6770017: PIT : java/awt/Choice/BlockedWin32Choice/BlockedWin32Choice.java fails on 6u12 b01 pit build
Reviewed-by: art
## Copyright (c) 1997, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.## JDK jars where component classes come from as second choiceJDK_RT_JAR = $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH)/jre/lib/rt.jarJDK_TOOLS_JAR = $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH)/lib/tools.jarJDK_RESOURCES_JAR = $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH)/jre/lib/resources.jar# The specific packages that come from or go to rt.jar and tools.jar# IF the component deliverables are not available.IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES =IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES =# The following will add to IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES and/or IMPORT_RT_PACKAGESifndef LANGTOOLS_DIST include $(BUILDDIR)/common/internal/Defs-langtools.gmkendififndef CORBA_DIST include $(BUILDDIR)/common/internal/Defs-corba.gmkendififndef JAXP_DIST include $(BUILDDIR)/common/internal/Defs-jaxp.gmkendififndef JAXWS_DIST include $(BUILDDIR)/common/internal/Defs-jaxws.gmkendif# Clean up these lists so empty lists are emptyIMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES := $(strip $(IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES))IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES := $(strip $(IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES))# Relative paths to import component deliverablesCLASSES_JAR_FILE=lib/classes.jarSRC_ZIP_FILE=lib/src.zipBIN_ZIP_FILE=lib/bin.zipDOC_ZIP_FILE=lib/doc.zip################################################################## Macros:# Importing component class filesdefine import-one-classes@if [ "$($1)" != "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "Importing classes from component $1"; \ $(call Unjar,$2,$($1)/$(CLASSES_JAR_FILE),); \fiendef# Importing optional component doc files (for man pages?)define import-one-docs@if [ "$($1)" != "" -a -f $($1)/$(DOC_ZIP_FILE) ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "Importing docs from component $1"; \ $(call Unzipper,$2,$($1)/$(DOC_ZIP_FILE)); \fiendef# Importing optional component src files (for jdk src.zip and javadoc)define import-one-sources@if [ "$($1)" != "" ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "Importing sources from component $1"; \ $(call Unzipper,$2,$($1)/$(SRC_ZIP_FILE)); \fiendef# Importing optional component bin files (for install image)define import-one-binaries@if [ "$($1)" != "" -a -f $($1)/$(BIN_ZIP_FILE) ] ; then \ $(ECHO) "Importing binaries from component $1"; \ $(call Unzipper,$2,$($1)/$(BIN_ZIP_FILE)); \fiendef# Unzip zip file $2 into directory $1 (if $2 exists)# Warning: $2 must be absolute path not relativedefine Unzipper( \ $(MKDIR) -p $1; \ $(ECHO) "( $(CD) $1 && $(UNZIP) -o $2 )"; \ ( $(CD) $1 && $(UNZIP) -o $2 ) \)endef# Unjar directories $3 from jar file $2 into directory $1 (if $2 exists)# Warning: $2 must be absolute path not relativedefine Unjar( \ $(MKDIR) -p $1; \ $(ECHO) "( $(CD) $1 && $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) xfv $2 $3 $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) )" ; \ ( $(CD) $1 && $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) xfv $2 $3 $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) ) && \ ( $(CD) $1 && $(java-vm-cleanup) ) \)endef# Import all component sources into directory $1define import-component-sources$(call import-one-sources,LANGTOOLS_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-sources,CORBA_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-sources,JAXP_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-sources,JAXWS_DIST,$1)endef# Import all component docs into directory $1 (optional)define import-component-docs$(call import-one-docs,LANGTOOLS_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-docs,CORBA_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-docs,JAXP_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-docs,JAXWS_DIST,$1)endef# Import all component bins into directory $1 (optional)define import-component-binaries$(call import-one-binaries,LANGTOOLS_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-binaries,CORBA_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-binaries,JAXP_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-binaries,JAXWS_DIST,$1)if [ "$(CORBA_DIST)" = "" ] ; then \ $(MKDIR) -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/lib ; \ ( $(CD) $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH) && $(CP) $(IMPORT_CORBA_BINARIES) $(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)/lib ) ; \fi endef# Import all component classes into directory $1# Here we special case classes coming from JDK when component not supplieddefine import-component-classes$(ECHO) "Import classes from $(JDK_IMPORT_PATH)"if [ "$(IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES)" != "" ] ; then \ $(call Unjar,$1,$(JDK_RESOURCES_JAR),$(IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES)); \ $(call Unjar,$1,$(JDK_TOOLS_JAR),$(IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES)); \fiif [ "$(IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES)" != "" ] ; then \ $(call Unjar,$1,$(JDK_RESOURCES_JAR),$(IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES)); \ $(call Unjar,$1,$(JDK_RT_JAR),$(IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES)); \fi$(call import-one-classes,LANGTOOLS_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-classes,CORBA_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-classes,JAXP_DIST,$1)$(call import-one-classes,JAXWS_DIST,$1)endef# Clean up import filesdefine import-component-sources-clean$(RM) -r $1endefdefine import-component-docs-clean$(RM) -r $1endefdefine import-component-classes-clean$(RM) -r $(IMPORT_TOOLS_PACKAGES:%=$1/%)$(RM) -r $(IMPORT_RT_PACKAGES:%=$1/%)endef