BOOT_JDK_FOUND=no else # Oh, this is looking good! We probably have found a proper JDK. Is it the correct version? BOOT_JDK_VERSION=`"$BOOT_JDK/bin/java" -version 2>&1 | head -n 1` # Extra M4 quote needed to protect [] in grep expression. [FOUND_VERSION_78=`echo $BOOT_JDK_VERSION | grep '\"1\.[78]\.'`] if test "x$FOUND_VERSION_78" = x; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Potential Boot JDK found at $BOOT_JDK is incorrect JDK version ($BOOT_JDK_VERSION); ignoring]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([(Your Boot JDK must be version 7 or 8)]) BOOT_JDK_FOUND=no else # We're done! :-) BOOT_JDK_FOUND=yes BASIC_FIXUP_PATH(BOOT_JDK) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Boot JDK]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$BOOT_JDK]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([Boot JDK version]) BOOT_JDK_VERSION=`"$BOOT_JDK/bin/java" -version 2>&1 | $TR '\n\r' ' '` AC_MSG_RESULT([$BOOT_JDK_VERSION]) fi # end check jdk version fi # end check rt.jar fi # end check javac fi # end check java fi # end check boot jdk found fi])# Test: Is bootjdk explicitely set by command line arguments?AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_ARGUMENTS],[if test "x$with_boot_jdk" != x; then BOOT_JDK=$with_boot_jdk BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found potential Boot JDK using configure arguments])fi])# Test: Is bootjdk available from builddeps?AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_BUILDDEPS],[ BDEPS_CHECK_MODULE(BOOT_JDK, bootjdk, xxx, [BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe], [BOOT_JDK_FOUND=no])])# Test: Is $JAVA_HOME set?AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_JAVA_HOME],[ if test "x$JAVA_HOME" != x; then JAVA_HOME_PROCESSED="$JAVA_HOME" BASIC_FIXUP_PATH(JAVA_HOME_PROCESSED) if test ! -d "$JAVA_HOME_PROCESSED"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Your JAVA_HOME points to a non-existing directory!]) else # Aha, the user has set a JAVA_HOME # let us use that as the Boot JDK. BOOT_JDK="$JAVA_HOME_PROCESSED" BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found potential Boot JDK using JAVA_HOME]) fi fi])# Test: Is there a java or javac in the PATH, which is a symlink to the JDK?AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_JAVA_IN_PATH_IS_SYMLINK],[ AC_PATH_PROG(JAVAC_CHECK, javac) AC_PATH_PROG(JAVA_CHECK, java) BINARY="$JAVAC_CHECK" if test "x$JAVAC_CHECK" = x; then BINARY="$JAVA_CHECK" fi if test "x$BINARY" != x; then # So there is a java(c) binary, it might be part of a JDK. # Lets find the JDK/JRE directory by following symbolic links. # Linux/GNU systems often have links from /usr/bin/java to # /etc/alternatives/java to the real JDK binary. BASIC_REMOVE_SYMBOLIC_LINKS(BINARY) BOOT_JDK=`dirname "$BINARY"` BOOT_JDK=`cd "$BOOT_JDK/.."; pwd` if test -x "$BOOT_JDK/bin/javac" && test -x "$BOOT_JDK/bin/java"; then # Looks like we found ourselves an JDK BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found potential Boot JDK using java(c) in PATH]) fi fi])# Test: Is there a /usr/libexec/java_home? (Typically on MacOSX)AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_LIBEXEC_JAVA_HOME],[ if test -x /usr/libexec/java_home; then BOOT_JDK=`/usr/libexec/java_home` BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found potential Boot JDK using /usr/libexec/java_home]) fi])# Look for a jdk in the given path. If there are multiple, try to select the newest.# If found, set BOOT_JDK and BOOT_JDK_FOUND.# $1 = Path to directory containing jdk installations.# $2 = String to append to the found JDK directory to get the proper JDK homeAC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY],[ BOOT_JDK_PREFIX="$1" BOOT_JDK_SUFFIX="$2" ALL_JDKS_FOUND=`$LS "$BOOT_JDK_PREFIX" 2> /dev/null | $SORT -r` if test "x$ALL_JDKS_FOUND" != x; then for JDK_TO_TRY in $ALL_JDKS_FOUND ; do BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([ BOOT_JDK="${BOOT_JDK_PREFIX}/${JDK_TO_TRY}${BOOT_JDK_SUFFIX}" if test -d "$BOOT_JDK"; then BOOT_JDK_FOUND=maybe AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found potential Boot JDK using well-known locations (in $BOOT_JDK_PREFIX/$JDK_TO_TRY)]) fi ]) done fi])# Call BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY, but use the given# environmental variable as base for where to look.# $1 Name of an environmal variable, assumed to point to the Program Files directory.AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_WINDOWS_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY],[ if test "x[$]$1" != x; then VIRTUAL_DIR="[$]$1/Java" BASIC_WINDOWS_REWRITE_AS_UNIX_PATH(VIRTUAL_DIR) BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY($VIRTUAL_DIR) fi])# Test: Is there a JDK installed in default, well-known locations?AC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_WELL_KNOWN_LOCATIONS],[ if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xwindows; then BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_WINDOWS_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY([ProgramW6432])]) BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_WINDOWS_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY([PROGRAMW6432])]) BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_WINDOWS_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY([PROGRAMFILES])]) BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_WINDOWS_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY([ProgramFiles])]) BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY([/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java])]) elif test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xmacosx; then BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY([/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines],[/Contents/Home])]) BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY([/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines],[/Contents/Home])]) elif test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_FIND_BEST_JDK_IN_DIRECTORY([/usr/lib/jvm])]) fi])# Check that a command-line tool in the Boot JDK is correct# $1 = name of variable to assign# $2 = name of binaryAC_DEFUN([BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK],[ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $2 in Boot JDK]) $1=$BOOT_JDK/bin/$2 if test ! -x [$]$1; then AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Your Boot JDK seems broken. This might be fixed by explicitely setting --with-boot-jdk]) AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find $2 in the Boot JDK]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT(ok)])################################################################################# We need a Boot JDK to bootstrap the build. #AC_DEFUN_ONCE([BOOTJDK_SETUP_BOOT_JDK],[BOOT_JDK_FOUND=noAC_ARG_WITH(boot-jdk, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boot-jdk], [path to Boot JDK (used to bootstrap build) @<:@probed@:>@])])# We look for the Boot JDK through various means, going from more certain to# more of a guess-work. After each test, BOOT_JDK_FOUND is set to "yes" if# we detected something (if so, the path to the jdk is in BOOT_JDK). But we # must check if this is indeed valid; otherwise we'll continue looking.# Test: Is bootjdk explicitely set by command line arguments?BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_ARGUMENTS])if test "x$with_boot_jdk" != x && test "x$BOOT_JDK_FOUND" = xno; then # Having specified an argument which is incorrect will produce an instant failure; # we should not go on looking AC_MSG_ERROR([The path given by --with-boot-jdk does not contain a valid Boot JDK])fi# Test: Is bootjdk available from builddeps?BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_BUILDDEPS])# Test: Is $JAVA_HOME set?BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_JAVA_HOME])# Test: Is there a /usr/libexec/java_home? (Typically on MacOSX)BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_LIBEXEC_JAVA_HOME])# Test: Is there a java or javac in the PATH, which is a symlink to the JDK?BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_JAVA_IN_PATH_IS_SYMLINK])# Test: Is there a JDK installed in default, well-known locations?BOOTJDK_DO_CHECK([BOOTJDK_CHECK_WELL_KNOWN_LOCATIONS])# If we haven't found anything yet, we've truly lost. Give up.if test "x$BOOT_JDK_FOUND" = xno; then HELP_MSG_MISSING_DEPENDENCY([openjdk]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Could not find a valid Boot JDK. $HELP_MSG]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([This might be fixed by explicitely setting --with-boot-jdk]) AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot continue])fi# Setup proper paths for what we foundBOOT_RTJAR="$BOOT_JDK/jre/lib/rt.jar"if test ! -f "$BOOT_RTJAR"; then # On MacOSX it is called classes.jar BOOT_RTJAR="$BOOT_JDK/../Classes/classes.jar" if test -f "$BOOT_RTJAR"; then # Remove the .. BOOT_RTJAR="`cd ${BOOT_RTJAR%/*} && pwd`/${BOOT_RTJAR##*/}" fifiBOOT_TOOLSJAR="$BOOT_JDK/lib/tools.jar"BOOT_JDK="$BOOT_JDK"AC_SUBST(BOOT_RTJAR)AC_SUBST(BOOT_TOOLSJAR)AC_SUBST(BOOT_JDK)# Setup tools from the Boot JDK.BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(JAVA,java)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(JAVAC,javac)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(JAVAH,javah)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(JAVAP,javap)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(JAR,jar)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(RMIC,rmic)BOOTJDK_CHECK_TOOL_IN_BOOTJDK(NATIVE2ASCII,native2ascii)# Finally, set some other options...# When compiling code to be executed by the Boot JDK, force jdk7 compatibility.BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="-source 7 -target 7"AC_SUBST(BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET)AC_SUBST(JAVAC_FLAGS)])AC_DEFUN_ONCE([BOOTJDK_SETUP_BOOT_JDK_ARGUMENTS],[################################################################################ Specify options for anything that is run with the Boot JDK.#AC_ARG_WITH(boot-jdk-jvmargs, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs], [specify JVM arguments to be passed to all invocations of the Boot JDK, overriding the default values, e.g --with-boot-jdk-jvmargs="-Xmx8G -enableassertions"])])if test "x$with_boot_jdk_jvmargs" = x; then # Not all JVM:s accept the same arguments on the command line. # OpenJDK specific increase in thread stack for JDK build, # well more specifically, when running javac. if test "x$BUILD_NUM_BITS" = x32; then STACK_SIZE=768 else # Running Javac on a JVM on a 64-bit machine, the stack takes more space # since 64-bit pointers are pushed on the stach. Apparently, we need # to increase the stack space when javacing the JDK.... STACK_SIZE=1536 fi # Minimum amount of heap memory. ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-Xms64M],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = "xmacosx"; then # Why does macosx need more heap? Its the huge JDK batch. ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-Xmx1600M],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) else ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-Xmx1100M],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) fi # When is adding -client something that speeds up the JVM? # ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-client],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-XX:PermSize=32m],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-XX:MaxPermSize=160m],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-XX:ThreadStackSize=$STACK_SIZE],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA]) # Disable special log output when a debug build is used as Boot JDK... ADD_JVM_ARG_IF_OK([-XX:-PrintVMOptions -XX:-UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-LogVMOutput],boot_jdk_jvmargs,[$JAVA])fiAC_SUBST(BOOT_JDK_JVMARGS, $boot_jdk_jvmargs)])