8214542: JFR: Old Object Sample event slow on a deep heap in debug builds
Reviewed-by: egahlin, rwestberg
## Copyright (c) 2014, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#include CopyCommon.gmkinclude Modules.gmkinclude TextFileProcessing.gmk$(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, copy/Copy-java.base.gmk))################################################################################ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, aix), true) TZMAPPINGS_SRC := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/conf $(LIB_DST_DIR)/tzmappings: $(TZMAPPINGS_SRC)/tzmappings $(call install-file) TARGETS += $(LIB_DST_DIR)/tzmappingsendif################################################################################# Copy the microsoft runtime libraries on windowsifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows), true) # Chmod to avoid permission issues if bundles are unpacked on unix platforms. define copy-and-chmod $(install-file) $(CHMOD) a+rx $@ endef # Use separate macro calls in case the source files are not in the same # directory. $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles,COPY_MSVCR, \ DEST := $(LIB_DST_DIR), \ FILES := $(MSVCR_DLL), \ MACRO := copy-and-chmod)) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles,COPY_MSVCP, \ DEST := $(LIB_DST_DIR), \ FILES := $(MSVCP_DLL), \ MACRO := copy-and-chmod)) TARGETS += $(COPY_MSVCR) $(COPY_MSVCP) ifneq ($(UCRT_DLL_DIR), ) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_UCRT_DLLS, \ DEST := $(LIB_DST_DIR), \ SRC := $(UCRT_DLL_DIR), \ FILES := $(wildcard $(UCRT_DLL_DIR)/*.dll), \ MACRO := copy-and-chmod, \ )) TARGETS += $(COPY_UCRT_DLLS) endifendif################################################################################# In jvm.cfg, the first listed KNOWN variant is the default. On most build# configurations, that is the server variant.ifeq ($(call And, $(call isTargetOs, windows) $(call isTargetCpu, x86)), true) DEFAULT_CFG_VARIANT ?= clientendifDEFAULT_CFG_VARIANT ?= server# Any variant other than server, client or minimal is represented as server in# the cfg file.VALID_CFG_VARIANTS := server client minimalCFG_VARIANTS := $(filter $(VALID_CFG_VARIANTS), $(JVM_VARIANTS)) \ $(if $(filter-out $(VALID_CFG_VARIANTS), $(JVM_VARIANTS)), server)# Change the order to put the default variant first if present.ORDERED_CFG_VARIANTS := \ $(if $(filter $(DEFAULT_CFG_VARIANT), $(CFG_VARIANTS)), $(DEFAULT_CFG_VARIANT)) \ $(filter-out $(DEFAULT_CFG_VARIANT), $(CFG_VARIANTS))JVMCFG := $(LIB_DST_DIR)/jvm.cfgdefine print-cfg-line $(call LogInfo, Adding -$1 $2 to jvm.cfg) $(PRINTF) -- "-$1 $2\n" >> $@ $(NEWLINE)endef$(JVMCFG): $(call DependOnVariable, ORDERED_CFG_VARIANTS) $(call MakeTargetDir) $(RM) $@ $(foreach v, $(ORDERED_CFG_VARIANTS), \ $(call print-cfg-line,$v,KNOWN) \ ) # If either of server or client aren't present, add IGNORE lines for # them. $(foreach v, server client, \ $(if $(filter $v, $(ORDERED_CFG_VARIANTS)), , \ $(call print-cfg-line,$v,IGNORE) \ ) \ )TARGETS += $(JVMCFG)################################################################################POLICY_SRC := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/conf/security/java.policyPOLICY_DST := $(CONF_DST_DIR)/security/java.policyPOLICY_SRC_LIST := $(POLICY_SRC)$(POLICY_DST): $(POLICY_SRC_LIST) $(call MakeTargetDir) $(RM) $@ $@.tmp $(foreach f,$(POLICY_SRC_LIST),$(CAT) $(f) >> $@.tmp;) $(MV) $@.tmp $@TARGETS += $(POLICY_DST)################################################################################DEF_POLICY_SRC := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/lib/security/default.policyDEF_POLICY_DST := $(LIB_DST_DIR)/security/default.policyDEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST := $(DEF_POLICY_SRC)DEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST += $(CUSTOM_POLICY_SRC_LIST)ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows solaris), true) DEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST += $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/lib/security/default.policyendif# Allow imported modules to modify the java.policyifneq ($(IMPORT_MODULES_CONF), ) DEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST += $(wildcard $(IMPORT_MODULES_CONF)/java.base/security/java.policy.extra)endif$(DEF_POLICY_DST): $(DEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST) $(call MakeTargetDir) $(RM) $@ $@.tmp $(foreach f,$(DEF_POLICY_SRC_LIST),$(CAT) $(f) >> $@.tmp;) $(MV) $@.tmp $@TARGETS += $(DEF_POLICY_DST)################################################################################# CACERTS_FILE is optionally set in configure to override the default cacerts# which is otherwise generated in Gendata-java.base.gmkCACERTS_DST := $(LIB_DST_DIR)/security/cacerts$(CACERTS_DST): $(CACERTS_FILE) $(call LogInfo, Copying $(patsubst $(OUTPUTDIR)/%, %, $@)) $(call install-file)ifneq ($(CACERTS_FILE), ) TARGETS += $(CACERTS_DST)endif################################################################################$(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_NET_PROPERTIES, \ FILES := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/conf/net.properties, \ DEST := $(CONF_DST_DIR), \))TARGETS += $(COPY_NET_PROPERTIES)ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, solaris linux), true) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_SDP_CONF, \ FILES := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/conf/sdp/sdp.conf.template, \ DEST := $(CONF_DST_DIR)/sdp, \ )) TARGETS += $(COPY_SDP_CONF)endif################################################################################# JDK license and assembly exception files to be packaged in JMOD# The license files may not be present if the source has been obtained using a# different license.JDK_LICENSE ?= $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/LICENSE)JDK_NOTICE ?= $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION)JDK_ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO ?= $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO)$(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_JDK_NOTICES, \ FILES := $(JDK_LICENSE) $(JDK_NOTICE) $(JDK_ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO), \ DEST := $(COMMON_LEGAL_DST_DIR), \ FLATTEN := true, \))TARGETS += $(COPY_JDK_NOTICES)################################################################################## Copy and filter the legal files depending on what 3rd party components are# bundled or linked from the OS.#ifeq ($(USE_EXTERNAL_LIBZ), true) LEGAL_EXCLUDES += zlib.mdendif$(eval $(call SetupCopyLegalFiles, COPY_LEGAL, \ EXCLUDES := $(LEGAL_EXCLUDES), \))TARGETS += $(COPY_LEGAL)################################################################################# Optionally copy libffi.so.? into the the imageifeq ($(ENABLE_LIBFFI_BUNDLING), true) $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_LIBFFI, \ FILES := $(LIBFFI_LIB_FILE), \ DEST := $(call FindLibDirForModule, $(MODULE)), \ FLATTEN := true, \ MACRO := install-file-nolink, \ )) TARGETS += $(COPY_LIBFFI)endif################################################################################# Generate classfile_constants.h$(eval $(call SetupTextFileProcessing, CREATE_CLASSFILE_CONSTANTS_H, \ SOURCE_FILES := $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/native/include/classfile_constants.h.template, \ OUTPUT_FILE := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_include/java.base/classfile_constants.h, \ REPLACEMENTS := \ @@VERSION_CLASSFILE_MAJOR@@ => $(VERSION_CLASSFILE_MAJOR) ; \ @@VERSION_CLASSFILE_MINOR@@ => $(VERSION_CLASSFILE_MINOR) ; , \))TARGETS += $(CREATE_CLASSFILE_CONSTANTS_H)################################################################################