# Copyright (c) 2013, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.################################################################################## Tiered testing definitions#tier1 = \ :jdk_lang \ :jdk_util \ sun/nio/cs/ISO8859x.java \ java/nio/Buffer \ com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher \ :jdk_math \ tools/pack200tier2 = \ :jdk_io \ :jdk_nio \ -sun/nio/cs/ISO8859x.java \ -java/nio/Buffer \ :jdk_net \ :jdk_time \ :jdk_security \ -com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher \ :jdk_text \ :core_tools \ -tools/pack200 \ :jdk_othertier3 = \ :jdk_rmi \ :jdk_beans \ :jdk_imageio \ :jdk_sound \ :jdk_client_sanity################################################################################# Other test definitions; generally smaller granularity than tiers## java.lang package and VM runtime supportjdk_lang = \ java/lang \ -java/lang/management \ -java/lang/instrument \ sun/invoke \ sun/misc \ sun/reflect \ jdk/internal/reflect \ jdk/lambda \ jdk/internal/loader \ jdk/internal/misc \ jdk/internal/ref \ jdk/internal/jimage \ jdk/internal/math \ jdk/modules \ vm# All of the java.util packagejdk_util = \ :jdk_util_other \ :jdk_collections \ :jdk_concurrent \ :jdk_stream# All util components not part of some other util categoryjdk_util_other = \ java/util \ sun/util \ jdk/internal/util \ -:jdk_collections \ -:jdk_concurrent \ -:jdk_stream# All collections, core and concurrentjdk_collections = \ :jdk_collections_core \ :jdk_concurrent# java.util.concurrent# Includes concurrent collections plus other stuff# Maintained by JSR-166 EG (Doug Lea et al)jdk_concurrent = \ java/util/concurrent# Java Collections Framework core classesjdk_collections_core = \ java/util/AbstractCollection \ java/util/AbstractList \ java/util/AbstractMap \ java/util/AbstractSequentialList \ java/util/ArrayList \ java/util/Arrays \ java/util/BitSet \ java/util/Collection \ java/util/Collections \ java/util/Comparator \ java/util/Deque \ java/util/EnumMap \ java/util/EnumSet \ java/util/HashMap \ java/util/HashSet \ java/util/Hashtable \ java/util/IdentityHashMap \ java/util/Iterator \ java/util/LinkedHashMap \ java/util/LinkedHashSet \ java/util/LinkedList \ java/util/List \ java/util/Map \ java/util/NavigableMap \ java/util/PriorityQueue \ java/util/TimSort \ java/util/TreeMap \ java/util/Vector \ java/util/WeakHashMap# java.util.stream (JSR-335)jdk_stream = \ java/util/Optional \ java/util/function \ java/util/streamjdk_math = \ java/mathjdk_io = \ java/iojdk_nio = \ java/nio \ sun/nio \ jdk/niojdk_net = \ java/net \ com/sun/net/httpserver \ sun/net \ jdk/netjdk_time = \ java/timejdk_rmi = \ java/rmi \ sun/rmijdk_security1 = \ java/securityjdk_security2 = \ javax/crypto \ javax/xml/crypto \ com/oracle/security/ucrypto \ com/sun/cryptojdk_security3 = \ javax/security \ -javax/security/auth/kerberos \ com/sun/jarsigner \ com/sun/security \ -com/sun/security/jgss \ com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security \ jdk/security \ sun/security \ -sun/security/krb5 \ -sun/security/jgss \ javax/net \ com/sun/net/ssl \ lib/securityjdk_security4 = \ com/sun/security/jgss \ javax/security/auth/kerberos \ sun/security/krb5 \ sun/security/jgssjdk_security = \ :jdk_security1 \ :jdk_security2 \ :jdk_security3 \ :jdk_security4jdk_text = \ java/text \ sun/textjdk_management = \ java/lang/management \ com/sun/management \ sun/management \ jdk/internal/agentjdk_instrument = \ java/lang/instrumentjdk_jmx = \ javax/management \ com/sun/jmxjdk_jdi = \ com/sun/jdijdk_native_sanity = \ native_sanity# java launcher specific tests, Note: do not include this group into any groups# that potentially could be included into a jprt test rule, as the complementary# closed group includes awt SplashScreen and these tests may not run# satisfactorily on all platforms and profiles thus this group must always# be a stand-alone groupjdk_launcher = \ tools/launcher \ sun/tools## Tool (and tool API) tests are split into core and svc groups#core_tools = \ tools \ jdk/internal/jrtfs \ sun/tools/java \ sun/tools/jrunscriptsvc_tools = \ com/sun/tools/attach \ sun/tools \ -sun/tools/java \ -sun/tools/jrunscript \ sun/jvmstatjdk_tools = \ :core_tools \ :svc_tools## Catch-all for other areas with a small number of tests#jdk_other = \ java/sql \ javax/sql \ javax/rmi \ javax/naming \ javax/script \ javax/smartcardio \ javax/transaction \ javax/xml \ -javax/xml/crypto \ jdk/internal/jline \ com/sun/jndi \ com/sun/corba \ org/omg/CORBA \ lib/testlibrary## SCTP is its own group as it is highly sensitive to kernel/network config#jdk_sctp = \ com/sun/nio/sctp## core group to run all core area tests#jdk_core = \ :jdk_lang \ :jdk_util \ :jdk_math \ :jdk_io \ :jdk_nio \ :jdk_net \ :jdk_rmi \ :jdk_time \ :jdk_security \ :jdk_text \ :core_tools \ :jdk_other## svc group to run all serviceability area tests#jdk_svc = \ :jdk_management \ :jdk_instrument \ :jdk_jmx \ :jdk_jdi \ :svc_tools############################### Client area groups#jdk_awt = \ java/awt \ com/sun/awt \ com/apple/eawt \ com/apple/laf \ sun/awt \ sun/appletjdk_2d = \ javax/print \ sun/java2djdk_beans = \ java/beansjdk_swing = \ javax/accessibility \ javax/swing \ com/sun/java/swingjdk_sound = \ javax/soundjdk_imageio = \ javax/imageiojdk_desktop = \ :jdk_awt \ :jdk_2d \ :jdk_beans \ :jdk_swing \ :jdk_sound \ :jdk_imageio# SwingSet3 tests.jdk_client_sanity = \ sanity/client/SwingSet################################################################################# Serviceability sanity groups## These groups specify a subset of Serviceability tests that are supposed to# guard against breakage of Serviceability features by other component teams.# They are added to the "hotspot" testset in JPRT so that they will run on all# full-forest pushes through JPRT.#jdk_svc_sanity = \ :jdk_management_sanity \ :jdk_instrument_sanity \ :jdk_jmx_sanity \ :jdk_jdi_sanity \ :svc_tools_sanityjdk_management_sanity =jdk_instrument_sanity =jdk_jmx_sanity =jdk_jdi_sanity = \ com/sun/jdi/AcceptTimeout.java \ com/sun/jdi/AccessSpecifierTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/AfterThreadDeathTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ArrayRangeTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ConstantPoolInfo.java \ com/sun/jdi/CountFilterTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/EarlyReturnNegativeTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/EarlyReturnTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/FieldWatchpoints.java \ com/sun/jdi/FramesTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/InstanceFilter.java \ com/sun/jdi/InterfaceMethodsTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/InvokeTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/LocalVariableEqual.java \ com/sun/jdi/LocationTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ModificationWatchpoints.java \ com/sun/jdi/MonitorEventTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/MonitorFrameInfo.java \ com/sun/jdi/NullThreadGroupNameTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/PopAndStepTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/PopAsynchronousTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ProcessAttachTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ReferrersTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/RequestReflectionTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/ResumeOneThreadTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/RunToExit.java \ com/sun/jdi/SourceNameFilterTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/VarargsTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/Vars.java \ com/sun/jdi/redefineMethod/RedefineTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/sde/MangleTest.java \ com/sun/jdi/sde/TemperatureTableTest.javasvc_tools_sanity =############################### Stable test groups#jdk_stable = \ :jdk_core \ :jdk_svc \ :jdk_beans \ :jdk_imageio \ :jdk_sound \ :jdk_sctp \ javax/accessibility \ com/sun/java/swing \ com/sun/awt