author mcimadamore
Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:16:26 +0100
changeset 15038 3ad27d268874
parent 14547 86d8d242b0c4
child 15374 fb8f6acf09cc
permissions -rw-r--r--
8005179: Cleanup Resolve.AmbiguityError Summary: Linearize nested ambiguity errors Reviewed-by: jjg

 * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
 * @bug 8003280
 * @summary Add lambda tests
 *  check that candidates with cyclic type-inference are removed from the
 *          set of applicable methods
 * @compile/fail/ref=TargetType21.out -XDrawDiagnostics

class TargetType21 {
    interface SAM1 {
        String m1(Integer n) throws Exception;

    interface SAM2 {
        void m2(Integer n);

    interface SAM3<R,A> {
        R m3(A n);

    void call(SAM1 sam) { }
    void call(SAM2 sam) { }
    <R,A> void call(SAM3<R,A> sam) { }

    void test() {
        call(x -> { throw new Exception(); }); //ambiguous
        call(x -> { System.out.println(""); }); //ok - resolves to call(SAM2)
        call(x -> { return (Object) null; }); //error - call(SAM3) is not applicable because of cyclic inference
        call(x -> { return null; }); ////ok - resolves to call(SAM1)