8207830: [aix] disable jfr in build and tests
Reviewed-by: kvn, erikj
Copyright (c) 2008, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify itunder the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, aspublished by the Free Software Foundation.This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUTANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licenseversion 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file thataccompanied this code).You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USAor visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have anyquestions.* common/ArrayBoundsChecks whether the compiler makes incorrect array bounds removal optimizations.* common/ArrayTestsChecks whether array stores and reads are correct for integral types and floating points.* common/boundsMakes sure that array bounds checking is enabled with the JIT on* common/CEETestChecks whether comparision operations work properly.* common/collapseChecks constatnt propagation facilities of the JIT compiler.* common/CondExprChecks that code for conditional expressions is generated properly.* common/deoptimization/test01* common/deoptimization/test02* common/deoptimization/test03* common/deoptimization/test04* common/deoptimization/test05* common/deoptimization/test06* common/deoptimization/test07* common/deoptimization/test08Check compiler deoptimization facilities.* common/DivTestChecks some special cases of divide operation.* common/exceptionThis JIT buster test checks to see if a JIT doing register allocationon a machine with a callees saves ABI for non-volatile registers canget the exception handling correct. Intel and PowerPC are both suchmachines.* common/exceptiontestDoes exactly the same as common/exception* common/ExcOptTests exception handler inside optimizable loop and around it.* common/FPCompare/TestFPBinopTests floating point binary operations.* common/FPCompare/TestFPCompareTest of floating point comparison.* common/gen_math/Filtering* common/gen_math/Loops_1* common/gen_math/Loops_2* common/gen_math/Loops_3* common/gen_math/Loops_4* common/gen_math/Loops_5* common/gen_math/Loops_6* common/gen_math/Loops_7* common/gen_math/Matrix_3d* common/gen_math/SummThese tests check math preciction stuff.* common/gen_math/ShortCircuitTestA complete set of tests for the binary Java operators {&&, ||, &, |} toensure that (C-style) short circuit evaluation is used where required, andalso is not used where prohibited. Checks has been constructed carefully tobe independent of the operators under scrutiny, so that passing these testsconstitutes validation of those operators.* common/graphThe test checks the dynamic class creation and method invokation reflection features. A number of threads is created. They callmethods dynamically and recursively. Also, exceptions, thrown from the dynamically called methods are checked.* common/inittestChecks correctness of class initialization order.* common/inittest2Checks that JIT doesn't perform an initialization of class which is never used.* common/inline001This test is valid in JDK 1.1.4 and in prior JDKs. Itceased to work in JDK 1.2e. The test relied on the JITto inline some final methods and to never inline non-finalmethods.* common/inline002Look for inlined final methods in java.Math. Do this by comparingexecution times against estimates of call overheads for variousmethod signatures.The current (08/04/97) list of inlined methods is short: abs(float) abs(double) sqrt(double) [i386 only]If new methods are inlined or dropped from the list of inlinedcodes, record this fact by changing the value of an element of thearray expectInline. This is done in the method result().This test will fail if the JIT is disabled. There are two modesof operation. The first is to merely record a pass/fail for eachmethod tested. This output should be machine independent andsuitable for a golden file. java -Djava.compiler=sunwjit inline002The other mode is a report generation mode. It reports thenumber of iterations, call overhead in nanoseconds, and a judgementas to whether a method was inlined or not. java -Djava.compiler=sunwjit inline002 -report* common/inline003* common/inline004Check inlining of final methods.* common/inline005Checks correctness of evaluation order in inlined math functions (?).* common/inline006* common/inline007Checks access to final class fields.* common/JITSuiteDoes exactly the same as common/inittest2* common/jtestDoes some client-server communications via sockets. Not actually a JIT test!* common/LinpackMath presiction test.* common/loops/arg01* common/loops/arg03Fill arrays in a loops and then makes a number of checks (?)* common/loops/arg04Checks correctness of interprocedural data flow analysis, tests for recognition ofloop independent dependences between statements in mutually exclusive regions, checksglobal data flow analysis.* common/loops/arg05Checks loop vectorization stuff.* common/loops/arg06Checks statement reordering, loop distribution, partial loop vectorization, recurrencein the middle of the loop.* common/loops/arg07Checks loop interchange, node splitting.* common/loops/arg08Checks scalar and array expansion.* common/loops/arg09Checks scalar and array expansion, control flow (loop with independent conditional).* common/loops/arg10Some control flow-related checks.* common/loops/dec01* common/loops/dec02* common/loops/dec03* common/loops/dec04* common/loops/dec05* common/loops/dec06* common/loops/dec07* common/loops/dec08* common/loops/dec09* common/loops/dec10* common/loops/dec11Some aritmetic operations within loops and a number of comparisions (?).* common/loops/fuse1* common/loops/fuse10* common/loops/fuse101* common/loops/fuse102* common/loops/fuse103* common/loops/fuse105* common/loops/fuse106* common/loops/fuse108* common/loops/fuse11* common/loops/fuse111* common/loops/fuse113* common/loops/fuse116* common/loops/fuse117* common/loops/fuse12* common/loops/fuse13* common/loops/fuse14* common/loops/fuse16* common/loops/fuse17* common/loops/fuse18* common/loops/fuse2* common/loops/fuse3* common/loops/fuse4* common/loops/fuse5* common/loops/fuse6* common/loops/fuse8Check correctness of loop fusion.* common/loops/fuse107* common/loops/fuse109* common/loops/fuse15* common/loops/fuse19* common/loops/fuse7* common/loops/fuse9Construct a number of loops and make some calculations. These tests seems to beincomplete (incorrectly translated from Fortran).* common/loops/private1Single dimensional private array, with no carried dependence in the innerloop - simple subscripts.* common/loops/private2Single dimensional private array, with no carried dependence in the innerloop - non-simple subscripts (test incomplete).* common/loops/private3Single dimensional private array, with no carried dependencein the inner loop (test incomplete).* common/loops/private4Loop with condionals, both arms of the conditional cover the entire arraywhich is private.* common/loops/private5Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops; all uses of array in the 2nd loop arecovered by defs in the 1st one.* common/loops/private6Single dimensional private array; all uses of array in the inner loop arecovered by defs in the outer one.* common/loops/private7Single dimensional private array, 3 inner loops; all uses of array in the 3rd loop arecovered by defs in the 1st and 2nd one.* common/loops/private8Single dimensional private array, 3 inner loops; the defs of array in the 2nd loop coverall the defs and uses within loops 2 and 3.* common/loops/private9Single dimensional private array, the two loops effectively cover the array.* common/loops/private10Single dimensional private array, the two asignments to the array in the inner loopeffectively cover the entire array.* common/loops/private104Loop with condionals. Both arms of the conditional cover the entire array.* common/loops/private105Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops; all uses of array in the 2nd loop arecovered by defs in the 1st one.* common/loops/private107Single dimensional private array, 3 inner loops; all uses of array in the 3rd loop arecovered by defs in the 1st and 2nd one.* common/loops/private109Single dimensional private array, the two loops effectively cover the array.* common/loops/private11The two loops each cover disjoint triangular regions of the array. Together theycover the entire array.* common/loops/private110Single dimensional private array, the two asignments to the array in the inner loopeffectively cover the entire array.* common/loops/private111The two loops each cover disjoint triangular regions of the array. Together theycover the entire array.* common/loops/private112* common/loops/private113* common/loops/private12* common/loops/private13Private array sections. Even though only a portion of the array is covered by thedefinitions, but the uses are covered entirely by the defs in the array.* common/loops/private117Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops; all uses of array in the 2nd loop arecovered by defs in the 1st one.* common/loops/private118Two dimensional private array and some loop unrolling made by hand.* common/loops/private119Two dimensional private array.* common/loops/private120Loop peeling before and after the loop.* common/loops/private122Two dimensional private array.* common/loops/private123Single dimensional private array; even though not all elements of the array are modifiedin the inner loop, and all uses of array are covered.* common/loops/private124Two dimensional private array. Loop with condionals; both arms of the conditional coverthe entire array, there are uses in the either arm the are entirely covered.* common/loops/private125Two dimensional private array. Loop with condionals; the uses of the array outside theconditional are not guaranteed to be covered entirely.* common/loops/private126Two dimensional array. Here array is not private, as one element is not covered in the loop.* common/loops/private128Two and single dimensional arrays.* common/loops/private1302 two dimensional and 1 single dimension array.* common/loops/private133Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops.* common/loops/private14This is an involved test. The first j loop covers 1..m elements of the1..n array. Since overindexing is prohibited, the compiler should assumethat 1..m is a subset of 1..n. In the k loop first m uses of the arraya() are covered by defs in the j loop. The next m+1..n iterations of theloop do not have any uncovered uses. Therefore the array a() ought to bea private array.* common/loops/private15Similar to common/loops/private14, but uses no conditionals.* common/loops/private17Single dimensional array, assuming no overindexing.* common/loops/private18* common/loops/private19* common/loops/private20* common/loops/private22Single dimensional private array, 3 inner loops.* common/loops/private213 inner loops, the 1st and 2nd loop together cover the entire array, and all the usesof the array in the 3rd loop are covered.* common/loops/private23Private array, even though not all elements of the array are modified in inner loop,and all uses of the array are covered.* common/loops/private24Conditional inside the loop, 2 inner loops in both arms.* common/loops/private25Conditional inside the loop, inner loops in both arms and one inner loop afterthe conditional.* common/loops/private26* common/loops/private27* common/loops/private28Single dimensional private array, 3 inner loops.* common/loops/private29Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops.* common/loops/private30Conditional inside the loop, inner loops in both arms and one inner loop beforethe conditional.* common/loops/private31Conditional inside the loop, inner loop in both arms.* common/loops/private322 loops, inner loop inside the 2nd one.* common/loops/private33Single dimensional private array, 2 inner loops.* common/misctests/classesNo test found!* common/misctests/clss14702Checks that NullPointerException is thrown.* common/misctests/FileViewerNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/FooDoes nothing.* common/misctests/fpustackNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/Jdk116JitProblemThe test illustrates a problem with the new JDK 1.1.6 JIT. The JIT compilerincluded with JDK 1.1.6 takes forever to compile the transform() method, therebyhanging up the virtual machine.* common/misctests/JitBugSymantec's JIT seems to optimize away important code. The test compiled usingthe standard javac, demonstrates a bug in the JIT on NT4/sp3.* common/misctests/JitBug1Demonstrates yet another JIT bug.* common/misctests/JitTestTests equals() method.* common/misctests/NoHeaderNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/noopNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/PiNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/putfield00802Tests NullPointerException. Should be removed (common/misctests/clss14702 is a better test).* common/misctests/t5Not a JIT test!* common/misctests/testbugIf this test is run under JRE 1.1.6, it gets the following error: "A nonfatal internalJIT (3.00.039(x)) error 'Unuse_LRU' hasoccu4rred in: 'testbug.dk ([BI)V': Interpreting method."* common/misctests/whetNot a JIT test!* common/misctests/test.javaNot a JIT test!* common/overflowTest StackOverflowException.* common/pat001Tests arithmetic series.* common/PeanoComputes factorials by using the Peano axioms only. Not a test!* common/PrintProperties* common/PrintThisNot a JIT test!* common/RobertTests some exception stuff* common/SleeperNot a JIT test!* common/tXXXDo some arithmetic operations, but do not actually report results. Should be removed.* common/testForBugs/4427606/TestDivByZeroTests correctness of division by zero handling.* common/testForBugs/4427606/Security* common/testForBugs/4446672/TestThreadStart.javaNot a JIT test!* common/testForBugs/CrashC1Test for bug in C1.* common/wide* common/too_wideCheck for intermediate results that are too wide.* common/TsdCaseperformance benchmarks. Not a test!* common/verifier/VerifyInitLocalMakes sure verifier allows initialization of local fields.* common/verifier/VerifyMergeStackMakes sure verifier fails when two distinct types meet on operand stack.