author ihse
Tue, 04 Dec 2018 12:16:01 +0100
changeset 57058 48d12f5a824c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Import initial implementation by tgranat.


# BUILDDIR is set to where configure will be run
# CONFIGURE is set to the configure script to test
# TEMPOUT is a temporary file logging stdout
# TEMPERR is a temporary file logging stderr


Setup() {
# If TESTSRC not set, use current directory. TESTSRC is set by jtreg
    BUILDDIR=${TESTSRC-$PWD}/`mktemp -d build.XXXXXXXXX`

# Set the configure script to test relative to BUILDDIR.

# Set temporary files for stdout and stderr from the configure script execution

# Create build directory to run configure in
    Sys rm -rf ${BUILDDIR} 
    Sys mkdir ${BUILDDIR}
    Sys cd ${BUILDDIR}

# Clean up
    trap 'Cleanup' EXIT

# Run command and verify that it returned an expected result code != 0
# $1 = command

Failure() {
    Test failure "$@"

# Run command and verify that it returned an expected result code = 0
# $1 = command
Success() {
    Test success "$@"

# Verify the existence of a certain string in a file
# $1 = string to look for (using "grep" format)
# $2 = file to look in

StringInFile() {
    AdditionalTest success "$GREP" "$1" "$2"

# Verify that a certain string doesn't exist in a file
# $1 = string to look for (using "grep" format)
# $2 = file to look in

StringNotInFile() {
    AdditionalTest failure "$GREP" "$1" "$2"

# Present a summary of the results
ResultSummary() {
    if test -n "$failed"; then
	count=`printf "%s" "$failed" | wc -c | tr -d ' '`
	echo "FAIL: $count tests failed"
	exit 1
	echo "PASS: all tests gave expected results"
	exit 0

# Local functions.
# The functions below should normally not be called from the test scripts
Cleanup() {
    Sys rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}
    Sys rm ${TEMPOUT} ${TEMPERR}

# Copied from Util.sh

Fail() { 
    echo "FAIL: $1"

Die() { 
    printf "%s\n" "$*"
    exit 1

Sys() {
    printf "%s\n" "$*"
    test "$rc" -eq 0 || Die "Command \"$*\" failed with exitValue $rc"

HorizontalRule() {
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"

# Result (pass/fail) based on result code ($?) from the test run.
# $1 = expected result (success/failure) based on result code from the executed command
# $2 = result code from test run

Report() {
    test "$#" != 2 && Die "Usage: Report testtype rc"

    if test "$1" = "success" -a "$2" = 0; then
	echo "PASS: succeeded as expected"
    elif test "$1" = "success" -a "$2" != 0; then
	Fail "test failed unexpectedly"

    elif test "$1" = "failure" -a "$2" != 0; then
	echo "PASS: failed as expected"
    elif test "$1" = "failure" -a "$2" = 0; then
	Fail "test succeeded unexpectedly"

	Die "Usage: Report testtype rc"

# Run test and log stdout and stderr to temporary files $TEMPOUT and $TEMPERR
# $1 = expected result (success/failure) 
# $2 = command
Test() {
    printf "%s\n" "$*"
# We need to redirect to temp files to be able to look for errors in the stdout and stderr. But
# we also need to send it to console so jtreg can pick it up. 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 swaps stdout and stderr since 
# tee only takes stdout. Then we swap it back to get correct stdout and stderr for jtreg.
# Then we need to get the $? from the command that's run in the subshell so we store it in a temp file (if
# we could use bash we could use $PIPESTATUS instead, but jtreg only uses 'sh')
    (s=`mktemp` ; (("$@" ; echo $?>$s) | tee $TEMPOUT) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee $TEMPERR; exit $(cat $s; rm $s)) 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3
    Report "$expectedResult" "$?"

# Run test without logging stdout and stderr to temporary files
# $1 = expected result (success/failure) 
# $2 = command
AdditionalTest() {
    printf "%s\n" "$*"
    Report "$expectedResult" "$?"