author katleman
Tue, 21 Jan 2014 18:17:23 -0800
changeset 22365 895bfde469d4
parent 20255 f8be1ea20e1a
child 30730 d3ce7619db2c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset ae2d94255f32

 * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
 * @bug 8025272
 * @summary doclint needs to check for valid usage of at-value tag
 * @build DocLintTester
 * @run main DocLintTester -ref ValueTest.out

/** */
public class ValueTest {
     * Tests for {@value} without a reference

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final boolean cBoolean = false;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final byte cByte = 0;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final short cShort = 0;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final int cInt = 0;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final long cLong = 0L;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final float cFloat = 0.0f;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final double cDouble = 0.0;

    /** valid: {@value} */
    public static final String cString = "";

    /** invalid class C: {@value} */
    public class C { }

    /** invalid enum E: {@value} */
    public enum E {
        /** invalid enum constant E1: {@value} */

    /** invalid field 1: {@value} */
    public int f1;

    /** invalid field 2: {@value} */
    public int f2 = 3;

     * Tests for {@value} with a reference

    /** valid: {@value Integer#SIZE} */
    public int intRef;

    /** invalid method: {@value Object#toString} */
    public int badMethod;

    /** invalid enum constant: {@value Thread.State#NEW} */
    public int badEnum;