6950375: Remove msvcrt.dll from the Windows JRE bundles
Reviewed-by: prr
# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.### Generic makefile for building subdirectories.## SUBDIRS variables to specify the subdirectories to build recursively.# Makefile has to include Subdirs.gmk AFTER all SUBDIRS variables are# defined.## This file does not contain any rule.## WARNING: This file is shared with other workspaces.# So when it includes other files, it must use JDK_TOPDIR.## SUBDIRS subdirs for the base module always get built# SUBDIRS_<group> subdirs for the named group## By default, subdirs specified in the SUBDIRS and all SUBDIRS_* # variables will be built.# # BUILD_MODULES variable can be used to specify one or more groups# to be built (BUILD_MODULES=all will build all groups).## Variables of the currently supported groups are:# SUBDIRS_desktop # SUBDIRS_management# SUBDIRS_enterprise# SUBDIRS_misc# SUBDIRS_tools# # Change to the above list also need to update # make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk. NOTE: this list is subject# to change till the JDK 7 SE profiles/modules are finalized.# # Eventually we want to restructure the make directory# according to these grouping (e.g. make/desktop/...) and# the SUBDIRS_<group> variables would not be needed.# # To build the desktop and tools groups only, you can do:# gnumake BUILD_MODULES="desktop tools" ...# # Iterate the subdirectories specified in $1.# - cd into each subdir and make them# Given a SUBDIRS* list (first argument), cd into them and make them# SUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS Make settings for a subdir make# SUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS-$@ Make settings specific to this target#define subdirs-group-loop@$(ECHO) "Begin Processing SUBDIRS: $($1)"@for i in DUMMY $($1) ; do \ if [ "$$i" != "DUMMY" ] ; then \ $(MAKE) -C $$i $@ $(SUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS) $(SUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS-$@) \ FULL_VERSION=$(FULL_VERSION) RELEASE=$(RELEASE) || exit 1; \ fi ; \done@$(ECHO) "Done Processing SUBDIRS: $($1)"endef# Given a OTHERSUBDIRS list, cd into them and make them (extra loop define)# OTHERSUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS Make settings for a subdir makedefine OTHERSUBDIRS-loop@$(ECHO) "Begin Processing OTHERSUBDIRS: $(OTHERSUBDIRS)"@for i in DUMMY $(OTHERSUBDIRS) ; do \ if [ "$$i" != "DUMMY" ] ; then \ $(MAKE) -C $$i $@ $(OTHERSUBDIRS_MAKEFLAGS) \ FULL_VERSION=$(FULL_VERSION) RELEASE=$(RELEASE) || exit 1; \ fi ; \done@$(ECHO) "Done Processing OTHERSUBDIRS: $(OTHERSUBDIRS)"endef## Iterate the list specified in SUBDIRS_<group> only if# SUBDIRS_<group> is set and <group> or "all" is specified# in the BUILD_MODULES variable#ifdef SUBDIRS_desktop ifneq (,$(findstring desktop, $(BUILD_MODULES))) define subdirs-desktop-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_desktop) endef else define subdirs-desktop-loop endef endifelse define subdirs-desktop-loop endefendif # SUBDIRS_desktop ifdef SUBDIRS_enterprise ifneq (,$(findstring enterprise, $(BUILD_MODULES))) define subdirs-enterprise-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_enterprise) endef else define subdirs-enterprise-loop endef endifelse define subdirs-enterprise-loopendefendif # SUBDIRS_enterprise ifdef SUBDIRS_management ifneq (,$(findstring management, $(BUILD_MODULES))) define subdirs-management-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_management) endef else define subdirs-management-loop endef endifelse define subdirs-management-loopendefendif # SUBDIRS_management ifdef SUBDIRS_misc ifneq (,$(findstring misc, $(BUILD_MODULES))) define subdirs-misc-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_misc) endef else define subdirs-misc-loop endef endifelse define subdirs-misc-loopendefendif # SUBDIRS_misc ifdef SUBDIRS_tools ifneq (,$(findstring tools, $(BUILD_MODULES))) define subdirs-tools-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_tools) endef else define subdirs-tools-loop endef endifelse define subdirs-tools-loopendefendif # SUBDIRS_tools ## If BUILD_MODULES is not set or it's set to "all",# iterate all groups.SUBDIRS_all = $(SUBDIRS) $(SUBDIRS_desktop) $(SUBDIRS_enterprise) \ $(SUBDIRS_management) $(SUBDIRS_misc) $(SUBDIRS_tools)ifndef BUILD_MODULESdefine SUBDIRS-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_all)endefelseifneq (,$(findstring all, $(BUILD_MODULES)))define SUBDIRS-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS_all)endefelse # BUILD_MODULES set ## Iterate SUBDIRS and the groups specified in BUILD_MODULES#define SUBDIRS-loop @$(call subdirs-group-loop,SUBDIRS) @$(subdirs-desktop-loop) @$(subdirs-enterprise-loop) @$(subdirs-management-loop) @$(subdirs-misc-loop) @$(subdirs-tools-loop)endefendifendif # BUILD_MODULES