## Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#include CopyCommon.gmk$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, jdk, copy/Copy-java.base.gmk))################################################################################## Copy exported header files to outputdir.#TARGETS += \ $(INCLUDE_DST_DIR)/jni.h \ $(INCLUDE_DST_DIR)/jvmti.h \ $(INCLUDE_DST_DIR)/jvmticmlr.h \ $(INCLUDE_DST_DIR)/classfile_constants.h \ $(INCLUDE_DST_OS_DIR)/jni_md.h \ #$(INCLUDE_DST_DIR)/%.h: $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/native/include/%.h $(call install-file)$(INCLUDE_DST_OS_DIR)/%.h: \ $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_EXPORT_DIR)/native/include/%.h $(call install-file)################################################################################ifneq ($(findstring $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows aix),) TZMAPPINGS_SRC := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/conf $(LIB_DST_DIR)/tzmappings: $(TZMAPPINGS_SRC)/tzmappings $(call install-file) TARGETS += $(LIB_DST_DIR)/tzmappingsendif################################################################################# Copy the microsoft runtime libraries on windowsifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows) # Chmod to avoid permission issues if bundles are unpacked on unix platforms. define copy-and-chmod $(install-file) $(CHMOD) a+rx $@ endef # Use separate macro calls in case the source files are not in the same # directory. $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles,COPY_MSVCR, \ DEST := $(LIB_DST_DIR), \ FILES := $(MSVCR_DLL), \ MACRO := copy-and-chmod)) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles,COPY_MSVCP, \ DEST := $(LIB_DST_DIR), \ FILES := $(MSVCP_DLL), \ MACRO := copy-and-chmod)) TARGETS += $(COPY_MSVCR) $(COPY_MSVCP)endif################################################################################## How to install jvm.cfg.#ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_ZERO), true) JVMCFG_ARCH := zeroelse JVMCFG_ARCH := $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_LEGACY)endififeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx) JVMCFG_SRC := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/macosx/conf/$(JVMCFG_ARCH)/jvm.cfgelse JVMCFG_SRC := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/conf/$(JVMCFG_ARCH)/jvm.cfg # Allow override by ALT_JVMCFG_SRC if it exists JVMCFG_SRC := $(if $(wildcard $(ALT_JVMCFG_SRC)),$(ALT_JVMCFG_SRC),$(JVMCFG_SRC)) endifJVMCFG_DIR := $(LIB_DST_DIR)$(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_LIBDIR)JVMCFG := $(JVMCFG_DIR)/jvm.cfg# To do: should this also support -zeroshark?ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_BITS), 64) COPY_JVM_CFG_FILE := trueelse # On 32-bit machines we have three potential VMs: client, server and minimal. # Historically we usually have both client and server and so that is what the # committed jvm.cfg expects (including platform specific ergonomics switches # to decide whether to use client or server by default). So when we have anything # other than client and server we need to define a new jvm.cfg file. # The main problem is deciding whether to use aliases for the VMs that are not # present and the current position is that we add aliases for client and server, but # not for minimal. CLIENT_AND_SERVER := $(and $(findstring true, $(JVM_VARIANT_SERVER)), $(findstring true, $(JVM_VARIANT_CLIENT))) ifeq ($(CLIENT_AND_SERVER), true) COPY_JVM_CFG_FILE := true else # For zero, the default jvm.cfg file is sufficient ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_ZERO), true) COPY_JVM_CFG_FILE := true endif endifendififeq ($(COPY_JVM_CFG_FILE), true) $(JVMCFG): $(JVMCFG_SRC) $(call install-file)else $(JVMCFG): $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(RM) $(@) # Now check for other permutations ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_SERVER), true) $(PRINTF) "-server KNOWN\n">>$(@) $(PRINTF) "-client ALIASED_TO -server\n">>$(@) ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_MINIMAL1), true) $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@) endif else ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_CLIENT), true) $(PRINTF) "-client KNOWN\n">>$(@) $(PRINTF) "-server ALIASED_TO -client\n">>$(@) ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_MINIMAL1), true) $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@) endif else ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANT_MINIMAL1), true) $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@) $(PRINTF) "-server ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@) $(PRINTF) "-client ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@) endif endif endifendifTARGETS += $(JVMCFG)################################################################################POLICY_SRC := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/conf/security/java.policyPOLICY_DST := $(CONF_DST_DIR)/security/java.policyPOLICY_SRC_LIST :=ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows) POLICY_SRC_LIST += $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/conf/security/java.policyendifPOLICY_SRC_LIST += $(POLICY_SRC)$(POLICY_DST): $(POLICY_SRC_LIST) $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(RM) $@ $@.tmp $(foreach f,$(POLICY_SRC_LIST),$(CAT) $(f) >> $@.tmp;) $(MV) $@.tmp $@TARGETS += $(POLICY_DST)################################################################################ifeq ($(CACERTS_FILE), ) CACERTS_FILE := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/conf/security/cacertsendifCACERTS_DST := $(LIB_DST_DIR)/security/cacerts$(CACERTS_DST): $(CACERTS_FILE) $(call install-file)TARGETS += $(CACERTS_DST)################################################################################$(CONF_DST_DIR)/net.properties: $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/conf/net.properties $(ECHO) $(LOG_INFO) Copying $(@F) $(call install-file)TARGETS += $(CONF_DST_DIR)/net.propertiesifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris) $(CONF_DST_DIR)/sdp/sdp.conf.template: $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/conf/sdp/sdp.conf.template $(ECHO) $(LOG_INFO) Copying $(@F) $(call install-file) TARGETS += $(CONF_DST_DIR)/sdp/sdp.conf.templateendif################################################################################