## Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.### The common definitions for hotspot builds.# Optionally include SPEC file generated by configure.ifneq ($(SPEC),) include $(SPEC)endififeq ($(LOG_LEVEL),warn) LOG_INFO := > /dev/nullelse LOG_INFO :=endif# Directory paths and user name# Unless GAMMADIR is set on the command line, search upward from# the current directory for a parent directory containing "src/share/vm".# If that fails, look for $GAMMADIR in the environment.# When the tree of subdirs is built, this setting is stored in each flags.make.GAMMADIR := $(shell until ([ -d dev ]&&echo $${GAMMADIR:-/GAMMADIR/}) || ([ -d src/share/vm ]&&pwd); do cd ..; done)HS_SRC_DIR=$(GAMMADIR)/srcHS_MAKE_DIR=$(GAMMADIR)/makeHS_BUILD_DIR=$(GAMMADIR)/buildifeq ($(USER),) USER=$(USERNAME)endififeq ($(HS_ALT_MAKE),) ifneq ($(OPENJDK),true) HS_ALT_MAKE=$(GAMMADIR)/make/closed else HS_ALT_MAKE=NO_SUCH_PATH endifendif## Include alternate defs.make if it exists#-include $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/defs.make# Default to verbose build logs (show all compile lines):MAKE_VERBOSE=y# Make macros for install files or preparing targetsCD=cdCP=cpECHO=echoGREP=grepMKDIR=mkdirMV=mvPWD=pwdRM=rm -fSED=sedTAR=tarZIPEXE=zipdefine install-file@$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)@$(RM) $@$(CP) $< $@endef# MacOS X strongly discourages 'cp -r' and provides 'cp -R' instead.# May need to have a MacOS X specific definition of install-dir# sometime in the future.define install-dir@$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)@$(RM) -r $@$(CP) -r $< $@endefdefine prep-target@$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)@$(RM) $@endef# Default values for JVM_VARIANT* variables if configure hasn't set# it already.ifeq ($(JVM_VARIANTS),) ifeq ($(ZERO_BUILD), true) ifeq ($(SHARK_BUILD), true) JVM_VARIANTS:=zeroshark JVM_VARIANT_ZEROSHARK:=true else JVM_VARIANTS:=zero JVM_VARIANT_ZERO:=true endif else # A default is needed ifeq ($(BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY), true) JVM_VARIANTS:=client JVM_VARIANT_CLIENT:=true endif # Further defaults are platform and arch specific endifendif# hotspot version definitionsinclude $(GAMMADIR)/make/jdk_version# JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION is only needed to facilitate standalone buildsifeq ($(JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION),) export JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION=$(STANDALONE_JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION)endif# Java versions neededifeq ($(VERSION_MAJOR),) export VERSION_MAJOR=$(STANDALONE_JDK_MAJOR_VER)endififeq ($(VERSION_MINOR),) export VERSION_MINOR=$(STANDALONE_JDK_MINOR_VER)endififeq ($(VERSION_SECURITY),) export VERSION_SECURITY=$(STANDALONE_JDK_SECURITY_VER)endififeq ($(VERSION_PATCH),) export VERSION_PATCH=$(STANDALONE_JDK_PATCH_VER)endififeq ($(VERSION_BUILD),) export VERSION_BUILD=0endififeq ($(VERSION_SHORT),) export VERSION_SHORT=$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_SECURITY)endififeq ($(VERSION_STRING),) # Note that this is an extremely rough and incorrect approximation of a correct version string. export VERSION_STRING=$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_SECURITY)-internalendififneq ($(HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION),) # Allow old command-line overrides HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING := $(HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION)else # Normally get from surrounding JDK build HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING := $(VERSION_STRING)endififneq ($(HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION),) # If old command-lines variable exists, append to version string HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING := $(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING)-$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION)else ifeq ($(SPEC),) # If building standalone, add -internal. HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING := $(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING)-internal endifendif# Windows should have OS predefinedifeq ($(OS),) OS := $(shell uname -s) ifneq ($(findstring BSD,$(OS)),) OS=bsd endif ifeq ($(OS), Darwin) OS=bsd endif HOST := $(shell uname -n)endif# If not SunOS, not Linux not BSD and not AIX, assume Windowsifneq ($(OS), Linux) ifneq ($(OS), SunOS) ifneq ($(OS), bsd) ifneq ($(OS), AIX) OSNAME=windows else OSNAME=aix endif else OSNAME=bsd endif else OSNAME=solaris endifelse OSNAME=linuxendif# Determinations of default make arguments and platform specific settingsMAKE_ARGS=# ARCH_DATA_MODEL==64 is equivalent to LP64=1ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) ifndef LP64 LP64 := 1 endifendif# Defaults set for product buildEXPORT_SUBDIR=# Change default /java path if requestedifneq ($(ALT_SLASH_JAVA),) SLASH_JAVA=$(ALT_SLASH_JAVA)endif# Default OUTPUTDIROUTPUTDIR=$(HS_BUILD_DIR)/$(OSNAME)ifneq ($(ALT_OUTPUTDIR),) OUTPUTDIR=$(ALT_OUTPUTDIR)endif# Find latest promoted JDK areaJDK_IMPORT_PATH=$(SLASH_JAVA)/re/j2se/$(VERSION_STRING)/promoted/latest/binaries/$(PLATFORM)ifneq ($(ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH),) JDK_IMPORT_PATH=$(ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH)endif# Other parts of JDK build may require an import JDK that can be executed# on the build host. For cross-compile builds we also need an import JDK# that matches the target arch, so for that we set ALT_JDK_TARGET_IMPORT_PATHifneq ($(ALT_JDK_TARGET_IMPORT_PATH),) JDK_IMPORT_PATH=$(ALT_JDK_TARGET_IMPORT_PATH)endif# Find JDK used for javac compilesBOOTDIR=$(SLASH_JAVA)/re/j2se/$(JDK_PREVIOUS_VERSION)/latest/binaries/$(PLATFORM)ifneq ($(ALT_BOOTDIR),) BOOTDIR=$(ALT_BOOTDIR)endif# Select name of the export directory and honor ALT overridesEXPORT_PATH=$(OUTPUTDIR)/export-$(PLATFORM)$(EXPORT_SUBDIR)ifneq ($(ALT_EXPORT_PATH),) EXPORT_PATH=$(ALT_EXPORT_PATH)endif# Default jdk image if one is created for you with create_jdkJDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(OUTPUTDIR)/jdk-$(PLATFORM)ifneq ($(ALT_JDK_IMAGE_DIR),) JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(ALT_JDK_IMAGE_DIR)endif# The platform dependent defs.make defines platform specific variable such# as ARCH, EXPORT_LIST etc. We must place the include here after BOOTDIR is defined.include $(GAMMADIR)/make/$(OSNAME)/makefiles/defs.make# We are trying to put platform specific defintions# files to make/$(OSNAME)/makefiles dictory. However# some definitions are common for both linux and solaris,# so we put them here.ifneq ($(OSNAME),windows) ABS_OUTPUTDIR := $(shell mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR); $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR); $(PWD)) ABS_BOOTDIR := $(shell $(CD) $(BOOTDIR); $(PWD)) ABS_GAMMADIR := $(shell $(CD) $(GAMMADIR); $(PWD)) ABS_OS_MAKEFILE := $(shell $(CD) $(HS_MAKE_DIR)/$(OSNAME); $(PWD))/Makefile # uname, HotSpot source directory, build directory and JDK use different names # for CPU architectures. # ARCH - uname output # SRCARCH - where to find HotSpot cpu and os_cpu source files # BUILDARCH - build directory # LIBARCH - directory name in JDK/JRE # Use uname output for SRCARCH, but deal with platform differences. If ARCH # is not explicitly listed below, it is treated as x86. SRCARCH ?= $(ARCH/$(filter sparc sparc64 ia64 amd64 x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le aarch64 zero,$(ARCH))) ARCH/ = x86 ARCH/sparc = sparc ARCH/sparc64= sparc ARCH/ia64 = ia64 ARCH/amd64 = x86 ARCH/x86_64 = x86 ARCH/ppc64 = ppc ARCH/ppc64le= ppc ARCH/ppc = ppc ARCH/aarch64= aarch64 ARCH/zero = zero # BUILDARCH is usually the same as SRCARCH, except for sparcv9 BUILDARCH ?= $(SRCARCH) ifeq ($(BUILDARCH), x86) ifdef LP64 BUILDARCH = amd64 else BUILDARCH = i486 endif endif ifeq ($(BUILDARCH), sparc) ifdef LP64 BUILDARCH = sparcv9 endif endif ifeq ($(BUILDARCH), ppc) ifdef LP64 BUILDARCH = ppc64 endif endif # LIBARCH is 1:1 mapping from BUILDARCH, except for ARCH=ppc64le ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc64le) LIBARCH ?= ppc64le else LIBARCH ?= $(LIBARCH/$(BUILDARCH)) endif LIBARCH/i486 = i386 LIBARCH/amd64 = amd64 LIBARCH/sparc = sparc LIBARCH/sparcv9 = sparcv9 LIBARCH/ia64 = ia64 LIBARCH/ppc64 = ppc64 LIBARCH/aarch64 = aarch64 LIBARCH/zero = $(ZERO_LIBARCH) LP64_ARCH = sparcv9 amd64 ia64 ppc64 aarch64 zeroendif# Required make macro settings for all platformsMAKE_ARGS += BOOTDIR=$(ABS_BOOTDIR)MAKE_ARGS += OUTPUTDIR=$(ABS_OUTPUTDIR)MAKE_ARGS += GAMMADIR=$(ABS_GAMMADIR)MAKE_ARGS += MAKE_VERBOSE=$(MAKE_VERBOSE)MAKE_ARGS += VERSION_STRING=$(VERSION_STRING)MAKE_ARGS += BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="$(BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET)"# Various export sub directoriesEXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR = $(EXPORT_PATH)/includeEXPORT_DOCS_DIR = $(EXPORT_PATH)/docsEXPORT_LIB_DIR = $(EXPORT_PATH)/libEXPORT_BIN_DIR = $(EXPORT_PATH)/binEXPORT_LIB_ARCH_DIR = $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/$(LIBARCH)# non-universal macosx builds need to appear universalifeq ($(OS_VENDOR), Darwin) ifneq ($(MACOSX_UNIVERSAL), true) EXPORT_LIB_ARCH_DIR = $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR) endifendif# Common export list of filesEXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR)/jvmti.hEXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR)/jvmticmlr.hEXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR)/jni.hEXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR)/$(JDK_INCLUDE_SUBDIR)/jni_md.hEXPORT_LIST += $(EXPORT_INCLUDE_DIR)/jmm.h.PHONY: $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/defs.make