author joehw
Wed, 14 Sep 2016 13:18:17 -0700
changeset 41021 444f2b1bcc8c
parent 26516 8e6a45c22cea
permissions -rw-r--r--
8165784: Deprecate the internal Catalog API in JDK 9 Reviewed-by: dfuchs, rriggs

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.utils.SecuritySupport;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver.helpers.BootstrapResolver;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver.helpers.Debug;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil;

 * CatalogManager provides an interface to the catalog properties.
 * <p>Properties can come from two places: from system properties or
 * from a <i>CatalogManager.properties</i> file. This class provides a transparent
 * interface to both, with system properties preferred over property file values.</p>
 * <p>The following table summarizes the properties:</p>
 * <table border="1">
 * <thead>
 * <tr>
 * <td>System Property</td>
 * <td>CatalogManager.properties<br/>Property</td>
 * <td>Description</td>
 * </tr>
 * </thead>
 * <tbody>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.ignoreMissing</td>
 * <td>&#160;</td>
 * <td>If true, a missing <i>CatalogManager.properties</i> file or missing properties
 * within that file will not generate warning messages. See also the
 * <i>ignoreMissingProperties</i> method.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.files</td>
 * <td>catalogs</td>
 * <td>The <emph>semicolon-delimited</emph> list of catalog files.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>&#160;</td>
 * <td>relative-catalogs</td>
 * <td>If false, relative catalog URIs are made absolute with respect to the base URI of
 * the <i>CatalogManager.properties</i> file. This setting only applies to catalog
 * URIs obtained from the <i>catalogs</i> property <emph>in the</emph>
 * <i>CatalogManager.properties</i> file</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.verbosity</td>
 * <td>verbosity</td>
 * <td>If non-zero, the Catalog classes will print informative and debugging messages.
 * The higher the number, the more messages.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.prefer</td>
 * <td>prefer</td>
 * <td>Which identifier is preferred, "public" or "system"?</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.staticCatalog</td>
 * <td>static-catalog</td>
 * <td>Should a single catalog be constructed for all parsing, or should a different
 * catalog be created for each parser?</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.allowPI</td>
 * <td>allow-oasis-xml-catalog-pi</td>
 * <td>If the source document contains "oasis-xml-catalog" processing instructions,
 * should they be used?</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td>xml.catalog.className</td>
 * <td>catalog-class-name</td>
 * <td>If you're using the convenience classes
 * <tt>com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver.tools.*</tt>), this setting
 * allows you to specify an alternate class name to use for the underlying
 * catalog.</td>
 * </tr>
 * </tbody>
 * </table>
 * @see Catalog
 * @deprecated The JDK internal Catalog API in package
 * {@code com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.resolver}
 * is encapsulated in JDK 9. The entire implementation under the package is now
 * deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. Users of the API
 * should migrate to the {@linkplain javax.xml.catalog new public API}.
 * <p>
 * The new Catalog API is supported throughout the JDK XML Processors, which allows
 * the use of Catalog by simply setting a path to a Catalog file as a property.
 * @author Norman Walsh
 * <a href="mailto:Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM">Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM</a>
 * @version 1.0
@Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true)
public class CatalogManager {
    private static final String pFiles         = "xml.catalog.files";
    private static final String pVerbosity     = "xml.catalog.verbosity";
    private static final String pPrefer        = "xml.catalog.prefer";
    private static final String pStatic        = "xml.catalog.staticCatalog";
    private static final String pAllowPI       = "xml.catalog.allowPI";
    private static final String pClassname     = "xml.catalog.className";
    private static final String pIgnoreMissing = "xml.catalog.ignoreMissing";

    /** A static CatalogManager instance for sharing */
    private static final CatalogManager staticManager = new CatalogManager();

    /** The bootstrap resolver to use when loading XML Catalogs. */
    private BootstrapResolver bResolver = new BootstrapResolver();

    /** Flag to ignore missing property files and/or properties */
    private boolean ignoreMissingProperties
    = (SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pIgnoreMissing) != null
    || SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pFiles) != null);

    /** Holds the resources after they are loaded from the file. */
    private ResourceBundle resources;

    /** The name of the CatalogManager properties file. */
    private String propertyFile = "CatalogManager.properties";

    /** The location of the propertyFile */
    private URL propertyFileURI = null;

    /** Default catalog files list. */
    private String defaultCatalogFiles = "./xcatalog";

    /** Current catalog files list. */
    private String catalogFiles = null;

    /** Did the catalogFiles come from the properties file? */
    private boolean fromPropertiesFile = false;

    /** Default verbosity level if there is no property setting for it. */
    private int defaultVerbosity = 1;

    /** Current verbosity level. */
    private Integer verbosity = null;

    /** Default preference setting. */
    private boolean defaultPreferPublic = true;

    /** Current preference setting. */
    private Boolean preferPublic = null;

    /** Default setting of the static catalog flag. */
    private boolean defaultUseStaticCatalog = true;

    /** Current setting of the static catalog flag. */
    private Boolean useStaticCatalog = null;

    /** The static catalog used by this manager. */
    private static volatile Catalog staticCatalog = null;

    /** Default setting of the oasisXMLCatalogPI flag. */
    private boolean defaultOasisXMLCatalogPI = true;

    /** Current setting of the oasisXMLCatalogPI flag. */
    private Boolean oasisXMLCatalogPI = null;

    /** Default setting of the relativeCatalogs flag. */
    private boolean defaultRelativeCatalogs = true;

    /** Current setting of the relativeCatalogs flag. */
    private Boolean relativeCatalogs = null;

    /** Current catalog class name. */
    private String catalogClassName = null;
     * Indicates whether implementation parts should use
     *   service loader (or similar).
     * Note the default value (false) is the safe option..
    private boolean useServicesMechanism;

    /** The manager's debug object. Used for printing debugging messages.
     * <p>This field is public so that objects that have access to this
     * CatalogManager can use this debug object.</p>
    public Debug debug = null;

    /** Constructor. */
    public CatalogManager() {

    /** Constructor that specifies an explicit property file. */
    public CatalogManager(String propertyFile) {
        this.propertyFile = propertyFile;

  private void init() {
        debug = new Debug();
    // Note that we don't setDebug() here; we do that lazily. Either the
    // user will set it explicitly, or we'll do it automagically if they
    // read from the propertyFile for some other reason. That way, there's
    // no attempt to read from the file before the caller has had a chance
    // to avoid it.
    if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
        useServicesMechanism = true;
        // Make sure verbosity is set by xml.catalog.verbosity sysprop
        // setting, if defined.

    /** Set the bootstrap resolver
     * @param resolver the bootstrap resolver
    public void setBootstrapResolver(BootstrapResolver resolver) {
        bResolver = resolver;

    /** Get the bootstrap resolver
     * @return the bootstrap resolver
    public BootstrapResolver getBootstrapResolver() {
        return bResolver;

    /** Query system property for verbosity level. */
    private void queryVerbosityFromSysProp() {
        String verbStr = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pVerbosity);
        if (verbStr != null) {
            try {
                int verb = Integer.parseInt(verbStr.trim());
                verbosity = new Integer(verb);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Cannot parse verbosity: \"" + verbStr + "\"");

     * Load the properties from the propertyFile and build the
     * resources from it.
    private synchronized void readProperties() {
        try {
            propertyFileURI = CatalogManager.class.getResource("/"+propertyFile);
            InputStream in =
            if (in==null) {
                if (!ignoreMissingProperties) {
                    System.err.println("Cannot find "+propertyFile);
                    // there's no reason to give this warning more than once
                    ignoreMissingProperties = true;
            resources = new PropertyResourceBundle(in);
        } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
            if (!ignoreMissingProperties) {
                System.err.println("Cannot read "+propertyFile);
        } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
            if (!ignoreMissingProperties) {
                System.err.println("Failure trying to read "+propertyFile);

        // This is a bit of a hack. After we've successfully read the properties,
        // use them to set the default debug level, if the user hasn't already set
        // the default debug level.
        if (verbosity == null) {
            try {
                String verbStr = resources.getString("verbosity");
                int verb = Integer.parseInt(verbStr.trim());
                verbosity = new Integer(verb);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // nop

     * Allow access to the static CatalogManager
    public static CatalogManager getStaticManager() {
        return staticManager;

     * How are missing properties handled?
     * <p>If true, missing or unreadable property files will
     * not be reported. Otherwise, a message will be sent to System.err.
     * </p>
    public boolean getIgnoreMissingProperties() {
        return ignoreMissingProperties;

     * How should missing properties be handled?
     * <p>If ignore is true, missing or unreadable property files will
     * not be reported. Otherwise, a message will be sent to System.err.
     * </p>
    public void setIgnoreMissingProperties(boolean ignore) {
        ignoreMissingProperties = ignore;

     * How are missing properties handled?
     * <p>If ignore is true, missing or unreadable property files will
     * not be reported. Otherwise, a message will be sent to System.err.
     * </p>
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public void ignoreMissingProperties(boolean ignore) {

     * Obtain the verbosity setting from the properties.
     * @return The verbosity level from the propertyFile or the
     * defaultVerbosity.
    private int queryVerbosity () {
        String defaultVerbStr = Integer.toString(defaultVerbosity);

        String verbStr = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pVerbosity);

        if (verbStr == null) {
            if (resources==null) readProperties();
            if (resources != null) {
                try {
                    verbStr = resources.getString("verbosity");
                } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                    verbStr = defaultVerbStr;
            } else {
                verbStr = defaultVerbStr;

        int verb = defaultVerbosity;

        try {
            verb = Integer.parseInt(verbStr.trim());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot parse verbosity: \"" + verbStr + "\"");

        // This is a bit of a hack. After we've successfully got the verbosity,
        // we have to use it to set the default debug level,
        // if the user hasn't already set the default debug level.
        if (verbosity == null) {
            verbosity = new Integer(verb);

        return verb;

     * What is the current verbosity?
    public int getVerbosity() {
        if (verbosity == null) {
            verbosity = new Integer(queryVerbosity());

        return verbosity.intValue();

     * Set the current verbosity.
    public void setVerbosity (int verbosity) {
        this.verbosity = new Integer(verbosity);

     * What is the current verbosity?
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public int verbosity () {
        return getVerbosity();

     * Obtain the relativeCatalogs setting from the properties.
     * @return The relativeCatalogs setting from the propertyFile or the
     * defaultRelativeCatalogs.
    private boolean queryRelativeCatalogs () {
        if (resources==null) readProperties();

        if (resources==null) return defaultRelativeCatalogs;

        try {
            String allow = resources.getString("relative-catalogs");
            return (allow.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                    || allow.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
                    || allow.equalsIgnoreCase("1"));
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            return defaultRelativeCatalogs;

     * Get the relativeCatalogs setting.
     * <p>This property is used when the catalogFiles property is
     * interrogated. If true, then relative catalog entry file names
     * are returned. If false, relative catalog entry file names are
     * made absolute with respect to the properties file before returning
     * them.</p>
     * <p>This property <emph>only applies</emph> when the catalog files
     * come from a properties file. If they come from a system property or
     * the default list, they are never considered relative. (What would
     * they be relative to?)</p>
     * <p>In the properties, a value of 'yes', 'true', or '1' is considered
     * true, anything else is false.</p>
     * @return The relativeCatalogs setting from the propertyFile or the
     * defaultRelativeCatalogs.
    public boolean getRelativeCatalogs () {
        if (relativeCatalogs == null) {
            relativeCatalogs = queryRelativeCatalogs() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

        return relativeCatalogs.booleanValue();

     * Set the relativeCatalogs setting.
     * @see #getRelativeCatalogs()
    public void setRelativeCatalogs (boolean relative) {
        relativeCatalogs = relative ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

     * Get the relativeCatalogs setting.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public boolean relativeCatalogs () {
        return getRelativeCatalogs();

     * Obtain the list of catalog files from the properties.
     * @return A semicolon delimited list of catlog file URIs
    private String queryCatalogFiles () {
        String catalogList = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pFiles);
        fromPropertiesFile = false;

        if (catalogList == null) {
            if (resources == null) readProperties();
            if (resources != null) {
                try {
                    catalogList = resources.getString("catalogs");
                    fromPropertiesFile = true;
                } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                    System.err.println(propertyFile + ": catalogs not found.");
                    catalogList = null;

        if (catalogList == null) {
            catalogList = defaultCatalogFiles;

        return catalogList;

     * Return the current list of catalog files.
     * @return A vector of the catalog file names or null if no catalogs
     * are available in the properties.
    public Vector getCatalogFiles() {
        if (catalogFiles == null) {
            catalogFiles = queryCatalogFiles();

        StringTokenizer files = new StringTokenizer(catalogFiles, ";");
        Vector catalogs = new Vector();
        while (files.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String catalogFile = files.nextToken();
            URL absURI = null;

            if (fromPropertiesFile && !relativeCatalogs()) {
                try {
                    absURI = new URL(propertyFileURI, catalogFile);
                    catalogFile = absURI.toString();
                } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
                    absURI = null;


        return catalogs;

     * Set the list of catalog files.
    public void setCatalogFiles(String fileList) {
        catalogFiles = fileList;
        fromPropertiesFile = false;

     * Return the current list of catalog files.
     * @return A vector of the catalog file names or null if no catalogs
     * are available in the properties.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public Vector catalogFiles() {
        return getCatalogFiles();

     * Obtain the preferPublic setting from the properties.
     * <p>In the properties, a value of 'public' is true,
     * anything else is false.</p>
     * @return True if prefer is public or the
     * defaultPreferSetting.
    private boolean queryPreferPublic () {
        String prefer = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pPrefer);

        if (prefer == null) {
            if (resources==null) readProperties();
            if (resources==null) return defaultPreferPublic;
            try {
                prefer = resources.getString("prefer");
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return defaultPreferPublic;

        if (prefer == null) {
            return defaultPreferPublic;

        return (prefer.equalsIgnoreCase("public"));

     * Return the current prefer public setting.
     * @return True if public identifiers are preferred.
    public boolean getPreferPublic () {
        if (preferPublic == null) {
            preferPublic = queryPreferPublic() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        return preferPublic.booleanValue();

     * Set the prefer public setting.
    public void setPreferPublic (boolean preferPublic) {
        this.preferPublic = preferPublic ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

     * Return the current prefer public setting.
     * @return True if public identifiers are preferred.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public boolean preferPublic () {
        return getPreferPublic();

     * Obtain the static-catalog setting from the properties.
     * <p>In the properties, a value of 'yes', 'true', or '1' is considered
     * true, anything else is false.</p>
     * @return The static-catalog setting from the propertyFile or the
     * defaultUseStaticCatalog.
    private boolean queryUseStaticCatalog () {
        String staticCatalog = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pStatic);

        if (staticCatalog == null) {
            if (resources==null) readProperties();
            if (resources==null) return defaultUseStaticCatalog;
            try {
                staticCatalog = resources.getString("static-catalog");
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return defaultUseStaticCatalog;

        if (staticCatalog == null) {
            return defaultUseStaticCatalog;

        return (staticCatalog.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                || staticCatalog.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
                || staticCatalog.equalsIgnoreCase("1"));

     * Get the current use static catalog setting.
    public boolean getUseStaticCatalog() {
        if (useStaticCatalog == null) {
            useStaticCatalog = queryUseStaticCatalog() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

        return useStaticCatalog.booleanValue();

     * Set the use static catalog setting.
    public void setUseStaticCatalog(boolean useStatic) {
        useStaticCatalog = useStatic ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

     * Get the current use static catalog setting.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public boolean staticCatalog() {
        return getUseStaticCatalog();

     * Get a new catalog instance.
     * This method always returns a new instance of the underlying catalog class.
    public Catalog getPrivateCatalog() {
        Catalog catalog = staticCatalog;

        if (useStaticCatalog == null) {
            useStaticCatalog = getUseStaticCatalog() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

        if (catalog == null || !useStaticCatalog.booleanValue()) {

            try {
                String catalogClassName = getCatalogClassName();

                if (catalogClassName == null) {
                    catalog = new Catalog();
                } else {
                    try {
                        catalog = (Catalog) ReflectUtil.forName(catalogClassName).newInstance();
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                        debug.message(1,"Catalog class named '"
                                + catalogClassName
                                + "' could not be found. Using default.");
                        catalog = new Catalog();
                    } catch (ClassCastException cnfe) {
                        debug.message(1,"Class named '"
                                + catalogClassName
                                + "' is not a Catalog. Using default.");
                        catalog = new Catalog();

            } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (useStaticCatalog.booleanValue()) {
                staticCatalog = catalog;

        return catalog;

     * Get a catalog instance.
     * If this manager uses static catalogs, the same static catalog will
     * always be returned. Otherwise a new catalog will be returned.
    public Catalog getCatalog() {
        Catalog catalog = staticCatalog;

        if (useStaticCatalog == null) {
            useStaticCatalog = getUseStaticCatalog() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

        if (catalog == null || !useStaticCatalog.booleanValue()) {
            catalog = getPrivateCatalog();
            if (useStaticCatalog.booleanValue()) {
                staticCatalog = catalog;

        return catalog;

     * <p>Obtain the oasisXMLCatalogPI setting from the properties.</p>
     * <p>In the properties, a value of 'yes', 'true', or '1' is considered
     * true, anything else is false.</p>
     * @return The oasisXMLCatalogPI setting from the propertyFile or the
     * defaultOasisXMLCatalogPI.
    public boolean queryAllowOasisXMLCatalogPI () {
        String allow = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pAllowPI);

        if (allow == null) {
            if (resources==null) readProperties();
            if (resources==null) return defaultOasisXMLCatalogPI;
            try {
                allow = resources.getString("allow-oasis-xml-catalog-pi");
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return defaultOasisXMLCatalogPI;

        if (allow == null) {
            return defaultOasisXMLCatalogPI;

        return (allow.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                || allow.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
                || allow.equalsIgnoreCase("1"));

     * Get the current XML Catalog PI setting.
    public boolean getAllowOasisXMLCatalogPI () {
        if (oasisXMLCatalogPI == null) {
            oasisXMLCatalogPI = queryAllowOasisXMLCatalogPI() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

        return oasisXMLCatalogPI.booleanValue();

    public boolean useServicesMechanism() {
        return useServicesMechanism;
     * Set the XML Catalog PI setting
    public void setAllowOasisXMLCatalogPI(boolean allowPI) {
        oasisXMLCatalogPI = allowPI ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

     * Get the current XML Catalog PI setting.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public boolean allowOasisXMLCatalogPI() {
        return getAllowOasisXMLCatalogPI();

     * Obtain the Catalog class name setting from the properties.
    public String queryCatalogClassName () {
        String className = SecuritySupport.getSystemProperty(pClassname);

        if (className == null) {
            if (resources==null) readProperties();
            if (resources==null) return null;
            try {
                return resources.getString("catalog-class-name");
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return null;

        return className;

     * Get the current Catalog class name.
    public String getCatalogClassName() {
        if (catalogClassName == null) {
            catalogClassName = queryCatalogClassName();

        return catalogClassName;

     * Set the Catalog class name.
    public void setCatalogClassName(String className) {
        catalogClassName = className;

     * Get the current Catalog class name.
     * @deprecated No longer static; use get/set methods.
    public String catalogClassName() {
        return getCatalogClassName();