author amurillo
Mon, 11 Apr 2016 20:38:38 -0700
changeset 37298 8df0cc9da41e
parent 30730 d3ce7619db2c
permissions -rw-r--r--
8154028: Several hotspot tests need to be updated after 8153737 (Unsupported Module) Reviewed-by: darcy, kvn

 * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
 * @bug 8006228
 * @summary Doclint doesn't detect <code> {@code nested inline} </code>
 * @modules jdk.compiler/
 * @build DocLintTester
 * @run main DocLintTester -ref LiteralTest.out

/** */
public class LiteralTest {
    /** <code> abc {@literal < & > } def </code> */
    public void ok_literal_in_code() { }

    /** <code> abc {@code < & > } def </code> */
    public void bad_code_in_code() { }