8208655: use JTreg skipped status in hotspot tests
Reviewed-by: kvn, hseigel, iklam
* Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* This test contains a BootstrapMethods attribute with a fuzzied
* attribute_length field that is larger than it should be. This
* should cause a java.lang.ClassFormatError exception to be thrown.
class LambdaMath {
0; // minor version
52; // version
[162] { // Constant Pool
; // first element is empty
Method #31 #69; // #1 at 0x0A
class #70; // #2 at 0x0F
Method #2 #71; // #3 at 0x12
Method #72 #73; // #4 at 0x17
Field #74 #75; // #5 at 0x1C
String #76; // #6 at 0x21
Method #77 #78; // #7 at 0x24
InvokeDynamic 0s #84; // #8 at 0x29
Method #30 #85; // #9 at 0x2E
String #86; // #10 at 0x33
InvokeDynamic 1s #84; // #11 at 0x36
String #88; // #12 at 0x3B
InvokeDynamic 2s #84; // #13 at 0x3E
String #90; // #14 at 0x43
InvokeDynamic 3s #84; // #15 at 0x46
String #92; // #16 at 0x4B
InvokeDynamic 4s #84; // #17 at 0x4E
InterfaceMethod #94 #95; // #18 at 0x53
InterfaceMethod #96 #97; // #19 at 0x58
InterfaceMethod #96 #98; // #20 at 0x5D
InterfaceMethod #99 #100; // #21 at 0x62
class #101; // #22 at 0x67
Method #22 #69; // #23 at 0x6A
Method #22 #102; // #24 at 0x6F
String #103; // #25 at 0x74
Method #22 #104; // #26 at 0x77
Method #22 #105; // #27 at 0x7C
class #106; // #28 at 0x81
Method #2 #107; // #29 at 0x84
class #108; // #30 at 0x89
class #109; // #31 at 0x8C
Utf8 "<init>"; // #32 at 0x8F
Utf8 "()V"; // #33 at 0x98
Utf8 "Code"; // #34 at 0x9E
Utf8 "LineNumberTable"; // #35 at 0xA5
Utf8 "LocalVariableTable"; // #36 at 0xB7
Utf8 "this"; // #37 at 0xCC
Utf8 "LLambdaMath;"; // #38 at 0xD3
Utf8 "main"; // #39 at 0xE2
Utf8 "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"; // #40 at 0xE9
Utf8 "a"; // #41 at 0x0102
Utf8 "[Ljava/lang/String;"; // #42 at 0x0106
Utf8 "list"; // #43 at 0x011C
Utf8 "Ljava/util/List;"; // #44 at 0x0123
Utf8 "LocalVariableTypeTable"; // #45 at 0x0136
Utf8 "Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;"; // #46 at 0x014F
Utf8 "evaluate"; // #47 at 0x0177
Utf8 "(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)V"; // #48 at 0x0182
Utf8 "n"; // #49 at 0x01B6
Utf8 "Ljava/lang/Integer;"; // #50 at 0x01BA
Utf8 "e"; // #51 at 0x01D0
Utf8 "Ljava/lang/Throwable;"; // #52 at 0x01D4
Utf8 "predicate"; // #53 at 0x01EC
Utf8 "Ljava/util/function/PrediCate;"; // #54 at 0x01F8
Utf8 "Ljava/util/function/Predicate<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;"; // #55 at 0x0219
Utf8 "StackMapTable"; // #56 at 0x024F
class #110; // #57 at 0x025F
class #106; // #58 at 0x0262
Utf8 "Signature"; // #59 at 0x0265
Utf8 "(Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;Ljava/util/function/Predicate<Ljava/lang/Integer;>;)V"; // #60 at 0x0271
Utf8 "lambda$main$4"; // #61 at 0x02CF
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/Integer;)Z"; // #62 at 0x02DF
Utf8 "lambda$main$3"; // #63 at 0x02F8
Utf8 "lambda$main$2"; // #64 at 0x0308
Utf8 "lambda$main$1"; // #65 at 0x0318
Utf8 "lambda$main$0"; // #66 at 0x0328
Utf8 "SourceFile"; // #67 at 0x0338
Utf8 "LambdaMath.java"; // #68 at 0x0345
NameAndType #32 #33; // #69 at 0x0357
Utf8 "java/lang/Integer"; // #70 at 0x035C
NameAndType #111 #112; // #71 at 0x0370
class #113; // #72 at 0x0375
NameAndType #114 #115; // #73 at 0x0378
class #116; // #74 at 0x037D
NameAndType #117 #118; // #75 at 0x0380
Utf8 "Print all numbers:"; // #76 at 0x0385
class #119; // #77 at 0x039A
NameAndType #120 #121; // #78 at 0x039D
Utf8 "BootstrapMethods"; // #79 at 0x03A2
MethodHandle 6b #122; // #80 at 0x03B5
MethodType #123; // #81 at 0x03B9
MethodHandle 6b #124; // #82 at 0x03BC
MethodType #62; // #83 at 0x03C0
NameAndType #125 #126; // #84 at 0x03C3
NameAndType #47 #48; // #85 at 0x03C8
Utf8 "Print no numbers:"; // #86 at 0x03CD
MethodHandle 6b #127; // #87 at 0x03E1
Utf8 "Print even numbers:"; // #88 at 0x03E5
MethodHandle 6b #128; // #89 at 0x03FB
Utf8 "Print odd numbers:"; // #90 at 0x03FF
MethodHandle 6b #129; // #91 at 0x0414
Utf8 "Print numbers greater than 5:"; // #92 at 0x0418
MethodHandle 6b #130; // #93 at 0x0438
class #131; // #94 at 0x043C
NameAndType #132 #133; // #95 at 0x043F
class #110; // #96 at 0x0444
NameAndType #134 #135; // #97 at 0x0447
NameAndType #136 #137; // #98 at 0x044C
class #138; // #99 at 0x0451
NameAndType #125 #123; // #100 at 0x0454
Utf8 "java/lang/StringFuilder"; // #101 at 0x0459
NameAndType #139 #140; // #102 at 0x0473
Utf8 " "; // #103 at 0x0478
NameAndType #139 #141; // #104 at 0x047C
NameAndType #142 #143; // #105 at 0x0481
Utf8 "java/lang/Throwable"; // #106 at 0x0486
NameAndType #144 #145; // #107 at 0x049C
Utf8 "LambdaMath"; // #108 at 0x04A1
Utf8 "java/lang/Object"; // #109 at 0x04AE
Utf8 "java/util/Iterator"; // #110 at 0x04C1
Utf8 "valueOf"; // #111 at 0x04D6
Utf8 "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"; // #112 at 0x04E0
Utf8 "java/util/Arrays"; // #113 at 0x04F9
Utf8 "asList"; // #114 at 0x050C
Utf8 "([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;"; // #115 at 0x0515
Utf8 "java/lang/System"; // #116 at 0x053D
Utf8 "out"; // #117 at 0x0550
Utf8 "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"; // #118 at 0x0556
Utf8 "java/io/PrintStream"; // #119 at 0x056E
Utf8 "println"; // #120 at 0x0584
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; // #121 at 0x058E
Method #146 #147; // #122 at 0x05A6
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"; // #123 at 0x05AB
Method #30 #148; // #124 at 0x05C3
Utf8 "test"; // #125 at 0x05C8
Utf8 "()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;"; // #126 at 0x05CF
Method #30 #149; // #127 at 0x05F2
Method #30 #150; // #128 at 0x05F7
Method #30 #151; // #129 at 0x05FC
Method #30 #152; // #130 at 0x0601
Utf8 "java/util/List"; // #131 at 0x0606
Utf8 "iterator"; // #132 at 0x0617
Utf8 "()Ljava/util/Iterator;"; // #133 at 0x0622
Utf8 "hasNext"; // #134 at 0x063B
Utf8 "()Z"; // #135 at 0x0645
Utf8 "next"; // #136 at 0x064B
Utf8 "()Ljava/lang/Object;"; // #137 at 0x0652
Utf8 "java/util/function/Predicate"; // #138 at 0x0669
Utf8 "append"; // #139 at 0x0688
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"; // #140 at 0x0691
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"; // #141 at 0x06C1
Utf8 "toString"; // #142 at 0x06F1
Utf8 "()Ljava/lang/String;"; // #143 at 0x06FC
Utf8 "intValue"; // #144 at 0x0713
Utf8 "()I"; // #145 at 0x071E
class #153; // #146 at 0x0724
NameAndType #154 #158; // #147 at 0x0727
NameAndType #66 #62; // #148 at 0x072C
NameAndType #65 #62; // #149 at 0x0731
NameAndType #64 #62; // #150 at 0x0736
NameAndType #63 #62; // #151 at 0x073B
NameAndType #61 #62; // #152 at 0x0740
Utf8 "java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory"; // #153 at 0x0745
Utf8 "metafactory"; // #154 at 0x076A
class #160; // #155 at 0x0778
Utf8 "Lookup"; // #156 at 0x077B
Utf8 "InnerClasses"; // #157 at 0x0784
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;"; // #158 at 0x0793
class #161; // #159 at 0x0862
Utf8 "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup"; // #160 at 0x0865
Utf8 "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles"; // #161 at 0x088D
} // Constant Pool
0x0021; // access
#30;// this_cpx
#31;// super_cpx
[0] { // Interfaces
} // Interfaces
[0] { // fields
} // fields
[8] { // methods
{ // Member at 0x08BA
0x0001; // access
#32; // name_cpx
#33; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 47) { // Code at 0x08C2
1; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x08D9
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 5; // at 0x08E5
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x08E5
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 5 37 38 0; // at 0x08F7
} // end LocalVariableTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x08F7
0x0009; // access
#39; // name_cpx
#40; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 261) { // Code at 0x08FF
4; // max_stack
2; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 50) { // LineNumberTable at 0x09A4
[12] { // LineNumberTable
0 9; // at 0x09B0
61 11; // at 0x09B4
69 12; // at 0x09B8
78 14; // at 0x09BC
86 15; // at 0x09C0
95 17; // at 0x09C4
103 18; // at 0x09C8
112 20; // at 0x09CC
120 21; // at 0x09D0
129 23; // at 0x09D4
137 24; // at 0x09D8
146 26; // at 0x09DC
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 22) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x09DC
[2] { // LocalVariableTable
0 147 41 42 0; // at 0x09EE
61 86 43 44 1; // at 0x09F8
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#45, 12) { // LocalVariableTypeTable at 0x09F8
[1] { // LocalVariableTypeTable
61 86 43 46 1; // at 0x0A0A
} // end LocalVariableTypeTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0A0A
0x0009; // access
#47; // name_cpx
#48; // sig_cpx
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 224) { // Code at 0x0A12
3; // max_stack
4; // max_locals
[1] { // Traps
0 64 67 28; // at 0x0A6F
} // end Traps
[4] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 30) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0A71
[7] { // LineNumberTable
0 30; // at 0x0A7D
26 31; // at 0x0A81
36 32; // at 0x0A85
61 34; // at 0x0A89
64 38; // at 0x0A8D
67 37; // at 0x0A91
68 39; // at 0x0A95
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 42) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0A95
[4] { // LocalVariableTable
26 35 49 50 3; // at 0x0AA7
68 0 51 52 2; // at 0x0AB1
0 69 43 44 0; // at 0x0ABB
0 69 53 54 1; // at 0x0AC5
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#45, 22) { // LocalVariableTypeTable at 0x0AC5
[2] { // LocalVariableTypeTable
0 69 43 46 0; // at 0x0AD7
0 69 53 55 1; // at 0x0AE1
} // end LocalVariableTypeTable
Attr(#56, 17) { // StackMapTable at 0x0AE1
[5] { //
252b, 7, [1]z{7b,57}; // append_frame 1
53b; // same_frame
250b, 2; // chop_frame 1
66b, [1]z{7b,58}; // same_locals_1_stack_item_frame
0b; // same_frame
} // end StackMapTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
Attr(#59, 2) { // Signature at 0x0AF8
} // end Signature
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0B00
0x100A; // access
#61; // name_cpx
#62; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 67) { // Code at 0x0B08
2; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0B28
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 24; // at 0x0B34
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0B34
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 14 49 50 0; // at 0x0B46
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#56, 5) { // StackMapTable at 0x0B46
[2] { //
12b; // same_frame
64b, [1]z{1b}; // same_locals_1_stack_item_frame
} // end StackMapTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0B51
0x100A; // access
#63; // name_cpx
#62; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 69) { // Code at 0x0B59
2; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0B7B
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 21; // at 0x0B87
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0B87
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 16 49 50 0; // at 0x0B99
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#56, 5) { // StackMapTable at 0x0B99
[2] { //
14b; // same_frame
64b, [1]z{1b}; // same_locals_1_stack_item_frame
} // end StackMapTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0BA4
0x100A; // access
#64; // name_cpx
#62; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 68) { // Code at 0x0BAC
2; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0BCD
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 18; // at 0x0BD9
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0BD9
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 15 49 50 0; // at 0x0BEB
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#56, 5) { // StackMapTable at 0x0BEB
[2] { //
13b; // same_frame
64b, [1]z{1b}; // same_locals_1_stack_item_frame
} // end StackMapTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0BF6
0x100A; // access
#65; // name_cpx
#62; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 44) { // Code at 0x0BFE
1; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0C12
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 15; // at 0x0C1E
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0C1E
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 2 49 50 0; // at 0x0C30
} // end LocalVariableTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0C30
0x100A; // access
#66; // name_cpx
#62; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#34, 44) { // Code at 0x0C38
1; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#35, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0C4C
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 12; // at 0x0C58
} // end LineNumberTable
Attr(#36, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0C58
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 2 49 50 0; // at 0x0C6A
} // end LocalVariableTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
} // methods
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 2) { // SourceFile at 0x0C6C
} // end SourceFile
Attr(#157, 10) { // InnerClasses at 0x0C74
[1] { // InnerClasses
#155 #159 #156 25; // at 0x0C84
} // end InnerClasses
Attr(#79, 52) { // BootstrapMethods at 0x0C84
[5] { // bootstrap_methods
{ // bootstrap_method
#80; // bootstrap_method_ref
[3] { // bootstrap_arguments
#81; // at 0x0C92
#82; // at 0x0C94
#83; // at 0x0C96
} // bootstrap_arguments
} // bootstrap_method
{ // bootstrap_method
#80; // bootstrap_method_ref
[3] { // bootstrap_arguments
#81; // at 0x0C9C
#87; // at 0x0C9E
#83; // at 0x0CA0
} // bootstrap_arguments
} // bootstrap_method
{ // bootstrap_method
#80; // bootstrap_method_ref
[3] { // bootstrap_arguments
#81; // at 0x0CA6
#89; // at 0x0CA8
#83; // at 0x0CAA
} // bootstrap_arguments
} // bootstrap_method
{ // bootstrap_method
#80; // bootstrap_method_ref
[3] { // bootstrap_arguments
#81; // at 0x0CB0
#91; // at 0x0CB2
#83; // at 0x0CB4
} // bootstrap_arguments
} // bootstrap_method
{ // bootstrap_method
#80; // bootstrap_method_ref
[1] { // bootstrap_arguments
#81; // at 0x0CBA
} // bootstrap_arguments
} // bootstrap_method
// ======== attribute array started at 0x0C84 has 4 bytes more:
} // end BootstrapMethods
} // Attributes
} // end class LambdaMath