author sundar
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:51:02 +0530
changeset 32434 769b3d81ae69
parent 25859 3317bb8137f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
8134731: Function.prototype.apply interacts incorrectly with arguments Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw

      <title>MoleculeViewer (example 2)</title>
      <h1>MoleculeViewer (example 2)</h1>
      <applet code=XYZApp.class archive=MoleculeViewer.jar width=300 height=300>
	<param name=model value="models/buckminsterfullerine.xyz">
	  alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."
	  Your browser is completely ignoring the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag!
      <a href="XYZApp.java">The source</a>.