6681652: Two new regression test failures in pkcs11 code
Summary: Fixed the test to not assume SunJCE provider being the provider for DES
Reviewed-by: wetmore
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// Forward declarations of classes defined here
class WorkGang;
class GangWorker;
class YieldingFlexibleGangWorker;
class YieldingFlexibleGangTask;
class WorkData;
// An abstract task to be worked on by a gang.
// You subclass this to supply your own work() method
class AbstractGangTask: public CHeapObj {
// The abstract work method.
// The argument tells you which member of the gang you are.
virtual void work(int i) = 0;
// Debugging accessor for the name.
const char* name() const PRODUCT_RETURN_(return NULL;);
int counter() { return _counter; }
void set_counter(int value) { _counter = value; }
int *address_of_counter() { return &_counter; }
NOT_PRODUCT(virtual bool is_YieldingFlexibleGang_task() const {
return false;
NOT_PRODUCT(const char* _name;)
// ??? Should a task have a priority associated with it?
// ??? Or can the run method adjust priority as needed?
int _counter;
// Constructor and desctructor: only construct subclasses.
AbstractGangTask(const char* name) {
NOT_PRODUCT(_name = name);
_counter = 0;
virtual ~AbstractGangTask() { }
// Class AbstractWorkGang:
// An abstract class representing a gang of workers.
// You subclass this to supply an implementation of run_task().
class AbstractWorkGang: public CHeapObj {
// Here's the public interface to this class.
// Constructor and destructor.
AbstractWorkGang(const char* name, bool are_GC_threads);
// Run a task, returns when the task is done (or terminated).
virtual void run_task(AbstractGangTask* task) = 0;
// Stop and terminate all workers.
virtual void stop();
// Debugging.
const char* name() const;
// Initialize only instance data.
const bool _are_GC_threads;
// Printing support.
const char* _name;
// The monitor which protects these data,
// and notifies of changes in it.
Monitor* _monitor;
// The count of the number of workers in the gang.
int _total_workers;
// Whether the workers should terminate.
bool _terminate;
// The array of worker threads for this gang.
// This is only needed for cleaning up.
GangWorker** _gang_workers;
// The task for this gang.
AbstractGangTask* _task;
// A sequence number for the current task.
int _sequence_number;
// The number of started workers.
int _started_workers;
// The number of finished workers.
int _finished_workers;
// Accessors for fields
Monitor* monitor() const {
return _monitor;
int total_workers() const {
return _total_workers;
bool terminate() const {
return _terminate;
GangWorker** gang_workers() const {
return _gang_workers;
AbstractGangTask* task() const {
return _task;
int sequence_number() const {
return _sequence_number;
int started_workers() const {
return _started_workers;
int finished_workers() const {
return _finished_workers;
bool are_GC_threads() const {
return _are_GC_threads;
// Predicates.
bool is_idle() const {
return (task() == NULL);
// Return the Ith gang worker.
GangWorker* gang_worker(int i) const;
void threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) const;
// Printing
void print_worker_threads_on(outputStream *st) const;
void print_worker_threads() const {
friend class GangWorker;
friend class YieldingFlexibleGangWorker;
// Note activation and deactivation of workers.
// These methods should only be called with the mutex held.
void internal_worker_poll(WorkData* data) const;
void internal_note_start();
void internal_note_finish();
class WorkData: public StackObj {
// This would be a struct, but I want accessor methods.
bool _terminate;
AbstractGangTask* _task;
int _sequence_number;
// Constructor and destructor
WorkData() {
_terminate = false;
_task = NULL;
_sequence_number = 0;
~WorkData() {
// Accessors and modifiers
bool terminate() const { return _terminate; }
void set_terminate(bool value) { _terminate = value; }
AbstractGangTask* task() const { return _task; }
void set_task(AbstractGangTask* value) { _task = value; }
int sequence_number() const { return _sequence_number; }
void set_sequence_number(int value) { _sequence_number = value; }
YieldingFlexibleGangTask* yf_task() const {
return (YieldingFlexibleGangTask*)_task;
// Class WorkGang:
class WorkGang: public AbstractWorkGang {
// Constructor
WorkGang(const char* name, int workers, bool are_GC_threads);
// Run a task, returns when the task is done (or terminated).
virtual void run_task(AbstractGangTask* task);
// Class GangWorker:
// Several instances of this class run in parallel as workers for a gang.
class GangWorker: public WorkerThread {
// Constructors and destructor.
GangWorker(AbstractWorkGang* gang, uint id);
// The only real method: run a task for the gang.
virtual void run();
// Predicate for Thread
virtual bool is_GC_task_thread() const;
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
virtual void print() const { print_on(tty); }
AbstractWorkGang* _gang;
virtual void initialize();
virtual void loop();
AbstractWorkGang* gang() const { return _gang; }
// A class that acts as a synchronisation barrier. Workers enter
// the barrier and must wait until all other workers have entered
// before any of them may leave.
class WorkGangBarrierSync : public StackObj {
Monitor _monitor;
int _n_workers;
int _n_completed;
Monitor* monitor() { return &_monitor; }
int n_workers() { return _n_workers; }
int n_completed() { return _n_completed; }
void inc_completed() { _n_completed++; }
WorkGangBarrierSync(int n_workers, const char* name);
// Set the number of workers that will use the barrier.
// Must be called before any of the workers start running.
void set_n_workers(int n_workers);
// Enter the barrier. A worker that enters the barrier will
// not be allowed to leave until all other threads have
// also entered the barrier.
void enter();
// A class to manage claiming of subtasks within a group of tasks. The
// subtasks will be identified by integer indices, usually elements of an
// enumeration type.
class SubTasksDone: public CHeapObj {
jint* _tasks;
int _n_tasks;
int _n_threads;
jint _threads_completed;
#ifdef ASSERT
jint _claimed;
// Set all tasks to unclaimed.
void clear();
// Initializes "this" to a state in which there are "n" tasks to be
// processed, none of the which are originally claimed. The number of
// threads doing the tasks is initialized 1.
SubTasksDone(int n);
// True iff the object is in a valid state.
bool valid();
// Set the number of parallel threads doing the tasks to "t". Can only
// be called before tasks start or after they are complete.
void set_par_threads(int t);
// Returns "false" if the task "t" is unclaimed, and ensures that task is
// claimed. The task "t" is required to be within the range of "this".
bool is_task_claimed(int t);
// The calling thread asserts that it has attempted to claim all the
// tasks that it will try to claim. Every thread in the parallel task
// must execute this. (When the last thread does so, the task array is
// cleared.)
void all_tasks_completed();
// Destructor.
// As above, but for sequential tasks, i.e. instead of claiming
// sub-tasks from a set (possibly an enumeration), claim sub-tasks
// in sequential order. This is ideal for claiming dynamically
// partitioned tasks (like striding in the parallel remembered
// set scanning). Note that unlike the above class this is
// a stack object - is there any reason for it not to be?
class SequentialSubTasksDone : public StackObj {
jint _n_tasks; // Total number of tasks available.
jint _n_claimed; // Number of tasks claimed.
jint _n_threads; // Total number of parallel threads.
jint _n_completed; // Number of completed threads.
void clear();
SequentialSubTasksDone() { clear(); }
~SequentialSubTasksDone() {}
// True iff the object is in a valid state.
bool valid();
// number of tasks
jint n_tasks() const { return _n_tasks; }
// Set the number of parallel threads doing the tasks to t.
// Should be called before the task starts but it is safe
// to call this once a task is running provided that all
// threads agree on the number of threads.
void set_par_threads(int t) { _n_threads = t; }
// Set the number of tasks to be claimed to t. As above,
// should be called before the tasks start but it is safe
// to call this once a task is running provided all threads
// agree on the number of tasks.
void set_n_tasks(int t) { _n_tasks = t; }
// Returns false if the next task in the sequence is unclaimed,
// and ensures that it is claimed. Will set t to be the index
// of the claimed task in the sequence. Will return true if
// the task cannot be claimed and there are none left to claim.
bool is_task_claimed(int& t);
// The calling thread asserts that it has attempted to claim
// all the tasks it possibly can in the sequence. Every thread
// claiming tasks must promise call this. Returns true if this
// is the last thread to complete so that the thread can perform
// cleanup if necessary.
bool all_tasks_completed();