8006694: temporarily workaround combo tests are causing time out in several platforms
Reviewed-by: jjg
Contributed-by: maurizio.cimadamore@oracle.com
## Makefile to run jtreg and other tests## Product builds and langtools builds## A full product build (or "control" build) creates a complete JDK image.# To test a product build, set TESTJAVA to the path for the image.## A langtools build just builds the langtools components of a JDK. # To test a langtools build, set TESTJAVA to the path for a recent JDK# build, and set TESTBOOTCLASSPATH to the compiled langtools classes --# for example build/classes or dist/lib/classes.jar.# JPRT# JPRT may invoke this Makefile directly, as part of a langtools build,# or indirectly, via FOREST/test/Makefile, as part of a control build.# Get OS/ARCH specificsOSNAME = $(shell uname -s)ifeq ($(OSNAME), SunOS) SLASH_JAVA = /java PLATFORM = solaris JT_PLATFORM = solaris ARCH = $(shell uname -p) ifeq ($(ARCH), i386) ARCH=i586 endifendififeq ($(OSNAME), Linux) SLASH_JAVA = /java PLATFORM = linux JT_PLATFORM = linux ARCH = $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(ARCH), i386) ARCH=i586 endifendififeq ($(OSNAME), Darwin) PLATFORM = bsd JT_PLATFORM = linux ARCH = $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(ARCH), i386) ARCH=i586 endifendififeq ($(OSNAME), Windows_NT) # MKS PLATFORM=windowsendififeq ($(PLATFORM),) PLATFORM = windows CYGPATH = | cygpath -m -s -f -endififeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) SLASH_JAVA = J: JT_PLATFORM = win32 ifeq ($(word 1, $(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER)),ia64) ARCH=ia64 else ifeq ($(word 1, $(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER)),AMD64) ARCH=x64 else ifeq ($(word 1, $(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER)),EM64T) ARCH=x64 else ARCH=i586 endif endif endif EXE_SUFFIX=.exeendif# Root of this test area (important to use full paths in some places)TEST_ROOT := $(shell pwd $(CYGPATH) )# Default bundle of all test results (passed or not) (JPRT only)ifdef JPRT_JOB_ID JPRT_CLEAN = clean JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE = $(TEST_ROOT)/JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE.zipendififeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) SLASH_JAVA = J:else SLASH_JAVA = /javaendif# Default JTREG to runifdef JPRT_JTREG_HOME JTREG_HOME = $(JPRT_JTREG_HOME)else JTREG_HOME = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/latest/binaries/jtregendifJTREG = $(JTREG_HOME)/$(JT_PLATFORM)/bin/jtregJTDIFF = $(JTREG_HOME)/$(JT_PLATFORM)/bin/jtdiff# Default JCK to runifdef JPRT_JCK_HOME JCK_HOME = $(JPRT_JCK_HOME)else JCK_HOME = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jck/8/promoted/latest/binariesendif# Default JDK for JTREG and JCK## JT_JAVA is the version of java used to run jtreg/JCK. Since it is now# standard to execute tests in sameVM mode, it should normally be set the# same as TESTJAVA (although not necessarily so.)#ifdef JPRT_JAVA_HOME JT_JAVA = $(JPRT_JAVA_HOME)else JT_JAVA = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jdk/1.7.0/archive/fcs/binaries/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)endif# Default JDK to testifdef JPRT_IMPORT_PRODUCT_HOME TESTJAVA = $(JPRT_IMPORT_PRODUCT_HOME)else TESTJAVA = $(SLASH_JAVA)/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)endif# PRODUCT_HOME is a JPRT variable pointing to a directory containing the output from # make/Makefile# For langtools, this is a directory containing build and dist# For a control build, this is build/$(PRODUCT)-$(ARCH)/XYZ-image # (i.e, j2sdk-image or jdk-module-image)ifdef PRODUCT_HOME ifeq ($(shell [ -r $(PRODUCT_HOME)/dist/lib/classes.jar ]; echo $$?),0) TESTBOOTCLASSPATH = $(PRODUCT_HOME)/dist/lib/classes.jar endif ifeq ($(shell [ -r $(PRODUCT_HOME)/bin/javac$(EXE_SUFFIX) ]; echo $$?),0) TESTJAVA = $(PRODUCT_HOME) endifendififdef TESTBOOTCLASSPATH JTREG_OPTIONS += -Xbootclasspath/p:$(TESTBOOTCLASSPATH)### In the following, -refvmoptions is an undocumented option### The following does not work JCK 7 b30 2/6/2010. Awaiting b31. JCK_OPTIONS += \ -vmoptions:-Xbootclasspath/p:$(TESTBOOTCLASSPATH) \ -refvmoptions:-Xbootclasspath/p:$(TESTBOOTCLASSPATH)endif# Concurrency is the number of tests that can execute at once. # On an otherwise empty machine, suggest setting to (#cpus + 2)# If unset, the default is (#cpus)### RFE: determine and use #cpusifdef CONCURRENCY JTREG_OPTIONS += -agentvm -concurrency:$(CONCURRENCY)else JTREG_OPTIONS += -samevmendififdef JCK_CONCURRENCY JCK_OPTIONS += -concurrency:$(JCK_CONCURRENCY)endif# JCK is executed using "Multi-JVM Group Mode", which is a hybrid# of otherVM and sameVM modes. New JVMs are created and reused for# a number of tests, then eventually discarded and a new one started.# This amortizes the JVM startup time. The "group size" defines# how many tests are run in a JVM before it is replaced.# If unset, the default is 100.JCK_GROUP_SIZE = 1000ifdef JCK_GROUP_SIZE JCK_COMPILER_OPTIONS += \ -jtoptions:-Ejck.env.compiler.testCompile.groupMode.groupSize=$(JCK_GROUP_SIZE) \ -jtoptions:-Ejck.env.compiler.compRefExecute.groupMode.groupSize=$(JCK_GROUP_SIZE)### The following is not supported. Awaiting RFE 6924287### 6924287: Jck4Jdk: Allow to configure test group size for group mode via simple command line option### JCK_RUNTIME_OPTIONS += \### -jtoptions:-Ejck.env.runtime.testCompile.groupMode.groupSize=$(JCK_GROUP_SIZE)endif# Timeouts -- by default, increase test timeouts when running on JPRTifdef JPRT_JOB_ID ifndef JTREG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR JTREG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR = 3 endifendififdef JTREG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR JTREG_OPTIONS += -timeoutFactor:$(JTREG_TIMEOUT_FACTOR)endif# Assertions: some tests show failures when assertions are enabled.# Since javac is typically loaded via the bootclassloader (either via TESTJAVA# or TESTBOOTCLASSPATH), you may need -esa to enable assertions in javac.JTREG_OPTIONS += $(ASSERTION_OPTIONS)JCK_OPTIONS += $(ASSERTION_OPTIONS:%=-vmoptions:%)# Include shared optionsJCK_COMPILER_OPTIONS += $(JCK_OPTIONS)JCK_RUNTIME_OPTIONS += $(JCK_OPTIONS)# Exit codes:# jtreg, jck: 0: OK, 1: tests failed, 2: tests error; 3+: SERIOUSFATAL_JTREG_EXIT = 3FATAL_JCK_EXIT = 3# jtdiff: 0: OK, 1: differences found; 2+: SERIOUSFATAL_JTDIFF_EXIT = 2## Exit -- used for final "normal" exit from "make". Redefine to "true" to avoid# having make exit with non-zero return code.EXIT = exit# Function to exit shell if exit code of preceding command is greater than or equal # to a given level. Redefine function or preceding FATAL_*_EXIT codes as needed.EXIT_IF_FATAL = status=$$?; if [ $$status -ge $(1) ]; then exit $$status ; fi# The test directories to runDEFAULT_TESTDIRS = .TESTDIRS = $(DEFAULT_TESTDIRS)# Root of all test resultsTEST_OUTPUT_DIR = $(TEST_ROOT)/../build/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)/test/langtoolsABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR := \ $(shell mkdir -p $(TEST_ROOT)/../build/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)/test/langtools; \ cd $(TEST_ROOT)/../build/$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)/test/langtools; \ pwd $(CYGPATH))# Subdirectories for different test runsJTREG_OUTPUT_DIR = $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/jtregJCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR = $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/jck-compilerJCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR = $(ABS_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)/jck-runtime-Xcompile# Default make rule -- warning, may take a whileall: $(JPRT_CLEAN) jtreg-tests jck-compiler-tests jck-runtime-tests $(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) all-summary @echo "Testing completed successfully"jtreg apt javac javadoc javah javap jdeps: $(JPRT_CLEAN) jtreg-tests $(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) jtreg-summary @echo "Testing completed successfully"jck-compiler: $(JPRT_CLEAN) jck-compiler-tests $(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) jck-compiler-summary @echo "Testing completed successfully"jck-runtime: $(JPRT_CLEAN) jck-runtime-tests $(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE) jck-runtime-summary @echo "Testing completed successfully"# for use with JPRT -testruleall: JTREG_TESTDIRS = .jtreg: JTREG_TESTDIRS = .apt: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/aptjavac: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/javacjavadoc: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/javadoc com/sun/javadocjavah: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/javahjavap: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/javapjdeps: JTREG_TESTDIRS = tools/jdeps# Run jtreg tests## JTREG_HOME# Installed location of jtreg# JT_JAVA# Version of java used to run jtreg. Should normally be the same as TESTJAVA# TESTJAVA# Version of java to be tested. # JTREG_OPTIONS# Additional options for jtreg# JTREG_TESTDIRS# Directories of tests to be run# JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR# Where to write the results# JTREG_REFERENCE# (Optional) reference results (e.g. work, report or summary.txt)#jtreg_tests: jtreg-testsjtreg-tests: check-jtreg FRC @rm -f -r $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTwork $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport \ $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt @mkdir -p $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR) JT_JAVA=$(JT_JAVA) $(JTREG) \ -J-Xmx512m \ -vmoption:-Xmx768m \ -a -ignore:quiet -v:fail,error,nopass \ -r:$(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport \ -w:$(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTwork \ -jdk:$(TESTJAVA) \ $(JAVA_ARGS:%=-vmoption:%) \ $(JTREG_OPTIONS) \ $(JTREG_TESTDIRS) \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JTREG_EXIT)) ; \ echo $$status > $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt \ )ifdef JTREG_REFERENCE JT_JAVA=$(JT_JAVA) $(JTDIFF) -o $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html \ $(JTREG_REFERENCE) $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JTDIFF_EXIT)) )endifjtreg-summary: FRC if [ -r $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt ]; then \ echo ; echo "Summary of jtreg test failures" ; \ cat $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/JTreport/text/summary.txt | \ grep -v 'Not run' | grep -v 'Passed' ; \ echo ; \ $(EXIT) `cat $(JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt` ; \ fi# Check to make sure these directories existcheck-jtreg: $(PRODUCT_HOME) $(JTREG)# Run JCK-compiler tests## JCK_HOME# Installed location of JCK: should include JCK-compiler, and JCK-extras# Default is JCK 8.# JT_JAVA# Version of java used to run JCK. Should normally be the same as TESTJAVA# Default is JDK 7# TESTJAVA# Version of java to be tested. # JCK_COMPILER_OPTIONS# Additional options for JCK-compiler# JCK_COMPILER_TESTDIRS# Directories of tests to be run# JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR# Where to write the results# JCK_COMPILER_REFERENCE# (Optional) reference results (e.g. work, report or summary.txt)#jck-compiler-tests: check-jck FRC @rm -f -r $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/work $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt @mkdir -p $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR) $(JT_JAVA)/bin/java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m \ -jar $(JCK_HOME)/JCK-compiler-8/lib/jtjck.jar \ -v:non-pass \ -r:$(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ -w:$(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/work \ -jdk:$(TESTJAVA) \ $(JCK_COMPILER_OPTIONS) \ $(JCK_COMPILER_TESTDIRS) \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JCK_EXIT)) ; \ echo $$status > $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt \ )ifdef JCK_COMPILER_REFERENCE JT_JAVA=$(JT_JAVA) $(JTDIFF) -o $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html \ $(JCK_COMPILER_REFERENCE) $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JTDIFF_EXIT)) )endifjck-compiler-summary: FRC if [ -r $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt ]; then \ echo ; echo "Summary of JCK-compiler test failures" ; \ cat $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/report/text/summary.txt | \ grep -v 'Not run' | grep -v 'Passed' ; \ echo ; \ $(EXIT) `cat $(JCK_COMPILER_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt` ; \ fi# Run JCK-runtime tests in -Xcompile mode# This is a special mode to test javac by compiling the tests in the JCK-runtime test suite# Normal JCK-runtime invocation belongs in the jdk/ repository.## JCK_HOME# Installed location of JCK: should include JCK-compiler, JCK-runtime and JCK-extras# JT_JAVA# Version of java used to run JCK. Should normally be the same as TESTJAVA# TESTJAVA# Version of java to be tested. # JCK_RUNTIME_OPTIONS# Additional options for JCK-runtime# JCK_RUNTIME_TESTDIRS# Directories of tests to be run# JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR# Where to write the results# JCK_RUNTIME_REFERENCE# (Optional) reference results (e.g. work, report or summary.txt)#jck-runtime-tests: check-jck FRC @rm -f -r $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/work $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt @mkdir -p $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR) $(JT_JAVA)/bin/java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m \ -jar $(JCK_HOME)/JCK-runtime-8/lib/jtjck.jar \ -v:non-pass \ -r:$(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ -w:$(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/work \ -jdk:$(TESTJAVA) \ -Xcompile \ $(JCK_RUNTIME_OPTIONS) \ $(JCK_RUNTIME_TESTDIRS) \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JCK_EXIT)) ; \ echo $$status > $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt \ )ifdef JCK_RUNTIME_REFERENCE JT_JAVA=$(JT_JAVA) $(JTDIFF) -o $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/diff.html \ $(JCK_RUNTIME_REFERENCE) $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/report \ || ( $(call EXIT_IF_FATAL,$(FATAL_JTDIFF_EXIT)) )endifjck-runtime-summary: FRC if [ -r $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt ]; then \ echo ; echo "Summary of JCK-runtime test failures" ; \ cat $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/report/text/summary.txt | \ grep -v 'Not run' | grep -v 'Passed' ; \ echo ; \ $(EXIT) `cat $(JCK_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIR)/status.txt` ; \ fi# Check to make sure these directories existcheck-jck: $(JCK_HOME) $(PRODUCT_HOME)all-summary: FRC if [ -n "`find $(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR) -name status.txt`" ]; then echo ; echo "Summary of test failures" ; \ cat `find $(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR) -name summary.txt` | \ grep -v 'Not run' | grep -v 'Passed' ; \ echo ; \ $(EXIT) 1 fi# Bundle up the results$(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE): FRC @rm -f $@ @mkdir -p $(@D) ( cd $(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR) && zip -q -r $@ . )# Cleanupclean: rm -f $(JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE)# Used to force a target rules to runFRC:# Phony targets (e.g. these are not filenames).PHONY: all clean \ jtreg javac javadoc javah javap jdeps jtreg-tests jtreg-summary check-jtreg \ jck-compiler jck-compiler-tests jck-compiler-summary \ jck-runtime jck-runtime-tests jck-runtime-summary check-jck# No use of suffix rules.SUFFIXES: