8210158: Accessorize JFR getEventWriter() intrinsics
Reviewed-by: kvn, neliasso, roland, rbackman
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package jdk.internal.net.http;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.lang.System.Logger.Level;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.net.http.HttpHeaders;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse;
import jdk.internal.net.http.ResponseContent.BodyParser;
import jdk.internal.net.http.ResponseContent.UnknownLengthBodyParser;
import jdk.internal.net.http.common.Log;
import jdk.internal.net.http.common.Logger;
import jdk.internal.net.http.common.MinimalFuture;
import jdk.internal.net.http.common.Utils;
import static java.net.http.HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1;
import static java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.discarding;
import static jdk.internal.net.http.common.Utils.wrapWithExtraDetail;
import static jdk.internal.net.http.RedirectFilter.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED;
* Handles a HTTP/1.1 response (headers + body).
* There can be more than one of these per Http exchange.
class Http1Response<T> {
private volatile ResponseContent content;
private final HttpRequestImpl request;
private Response response;
private final HttpConnection connection;
private HttpHeaders headers;
private int responseCode;
private final Http1Exchange<T> exchange;
private boolean return2Cache; // return connection to cache when finished
private final HeadersReader headersReader; // used to read the headers
private final BodyReader bodyReader; // used to read the body
private final Http1AsyncReceiver asyncReceiver;
private volatile EOFException eof;
private volatile BodyParser bodyParser;
// max number of bytes of (fixed length) body to ignore on redirect
private final static int MAX_IGNORE = 1024;
// Revisit: can we get rid of this?
private volatile State readProgress = State.INITIAL;
final Logger debug = Utils.getDebugLogger(this::dbgString, Utils.DEBUG);
final static AtomicLong responseCount = new AtomicLong();
final long id = responseCount.incrementAndGet();
private Http1HeaderParser hd;
Http1Response(HttpConnection conn,
Http1Exchange<T> exchange,
Http1AsyncReceiver asyncReceiver) {
this.readProgress = State.INITIAL;
this.request = exchange.request();
this.exchange = exchange;
this.connection = conn;
this.asyncReceiver = asyncReceiver;
headersReader = new HeadersReader(this::advance);
bodyReader = new BodyReader(this::advance);
hd = new Http1HeaderParser();
readProgress = State.READING_HEADERS;
String dbgTag;
private String dbgString() {
String dbg = dbgTag;
if (dbg == null) {
String cdbg = connection.dbgTag;
if (cdbg != null) {
dbgTag = dbg = "Http1Response(id=" + id + ", " + cdbg + ")";
} else {
dbg = "Http1Response(id=" + id + ")";
return dbg;
// The ClientRefCountTracker is used to track the state
// of a pending operation. Altough there usually is a single
// point where the operation starts, it may terminate at
// different places.
private final class ClientRefCountTracker {
final HttpClientImpl client = connection.client();
// state & 0x01 != 0 => acquire called
// state & 0x02 != 0 => tryRelease called
byte state;
public synchronized void acquire() {
if (state == 0) {
// increment the reference count on the HttpClientImpl
// to prevent the SelectorManager thread from exiting
// until our operation is complete.
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Operation started: incrementing ref count for %s", client);
state = 0x01;
} else {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Operation ref count for %s is already %s",
client, ((state & 0x2) == 0x2) ? "released." : "incremented!" );
assert (state & 0x01) == 0 : "reference count already incremented";
public synchronized void tryRelease() {
if (state == 0x01) {
// decrement the reference count on the HttpClientImpl
// to allow the SelectorManager thread to exit if no
// other operation is pending and the facade is no
// longer referenced.
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Operation finished: decrementing ref count for %s", client);
} else if (state == 0) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Operation finished: releasing ref count for %s", client);
} else if ((state & 0x02) == 0x02) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("ref count for %s already released", client);
state |= 0x02;
private volatile boolean firstTimeAround = true;
public CompletableFuture<Response> readHeadersAsync(Executor executor) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Reading Headers: (remaining: "
+ asyncReceiver.remaining() +") " + readProgress);
if (firstTimeAround) {
if (debug.on()) debug.log("First time around");
firstTimeAround = false;
} else {
// with expect continue we will resume reading headers + body.
hd = new Http1HeaderParser();
readProgress = State.READING_HEADERS;
CompletableFuture<State> cf = headersReader.completion();
assert cf != null : "parsing not started";
if (debug.on()) {
debug.log("headersReader is %s",
cf == null ? "not yet started"
: cf.isDone() ? "already completed"
: "not yet completed");
Function<State, Response> lambda = (State completed) -> {
assert completed == State.READING_HEADERS;
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Reading Headers: creating Response object;"
+ " state is now " + readProgress);
responseCode = hd.responseCode();
headers = hd.headers();
response = new Response(request,
if (Log.headers()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("RESPONSE HEADERS:\n");
Log.dumpHeaders(sb, " ", headers);
return response;
if (executor != null) {
return cf.thenApplyAsync(lambda, executor);
} else {
return cf.thenApply(lambda);
private boolean finished;
synchronized void completed() {
finished = true;
synchronized boolean finished() {
return finished;
* Return known fixed content length or -1 if chunked, or -2 if no content-length
* information in which case, connection termination delimits the response body
int fixupContentLen(int clen) {
if (request.method().equalsIgnoreCase("HEAD") || responseCode == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
return 0;
if (clen == -1) {
if (headers.firstValue("Transfer-encoding").orElse("")
.equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")) {
return -1;
if (responseCode == 101) {
// this is a h2c or websocket upgrade, contentlength must be zero
return 0;
return -2;
return clen;
* Read up to MAX_IGNORE bytes discarding
public CompletableFuture<Void> ignoreBody(Executor executor) {
int clen = (int)headers.firstValueAsLong("Content-Length").orElse(-1);
if (clen == -1 || clen > MAX_IGNORE) {
return MinimalFuture.completedFuture(null); // not treating as error
} else {
return readBody(discarding(), true, executor);
static final Flow.Subscription NOP = new Flow.Subscription() {
public void request(long n) { }
public void cancel() { }
* The Http1AsyncReceiver ensures that all calls to
* the subscriber, including onSubscribe, occur sequentially.
* There could however be some race conditions that could happen
* in case of unexpected errors thrown at unexpected places, which
* may cause onError to be called multiple times.
* The Http1BodySubscriber will ensure that the user subscriber
* is actually completed only once - and only after it is
* subscribed.
* @param <U> The type of response.
final static class Http1BodySubscriber<U> implements HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<U> {
final HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<U> userSubscriber;
final AtomicBoolean completed = new AtomicBoolean();
volatile Throwable withError;
volatile boolean subscribed;
Http1BodySubscriber(HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<U> userSubscriber) {
this.userSubscriber = userSubscriber;
// propagate the error to the user subscriber, even if not
// subscribed yet.
private void propagateError(Throwable t) {
assert t != null;
try {
// if unsubscribed at this point, it will not
// get subscribed later - so do it now and
// propagate the error
if (subscribed == false) {
subscribed = true;
} finally {
// if onError throws then there is nothing to do
// here: let the caller deal with it by logging
// and closing the connection.
// complete the subscriber, either normally or exceptionally
// ensure that the subscriber is completed only once.
private void complete(Throwable t) {
if (completed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
t = withError = Utils.getCompletionCause(t);
if (t == null) {
assert subscribed;
try {
} catch (Throwable x) {
// Simply propagate the error by calling
// onError on the user subscriber, and let the
// connection be reused since we should have received
// and parsed all the bytes when we reach here.
// If onError throws in turn, then we will simply
// let that new exception flow up to the caller
// and let it deal with it.
// (i.e: log and close the connection)
// Note that rethrowing here could introduce a
// race that might cause the next send() operation to
// fail as the connection has already been put back
// into the cache when we reach here.
propagateError(t = withError = Utils.getCompletionCause(x));
} else {
public CompletionStage<U> getBody() {
return userSubscriber.getBody();
public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) {
if (!subscribed) {
subscribed = true;
} else {
// could be already subscribed and completed
// if an unexpected error occurred before the actual
// subscription - though that's not supposed
// happen.
assert completed.get();
public void onNext(List<ByteBuffer> item) {
assert !completed.get();
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onComplete() {
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> readBody(HttpResponse.BodySubscriber<U> p,
boolean return2Cache,
Executor executor) {
this.return2Cache = return2Cache;
final Http1BodySubscriber<U> subscriber = new Http1BodySubscriber<>(p);
final CompletableFuture<U> cf = new MinimalFuture<>();
int clen0 = (int)headers.firstValueAsLong("Content-Length").orElse(-1);
final int clen = fixupContentLen(clen0);
// expect-continue reads headers and body twice.
// if we reach here, we must reset the headersReader state.
ClientRefCountTracker refCountTracker = new ClientRefCountTracker();
// We need to keep hold on the client facade until the
// tracker has been incremented.
executor.execute(() -> {
try {
content = new ResponseContent(
connection, clen, headers, subscriber,
if (cf.isCompletedExceptionally()) {
// if an error occurs during subscription
// increment the reference count on the HttpClientImpl
// to prevent the SelectorManager thread from exiting until
// the body is fully read.
bodyParser = content.getBodyParser(
(t) -> {
try {
if (t != null) {
try {
} finally {
} finally {
if (t != null) {
CompletableFuture<State> bodyReaderCF = bodyReader.completion();
assert bodyReaderCF != null : "parsing not started";
// Make sure to keep a reference to asyncReceiver from
// within this
CompletableFuture<?> trailingOp = bodyReaderCF.whenComplete((s,t) -> {
t = Utils.getCompletionCause(t);
try {
if (t == null) {
if (debug.on()) debug.log("Finished reading body: " + s);
assert s == State.READING_BODY;
if (t != null) {
} catch (Throwable x) {
// not supposed to happen
} finally {
// we're done: release the ref count for
// the current operation.
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (debug.on()) debug.log("Failed reading body: " + t);
try {
} finally {
} finally {
try {
p.getBody().whenComplete((U u, Throwable t) -> {
if (t == null)
} catch (Throwable t) {
return cf.whenComplete((s,t) -> {
if (t != null) {
// If an exception occurred, release the
// ref count for the current operation, as
// it may never be triggered otherwise
// (BodySubscriber ofInputStream)
// If there was no exception then the
// ref count will be/have been released when
// the last byte of the response is/was received
private void onFinished() {
if (return2Cache) {
Log.logTrace("Attempting to return connection to the pool: {0}", connection);
// TODO: need to do something here?
// connection.setAsyncCallbacks(null, null, null);
// don't return the connection to the cache if EOF happened.
if (debug.on())
debug.log(connection.getConnectionFlow() + ": return to HTTP/1.1 pool");
connection.closeOrReturnToCache(eof == null ? headers : null);
HttpHeaders responseHeaders() {
return headers;
int responseCode() {
return responseCode;
// ================ Support for plugging into Http1Receiver =================
// ============================================================================
// Callback: Error receiver: Consumer of Throwable.
void onReadError(Throwable t) {
Receiver<?> receiver = receiver(readProgress);
if (t instanceof EOFException) {
debug.log(Level.DEBUG, "onReadError: received EOF");
eof = (EOFException) t;
CompletableFuture<?> cf = receiver == null ? null : receiver.completion();
debug.log(Level.DEBUG, () -> "onReadError: cf is "
+ (cf == null ? "null"
: (cf.isDone() ? "already completed"
: "not yet completed")));
if (cf != null) {
} else {
debug.log(Level.DEBUG, "onReadError", t);
debug.log(Level.DEBUG, () -> "closing connection: cause is " + t);
// ========================================================================
private State advance(State previous) {
assert readProgress == previous;
switch(previous) {
return readProgress = State.READING_BODY;
return readProgress = State.DONE;
throw new InternalError("can't advance from " + previous);
Receiver<?> receiver(State state) {
switch(state) {
case READING_HEADERS: return headersReader;
case READING_BODY: return bodyReader;
default: return null;
static abstract class Receiver<T>
implements Http1AsyncReceiver.Http1AsyncDelegate {
abstract void start(T parser);
abstract CompletableFuture<State> completion();
// accepts a buffer from upstream.
// this should be implemented as a simple call to
// accept(ref, parser, cf)
public abstract boolean tryAsyncReceive(ByteBuffer buffer);
public abstract void onReadError(Throwable t);
// handle a byte buffer received from upstream.
// this method should set the value of Http1Response.buffer
// to ref.get() before beginning parsing.
abstract void handle(ByteBuffer buf, T parser,
CompletableFuture<State> cf);
// resets this objects state so that it can be reused later on
// typically puts the reference to parser and completion to null
abstract void reset();
// accepts a byte buffer received from upstream
// returns true if the buffer is fully parsed and more data can
// be accepted, false otherwise.
final boolean accept(ByteBuffer buf, T parser,
CompletableFuture<State> cf) {
if (cf == null || parser == null || cf.isDone()) return false;
handle(buf, parser, cf);
return !cf.isDone();
public abstract void onSubscribe(AbstractSubscription s);
public abstract AbstractSubscription subscription();
// Invoked with each new ByteBuffer when reading headers...
final class HeadersReader extends Receiver<Http1HeaderParser> {
final Consumer<State> onComplete;
volatile Http1HeaderParser parser;
volatile CompletableFuture<State> cf;
volatile long count; // bytes parsed (for debug)
volatile AbstractSubscription subscription;
HeadersReader(Consumer<State> onComplete) {
this.onComplete = onComplete;
public AbstractSubscription subscription() {
return subscription;
public void onSubscribe(AbstractSubscription s) {
this.subscription = s;
void reset() {
cf = null;
parser = null;
count = 0;
subscription = null;
// Revisit: do we need to support restarting?
final void start(Http1HeaderParser hp) {
count = 0;
cf = new MinimalFuture<>();
parser = hp;
CompletableFuture<State> completion() {
return cf;
public final boolean tryAsyncReceive(ByteBuffer ref) {
boolean hasDemand = subscription.demand().tryDecrement();
assert hasDemand;
boolean needsMore = accept(ref, parser, cf);
if (needsMore) subscription.request(1);
return needsMore;
public final void onReadError(Throwable t) {
t = wrapWithExtraDetail(t, parser::currentStateMessage);
final void handle(ByteBuffer b,
Http1HeaderParser parser,
CompletableFuture<State> cf) {
assert cf != null : "parsing not started";
assert parser != null : "no parser";
try {
count += b.remaining();
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Sending " + b.remaining() + "/" + b.capacity()
+ " bytes to header parser");
if (parser.parse(b)) {
count -= b.remaining();
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Parsing headers completed. bytes=" + count);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Header parser failed to handle buffer: " + t);
public void close(Throwable error) {
// if there's no error nothing to do: the cf should/will
// be completed.
if (error != null) {
CompletableFuture<State> cf = this.cf;
if (cf != null) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("close: completing header parser CF with " + error);
// Invoked with each new ByteBuffer when reading bodies...
final class BodyReader extends Receiver<BodyParser> {
final Consumer<State> onComplete;
volatile BodyParser parser;
volatile CompletableFuture<State> cf;
volatile AbstractSubscription subscription;
BodyReader(Consumer<State> onComplete) {
this.onComplete = onComplete;
void reset() {
parser = null;
cf = null;
subscription = null;
// Revisit: do we need to support restarting?
final void start(BodyParser parser) {
cf = new MinimalFuture<>();
this.parser = parser;
CompletableFuture<State> completion() {
return cf;
public final boolean tryAsyncReceive(ByteBuffer b) {
return accept(b, parser, cf);
public final void onReadError(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof EOFException && bodyParser != null &&
bodyParser instanceof UnknownLengthBodyParser) {
t = wrapWithExtraDetail(t, parser::currentStateMessage);
public AbstractSubscription subscription() {
return subscription;
public void onSubscribe(AbstractSubscription s) {
this.subscription = s;
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
final void handle(ByteBuffer b,
BodyParser parser,
CompletableFuture<State> cf) {
assert cf != null : "parsing not started";
assert parser != null : "no parser";
try {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Sending " + b.remaining() + "/" + b.capacity()
+ " bytes to body parser");
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("Body parser failed to handle buffer: " + t);
if (!cf.isDone()) {
final void onComplete(Throwable closedExceptionally) {
if (cf.isDone()) return;
if (closedExceptionally != null) {
} else {
public final void close(Throwable error) {
CompletableFuture<State> cf = this.cf;
if (cf != null && !cf.isDone()) {
// we want to make sure dependent actions are triggered
// in order to make sure the client reference count
// is decremented
if (error != null) {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("close: completing body parser CF with " + error);
} else {
if (debug.on())
debug.log("close: completing body parser CF");
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + "/parser=" + String.valueOf(parser);